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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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it they have com- for carrying on ery Keepera and es. Single and t descriptions for artake all descrip- ivery by horse or Perfe d Flour Perfect wheat, perfectly ground by perfect pro- cess in a perfect mill, by perfect millers FOR SALEBY : MEDICINE HAT ONE-PRICE CASH STORE This Chilly Weather May Not Let Up It s worth your while to secure a fall and iter Overcoat. Then when the cold wea- comes you'll enjoy being comfortable in one of the STYLE-CRAFT cold resisters. We have a splendid showing of splen- did styles splendidly tailored. LePAGE BROS. Phone 28. 388 Torsnts St. AGENTS FOR RAFT STYLE-c ents TAILORED CLOTHES REDCLIFF 50 FT. CORNER ON BROADWAY, RIGHT IN LINE FROM DEPOT. THIS 18 THE BEST CORNER IN TOWN FOR A BUSINESS SITE, Only 3000.00 Lee Pearce Realty Go. REDCLIFF.. of which were failures. CREATOR OF TOW: BROWN ty-nive years ago today that Squir the south rises White Horse Hill, figure In the annual Hughes birth. that has become so Hughes. . ward. Thomas Hughes was himsell Socialist and .an impossibleist, true, The Hughes birthday festivals are village. After the addresses by the about a May-pole, and there are folk- songs and morris-dances, The inevi- table tea is served, and the festivi- it of the man the festival commemor- ates. Since the birth of Thomas Hughes the village of Uffington has constant- ly dwindled in population and im- portance, until now it is the merest speck upon a map of Berkshire. De- flant against the onsiaughts of time Temains the old church which Thom- ifice. with- a quaint octagonal tower went to this church to sharpen their Marquis of Hertford Was Victim Of Matrimonial Gold Brick Plot Francis Seymour George Alerand- seventh Manquis, of Hertford, er, seventh + a, but do damaged and not title he has to in this would of sorrows on. Oct. desire in Earl of Yarmouth amassed trom pills, or ale, or soap, Although vastly disappointed. million. He got it with a attached and when the break Countess Alice's lawyers. pulled oe od then where were the lions of which the dashing thought himself the possessor? the winds, ask the wild waves, anything or anybody except the mil- bis married Jhife with Alice Thaw he * 4 -from. Which had exist ut i i i i up to specifica ey eee oe ee ere: This time 'it is a new and tions, sho returned it and got her 710 the Jor. offer, for be money back. But not as cheerfully when wile boy guts the head- of Yarmouth as it was received. Ah, nol Today the Marquis celebrates his ince then his father has died forty-first birthday, having arrived away the pain. and Francis Seymour George Alex- i AUdeY tas snecesded to the title, .but 93, 1871.The Intest purchase of hia ,, wt firt ts persov who lites Rot much else. In the Thaw alliance title, according. to reports from DUviousty couspiiuous ache bis stunt is to call up -man-witf- ;S Vacuum cleaner to come and chase Propably the young people of the DeXt geveration wilt nave some diif- bite countess retarned to mamma Marchioness, and who has the means CUIty to securing tat and pincld cap: + a fortune S08. to go with nem on their avin ing trips. the Pittsbunt + Coulittss and the Earl's parents. Abbodb the same. time the Barl finished: this zillion and asked for more, and when it was not forthcoming the final break came, The Countess returned to America, and tho Ear went tick to the stag , where, as Erie-Hope,'he-had-once made fair reputation as q musical comely chappie. Also he tucklod the drama, and wrote several plays, all HONORED IN NATIVE TOWN Today the little English village ot Uffington, in Berkabire, will hold a celebration and festival in honor of its most distinguished son, Thomas Hughes, the creator of that immor- tal boy; Tom Brown. It was igh- Hughes, prominent citizen of the community, became the proiid parent: Of 4 son Whom he christened-Thomas, The house where Thomas Hughes Was ushered into the world has long since been destroyed, and the site of the edifice is now a part of the town churchyard, The Hughes family had / for generations been prominent in Berkshire, and the clan had included many clergymen, judges and squires. frirgton, the scene of todays gath- ering of notables, is a collection of little cottages with thatched or red- tiled roofs, with a church tower ris ing prominently in the center. Off to landmark of history.- A prominent day festivals Is Miss May Hughes, daughter of the author, who has spent a lifetime working in the sluma of London, Few know that the creator, of Tom Brown was one of the plo- eer Socialists of England, and that he; like hig daughter after him, de- voted himself unsparingly toward the betterment of the lot of the working classes. The co-operative movement ular and suc ceseful in Join Bull's island was, in fits infancy, the mental child of Thos. The son of Squire Hughes and the grandson of Vicar Hughes was educa- ted at Rugby, a most fortunate fact for the world. The spirit-of the old School was fever better expressed than In his first and most important book, Tom Brown's School Days, by an Old Boy. - First published in 1856, it has gone through numberless editions and has bech tranalated into many languages, to'the delight of boys, old and young, in all parts of the world, The appeal of Tom Brown is universal, ad while the ideal which he held and for: which. he fought has been sneered at as ill- igical and impossible ot attainment, what matters that? Jt has always deen the enthusiasm of youth, which has no- impossibie* tn-its-voeabulary, that has carried humanity-over the rough places on its long road up- yet many -of his dreams have come held in an open meadow near the notables, the country children dance as Hughes attended as a lad an ed- Inie IWTEREST. Aroustd Over te Proposal to Reduce the Ta:it on Wool platform Repubilcaus pledged th selves to maintain tari ad. the American peop'e favored proiec tye tarimt. bet the differences ini ost of produc: tons here and abroad, and will heartily law the Inevitable result would be lrretrieyable Injury to the wool grow: workmen. In conclusion he app-aled sure which would not destroy any established industry or throw any wags earners out of employinent, MEAT IN THE WEST Attention Is Dravin to the Demand for y gt; Mixed Farming Products The seriousness of the food Supply problem of the prairie provinces is being rapidly realized by wide awake citizens. Recently a conference com- posed of leading railwsy men, meat packers, representative farmers, and officials of the Provincial Governments was held at Winnipeg to devise ways Impending meat famine. The moral is that western farmers. must devote more attention to. mixed farming if there is to be any permanent tmprove- Ment in the. situation Referring to this the Toronto Gicbe says: The moral for the Canadian farmer 4m that he should consid r the practi- bability of Increasing his production of beef and thus take advantage of a tmarket that is becoming increasingly profitable. There is no danger of glut- ting that market if the farmers will ties come close, It is all only by wise breeding and careful simplo-and vers like the keep up the quality of the animals they rear for food consumption. In Optario there are many farmers who would find this sort of industry ood way to lesson thelr perplexity bver the scarcity of Tabor, and to m- prove at the sams time the quality of their farms Th re are great de forested areas in this Province not Adapted for general farming, but ad- adapted for ranching young cattle. Many Western grain-growers, who foresee the necessity of mixed farming to preserve their farms trom merility, could usefully resort to bee products as a means of accomplishing he desired result. And the Canadian bonsumer is quite as much interested tm the problem as the Canadian far. user, Without a plentiful supply of mest et reasonable prices tt will be difficult te develop factories in Western: Canw Fotates his crope. He tiledrains his land. He keeps up good fences. He has good pastures. 2 has s good garden, He keeps pure-bred stock, Ho keeps dairy cows, hogs or both, He reeds draft horses and does THE FARMER WHO He has a library with periodicals and standard works, and 2 ustcal nstrument. t He helps his wifs in the house when it, has m spring vehicle for her to visit in and drives her to church: bimself--Valley farmer. If you have young children you Fhave perhaps noticed that disorders That. map may pe called Goancier in who eaty-mate ote dollar bit City to sak another hall the financial returns from tis Pitts- wnere vone ever grew before, string burg deal, it is not to be. thovg came that the Karl was wholly hoodwink- And ther, too, you can sot Judge man by the company he keeps. No order too large or toolimall for ner the News Job Department. Give us a Of the stomach are thejr most com- mg ailment, To. correct this you iT find Chamberlain's Stomach and iter. Tablets excellent. They are fetiby ond pleasant to take, and mild 8nd gentls in effect. For sale by all dealers, Joose Lent System The News Job Department has evsry facility tor Diving the most 4 a I WOOL BILL Our Neighherg to the -South Are It will be remembered that in thels ats Ta Offuet the difference iv the cost. cf po duction Detween the United States ald foreign countries. Although somew lt;at tevolutionary in other respects, Bx. President Rooeevelt was tareful to re: wilirm the general principle of protec: Hon. Rvent the candidate of the Demo- crate, Mr. Woodrow Wilson, who was siways inclined to low -atif, was mind- ful In bis speech accepting the nomina- tion to aswure American workmen that tm any revision of the taritf thelr in- terests would be protected. All three parties recognize that the princip'e of Brotection fs vita to the preservat on of prosperous home market, Ex- President Roosevelt eald the substi tution of a tariff tor revenue only as proposed by the Democratic platform would plunge the United States into the most widespread industrial depres: wion it had ever seen. He -belteved President Taft shares in this belle sis shown In the statement accom panying his formal veto of the wool revision bill which was in part: . T hall stand by my pledges to maintain ' degree of protection necessary to off- Approve of any bill reducing duties to his level. To sum up, then, most of the rates in the submitted Dill are so jow in themselves that if enacted into ing industry, the enforced dleness.ot: much of our wool combing. and spin. hing machinery and of thousands of looms and the consequent throwing: out of employment of thousands of to Congress to adopt some other mea and means to save/the West from an farm work with brood mares sad growing. colt. Pingle, Wales Bell Notary Public, Real Estate, Etc, 4th Avenue, 1 Minute Past Post Office, -ToDay s Specials COUSINS SISSONS Block 17, ten lots, 350 each, Block 20, five lots, 500 each, Block 17, three lots, Poe B 1 four lots, 450 each. Block 17, two lots, 437 - each. BENDING Whole blocks 6f lots at 450 pair and 500 pair. lt; lt; RIVERDALE Whole blocks 520 pair. BROADWAY (RIV. ERSIDE) Ten lots at 850 pair. HERALD Blogk 21, ten lots; 500 each: Call upon us. Our car is at your service at all times. Subdivisions and Farm Lands. We hold the largest list in the city. Listings wanted. Kind- ly drop post card. AUCTION SALE THE -WARKET-SQUARE FRIDAY, OT., 25, 1912 At 180 O'clock Prompt, H. B, Browne Co., Auction- cers, announce a large entry ot Fruit, Vegetables, - House- hold Furniture, Single and Double Driving and Work Horses, Harness, Buggies, Wagons, etc. SPECIALS: 100 Baskets Grapes. 20,000 Ibs. Spanish Onions, 1,000 Ibs, Parsnips. 1,000 Ibs, Carrots, 1,000 Ibs. Turnips. Four wagon loads of Cabbage. Two pair Drivers. Two'pair heavy draft Horses. And a large quantity of effects too numerous to mention. For entries and further par- ticulars apply to HH: B. BROWNE Co. Live Stock and General Auct- foneers, Phone 208, 519 Toronto St. 4 MEDICINE HAT, It SCHOOL FORMS Assessment Rolls Assessment Notices Tax Reminders Receipt Books Letter Paper myelopes, etc., etc, * Mail Orders. get prompt attention. THE NEWS MEDICINE HAT, -- ALBERTA Usual Way. Lippincott s. as Truth crushed to earth will rise again, but nine times out of 10 the automobiles gets away first. Subscribe now for The Dally News. For Sale, Lost, Found, ete, ads und these huadings. , 35 words, one day .. ,. .25 26. words, Wiree days ,. 50 26 words, wix days ... . 1.00 ad accepted for less than 25 cents. Cash must aocompany the order, it will receive attention. HELY WANTED. the job across the'river, R. C, Church. Job Office, Limited, GOOD GENERAL HOUSEMAID ance WANTED PORTER. APPLY COS- mopolitan Hotel. 88-tt wanted at once. Apply to foreman SERVANT WANTED APPLY TO Mrs. E. B. Lively, at Sugar Bowl, BRICKLAYERS WANTED ON THE, Ogilvie Flour Mill job, Wednesday morning. Telephone 787,. Job Office, or Assiniboia Hotel evenings. Can- adian Stewart Co, Limited. 76-tf. ers and teamsters. Apply A. P. Burns Contracting Co, Tit WANTED AT ONCE 60 carpenters on Ogilvie Mill job. Boarding camp WANTED Men and women to learn barber trade. Summer rate now on. Situations, guaranteed. Special logue free. Moler College, 605 Cen- tre St, Calgary 2oaaee WANTED-20. FIRST CLASS MILI+ wrights. Highest wages paid. Apply to Medicine Hat Milling Co. 60-tt SITUATIONS WANTED. CLERK DESIRES POSITION IN store. Apply 213 East Braemar. 89-3 WANTED AN UPSTAIRS GIRL. AP- ply American Hotel. 89-3 ae desires position immediately. Apply P.O. box 841 . 88-3 eer ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED YOUNG MAN WANTS ROOM AND board with private family. . News Box 1387. ; srs e To RENT : eter Be TO RENT FURNISHED HOUSE, fully modern, 48. p - Will Tent for six or eight. months. Apply 1414 Columbia Ave. 89-3 TO RENT NEW COTTAGE, APPLY) TO SELL ONE HOUSE 24x26, shanty roof, 275, placed on the lot. Also one kitchen range and one gas Heater. Apply J.-J. Lait, 116. Mon- treal. 89-6 HOTEL FOR SALE iN THRIVING town near Medicine Hat. Newly furnished and everything up-to-date. Apply to Lewis A. Trotter, Walsh Alte 87-6, FOR SALE A FINE LOT OF MAR- quis seed wheat, grown on new breaking. 2.00 per bushel. 0.3. Me- Gee, Redvers, Sask. 1-2-30 LOST AND rouND DOST GOLD WRIST WATCH. RE- TURN to News. office, Medicine Hat, 35-reward, 34-6 ec enaeee LOST A LADY'S DIAMOND DRESS- ed ring. Finder return to No. 5, 3rd. Ave., and receive reward, 88-8 LOST A LADY'S DIAMOND DRESS- ed ring. Fader-return to No. 205, 3rd Ave, and receive Teward. 88-3 STRA 25 REWARD THE ABOVE WILL be paid for information that will lead to the recovery of one grey gelding, welghing about 1800, branded. elther H. F. monogram on-left shoulder; or aaa thigh This horse is four years old and has trim- med tail. R. H, Starks, Medicine Hat, Sept. 30; 1912, ott Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, Additional word at aame rate. No . 188 1-2 BRAEMAR. gT, 9 Ri BRICKLAYERS WANTED ON THE Ogilvie Flour Mili job. Telephone 787, Canadian Stewart we exchange for Medicine Hat to wanted. Apply James Hargrave, Phone 303 or P. O, Box 26. 87-tt WANTED CARPENTERS. APPLY A, Dickinson, Hotel Cecil. S6tf Park. Give-prices, terms, eto., TWO GORDON PRESS FEEDERS News Job Department. e Main st. 78tt WANTED CARPENTERS, LABOR- Fates to ladies, Particulars and cata- : EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER RURNISHED ROOMS TO R Gentlemen proferred, All moder Yonlences. Immedizts prssessio Ply 720, 4th Ave, Se EXCEEDINGLY LARGE BED- ING room, * modern con n clowo in, 426 Toronto Bt furnished for housekeeping or Phone your ad to No. 13 ring 2, and 8. 18.00 per month, St TWO UNFURNISHED FRONT Best locality, Suitabte tor light Keeping. 15.00 month. Box WANTED LABORERS. APPLY ON News office. Sa Sa 89-tt TWO BEDROOMS, A1.80-811 Tooms to rent in a fully moders WANTED CARPENTERS. HIGHEST house, 5 minutes trom depot. wages. Apply Odd Fellows job,To- Suit. two or three gentlemen. Tonto St. 9-tf Dox 1385, News oftice. a TO EXCHANGE . ee AUTOMOBILE IN GOOD ORDE Payment on house, Address. full ANTED CARPENTERS AT ONGE, S lRTS to box m, Carlstadt, Apply 425 Mill St. P. W, Defreen. 89-3 eee ROOMS WANTED, TRAVELLER WISHES ROOM, be occupied Saturday and i WANTED CARPENTERS. APPLY ach Week. Bath. Give tarms: A. Dickinsou, Bennett Honse, 6th Aye-/ ress E. R. Hassan, care Cosme nue, s6tt tan Hotel. Herald or Ge . Box 610. Owners only need s ee WANTED CLEAN COTTON R Apply 377 Esplanade, BARN TO RENT. ee BARN TO RENT APPLY East Braemar St. MEMES Sara MEDICAL pe SE DR. W. M. ANDERSON Phys and Surgeon. Office above Assin Music Store. Office hours A. to 12; P.M. 2 to 4, 7 to 8.20. dence 512 Roy St. Residence p 708, 0.1 AUCTIONEERS Hi: 3. BROWNE CO, Live and Genetal Auctioneers, 519 onto St. Stock Sales every FF, on Market Square at 1 o'clock. R A. B, Browne Co, 519 Tonto Bt, 1 ee es SPIRELLA CORSETS MADE measure, guaranteed for oxe against breaking and rusting; light weight. House No. 7, School fenue, opposite east side of school. Phone 699 for appointmen write P.O. box.72, Mrs. Matthey ne ee ee ee CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 'W: 4 HENDERSON CO,, chart accountants and auditors, (es Ushed 1882), auditors, city of Medi Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, L bridge. A. E, Gibson, CA, real Partner. Phone 198. Burns Bi 27 MISCELLANEOUS ANY SMALL JOBS OF CONTRA ing, either carpentering, painting, boring, plumbing, engineering, will be undertaken bythe unders ed. Estimates given. Patrick 3 Court, 723 Third Ave: or general livery, city postoffice, : MEDICINE HAT HIDE, AND JUNK CO. The above t on hand the best selection of Sec Hand Tools im the city. We cs Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, 1 and second hand Clothing, Clo, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harp and a nice new line of winter go. We buy everything mentioned ab and pay the best prices. Call at South Rallway St. or Phone 587, lt; WANTSD LADIES AND. GEN Jewelry, guns, revolvers, ralizes, ; cases, stoves, musical instrume furniture, Democrat waggonm, bi gies, harness, bicycles. carper tools, etc. raw hides and furs, ho hatr,wool-and t xthers, bought sold. Apply to the Harvard: Tafior Co., 12. Fourth avenue, oppo: Dreamland theatre. P, 0. box : Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid the sbove. 281 EEEEREE ERE ERS NOTICE TO. * ADVERTISERS * Patrons of the News * who desire to change * their advertisements, + will hereafter have to * leav the copy for the * same in the business office the day before * the issue in which they wish the change to take * effect. SUBSCRIBE NOW for the Dally News. 2 Oh fe ole fe ofp oho eke oho oe be oe ote a
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Image 741 (1912-10-23), from microfilm reel 741, (CU1739878). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.