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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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BEST BUYS OUR PRICES ARE ROCK BOTTOM OUR TERMS EASY Only 125 per lot 25.00 PER LOT DOWN. HAT DAILY NEWS. SOIREE MISTS SSH S SESS HOSS HOS IN THE CITY OYAL HEIGHTS Is the lowest priced property within 1-1-2 miles of the Post Office. Buy Now YOUR PROFITS ARE ASSURED BALANCE TO SUIT JUST THINK You can secure 20 lots Laie for a cash payment of 500. 3 SOF OOOO Of Or OL Ooh Tickets on sale November .7th to December 31st, includive, turn limit of five months from date of issue. Tit REVELSTOME SAW We carry in stock a full line of Building Material Lumber, Lath, Cement, Plaster, zc., Fir Finish and Flooring a Specialty. Announce Continent. Good going on z Reyal George (12,000 tons) from Montreal Nov. 13th. OHRISTHAS SAILINGS: Royal Edward (12,600 tons) from Halifox Nov, 27th. Royal George (12,000 tons) from Halifax, Dec. 11th. Berth reservations and full information from any rail or steamship agent, or write A. H. DAVIS, General Agent, Scot oh. CANADIAN NORTHERN STEAMSHIPS, LTD. XMAS EXCURSION RAIL RATES rom the West in connection with THE ROYAL LINE Most direct route to Bristol, London and the with a re- BPO O-f OO OO Ora Orb Reserve Berths Early. THE WINTER EXCURSION RATES * On Sale Nov. 7th to Dec. 3ist. gt; From AN Stations, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta. First Sailing EMPRESS OF BRITAIN, Nov. 15 Detalls-from any Agent : Chirisinas at Home Means England or Europe tion, Advocates Between Two Countries. Teutonic Contend Dominion Now Reaps- Great Advantage. of Berlin, Germany, attention is di- tected to certain changes which have lately been, made ih the Canadian tariff of customs, and which, it is pointed man Government. te the present German-Canadian tar- the terms of her minimum tariff. provi treaty came into force, and as many does not participate at all in its advantages, any value which the ing. Provisorium might otherwise have had was practically destroyed. FOREIGN TRADE DEVELOPS. Canada s foreigh commerce has greatly developed during the last ten years; its value was 746,000,000 in 1900; 802,000,000 in 1905, and 1, 173,000,000 in 1910. With regard to Canada s imports, the United States Franee. Even at the et ter the surtax has been ished, ever advantages that country may France provides a greater part of the Canadian imports than Germany, which is only natural, considering the great advantages which the Can- adian tariff accords to that country. The granting of Germany's mini- mom tariff to Canadian goods is an doubtedly of great jcountry; in the value of Canada s exports to. Ger- many was about thres times as great MEDICINE HAT LIVERY COMPANY Horse Repository Rear 312 Fourth Dreamland Theatre.) Beg to announce that they have com- pleted arrangements for carrying on the business of Livery Keepers ana ho-are-now. at General Feed Stables. double outfits of all descriptions for sale or hire. 3 The Company undertake all descrip- Ties through tions of express delivery by horse or automobile, Enquiries solicited by day or night. SHE US AT ONCE AND HAVE YOUR CHOICE DUGGAN, OWNERS + FINANCIAL BROKERS . Pep epstedouiedes GERMANY SEEKS asin 1908, and (Stance, during CARADIAN TRAD than the o *PHONE 527 so eioetoaieatenteetoegoes ought to bring an even greater crease. Germany received, for the first five months ot 1912, 62,343 tons of Canadian German-Canadian Associa- wheat, as against 27,825 tons during the same period in 1911. As a mat- ter. of fact, the Canadian exports to ae are ponsiderably greater authority they give Representatives groat quantities reach that countey emo ia England and the United States. SEEK A TREATY, (In France Cattadian wheat is sub- the impression is created that the md 5 POO Ps 4 S So eeetos, Sir Seaton sto tos, Sooo so 2 gost Reetosteetes iM vy SeeSeeoeteete the current See Relnipte tented trodes year JAPANESE-INDIAN ALLIANCE ON COAST Because British Columbia. Government is Inactive Red and Yellow Men Join Forces. BROTHERLY LOVE EXISTS. Failure of Provineial Police to Apprehend. Murderers Fires Natives With Cour- age. Pringe Rupert, Oct. 7, That many Indians of the north have a definite understanding with the Japanese, and have been enrolled by them, is the surprising statement-of an In- dian missionary, who for thirty yeara has lived with the natives of northern British Columbia. He is sincere in his belief that aN the AUCTION SHLE ne SEVEN PERSONS - To Farmers, Ranchers and the public: H, B. Browne Co, beg to an- nounce that on and after Wednesday, Oct. 2 at One o'clock sharp they will hold A MONTHLY AUCTION SALE to take place opposite the: Union Bank and adjoining the Ki They will offer for sale: Horses, Cattle, Buggies, Demo- crats, W: Cutters, Sleighs Farniing implements Harness, Poultry, Furniture, ete. The Auctioneers wish to draw the attention of the public gen- erally to the fact that these sales offer an excellent oppor- tunity to dispose of surplus stock and on the other hand, to acquire anything: wanted st auction prices, Japaneee invade this coast they would recei invaluable aid from the Indians, and has many instances to evidence his statement. There is no doubt of the veracity of the mis sionary, nor of his knowledge of the habits and language of the natives, arid he believes that while it is his duty to issue a warning, were it discovered from whom it canie, he would be killed. Two attempts were made on his life within the past few years. BROTHERLY LOVE. When I first came to labor among the Indians, he said, I had a eer- tain amount of authority over them, and when I was appointed to act as Justice of the peace, the power be- hind me was respected, but now often when I rebuke them, especially if they have beer drinking, they no hesitation in saying Wait until our brethren, the Japs, come. They will fix you. From what I can learn they have been told that they are of the same lineage as the Japs and regard them as brothers, and that they have been enrolled, or at least have gone through some form which constitutes an agreement, what the purport of it is I have not been able to ascertain. Land grievances and the inability of the police to apprehend Gun-a- Nute ahd the murderers of Con- stable Kindness, have given them an idea that they can hold their own. They reason that it three men can defy and elude the whole police force of the government, three thousand Indians could do much more. NO SUPPORT GIVEN. T resigned my commission several years ago for the reason that the Victoria Government makes abso- lutely no attempt to back up the with the com- by establishing a police foree, and when an Indian is con- victed and sent. to-jail, he. is often liberated on some technicality, and In a report of ject to a duty of Mk. 56 per ton, in low is useless. Trade Association Germany only to Mk. 55, and in numerous. other articles whch are Produced and exported in Canada the predicted by Lord Stanhope, and con- French mininum tariff is considerably higher than the German one. Ger- to receive tho/many gives Canada almost complete gency. most serious attention of German mosi-favored treatment, and she has commercial circles and of the Ger- therefore a right to expect in Cam After receiving ada at least the same treatment as 2t some length the events leading up/eountries like France and Switzer - be this place that would be the ob- Present state of affairs is jective. Here is the harbor, five hun- iff agreement, under which the surtax untenable, and ix in direct opposition dred miles nearer the Orient than was abolished, the article goes onto to the well-defined German principle Vicotria jsay thet under the provisoriam ) jwhich came into foree Mareh 1, 1910, 'ly on mutual land which abolished the surtax that ment of 1910 was not had been levied on German goods by anything but a provisorium, and i Canada, Germany granted Canada was agreed between both govern ments that it would have to be fol It is pointed out that: Just be- lowed by a definite arrangement andl fore the arrangement of the German the conclusion of a treaty. rium the Canadian French ought: Ger- entitled. year dairy produce, Aves (opposite commercial ditional most-fayored treatment should therefore be just as in a definite arrangement between the two countries as Germany, and it would be to the credit of the men not. enjoy of her minimum tariff. Ger- many i Yery important Tarket for Canadian products, and 0tC6 as are the naties of Tedia, their will be a still more important one *llegiance would re ain with the after the conclusion of a treaty. be tween both countries, not only wheat, clover seed and other agriqul- that they Nalue to that taral products, but also for fat, furs, of 6 alcohol, lobsters, itos, sew- Tog machine, ote neta soe okies eatolatnon withthe pea thet Canada is selling her at the pre- W? torirue and sent time, and partly in considerable amount , and, furthermore, for meat, wood, etc. Canada terested the head of Canad- Single and ian affairs if they could improve the relations of both coun- another man, a man in North. Da- the conclusion of a mutually advantageous treaty. eee creme A small want ad in The Daily News it. Phone 708. Clsseitiod Column wil bring results, Wha bras been-done during the two year and a half since the same into foree? Apparently noth before any knowledge of their pres - GERMANY S CHANCE. Tt is, however, high time, says the article, for the German Govern- ment to undertake steps in order to the bounds of possibility that it will, Procure for German commerce Canada the position to which it Germany does not expect 3 to share in the advantages which qainted with, every river and bay Canada provides for British goods. om the coast and who have the know- Those are special favors between a ede necessary to an invading army. colony and the mother country. But she does not wish to be treated less ASsolutely none. favorably than any other ndn-British country. Germany wants uncondi- fleet. and that a strong one, can not in be accomplished too rapidly, and the ' Canadawith the exception of the fortification and protection of the British preference, and she is in re- turn willing to grant Canada what- Provisioriun js be to the invaders. Men who each for Let us consider for a moment the plausibility of an invasion, as sider what measures are being taken to protect against such an emer- Esquimalt defences are no oubt very good, but the trouble would never start there. It would Entries for these Sales solicited For further particulars and en- Mr, Boter MeAtkile, . Peter Farmers Association, Seven Persons, or to The Auctioneers: HB. BROWNE Co. Phone 703. 519 Toronto -St. MEDICINE HAT, WOMAN LEADING WAN 10 HEIGHTS Philadelphia Preacher Says She Has Reached Nearly Perfect State. NO LONGER LIKE EV ' NO LONGER TEMPTS Kind That Cares Only for Enough to Count. Philadelphia, Oct, 7 In view of the constant exploitation of women in the news and the columns, written by. semi-sclentists and some popular preacher about the things that wo- men do and wear, which they should not do and should not wear, this dif- ferent and better view of a Philadel- phia clergyman Is interesting: Women have been improving since Eve tempted Adam, and the female of our specios has reached perfection at'Imst in the American wife and mother, according to Rev. Dr. J. M. 8, Isenberg, pastor of Trinity Re- formed church. No Longer Temptress, Woman as a teinptress is a thing of the far paz, he said, and the American girl is a perfect product of, m ntal, spiritual and physical evolu- tion. The society woman is so in- significant, and she is in so pitiful a minority, that she is hardiy worth discussing. As a rule, society wo- men do nothing that is especially worthy. They are charitable because it Is fashionable, and they only play at giving. But the class is so small with the terminus of a to. gcant-most-favered treatment on- great railway leading into the heart . The agree- of Canada. The coal supply needed Supposed to be would be-easily obtained from the Ground Hog basin, which has been described as the greatest conl field in America. They could land here without molestation and by eut- ting the telegraph wires behind the city and surprising the wireless sta- tion remain here for several days ence would be known. VALUABLE ALLIES. Think then i such a. thing should occur, and it is not without of what assistance the Indians would one.of them is a dead shot and is what resistance could be made?. The establishment of a Pacific. transcontinental railways is an abso- lute necessity. The only way to treat the Indians is to treat them justly, and were. they recognized and organized into a: Canadian government. I don't say that all the Indians are disloyal or all would weleome the Japanese, and am but giving my im- pressions, gleaned from thirty years understand their character, and say this warn the nation against a terrible possi- bility. I have written to the govern- ernment, but apparently no notice has been taken of my warning. To enable a bastball pitcher . to practice his curves without help from kota has patented a tubumal easing so formed that it returns with con- siderable force ball thrown into and its influence so limited that-it does not take one whit of strength from the great truth that the Ameri- can woman is the greatest force for good the world has ever known. Adam s Excuse Doesn't Work. Taking as his text: And the wo- man tempted me and I did eat, Doc- tor Isenberg said that men can no longer use Adam's timeworn excuse for evil doing, because today, though woman s more attractive than Moth- over men to lift.them into the path of right living, rather than to lure them to evil. He asserted that wo- man as a vampire, dragging men's souls in the dust, is a tradition of a thousand, years ago, Today woman is leading mankind The American woman stands . for culture and refinement of soul, She carries out the. biblical statement in Tegard to her equality with men, and the fesult of her privileges of train- ing and education Is that she is lead- ing the race toward the light. She Will Divide State Power. There are four great institutions in America the state, the churet, the family and the school. In two of these, the family and the school, wo- man s pre-eminent, and the time is not far distant when she will divide the power in the state with her mate, She is entitled to an equal franchise and she will get it. It fs only a mat- ter of a few years. By bre ding and environment she is pre-eminently fit- ted for the yote. But her greatest power is in the School. Most Americans do not go Into higher educetion, and until boys OF RIFTS go to college they are almost entirely under feminine influence. This is as t should be. From the cra- die to manhood or. womanhood, our citizens are molded by women, and the result is a better citizenship and a finer race, Dr. Martells FemalePills Nineteen Years the Standard Prescribed and recommended for women s ailments, a scientifically prepared remedy of proven worth. The result from thelr use is quick Subscribe sow for The Dally News. and permanent, For sale at all drag stores, e.0.d.-10mo, CENTRAL PARK MB ft. corner, Block 28, 1600, Terms, 50 ft. corner on Highland St. near school, 1650, HERALD Lots 21 and 22, Block 10) 1000. Terms, 10 lots in Block 21, 450 each. Terms, 50 ft. In Block 14, 1200, Terma, 4 lots in Block 2; 850 per pair. Terms, y ROSEDALE 300 ft. in Block 8, 4000, Terms 100 ft. in Block 8, 3200, Terms, TOWNSITE 51 ft. near station, 25,000. T have 160 acres of nice level Jand near Redclift at a bar- fain. Call and see me about this, Other property in all parts of the city, BRING ME YOUR LISTINGS. Donald Currie Room 1, Becker Block. Phone 776, When Undecided /whether to give a sult of old clothes away or have it re- novated, decide on the renoyat- ing and bring it to us you'll be mighty glad you did, be- cause we will probably save you the cost of new clothing. Our methods of cleansing are Scientific and 1.ght up to date. Give us your work. THE GLOBE CLEAN- ING PRESSING .co. Rear of Post Office om Fourth Ave. GENERAL . EMPLOYMENT AND C..P. RY. LABOR AGENCY See Harris Olson if you require help or if you are look- ing for work. - Estate and Real Insurance. : 386 TORONTO ST. : Over Mitche).s Butcher Shop. er Eve was, sho uses her influence teimminininieieinieiieiieininirie R. B. Taylor's Transfer: seri specialty. Phone 73. Modern and sanitary in every Fespect and the machinery is the best that money can buy, All white help employed, PHONE NO. 8, Your patronage solicited. And our -drivers- will cali for and return the goods. INGER SEWING MACHINE AGENCY Machines for Sale and Rent, 831 North Railway Strect. P.O, Box 14. tf - Phome 496, + a i. 7
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Image 633 (1912-10-08), from microfilm reel 633, (CU1739869). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.