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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Weidey, December 20th 1912. erg dearer Serer spaedeteceetededes PPO PESO SOS SO EE INQ. APPLY 491 ig eS POSSESS SPIO III oOe ox 981, Medicine Hat. i for Xmas Gifts /4 fw tines + a ; ve f . : Choose from re 3 : ee i shag GU BODES EN BOARD, MOROOUO roe . - When Yovre in Doubt as to we aS Suitable Gifts for your friends 136-6t. AND LEATHER COVERS. BEAUTIFUL CALENDARS FOR at grown on per bushel, 0. XMAS AND NEW YEAR CARDS IN J ATTRAC. f Ss come inand inspect our stock TIVE DESIGNS. ry LEATHER GOODS OF ALL, KINDS, eae We have the LARGEST and the BEST ASSORTED display of Christmas. Gift LADIES HAND BAGS. MILITARY HAIR BRUSHES. TOILET SETTS AND CASES. Goods in the city. Whether you want some- thing simply dainty and attractive, or want to combine these two qualities with usefulness, we m on left shoulder, or MANICURE SETTS. XMAS PAPETERIES IN FANOY BOXES. believe you can get what you want here. thigh. This horse is s ? ars old and has trim- gt; FOUNTAIN PENS. CHILDREN S BOOKS AND ANNUALS. , Starks, Medicine Hat. 2) s eott , gt; of terms; 15000 joining sold for 200. ALE FIRST CLASS 1d case, Every necea- THERMOS BOTTLES. SHAVING SETS. SAFETY RAZOR OUTFITS. CHOCOLATES IN PLAIN AND FANCY . BOXES. PERFUMES AND ATOMIZERS. The above are merely offered as ions. We respectfully invite you to call at your convenience and inspect our display. Foeoesooesoasssoes me rmation that will lead y. of one grey gelding, , 1300, branded either ELLASEOLS OPEN EVENINGS RS AND - WINDOWS neral repairers orders ool S ae Book Store ance pF bone oe vee 3 RPENED PAR ground, can have same. st class manner at the Main St. J. Halw: fi ASSES EVERY MO ny and Friday. Ary ade for out-of-town of 8 if desired. K. Her GREAT SACRIFICE OF FRAIL WOMEN Bright Feature Which Stands Out Among the Stories of the War. relry, Rifles, Guns, Buggies, Har iN EFFICIENT HEROISM ychiag mettionsd: shir wo Old Ladies, Miss. Alt best prices. Call at 60 and Mme. Schneider Care y Bor Ehons 65 , for Wounded. See One bright feature of the war ae, nds out, the herole, and, better ices Pon ill, the efficient work ot a self-sac- STAe Gas inc ea ficing little band of men and wo- 6.00. Don't forget it, a esa ate dsyovine; tacit: Bree: ta : fe alleviation of suffering. Their names, which deserve to be ten in letters of gold, are as fol- Miss Alt, Mme. Schneider, the ev. Robert. Frew, the Hon. Maurice opposite Dream laring, Mr. Hoffman Philip and Ma- 295, .D. Davis, Pr br F, 8. Ford. Sag 119 Miss Alt is a frail, aged Swiss Will there be a Victtola in your home this Christmas? You can search the whole world over and not find another gift that will bring so much pleasure to every member of family. 20 32.50 52 65 1 100 135 200 250 Any His Master s Voice dealer in any town or city in Canada will gladly play any music you wish to hear. BERLINER GRAM-O-PHONE CO., TAMITED, MONTREAL. and Clothing, Cluck: E BEST PRICES FO) furniture, tools, sto raw hides and furs. Cs The Assiniboia Music Co. UCTIONEERS WNE CO., Live Bto ral Auctioneers, 619 To ck Sales every juare at 1 o'lock. ek sales conducted ga se furniture sales nere. Consult us, our our disposal free. Pho Browne: Co., 519 ERLEE, LIVE STOCK tloneer. Sales on marl ; Right price, Office, . O, box 826, Med RED ACCOUNTANTS DERSON CO., charter nts and auditors, ( 4 auditors, city of Medic eg, Medicine Hat, Le E, Gibsot, C.A., resid pone 198. Burns. Bl 275 ;ORSETIERRE LI CORSETS MADE i aranteed for one aking and rusting; 4q House No. 7, School 4g Ite east side of bi 3 699 for appointment box 72, Mrs, Matthew dy, with snow white hair, and me. Schneider is a little Hungar woman of about 60. Mr, Baring the well known writer, journalist nd playwright; Mr. Frew the pastor the Scottish church. Mr. Philip a secretary to the American -) m who Volunteered for the ble work because he could not in- ce the Red Crescent representa to undertake the task. Major ford was in chdrge of ward for oumded, but gave up that work for far more arduous and perilous, ork of tending the cholera patients. Of Miss Altt What can one say of Hi noble woman to do justice to jPicture a grand, whit Jady, with bent back, dfro amid the stricken ling them in their filthy, condition, feeding them, giving m medicine and doing everything. power to increase their o rt om the cold, hard ground, vie Picture beside her a cheerful-taced gtey-haired lady, Mme. Schnei- yegoing about with a heavy pail hot soup. Before these Europeans and these fo heroic women were the first ok over command of the camp, un- Wwited, the conditions were unspeak- bly worse even than they are to- hy. The dead were left on the ound, untouched, untended,+ un- loved: There was filth everywhere e first railway double-track to used in British Columbia has been jecd in operation betwen Vaneou- The only store in the Hat.with a full line of Victor Talking Machines and Records. This is oun TENTH XMAS in Medicine Hat and we have handled these Machines all the time. THERE- FORE, we know what to buy.and how to buy and YOU GET THE BENE- FIT. - The Rush is now on. Call and select your machine right away. PRIVATE SOUND-PROOF ROOMS. OPEN EVENINGS. 212 South Railway Street. If you spend ten hours every day in our store playing our Victor records all the time, it will take you three weeks to run through our entire stock try it. Our Victor stock will more than doub- Je any other in the city. We keep permanently In stock every double-sided Yictor record that 1s made. Medicine Hat Music Co. Under the Big Fiddle. S. Railway St. edicine Hat UNCER THE BIG FIDDLE. Vietor-Vietrola XIV, 200 The eee pen Musit mpany Moving 1 to Hull :
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Image 1177 (1912-12-20), from microfilm reel 1177, (CU1740417). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.