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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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DAILY. EDITION HAL B, AND. . A..F, FRLEGRAPHIC vERVION Present Dally Average 1925, Copies. Advertisers in Daily got the benefit of the Weekly country circulation. No extra, charge. Books ee 15, 1912 PRICE, FIVE CENTg, Third-Term Crank ' Shoots Roosevelt (CW, A, P. Dispatch) tient te s Injuries. Are .80 Patten fo reat in a spade Gan in Colonel s Inj -quiet part ofthe Slight. He. Proceeds. t0 attr ne naa been seen by Dh FE Address Milwaukee Aud- Murpby, the plan was vetoed and he ambulance. 4 Was. hurried i ience as Intended. The Colonel had declared that he would not enter the ambulance but ASSAILANT NOW TNE JAIL) rowis sce sx sciomonue aa Pending the examination, the phy- 7 siclans would not make a disgnosis of gt; the ease, but speed and anxiety; 10 get him at once in the hospital were) the order Bf the proceedings, VOL.3 NO. 82 lt;u, MEDICINE HAT, Al.SERTA, CANADA. TUESDAY:. OCTOBER Giants 11, Boston 4 Teams Tie-Woods Curves Staughtered Smokey Joo, the Red Sox Mainstay, Unmercifully Ham- mered by McGrawites in First Innings Six Runs Resulted From Seven Hits Hall, Who Relieved Him, Did Well. TEAMS ARE NOW TIE FOR SERIES EACH WON 3, PLAY Orr IN BOSTON Giants Repeated PrN s First Inning s it and Broke Nerve of Stahl s Youngsters Ran Wild on Bases Two Home Runs Featured Tesreau Pitch. ed Good Ball. Joe Wood, after winning two of the Red Sox thnee vietories' in the world s series, was knocked out of the box in the first innings today Ne ever-fighting Mc- Grawites.. Seemingly the backbone of 'Stahl s youthful machine was broken. Sixteen hits, numerous stolen bases and three errors gave the Giants 11) runs, while all 5 that the Red Sox could drive in was fonr, , Tomorrow the mighty battle of the series, the play-off n Gives Now a fm e gas in the subdivision at tion - Other - te ety to purchase it back ae lt;i gt; when the subdivision is taken the city. The matter was dealt with at inst night's Council meeting and then re- ferred to the Gas Committee. The Electric Light Committee re- comimendied that the report of Messrs. Maxwell and McKenzie on the city electric. power plant be referred to Messre, Chopman and Walker and that they be asked when they are go- ing to-put the engines in proper shape. The Water Committe recommended the purchase of five cars of 6 in. pipe and two cars of Sin. pipe. into manager of the Jam factory, was hoisting a flag oyer the dullding when he was ordar- ed to desist by the Doukobor president. CEE LS eS SEWER PUMPING STATION TO. BE. EXCELLENT ONE Poy Tender Let by Council -Will Have Two Operating Automatically. Believed Former President McKinley Had Urged BS tae. works tee re- im to Avenge His -Mur- der. el Roosevelt walked to the commended that the tender of Hotsen i Leader for the erection of the sew- : 5. geretediin os arey cveroost a Pamping station on East Balmoral) caore Roosevelt was shot and -ed for him. He slightly wounded last night as he from Mi waukes. Fas leaving the Kilpatrick Hotel for Blood-soaked garments and a: bul the auditorium to make a speech: The wound was superficial and the or papers: were the chiet evidence Colonel went on to the ball and be- . Colonel had b gan his speech, after he had seen the assailant arrested and taken to the t Police station. The man was seized and held until miu Baltcemnes: ame up. A mob gathered around the prison r, who ts apparent- ly mentally, on the subject of Roosevelt's for another EPEESEEPEEEEPEOEEE Rib hee ee P Ee The cities new sewer pumping sta- tion on East Balmoral Street, for the Seryian frontiet and at-j the town of Ristovalz near two centrifugal pumps of a eapacity, The likelihood that peace would be ited in a dream by William McKin- Ne au and Meyers. of 1,000 gallons per minute. They eve ori Wenre: a k 3000 ealeA 2 z signed by Italy and Turkey Maw had fey, who had shld, indicating. Colonel Umpires Bvans behind the late; Rigler on bases; * eTss il be carried into a baste a Dourses. On. the tiie nas ae ee, ; a Dr. . e cert 1 i b P ig i bya trough. A float will be placed ered to 2 aap te Parag Sa: injury is ne ry which the City Couneft at thelr mect- eas es rah of the tie, will take place at Fenway Park. ing last night let the tender will be ther this . : ee ae tT . bresiderte: sisi atatsire a Score by Syne 123456789 RH Ely, ae Sale srtonte: oe city, Bev Seetaer ve Saas es Tarks) samitted firing the abit and said that S a : Boston... .... -... .. 010000210 410 3 cially when the water In the river GRILLS nee coe pecs Sage elms term) New York . 175-6 100.0210 1-11 16. 3 reaches tiooa staze. arian armies to prevent thelt co- En te une main dock. i. The station will be Hed with BATTERIES: 0 station Ww suppl operation in the descent upon UskuP. aig were statements that he had been Kiem, tote field, and O Loughlin, left. field. in the basin and when the sewerage THE LINE-UP: in thle. basin. reaches a. cartatn COUSOIS tah fond end rcs recover Yo the time-the shot was fired and tee height, it wilt start the pam; . Point. ee ee lux of buyin 0 ) not aware that he was shot he the Colonel's ight, Pamps, BOSTON NEW YORK The sewerage will be disposed of a tae . ras HOOPER, rt, DEVORE, rf. into-the river below, the island., YERKES, 2, DOYLE, 2b. ae cee SPEAKER, cf. SNODGRASS, ef sol esas was with blo (GAEDYEE, 2. MAKE NO eSATA Hg, alive bis. wget. ho eee, ae bah Board. Decides soot: - GADY,-e, x e Mitchell s Land is WOOD; p- LS A . Dihsuited for'Site. . Boston, Oot. 15 Despite. the i) chollhir eal Git ects bewo Vhoronten hard-fought games which they hayelover the Giants, both at the Polo gone through,.the playora,on- both Grounds. sides grein fine phynical fettle..On- Mathewson. and Tesreau S. ag S London, Oct. 16 The Daily Chro: iele Constantinople correspondent telegraphed. that the ministers bf the Ralkan:7Btates demanded their m seathn (kedats nsipaiccalipels he would spend the night on the car and that after remaining-a. few hours 3 5 3 a in Chicago, he would. go to. Indiana- 4 Al to have, said that-the note presetited -yesterday in. reply to that of Ruasia and Austria Thete will be no reservation for school purposes made by the School Board on the two dots ig of the ly Devore, the Giant outfielder, has Giants were mentioned as Manager Hox. C; R. Mitchell ,north of ismot-an ultimatum and that Bulgar passports. from Ottoman Govern- an allment. He jammed eigen bscanee probable. choice, Mathew. railway line in the vicinity of Strath- e Hmsimot yet spoken the iast-word. ment Lord Morley announced in the PONS te full his speaking sues Pigs thumb ima parlor carder last night, son being the more generally favored cona Iskund. The motion which was TheiGemeral imoreasion, thowever, 1s House of Lords that the negotiations prcrior he jmeisiea that he Was foel- ONE but he sald this morning he felt he as the New York manager's final se- Passed at the Board's meeting iast (at tie Gountrice eolioemed are only yetween Italy.and Turkey have taken 1, quota ies oe igae- should wor- 2 and your could play without further trouble. Iection: night waiving the exemption rights; MUUANE the. diplomatic: amachinery) a, unfavorable turn. Consols yester- Stas Dr. Murphy has informed) eo Fourt The plea of the players t r'a share It was the general opinion that Stated that the ground. was unsuited F Soph agl Gt taining time t0/ day reached the lowest point in years, ag wanted 6 get down to The train Soclated Press that Colonel Roosevelt oar th the proceeds of the tie game in should Mathewson plich and win, to school uses and farthermore. that CO mDlete their military preparations. 72 12 The Turkish troops having 95 minus before we Jett. ig said, Will be confined to the hospital for at Seis this city October 9, was refused. to- Marquard would be sent in td the fi-/it would probably never be needed as Pushi Hus apitulated. attacked the Servians ner Ristovats i, that 1 could shave. least ten days, A staff physician at school site. ( The sbout four acres. PREPARE FOR-NEW SCHOOL There Will be a Board room and Superintendent s of- fice in Proposed Build- ing. The requirements to be met in the high school which is to be built lots contain Late advices say that Tushi has dered to ithe. Montenegrin: forces to the number of 3000 sus Figures Will Prove A Surprise Total Population When An- and the Bulgarians at Chujuken, the London press declares. nothing can oid. wi Mercy Hospital, emerging from the. consultation room; announced that the bullet was against the fourth -rib on the Colonel s right side and that it did not enter. the lung. The physicians handed out a state- ment which read: Colonel ig. quite weak, due to: ion from: the nervous strain. Unless compli- cations ensue the outlook s-not. un favorable fromthe weakness, there fs little change din bis tion. At the insistence Of his physicians he gave up the intention. Operation at Once. Chicago, Get 25. Colonel Roose- velt, with a bullet still in- his chest, fired by Jolin Schrank, at Milwaukee, wag, taken to: Mercy (Hospital here thig morning-after a/consuitation of physicians who ordered a) second X-Ray examination with a view to an. immediate- operation. It was*Planned at-first .o allow the day by the National Commission on the ground that the Commission had no power to change the) rules drawn up for the series and ratified by the. two leagues. Betting on today s game favored Boston at odds of 10 to 8. Wagers were few. The Boston Red Sox, needing but a single victory to secure the world s baseball championship; and the New York Glants,-Btill fighting with their biicks to the wall to overcome han- dicap which required- that they win nal game tomorrow. In sich an event Boston would place its hopes on Hugh Bedient, the youngster who. beat Mathewson Saturday. First Innings, New York Deyore beat out an in- field hit, which was too slow for Wagner to field. Doyle singled to centre, Devore being: held at. second. Devore and Doyle executed a double steal, Woods throw. to the plate, be- ig low and Cady made no attempt to throw. + Snodgrass bit to the right On the whole, however, the figures when complete will show a very two games, met again at Fenway Park today in the seventh game of the serfes of 1912. A win tor New York today would tie the standing and miske atiother game necessary. This game, if played, will occur at Fenway. Park, Joe Wood, selected by Manager Stah as pitcher in the game field, scoring Devore. and- Doyle. Murray. sacrificed ..Snodgrass who then tried to score on a single to lett by. Merkle, who took second oii the throw-in to catch Snodgrass. Wood took Herzog s grounder and threw to Wagner, who threw to Gardner, who touched out Merkle. Herzog took will be looked into by Superintend ent Hay- and a report prepared. This was decided at the School Board's meeting last night. A gym- nasium and provision for manual training and domestric science will be needed. The Board also wishes an office in the building ond it was suggested, too, that there be per- Most Optimistic, z FIGURES MAY RUN WELL OVER TEN THOUSAND It will average at least six and pos- sibly seven. The majority of the houses show from 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10. Many run higter, The Chief has the figures for ward three, which is possibly the: smallest or at least the least populated ward high percentage living in each house. 3 onstruction Work Chief Has One Ward Com- og the Smallest It ows Over 2,000 Peo- ple. - second on the play and he scored on (Continued on page five) this afternoon was regarded a8 a foregone conelt Wood has pit. Sudden Death of GB. Van Cleave in the city, as it takes in the other sides of the river, and it shows a Population of over 2,000. Ward No. 2,) the largest and most thickly popu- lated ward in thie city, will or at least ought to show, judgt the num- ber of cards, over 4,000. Ward No. 4, which takes in the in- dustrial section, should at least show some? 2, 800, while ward one, which takes in the business section and ex- be ee oe ee tendent. MINISTER RATIFIES ACTS School Board May Now Complete Sale of Bite ard Borrowing of 115,000. Will the result of the census, when announced, which will lMkely: be to- morrow, exceed the-expectations of the most hopeful and optimistic of the citizens? ave a, This enterprise is Of greab benef ab thelz to the city of Medicine Hat and has not only been the means of fii * that Mr. Van Cleave was moving a Well: pe a Who Was Noted for His Fearless Nine Years Ago. Ax the result-of a-most unfortunate Canadian West neeldent, Galen B. Van Cleave, one of the best known horse ranchers of the district, was killed at noon, on Sat day, near his howe about ninety miles north on the Ked Deer... It appears -store across the. creek and that it had been yltced on a few planks stretched above the reach, the wagon having no box upon it ut the time. Tn evoasing the creek, the stone slip- ped off the wagon carrying Mr, Van Cleave with It. He was apparently - stunned by the full and one of the wagon wheels passed: over fj head, Killing, him instantly... Mr. G. W. Johnston brought the remains to the deceased, although an Amiert. Dirfh, was an old timer in th se eee this. distriet- from Macleod partner, Mr. J.B, Allen, years ago and - through likeable traits of character made) numberless warm friends, who will join with the News in extending con- dolences to the grief-stricken family. Mr, Van Cleave owned a cluding the famous Red Feather... Of later years he has made a specialty of a high-quality of heavy staff. Ho leaves a widow and one. child, His father also resided: with him at the raneh,. One brother lives In. Milk River and tro sisters at Great Falls, All are expected to be here for the The School Board may now wpro- ceed with the sale of the Toronto, tions from the Department of Educa tion were read at the board's meeting last evening in which the statement Was mnde that the Minister acqules- after Inveatigatitig, the sale of the site, has decided that the price -t satistactory. The Bonds for the 115,000 will be made payable both in Toronto. and Montreal as well ds in Medicine Hat. The chairman told the trustees: wat Woods-Gundy has asked that this be done and that he and the Secretary- Treasurer had agreed. THIS 8 done to minke the bonds more. attractive to the investing, public. The chatr- man-explained that frequently mun- felpalbonds are made payable: even fn London and Macon, Ga., State Fait, one of the most important funeral, which: will take piace tomore row (Wednesday) morning at 10 o'clock from Noft s undertaking es- tablishment go the public cemetery. agrcultural and industrial exhibitions in the South, opened its gates to large crowd today and will contings A few hints handed out by Chief orning would lead one tends on the, BHI, guessed around the-nix, seven, eight, This, however, and nine thousands in the sweep- stakes may just as well donate their Velie sees. e eeerae: goods cael th chal as William BL Tatt has. of succeeding himself as Unele Sam's head, The figures so far turned in pre- sent some amusing features, ior in- Fumes tt-has been discovered that some of the Hat's palatial, ang also many of her unpalatial domiciles, are * taxed to their capacity for space. * Some of the hovses eliow that as many a 21 to 25 people live in them. * these are not boarding houses elther, One private boarding house shows 25 boarding the-e, closely following it * shows a private residence with 21 vision, with the ex Loccupants, One of. the ofticers jfa- ' of 22 acres, has been marked: that as Tesult of a visit tol+. Within three weeks. Some oF the Places and noting the S number of people living there, he- was i h fh bi ot led to wonder how they slept. They: mist have ets of coat hooks, sus- ment: ready. WhO GAVE advertised Su Teport) that the entire upgil October is. ge including the Bill school site id the borrowing of ) believe that such will be the case. Herald subdivisions, should. show Bang, was Killed while Moving a Stove at His) tir 050 on debentures. Communten weertain that those who em 2,800 to 3,500, 6 get'the plant completed. They Western Canada Humber Oo., the Al- Home Out on the Red Deer Came to the District oui SETS thier own large Boarding ao berta Clay Prodmets, Atberta Rolling figured from the one ward, the fe- ith turns of Which are complete, but within the ae pont ee hours ** Se sat omner, agree times agvhe has in the last twenty- four hours will have his araounce- meex this great establishment, have sh bb Bb tbh bob hob PAYS TO ADVERTISE Megsts, Rimmer Smith, nny SIMS extensively in the News, +f sub ption sod nana Miss Helen J. .Spott, of Gore They have a a 200 nishing Work toa smumiber ot mien and are working might and dey men dut has given such firms asthe cooks and waiters Dich Mills and other local industries a large amount, or all of their busi- Mx, Famen, who is the i The mammoth ee tanks RSs, BS a sight, being 90 feet and built, and, also Mr, Chalfont, who Take at Rages 0 ln Mes eae ter the Ogilvie mterests, believe in Company who are the Muilders of patronizing home industry. used The ears of lumber arriving daily sbout 1600 barrels of coment in these trom the Western Canada Lumber huge tanks. Co.-and the ears of steel and bricks The fret storey of the main build- Keep their spur track. pretty ing is nearly up. Thi will be sx and will be of interest to *F stories. or 100 feet high. Tt-will /JOoking over the plant. elhave concrete colimns and girders) Th. Canadian Stewart Co: feel Eland: willbe of fire-proot construc- tat'thty have been very Incky it tien. Retting good class of mechanics The concrete basement and walls and. on es Medicine Hat and b) of the warehouse are also in. This claim that. p - that account they ) stricture will be four storeys, with have-only bed to, bring four or . seven storey tower-in the contre. men from the enst that were familiar The bititding will be brick veneer. with m ll iperintendents mn extend lo of Mod- 80 x 170 foot: isit- the 30 ese cet ciae Ba i amine pit 40 Tl feat, wide
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Image 679 (1912-10-15), from microfilm reel 679, (CU1739858). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.