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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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SILK DRESS ing wear. Prices fir Diy LePAGE BE THE ONE-PRICE CASH STORE SPECIAL SHOWING of Eadies and Misses . Silk and Velvet Dresses. VELVET DRESSES in plaidtvand cord velvets, col- ors black, navy, brown and grey at 16.50 each. re Os. made of good quality of Messaline Silk in dark and light colors, suitable for even- 12.50 to 30.00 beautiful fine SHOT S DRESSES made of a Coitton atteta Shot Silk. All shadeszat 17.00 SEE EAST WINDOW FOR A FEW OF THE STYLES. Phone 28. STYLE-CRAFT AGENTS FOR TAILORED C Le PAGE BROS. 388 Toronto St. LOTHES aelis, the author of The Dangerous Age, who is now Mrs. Stangeland and iesides in America, contributes fn article to the Politiken in which she gives her impressions of the modern American woman. She says the moral standard in America is doubtless higher than in Europe, although many things which are done openly in Europe are hid- en it America under a mask of hypoorisy, Mrs. Stangeland says: The American man regards -wo- man as a kind of higher being and it he refuses to admit her to the Ia- bor market or suffrage it ia because he. thinks she is too good for. work or politics. Fidelity to the-mmar- riage general among Ameri- can women, he woman has no cause to be otherwise than faithful, being per- fectly content with her lot, as her husband does everything to please her and treats her after fifteen years TURKAARMY FLEES 1N Continued from page 1) wa or to offer mediation at the pres- bt moment or after the expected bat- vat Tchatalja, 25 mites trom Cons tinopl .. They have, however, de- not to wait for Turkey to take initiative in asking for mediation. To Prevent Massacres, The meeting of the European am- bassadors at Constantinople last eve- gt; Ning discussed exclusively the meas- to be taken for the prevention Mf possible massacres. 5 The various schemes for the divis- jon of Turkish territory among the * Balkan allies which has been publish- ed, are declared by the German For- elgn Office to be based wholly on guesswork, as no negotiations on the: Subject have yet taken place. Warship Sank Quickly. Constantinople, Nov. 1. The com- -mander of the Fetch-I-Bulend tele- graphs that nearly all the crew of the warship were saved. He reports that the Greek torpedo boat entered alities. ger. fhe the harbor unexpectedly at midnight and Iaunched two the stern of the Turkish vessel, which afegan to sink immediately. The com- mander, three etigineers and four Dlucjackets were thrown into the water where they were rescued by fisting boats, The boilers of the Fetch-I-Buleod exploded as she sank. The Feteh-I-Bulend saw active ser- vico in the Danube under Hobart Pasha during the Russo-Turkish war of 1876-9. Was Turks Last Stand. London, Nov. 1. The Turkish army on which the fate of the Otto- man empire depends, has been out-) generalled and out-fought. Tt has made what is believed to be the last stand against the victorious Bul- garians and it is falling back in dis- order in its final line of defense at the forts of Echaija, only 25 miles from Constantinople. Grave doubts are expressed in mil- itary circles and even in the Turkish capital as to whether the remains of reetl, dois capital. curred un age by what is but a mob. Old Residents Hopeful, Old residents - of who know the Turks, are not im- clined to take an alarmist attitude. They say the-foreign warships could afford some protection at Saloniki, Constantinople and other ports, but scattered mfissions and Christian population, in. their opin - ion, are already seriously: in the widely European powers are now keeping in touch with a view to acting in cox when the oppertun- , ity arrives: ia has let it known, howevgr, that Turkey must negotiate with*the Balkan nations di- so that-all the powers 0 prepare to look after their own interests. when the war is over. * fo Dictate From Capital. The belief is held by some diplo- mats here that the Bulgarian army will be impelled to oceupt Constan- tinople by military and other con- siderations, While the Bulgarians disclaim any ambition to retain Con- stantinople, they consider that the quickest, way, of arranging peace will be to dictate it to Turkey in its own The Bulgarian army would also be able at. Protect the Christian residents there. of the Sultan will make any serious attempt to hold this line. gle Protect Christians Foreigners in Constantinople fearful for the safety of the Chris- tian population of the Turkish towns and the Europe powers have taken steps in this connection by the dis- pateh of Saloniki, Con- stantinople; and other Turkish ports for the protection Constantinople the same time of REMEMBER THE CURLNRS MEETING IN THE COURT BOOM, CITY HALL, TONIGHT. Loose Leat System The News Job Department has every facility for plying the most satlefactory. Important . Announcement A serious typographical error oc- several Ad- the -vertisements of. Lowney s Cocoa which have appeared in this news- paper. The recipe showing how Cocoa should be made called for 1-8 tablespoonful of It salt . should have called for 1-8 tea- spoonful of salt . The correct recipe, as it will appear in all future advertisements of Lowney s poonful 6f ually with two water. Stir to Boil 5 minutes. Add two cups boiled) of scalded (not Cocoa, follows: alt a sm Mix two even tablespoonty with two of sugar. Add 14 grad- Mix ups of bi The Best Way To Make Cocoa of ny milk, and beat with an egg beater un- til frothy. ates of their nation- This is. the most pressing question of the moment. spondent in the fear of Europeans in that that the Turkish retreat from Tchal- igh may result in massactes and pill- no longer an army One corre Yoiees city Constantinople, can of married life the same as after fif- teen days. lt; In giving a word picture of Fifth javenue, New York, between 2 and 5 are 0 elock in the afternoon, when only women are visible because the men fare at work, the writer says? The monde and the demimonde camot be. distinguished apart. Both are terrihly painted and their golden hair and violet eyes are of the high- est chic as well as their Liliputian ankles and carmine lips. This mingl- ing of the monde and the demimonde ia a terrible temptation to young girls.. Much could be said about this, the American press, although hor- rible murders may be told in detail with pictures and letter press. The only topic on which Mrs. Stangeland does . not touch in the article is the dangerous age in America, at which mich disappoint- ment is expressed here. WILSON RECEIVES A GREAT OVATION Madison Square Garden Audiente Cheers Demo- cratic Candidate For An, he Hour. (W. A. P. Dispateh) New York, Nov. 1. Goveritor Wood- Tow Wilson, speaking last night be fore an atdience that filled every cor- ner of Madison Square Gardens, re- ceived the greatest ovation of his campaign for the presidency. Enter- ing the hall after speaking before an enthusiastic audience in the Bronx, the Democratic candidate stood for an hour and three minutes at the railing of the speakers pletform waiting for the demonstration to end No man could fail to be moved by 4 demonstration such as we have wit- nessed tonight, he said, with, every evidence of deep feeling as he final- ly made himself heard. SAYS ALLUREMENT 1S NOT BONEST Joseph Chamberlain s Col- league Declares Prospects in erseas Lands Are Exaggerated. to To ( . A. P. Cable. London, Nov. 1 Jesse Collings, Chamberlain. in the Parliamentary representation of Birmingham, writ- ing in today s Times, advocating re- form of our land system, says the Prospect held ont to our rural people of owning land overseds is extended them th such alluring and exaggerat- ed terms as to amount to positive dis- honesty, This ix the most profitable of all export trades at the pregent time. Strike Monday If Not Heard President of Brotherhood of Railway Employees Cred- ited With Statement. (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Ottawa, Nov. 1 Unless the de mands are met or a board of con- ciliation is granted in the meantinie, the 5000 members. of the Candian Brptherhood of Railway Employees on the Canadian Pacific will go on strike Monday next. The statement i Mosher; of ee AAverpool, N. 8., Qet G1 WFkckaga is atifl coming hdre from some failing vessel, which-must have g ne down with afl. hands in last Satur- day's gale. Timbers from a vessels forecastle, parts of a ship's bottom and thousands of laths have c me ashore. No bodies have been picked up, but the sexual problem is taboo in Yeteran colleague of Rt Hon. Joseph * conferenc MEDIOINE HAT DAILY NEWS. WIVES 100 CHO) 1) ete4eeeee seers VOTE, 7-0 C000 Te ee Pingle, Wales / -WOuK, THINK HUBBIES ,wetine nen Bell ihe io ai RR ace ay Mateo hong Roreccloa eatin we: ToDav s Grego sete Sey ovVay Ss Copenhagen, Ost. S1. Karia Mich- * Ph SRR Bet bob ebb A RECORD PRICE . FOR Sga00L LANDS Section Adjoining Townsite of Ai in Was Sold For 138,150. (W. A. P. Dispatch) Moose Jaw, Nov. 1 At the sale of section of school lands held at the Moose Jaw Dominion land office Yesterday, a record was set for the Dominion. The total price obtafned for the section was 138,150, Prices Yaried for the different quarters from 125 to 403 per acre. The land ad- Joined: the townsite of Assintboln. G. K. Smith, Dominion Land Agent, eon- ducted the sale, Still Maintained * (WOA. P. Dispateh) Regina, Nov. 1. Telephone line- men in Moose Jaw and ia went out on strike this mornisig at seven o'clock. About thirty) in volved between both ci it offi cals of the union say thi Strike will spread to other poin the Province unless the ent meet their demands. Governmjent of- ficials decline to make any nt beyond saying *that they knot ing of the strike at all. The Government will have to come to us for a settlement, safd one of the Strikers this morning. No other department of the tele- Phone service is effected by the strike at present, although there is a rumor to the effect that the girls may serve a demand on the Governmerit. MANY GOING-HOME TO VOTE. (Special e News) j Washington, HP, Nov. 1. Outgo- ing trains todagjearried the advance guard of officials and Government clerks who are returning. to thelr day. The exodus this year promises to be larger than for nfany years past. The department-employees have been impressed with fhe possibility that a few votes might change the result in Congresional contests if not on the national ticket, and each is going home with the intention of throwing his influence on the right side of the scale as-it appeals to him. Many of the department clerks are going as far 93 Iowa, Nebraska and Minnesota to cast their votes. K OF ENGLAND. London, Nov. 1. The weekly state- ment of the Bank of England shows the following changes: Total reserve, . decreased, pounds, Circulation, fcreased, 54,000 pounds, Bullion, decreased, 249,018 pounds. Other securities, increased, 1,807,- 000. pounds. 303,000 Other deposits, increased, . 389,000 pounds. Notesreserve,, decreased, 145,000 pounds, Government securiti s unchanges. The proportion of the bank's re- serve to Habllity this week is 47.70 p. c; Last week it was 49.53 p. . WINNIPEG CHURCH BURNED (W. A. P. Dispateh) Winhipeg, Nov, 1 Emmanuel Bap- tist church on Sherbrooke Street, N., Was gutted this morning. The fire started et-nine-o clock and lasted for two and a half hours, with a loss of 25,000. The church had been with- out a pastor all summer, and had on- ly recently installed a new pastor in Rev. Mr. Albert. The cause of the fire is unknown, REFUSED TO QUESTIO (W. ALP. Dispateh) Chicago, Ill., Nov. 1 Declaring that. information which came for him in his capacity as attorney is confidental and privileged under the ruling of the courts, Cyrus Bentley, former counsel for the McCormick Harvester: Company, yesterday de- clined. to-mhswer Fions regarding Pheld imsNew York prior to the Organiz: of the Interna- tional: Harvester Company, when ca led ds witness in the govern- ment'x dissolution suit. REMEMBER THE CURLERS Fespesctive hom s to vote next Tues- . Specials North Balf of Block 20, 150 er lot, cash. TORONTO STREET- Hill Division, Block 19, Lots 9 and 10, 650. CHARMING PRO- PERTY on Esplanade oyerlook- ing river, 100 feet in Block D, Lots 5 and 6, 300 feet long, with shack let at 15 per month. Price for Jot 6500. We have tivo very cheap Acreage propositions at remarkable prices, : North half of Block 3 near cement plant, also southeast quar- ter of 5, 13, 6. These vii both will change hands this week. A special corner on Bridge St... North Yuill, 50 fe t, for 1600. Block 2,,lots 27 and 28. Block 9. and Block two 50-foot lots 900 each. Hill Division Plenty of lots at 200 each. 1; for, Pingle, Wales Bell DELAYS GUNMEN S TRIAL New York, District Attor- ney Asks for Two Hund- red Talesmen. . CW. AL P. Dispateh) New York, Nov. 1. The State's de- termination to delay the trials of the four gangsters, indicted with Charles Becker for the murder of Herman Rosenthal, was indicated yesterday when District Attorney Whitman mov- ed before Justice Goff for a special panel of two hundred talesmen to be summoned to appear on November 8. REMEMBER THE. CURLERS MEETING IN THE COURT ROOM, CITY HALL, TONIGHT. Societies associated witb the Brit- ish General Federation of Trade Un- fons have. nin hundred thousand members, BROWN S IN TOWN Who is Brown? Why; call at his address, 386 Toronto Street. Special Snaps . HERE S TWO Brick House 4 roonts, 50 foot lot, Factory St. 500 cash, bal- PLAIN SEWING DON Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, ete,, ads under thea neadings. 25 words, one day .. ., 26 25 words, three days .. 50 25 words, six days .. .. 1.00 Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for less than 26 cents. Cash must accompany the order, Phone your ad to No. 13 ring 2, and it will receive attention. ABLY WANTED. WANTED CARPENTERS, APPLY A, Dickinson, Elliott House, Toronto St. sett WANTED GENERAL SERVANT. at once. Family of two. One who can sleep at home preferred. Apply 618 Fourth Ave. 96-3 WANTED GIRL TO DO GENERAL. house. work. Apply 118 Balmoral St. East. 95-8 WANTED EXPERIENCED HOUSE maid. Apply to Mra. D. 8. Kennedy, 781 Braemar, or P. 0, box 681. 96tf ht os WANTED ENGINEER WITH SEC- ond class papers; natural gas fuel. Steady work, good pay. Alberta Or- namental Iron Co., Redcliff. 94-6 WANTED CHAMBERMAID. APPLY housekeeper, Assiniboia Hotel. 94-3 BOY WANTED TO DELIVER PAR- cels and make himself generally use- ful around store. Must be over fif- teen years old. Turpin Bros. 92-tf WANTED MAID. APPLY TO A. P. Burns, Esplanade. 92-tf) CARPENTERS AND LABORERS wanted. Apply Crossley Bros, 729 Lockwood. St.. Phone 569 20-tf WANTED GENERAL SERVANT. Apply 603 Main Street or at the Can- adian Bank of Commerce. 90-tf WANTED CAPABLE MAID FOR general housework. Highest wages paid. Apply 734 Esplanade. 0-tf. WANTED LABORERS. APPLY ON the job across the river, R, C. Chureh. 89-tf WANTED--CARPENTERS. HIGHEST wages. Apply Odd Fellows job, To- ronto St, 89-tf BRICKLAYERS WANTED ON THE Ogilvie Flour Mill job. Telephone 787, Job Office. Canadian Stewart Co,, Limited, 75-tt GOOD GENERAL HOUSEMAID wanted. , Apply James Hargrave, Phone 302 or P.O, Box 26. 87-tf WANTED CARPENTERS. APPLY A. Dickinson, ENictt House, 6th Ave- nue, sett WANTED PORTER. APPLY COS- mopolitan Hotel. 83-tt WANTED CARPENTERS. APPLY A. Dickinson, Hotel Cecil. seer TWO GORDON PRESS FEEDERS Wanted at once. Apply to foreman News Job Department. tt BRICKLAYERS WANTED ON THE Ogilvie Flour Mill job, Wednesday morning. Telephone 78 , Job Office, or Assiniboia. Hotel evenings. Can- adian Stewart Co, Limited. 75-tf. WANTED AT ONCE 50 carpenters on Ogilvie Mill job, Boarding camp on site: Canadian Stewart Co, Lad. B8-tf ANTED Men and women to lea: eee trade, Summer rate aon on. Situations guaranteed. Special Tates to ladies. Particulars and cata- logue free. Moler College, 609 Cen- tre St, Calgary, 2osatt SITUATIONS WANTED, . 949 EAST Allowance, 96-3 Sr SITUATION WANTEIS AS GERMAN storekeeper. Six years experience. Talk German and English. Apply Reinhold Schafer, general delivery; ance- 25 monthly. 5 room Co Bliza- beth, 2100. Terms, 500 cash, balance 25 monthly. BUNCHES MORE We are also Custom Brokers and Specialists In Rallroad work will check your freight bills and save you money. Labor Agents, Steamship and In- surance. Property owners give us your Listings and have them posted here and at our branches, Posts and Lumber sale. Olson Brown Pence P.O, city. (988) ROOMS TO RENT. FOR SALE rs FOR SALE SQUARW PIANO DO FOR SALE SQUARE PIANO. APPLY 100 Main st 96-1 Se eS FOR SALE ENTIRE SEI OF house holt goods and furniture, ih good condition. Cheap for cash. To be sold in one lot. 619 North Rallway St. 95-2 SS FOR SALE HORSE, GENTLE TO drive and ride, Also buggy and har- ness. Apply box 163 City, 4-8 FOR SALE A FINE LOT OF MAR- Quis seed wheat, grown on now breaking. 2.00 per bushel. 0.J. Mo- Gee, Redvers, Sask, 81 .-30 LOST AND FOUND FOUND GREY TWEED OVERCOAT on Bridge Street. Owner may have ram by proving ownership and pay- ing for advertisement. Alberta Taxi Company, 95-3. ene s cit LOST BETWEEN MEDICINE HAT and Redcliff, auto tail lamp. Finder Please leave at News office, 94-8 LOST ONE SMALL INSIDE BROWN leather purso, containing sum of money. Reward when delivered. Ply 419 Main st. : oa en LOST, BETWEEN TASSIZ BROS. and Elm St. purse containing sum of money and keys. Box 1392 News office, 92-6 Ce a TO EXCHANGE WILL TRADE FOR MEDICINE HAT lots or acreage close in, building 24 by 60 ft, two stories, in centre of Main Street, opposite depot, in. Gra- num. Ground floor used as pool hall with three pool tables upstairs. Has club rooms. Everything goes for 5,000.00. Ww. Stevenson, 618, 20th Ave. W., Calgary, Alta. 1 pe nt RES WANTED TO PURCHASE Se OWNERS ONLY (NO AGENTS) hav- ing land for sale in Townships Ele- ven, Twelve and Thirteen, Range Six, or in Township Twelve, Range Five, Please state location, lowest price per acre, terms and full particulars by letter only. Address Berkeley, 2650 York Street, Vancouver;-B. C. . 94-6 WANTED TO BUY Building lots im Old Survey, Herald or Central Park. Give prices, terms, ete., to P. 0. Box 510. Owners only need apply. hele eee ae + + -88-tf, WANTED CLEAN COTTON RAGS. Apply 377 Esplanade. 62-tt est ae See 0 ees STRAYED ee ee Sears 25 REWARD THE ABOVE WILB be paid for information that will lead to the recovery of one grey gelding, weighing about 1800, branded either H. F, monogram on left shoulder, or ) on left thigh. This horse is four years old and has trim- med tail. R. B. Starks, Medicine Hat. Sept. 30, 1912. fate a Oe AUCTIONEERS H:- 8. BROWNE CO, Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor- onto St. Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch and farm stock sales conducted any- where, House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere. Consult us, our ex- perience at your disposal free. Phoae 703. H, B, Browne Co, Tonto St. . A HENDERSON CO., chartered accountants and auditors, (estab- lished 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- bridge. A. E. Gibson, C.A, resident Partner. Phone 198. Burns Block. 275att CORSETIERRE SPIRELLA CORSETS MADE TO light weight. House No. 7, School Ay- enue, opposite east side of high school. Phone 699 for appointment or write P, 0. box 72, Mrs, Matthews. MISCELLANEOUs ANY SMALL JOBS OF CONTRACT- ing, either carpentering, painting, la- boring, plumbing, engineering, ete, TO RENT FURNISHED ROOM FOR two gentlemen. Phone 559. 96-6 BRIGHT DOUBLE BEDDED ROOM, private house, bath, etc., close in. 426 Toronto St. 95-3 fie eee TO RENT FURNISHED ROOM IN private family. House modera, cen- tral location. Lady preferred. Apply box 1895 News office. 95-3 TO RENT A DOUBLE ROOM SUIT- able for two gentlemen: Apply 721 E. Allowance. 91-6 ROOMS AND BOARD. WANTED WANTED ROOM AND BOARD FOR man and wife. Private house, oF rooms for light house keeping, close in... Willing to pay 60,00 per month. Apply 1396 News office. 95-8 OakesEverard Co. REAL ESTATE. MAIN STREET, PHONE 556. 365, MEDICAL DR. W. M. ANDERSON Physician and Surgeon. Office above Assinibola Music Store. Office hours A. M. 10 to 12; P. M. 2 to 4, 7 to 8,30.. Resi- Listings Wanted. MEETING IN THE COURT ROOM, CITY HALL, TONIGHT. Ste us for good buys In Hilt, North Yuill and Powell. dence 512 Roy St. Residence phone 708, 0. 19-1m will be undertaken by the undersign- ed. Estimates given. Patrick Mac- Court, 728 Third Ave., or general de- livery, city postoffice, 89-tf MEDICINE HAT HIDE, ie JUNK CO, The above i on hand the best selection of Second, Hand .Tools-im the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new: and Second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Bugg and 8 alce new line of winter goods. We buy everything meztioned above and pay the best prices. Call at 604 South Ratiway St. or Phone 587, w te eS WANTED LADIES AND. GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Jewerry, guns, revolvers, valises, suit cases, stoves, musical Instrumente, turnitune, Democrat waggons, bug. gies, harness, Dbleycles. carpenter tools, etc., raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and f thers, bought and sold. Apply to the Harvard Tatloring Co, 312 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamiand theatre. P. O. box. 368,, Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for the above. dors for army the King of det with the Ferdinand you ke, but are ne many there afe gre suck. Now, it Alask: Juneau, A Gorman, resid past twenty-fi week, One of his is participat c remonics a Mr, Gorman s among the n first pioneers his friends fi acknowledgins Fortur Not Actua in Shape POP Sex distrib: the United St cussed ina by the censu the count of males in 191 Salifornia, 12 Wyoming, 168 tion was mad 179,2-males te The excess greater in th ities and tox 1099 males country and females inc gt; SE ee + + PLAYS + Peet: Milestones Un. Anna Eva 1 stage. Harry Bulg vaudeville. Frank Rele Russel s old Pettic Alta Phipps Winning Wide colds. in priva: Paul Armst new play, T s Angeles The Harris will -reopen James Forbes Man's Sin, Tda St. Leor of the Circus, play. under th Stern.
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Image 804 (1912-11-01), from microfilm reel 804, (CU1740016). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.