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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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/ build, consider st. Don t be-per- y CHEAP LUM- it s cheap use the fe have it, and ev Builder requires, lock or LUMBER, H, PER PINISH, gt;) MAPLE, BIRCH OORINGS. he agency for the organ Doors, R BEAUTIFUL . OD FIBRE, LATH AR POSTS, WIL- Y POSTS - IALINE SMUT -Quart Pint AY MORE Drug and tore : 33 CURTIS aleStables ns, Drivers, Saddle es for Sale. HEAVY DRAYING. y for Sale. McCLAIN * PROPRIETOR Box 804, LEY BROS. Contractors, 4 Lockwood St, es for Sale. EB STABLE PHONE 408 728 S. FOLLIS acting + Co. ORONTO ST. s. Sand, Coal Gravel ting a Specialty. sry Horses for sale af Hi Times, AND EXCAVATING nd Sand for Sale. Phone No. 415. 0. Box a1. Reynolds TER, ETC. ples in Wall Paper, Ave. Phone 90, fave voind in favor of orgectantion fer acess, in deste eset aoeal to- ACREAGE INCREASES, IN for STILL ANOTHER FACTORY REDCUFF THE WALLOFF MOTOR CO, of Minneapolis, will start build immediately. Building to be completed in six weeks. The RedGli plant will He known as the Redclift Motor Co.,, Limited and sta ts : ver with 75 men, which will be largely increased in a short. space)o time. This means money to the ride- awake investor. Three Factories Secured in One Week and More to Follow. REDCLIFF IS RAPIDLY BECOMING A BIG MANUFACTURING CENTRE AND POPULATION IS POURING IN. IMPORTANT RAILWAY ANNOUNCEMENT SOON TOBE Redcliff now has industries and their pay roll is as follows: Redcliff Brickand Coal Co. 150; Pay Roll 12,500 Redcliff Realty Co. 6;. Pay Roll . 900 Redcliff Clay Products Co Co. 70; Pay Roll 5,000 Redcliff fouh: Com pany 10; Pay Roll 800. Alberts Ged cailvon Co. 65. Pay Roll 5,000 Stores, Bank, Later ard ete. 12: Pay Roll 1, 000 RedcliffMill ElevatorCo. 9; Pay Roll 800 Melos Melachlon 15; Pay Roll. 1, 200. (CONTRACTORS) FACTORIES TO BE BUILT AT ONCE ARE: E THE DIAMOND FLINT GLASS CO., OF TORONTO, LARGEST GLASS FACTORY IN THE WEST. H, MUNDERLOH COMPANY, OF MONTREAL, LARGEST WINDOW GLASS FACTORY IN CANADA. WALLOFF MOTOR COMPANY, LIMITED, CANADIAN FACTORY FOR WEST. THESE THREE NEW CONCERNS WILL EMPLOY FROM 500 TO 1,000 MEN. NOW IS THE INVESTORS OPPORTUNITY TO GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR, BEFORE PRICES BEGIN TO SOAR, THINK WHAT THESE NEW FACOTRIES WIL M1 f TO REDCLIFF S FUTURE AND THEN BUY ALL THE REDCLIFF PROPERTY YOU CAN HANDLE. . ES See the Stoner Agency About i Toronto Street, Medicine Hat : ; Sp aehoateets olpateateete ote etre ateeteateeesleteatoateatecte se ateeteateate eee eeale goa speeateeoeioeeatreto es Seeteatostetie ete eioetensoete ate tiete sie codieeoaietss ate tie 2 RS cease Sh , pe of te mite Valtce Ss lHE ACTED STRANGLEY Alberta Now Has eee BANKERS TRIP THROUGH Bi SSS BUT WAS NOT IAS 51 Mu 2. liti stood to favor a provincial tax- on years ago. banks and elevators. It is complain- ALLEGED CONFESSION. nicipa f ies ed that when the revenue is raised THE PEACE RIVER COUNTRY Fred C. Chapman, formerly of Steveston Court . Impose eee solely by a grow tax that thes Fairbanks and later of Iditarod, tes- Sentence of Sixty Day Last Batch of Authorizations for Voting Has Been stostteatie escape altogether fron i tified on the stand that Gorman had Upon Fullock. irect taxation, although it is not Bg. Pail f Merchant s Bank, astor, Sa) Meany, 22 hiss thst ie was: responsible tor ee Sent Out by the Department The Working Out of to be expected that the Idndlord *- J- Dinning of Merc 8 Castor, bays the Valdez Creck robbery, when Steveston, Oct. 7 One of. th the Single Tax. would allow them to get off without Settlers Will be Hard Hit This Winter Through Den Kain's cabine was entered onjpeculiaracts ever commited by paying any share of the land tax in Burning of Hay Crops. the Monohan ground and 10,000 in examined by physicians as to the form of rent. i dust was taken and no trace could/ty and adjudged to be in his righ Poona be found of it. Several times it was mind, was brought to light Monda Kamonton, Oct. 7 Many of the jto the country camp out during the thought that the thief had been ap- afternoon im the pollee court hen settlers in the Peace River will be Summer and fall. bisrar om ig age ape when Albert Fullock, a resident pray a en - tne piaise, abodes of eine a vaste tions for voting this year were sent same area as a rural municipality; AUSTRALIAN STATE) 22 sevtzst 18 sectares Bo) rn the wre racic dn. (ty: Rgctatetrexe ever fondid AS th wast aereane ee vn out by the department of municipali- i.e.: nine townships. The representa- Dinning, of the Merchants Bank, ,-6 atready in the country turn their /ditarod trial Chapman stated that and sentensed to serve 60 days ties recently and it is expected that tion will be altered and each coun- .. a : : Gorman im some ti nate egatcnt Sea rele of the votes taken ialeiior, there being six, will represent SCientific Wheat Growing RES eae SPRia end a ee ae, weeoeneds eee (Conia set cel gms tee ee rea Sane a ok these imnicipalities the number of /a township and a half instead of Has Allowed Opening of . the Bret Cn EEE eee en (Gaptis had polled off ther? Veldce Leese cigeaised raral muni ipalitios s will lone townshi 13,000,000 At Peace River country. The forest way to travel, Mr. Dinning has found Greck job and a Kennedy, of Vancouver, a tesek to 0. Ske nem ee, Ces Sn as 000, eres. fires around Peace River. crossing by. experience, 1s in your own cover- CFS Lae ioe said that bim- Blair Atkinson, son of Captain At icy suibsctactory to tier deartvagats lest ths, opiaion that the: reorgesisa- does, Wawa Gobtcnke Ole Dee ee he ee Fem Peds, and oy bad foe th poke eee ane: bgp tem ee RET hig 110. Chast Stewart, Mae HOG ae Gee Inedls onion dis: ieec, sis ch Woden: pas oubl-a SET ee Necceapigte ses Acre ie Crowe demek Sebcteserana wagon an. awdices comsthe Raskionee tn wee aageaien pene a Sucking Gut oflae sev cok letincsie chatsel ts sort ater reed or he Te ttc aie an en ROT a ae a orttey TOHIES ns Claes ae tions in these localities, distributed alities less liable to be feared on ac- tho area in which wheat may be Dro ger mrvice went ta by Athabasca antes eens om fhelt backs, One a Kean : LG: Teeuetenosness et throughout. the province, from count of any changes that it. might ftably grown. a aaah Seals ces Pe linn ace the ce . Grande Praitie to the I ational afi ay sheguag a adit eeeand and returned by the Edson trail. take this kind of travel: jeweller, who hed been working in *omewhat astonished at the man s boundary, will encourage many of WORKING OUT SINGLE TAX. mothods of wheat cultivation an addi-) Vaue the winter trafl fs much short- Mr. Dinning bad three months' the camp and purchasing dust, was Prose ne ay at the rossi districts that have 90 tar The fees youd. wil tet iad tenaitdeae CeToaab eas chee has er, Mr. Dinning says the road s very leave of absence to go through the 0 way out to the Yr when, ae. jaa Stocd dab-kndes the ast vote in ste ert een hard. The fifty miles from Grandejcountry. His object was to see the he was shot and robbed. The al- Wwas that Fullock took the gun Ses. se et rose sh re, tt nn oy ate ean ten a yey try a et iO FOREIGNERS FEAR GHANGE. the sew town s act will,be witnessed land profitably nder wheat, OF this TAvUNE, - Ott Batpen Sturgson he: will alga make report, onthe Obes boat m8 oct odiiit on:the Kan nee ee nce then to throw The istriota Hist Aire voted Sld am Ghordugty drial given to . the 4.001,000 scren'are io the mortars Ox Sut Miso Signe 14, greek country 66. Ris back, ; a sodas i - ene (ae ae Ae oan Boer ca ate: against organization are in number Ptinciples of single tax. In these dis- portion of New South Wales, the bal- wane wat i tar en man ela place eae be ool fused to do, so the stranger took the of instances those in which aro a triets time will be nemded, of course, anco, 9,999,000. acres belng mostly tnree miles tong which tries up the ROBBERS HOLD UP get medical attention and efter a weapom from him and hurled tt into large number of foreign settlers, who in which to make the readjustment within the Riverina division. genet of both MeRpennaeet Suen Jong time be recovered. He stated the dyke. The boy was greatly anger- Yoted against organization merely f the taxation basis. There are siill large areas, espec- that fhe was fired on from a thicket ed at this, and attempted to remon- froma fear that the change might The towns which are experiencing jally in the northern and western Risky for: Small. Mea. TREASURE TRAIN tis he was floating down stream and strate with Fullock. prove disturbing. Some misunder- difficulty in adjusting themselves to Riverina, admirably suited to. wheat , According to Mr, Dinning, home- was shot in three places. He did not The result was that young Atkin- standings exist regarding the provis- the single tax are those which have cultivation. With the advance of set- Steading, unless a man has consid- But Hand esi Justice Des- *e yom, but was robbed of son was picked up by the latter and ions of the act, notwithstanding the fone in for expenditi se are tlement, the cutting up o the large erable capital, Is risky at the present abowt 4,000 ir aust and jewellery, hurled into .the dyke. Fortunately efforts made by the minister and too great a burden fo ot lestates, and the extension of the rail. time: Everything le so dear that ihe cends in Alaska-ant He Toc SOc fm dust snd jewellery, nt ee aay w fow fect of water in John Perrie, the deputy minister, to the towns. In some cases Aa Mong ex- way communication, there is evary cost of living during the time taken Receives Sentence. the emelosure and Atkinson succeeded explain the act fully at the numerous Penditure is not absolutely necessary. reason to believe that the area now t0 Drove up on the homestead swal- Tyee . ieves ti getting out safely. The boy then meetings that have been held. In EXCESSIVE EXPENDITURE. inown as the wheat belt will be ex- ows up all the profit that a maloEET OF GOLD DUST Jong rath the atinse es complained against bis aggt- every case where a request for ex- Mr. Stewart cited one case in tended considerably in the early fu- ight expect to make from the sale: z them was ns Dessteal Pt cesor, The accused was thought to planation has come to th depart- which a village, where the councillors ture. ot his farm. No pubt those who arar 564 Shot Jeweller and itz place as dae of tha be insane, Dut upon examanttiondoe- ment the minister or his deputy have wore not aware for a long time that able to hold on will eventually reap ictim Dow: unsolved: mysteries off Alaska tn tors stated that he was in bis right attended a meeting in that locality they possessed borrowing powers, Trigonometical calculations from *he r reward. The men who will best Sent Victim Down Stream is i The sind, - Owing: 0 this 's charge of and discussed the act, but who when they discovered. that data obtained from sounds ot wire- able to make out are the men who Without His Gold. v vagrancy was lodged against him Some districts have felt disinclined thoy could borrow 4,000. promptly less signals from shore and the run Addition to homexteading can. scrip In the court room the accused told to depart from the old ward system rushed into the construction of side- of a vessel on a long zspasured * S004 tract of Ian. Mr. Dinning a rambling tale of how be had beon in the election of councillors, and on walks to outlying houses half a mile course between the receipt of two came im from Grande Prairie with confronted by spirits and told to take that account they have remained out- away from the main street and the signals are utilized in operating a D* Brayford, who has scripped 1.206 that stole gold dust in Alaska that j the. shells away from the boy. The side the act, although the act - gives installation of an electeic light plant new iogometer to enable a marin- CTes. Dr. Brayford came out for /got away with it, was brought out them Power to revert to the ward which expenditures burdened the vil-ler to make reckonings near shore in holiday and to attend to some busi- in the recent trial of Gorman at system after a trial has been given iage with a large incubus without thick weather. ness in the,outside world and Is on Tditarod, when Gorman was sentenc- to the new system. making the inhabitants much better - his way to Winn pes, sled to serve time for the holding up In a megaphen i pia carries the The danger ot overheating which REORGANIZATION OF L.1.D. 8. of than they were before. If towns : Proof against the curious is a dou- Mr, Dinning says traveling in the/of the treasure train at Flat last) human voicem iles that abtends incandescent lamp sockets The number of councillors in the were willing to get along with less ble envelope invented by a French- north is a rough proposition end pre- summer, has been on Eiffel tower 4 Tes: containi a unit to new rural municipalities is five, while expenditure on'things that they/man in which the flap of each en-,)vious io getting to Edmonton he bad Phe trial, as well as winding up i in Patis thes ts. prodasa be aaa casey under-the old local improvement sys- might do without for a few ycars, velope seals against the back of th hepaesr eS ot slept In, a bed for a month. At thel'the Iditarod gold dust robbery, also detonation Sefer ered tem each township was separately so long as the lack of them was other no that the contents cannot present tima there. arc practically m0 cleared up two other mysteries that erned in ods 5 iG thee have been puzzling the , through a represented: The local improvement was not hindering the town's de-jbe removed. without destroying the atopping places catering for thavel- Aistriets, as they at present exist, velopment along steady lines, there cover. as. most of the people going in authorities.for the past seseoets Edmonton, Oct. 7. Up to date the will end-on the 16th -of November, is 51. The last batch of authoriza- provement district will cover the Seward, Alaska, Oct. 5. The old saying that there was never a man posed the sixty day sentence. with 2 1 New Bie lt;
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Image 622 (1912-10-07), from microfilm reel 622, (CU1739853). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.