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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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December 23,. 194e -DIVISION, WS AGENCY Canada OFFICE. REDCLIFF IS Is GROWING las, Cards he Finest rtment Ever how in the City EVERY DAY. e's Drug and Store. soateegele gs et Taylor s ansfer d Heavy Draying. Attention to all orders, oving ith Plano Van fality. . re * - Me On tate stot cS THE MOMENTUM IS INCREASING Find Out About it NBSP eee eooetoate elostrtee ieee eo sire 6,000 Pop ulation in 1913 NOT BOOMING BUT IT MIGHTY FAST, AND Redcliff Realty Company Limited REDCLIFF, ALTA.. Stoner, Lockwood ee tg Limited (Stoner Agency ) M EDICINE HAT, ALTA. lode eep sper tried deeot Soaseefeetoy ee Seeteeteateatentestenten by in benno yourmoney before investigating es OD See Secure We Are Secu Do Not Commit a EDCLIFF, The Smokeless Pittsbu The Swing of Tndustrial Development Assures Bicady Advance in Values. Lots NOW and Yourlt Smile LATER ring New Industries. Look For Announcement. Sotpepesentente testes Soafeateetasnceossestedte te setae rosie dp Set enee Loe aeey is, Deliverea, ONE NO, 349, OPIUM QUESTION REACHING CRISIS British Legation s linsis- tent Demands for Indem- nity the Reason. Poking, Dec. 23. opium ques- ia reaching a crisis owing to the rsistent demands of the British le- gation for indemnity tor a breach of opium agreements and the result suppression of the retail trade in, opium in the provinces where it is Itivated. The Chinese maintain that the sup- pression of the retailers Is a neces- sary Measure of the anti-opium cam- lpaign, which is hampered by the ex- isting agreements. Undoubtedly if China boldly repudiates the agree- iments on this ground, she will re- ive the moral support of;the Brit- h public and the civilized World. AVAL SPIES GIVE ENGLAND TROUBLE Officer Was Di SaleStables' Teams, Drivers, . Saddle Horses for Sale, * ND HEAYY DRAYING, Hay for Sale. D McCLAIN * PROPRIETOR etty . CAWKER, Phm. B. Jruggist ete stock of Toilet Articles dries, Proprietary Medi- sing of Ph cians ea specialty. a th Ry. SD many Pays Big. London, Dec, 23 The British na- al authorities have been considerab- iy perturbed of Iate over the way in hich mihor secrets of British ships rave beem 1 foreign countries, d particularly Germany, the spies which country, it is asserted, always prepared with the'biggest ip for anything pertaining to aval matters. There have been several prosecu- tions of civilians charged with com- nicating these secrets to foreign wers, and one or two men under suspiciom have been dropped thom the navy. More importance is attached o the recent arrest of George C. Parrott, an ex-gunner of the navy, Phone 75. Reynolds INTER, ETC. samples in Wall P: hth Ave. Phone 608, HONE STASLE PHO 402 738 Lewes , J. S; FOLLIS tracting Co. 03 TORONTO ST, ming, Sand, Coal Gkay cavatinga Speetalty, Heavy Horses fer sale AN Times, inder: recent regulations, are in line jor promotion to the commissioped ranks. duty at the school of gunnery, made Htrips to Ostend, where, according to evidence given against him, he whom he met by foreigner, wi jspent the evenings, ret Hand the same nighty Jagainst the regulations gt; Restorer for Me sol restores every nerve jn the: ry, Peart deena te iia a ied at cate. Phowphonol land without 1elive, *S. say ddgest Phe Besbell Br i was removed frot and - treaty perhaps itself be lost, it will - beffnecessary for Congress during the ehicsetl From List Ge - gt;' e of the class of petty officers who, Parrott, jt was found, while doing was from the continent with money. en- closed, urider an assumed name, he was arrested. Tt was alsv found that Parrott had deposited considerable sums of money at his bank. One of the. points of eviderf e.against the prisoner js that the bank notes he received had on one occasion been sent to Germany. This evidence was made possible by the fact that at all banks a memor- andum. of the mumbers of Bank of England notes in the bank s posses- sion is made, and the disposition made of then. In this case two of notes had been paid out to travelers, who had changed them in Germany. THINNING OUT OF SEAL HERDS 1S NECESSITY U. Congress May Ttake Action, dnd Amend the Seal Act... 4y (Spectal to the News.) Washington, Dec. 23;-Unless the agreement reached with Japan and Great Britafn for the protection of the seal herds in the north Pacific 1s to fail of realization and the seal resent session to amend the seal act to review the five year restriction upon the Killing of the male seals on the Pribilof Islands. This is the view of the administra- tion, aged upon several urgent com- munications to the) United States, the latest from the Japanese Goyern- ment. This communication pointed out the recent legislation amounts to 4 practical repudiation of that part of the treaty which guaranteed to tho Japanese and the. British. Govern- ments a fair return from the seal that. might safely be killed on the American Islands in lieu of those taken by Pelagic sealers. The seal herd has almost doubled in number in one year of suspension of killing and it is the opinion of the state department experts that so far from this being necessary to prevent the furthg jtaking of a due propor- tion of the skins, some thinning out of the mates of the herd is absolutely necessary to prevent ; ts deteriora- CABBAGE HEADS PAYING INVESTMENT Pittsburg Dealers. Made a Big Profit- While Train- load Rotted. Pittsburg, Dec. 23. The committee on food supplies of the Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce has started an investigation into the high cost of living as a result of the conclusion reached to the effect that trainloads of vegetables have rotted in local produce-yards. A week ago 125 car- loads of cabbage reached the Pitts- burg produce market. The wholesale price tumbled and finally carloads were offered for the freight charges, amounting to 8. Cabbage was sold wholesale for 1 4 wagonload and the buyer was allowed to pile his wagon as high as he could: Notwithstand- ing this, but six.carloads were sold and the balance rotted. According to information reaching the Chamber of Commerce, while this was transpiring, the retail price of cabbage was the highest it has ever been here. A two and one-half pound head of cabbage was.sold by the gro- cers for 8 cents, It is estimated his profit was 450 percent, if he paid the market quotation of fifty cents per hundred pounds, but if he got a wagonload for 1, he made 6,400. per cont. SERVIAN. CROWN PRINCE HAD EXCITING EXPERIENCE Geneya, Dec. 23. The story of how Crown Prince Alexander of Was rescued from death in the Alps snows last winter while training him- self for service, with the army in the field, has just been made known by the Abbey of St. Bernard Monastery. The monks and the dogs were -on watch in the St. Bernard pass, on one bad night when one of the dogs -dis- covered two men overcome in the snow and Durted. by the drifting flakes. . ) The men were taken to the monas- tery and restored to consciousness, When they told the monks they were tion. Therefore it 1s expected: that the) president will make: aiother: p induce Congress to amend i ing seal acts: so as to ing treatment to the Japanese and sh governments, 4 Houses for sale. on easy paymetits or will exchange for real estate. Ap- ply to Hotton and Leader. 64-1 The Daily News delivered in the Pingle s Drug Store. some month sing discovered tht city, 35 a month, as Printe Alexander and his adjutant a Ser gaptaln, The prince, in ex- e-ni singular position, said being a soldier and expecting irvice im the field, desired to his body by exposure under stances, and had there- jeult dustrial .amber. rvia News bic handsomely filustrated In- under sHiiwbing excursions fate Ald. a Pince 5 orders now for the e+ . Sectecgestestosteatentostesfenteetentedfoatosfoatostostestontentestontostentoste tres roo oe pletely equipped playhouse in. every Houses for sale on easy payments respect, with a seating accommoda- or will exchange for real estate. Ap- tion of 800, Phe funds for the enter- ply to Hotson Leader. batt prise were provided largely by Wil- lam K. Vanderbilt. fea this afternoon with a performance of Racketty-Packetty House, a ju- venile. play written by Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett, author of Little Lord Fauntleroy. The Children's Theatre is located on the roof of the new Century Theatre. It is a com- NEW YORK HAS CHILDREN S THEATRE New York, Dec. 23. The Children's Theatre, the only playhouse in the world to be devoted exclusively to the entertainment of children, was open- Setedeeteees OCGERO SOLIDS CES DO SAD OLO ROOST OOo eT Ore TEV TTS eo STILL vIME FOR THOSE CHRIST- tas photos. Sittings 10 a. m.'to 9 p. m. Larson Studio. 134-6t. Subscribe now for the Daily News. 4 Sood Soekesteetectoatectectoatects Se eteatestoee cee eee soso ele eho deat Aad God sot ton ota eo oe orerm?s i Where are You Going for Your . . ( Christmas eteedenteegee ee oe Seateetesgeetentess Dinner Rodtenioate deste tony es foes Re oes Ms e soegoaty fe: petites soegeet - os To the CORONA ,.of course es eptedoey weewerrecet see ee ee 2, ee . 3 eee Watch this Spoae sad w Night Me Soe meat for the Me Ready by the first of the year. Over sixty pages. tte ietedy Pooeerebeseoss Sopdprereedrgeneres
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Image 1199 (1912-12-23), from microfilm reel 1199, (CU1740412). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.