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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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GALVESTON WINS TN WAR WITH THE Claimed a Tremendous Toll. 7.000 LOST LIVES D0 AK iy Great. Engineering--V * Has Sto) the Gatveston s long wartare - Agalnat wind and sea, marked twelve Gulf of Mexico have Claimed mendous toll in property and, hunjan livesThe climax came a dosen years ago today, on Sept. 9, 1900, when a violent tornado and flood swept over future onslaughts of wind and waves. While many left the'clty, the: majority decided to with the and this triumph in the completion. of great: engineering works at a cost they will. The twelfth anniv great flood finds Galveston - by a great sea wall five es 2 and seventeen fest high in the air, Sixteen million cubic yards of sand were pumped from the bed of, the ocean to ralse the grade to. this 224 tevel. Galveston Island is now trans- formed into a, peninsula By. the causeway to the mainland. The -city has algo been raised even with the top of the sea wall. All of thin:has. been accomplished by a muni ry that twelve years ago was ed and bankrupt. ae The adoption of a co . form of government was. Galv first step . Then came: the sea stretches along the entire side of the city fating the south on the Mexican women. over twenty-five years is be- that the entire city must be raised. A canal was cut through the city, all hotses were raised on pilings, street ars Were run on trestles and elevated Streets while the work of bringing sand from the ocean to build up. the brick paved automobile speedway was built, ordered by promenades that overlook the Gulf. Next the the causeway connecting Island and mainiand was completed, at a cost of 2,500,000. Private enterprise has also been busy and has made Galves ton 2 summer resort city lt;for the People of the entire southwest. The women, with an eye to teauty, were instrumental in having planted thou- sands of tropical palms along the streets, while boulevards and parks are resplendent with the flow shrubs which gave Galveston the Rame of the Oleander city, The history of Chicago and San Francis- o and of other cities laid low by fire or storm has been repeated in the Texas coast city, Twenty-nine years ago. toady mew transcontinental railway was Placed at the disposal of the Ameri- can people by the opening of traffic of the Northern Pacific line. The original road was 1,674 miles long, Jextending from Superior City, Wis., to Walhalla Junction, on the Colum- Dia River. Since then it has been greatly extended. No Order too large or too small for the News Job Department. Give us a tial, Considering it's the. unexpected that always happens, it's a wonder we don t expect it. Bathing at Banff CANADIAN ROCKY MOUNTAINS Banff Springs Hotel FINEST BATHING FACILITIES IN AMERICA Seiniving post 8 fe ey oie, StuuCircar fresh Water BB po. 20 ft. Stemlan Bathe in chase ae eee. 4 rooms Jong been known re Properties of its For intonation ren ing Hotel atee THE AMERICAN BANKERS (Special to the News) Detroit, tLousand banker sections of th ed of finan Detroit today to eighth an representing nd all clase: stitutions, arrived 41 ke part in thirty- 1 convention of the Am- erlean Bankers Association. A ii et- ing of the executive council was held at, the Hotsl Pontchartrain tais after- oon to complete the fiunt details of programme. William Livingstone of this city, president of the association will call the gather- ing to order In the Detroit opera house tomorrow mornin u al Sessions will continue over Friday nd wilt be,interspersed withthe. pmeetings of the sections dealing with trust companies, savings banks ant if clearing houses, The delegates ex Dect the meeting to be one of mast Important the association bas vheld in some years. The address of orge N. Reynolds of Chicago, on Phe Mouey Trust Inquiry, is awalt- ed with particular jnterest 1S A: WOWAN YOUNG AT 227 IN-NEW YORK WIND AND SEA All Storms Have For Years the convention ago today by a terrible defeat has at Jast been crowned with ae the Texas seaport city Island was first settled in 1837, the tropical storms that rage over, the A ly different is the attitude as- by the New York board. : oWhat an absurd idea the sea rage and the wind how as i. eclaiin x Wer have no age limit in New Said Miss Mary Louise Allen, s erttary: of L its mem ersaty of the yoy. the publicity -depsit-lih, But we give the girls, the preference, as a rule. Weare not: affiliated in any way with the Chicago association. tike then, we have no direct rule as to anjage limits Jn every large city more than.50 per cont. of the girls building of a two mile coneretel who arrive daily. and whose aim is ake a living for themselves are twenty-five years of age: In et them, we must ssarily-hav some. restrictions. i a young woman's home, re were to all the older women who come homes, our as- younger: porder to take an old wom: PS home. Yooking for fon would be termed an I believe the reason Chicago's placing the ban on all financed largelxy at home, and which Gulf a solid and staunch rampart ofheause they believe, steel reinforced concrete, bidding once a-woman pas es that age she eflance to the ses. The entire mas has reached the age of - diecretion of the wall rests on piling driven forty feet in clay and faced with huge blocks of Texas granite. Their sea wall completed, the people of Galves- ton were not eatisfied. They decided as we do, that and. ean take care of herself. When young girls come to this city alone they need protection and some one to take care of them. The Christian Associ tion is the only place they can go where they feel they Young Women s are perfectly There are so many pitfalls for a young girl that it is only by the aid-of a guiding hand that she is kept on the Plank walks were built along the: straight path. Nearly all girls from other towns know of Islandwas in progress: -A wide our association; and so they escape many dangers. We have not half the amount of room that is needed, and our girls are sent to ail parts of the city. our rooms are occupied by older wo- men the young girls muct necessarily be turned away. woman has passed thirty take care of herself. she is in danger and can avoid places that would do her harm. As conditions Usually, when a she can She knows when stand today we have no need to name an age limit. We have not enough rooms to house The majority of our girls, however, are always willing to Place to a younger and more inexperienced girl. They real- ize the danger of a big city and so do.all in their power to help us out of difficuities. Klondyhe Pioneer Leaves Bequests Estate of Joe Barrette Said to Have Been Worth Over Forty Thousand Dollars. Dawson, Lagare Barrette. a heavy Vancouver property owner better known as Joe Barrette, Klondike pioneer, has beed the clerk of the Yukon Provides for several be- quests to nieces and nephews leaves the bulk of the estate, com Prising chiefly real estate in Van- Seattle, to be divided equally between the two brothers of the deceased, Norbet, of Seattle, and Noe, of St. Barthelmy, County Ber- The estate is und r- Stood to be worth 30,000 to 45,000. a Tf you knew of the rea value of Chamberlain's back, soreness o many girls. give their 6 The wilt of filed with Heavy Rain Would Pre- vent Them, thier, Quebec Liniment for lame 1 muscles, sprain: and rheumatic pains, you should nev er wish to be without it. For sate by all dealers, The Daily News delivered in Norfolk, City 35 a month, SAYS FATHER ROVIER Cleric -Who Wintered at esting Particulars of the Indians. ONE WIFE IS ENOUGH Representatives of Denomi- nations Will Carry Gos- Who wintered at Dismal Lake, near the Copper: Mine River, was with the so-called wild Huskies last winter, 4nd reporti them not savage. Such is the statement. mage by Joseph Jac- w frived a few days ago Jaequot says: Tribe Friendly. Steffahson and Anderson reported rf Huskies a Your ported: that these natives had never seen white man, Many exaggerated reports. were spread. Some said they still hunted with bows and arrows, A part of the reports may ve true but Father Rovier of the Catholic Church says that he wintered near the tribe and found them fri vvery sald that to his teachings at- tentively. hey believe, he states in only one wife for each man. The father says that Henbury, the explorer, was wrong when he stated a people. in that region abandoned th ir fathers jand mothers when old and left them to die withght help....He also says the members oftlie tribe are fond of thee children. a Father -Rovier ig going back, ac- was in Labrador. Mz. Fry of. the hurch of England will also go Into e same vicinity via Cfipe Peary. I hope both: parties have success. ? 3 Made, od Time. Facquot, who came to Dawson last spring in the record time of twelve days from Macpherson with dogs, was accompanied by Albert Ross, the Indian who Met the illtated Fitzger ald party on the same trail a year be- fore. Going back from Dawson. Jacquot left here March 17 and went to Wind river, where he awaited the opening of the stream. The river opened there May 13. Jacquot made a boat at the mouth of the Bonnet May 26. He says he foi son then short of grub, but).alj--in good humor. Steffanson, who wintered on the Arctic coast last winter, continued Jacquot, took a ship this spring for Seattle via. Point Barrow. Steffan son went forward along the in the spring with the dogs to mogt,t ne revenue cutter. .Anderson remain at. Herschel Island to take the whaler Belvedere for the outside. Two more constables have arrived at Macpherson for the R. N. M. mounted police One is W. A. John- son, who was three and a half years exploring the country where the wild buffalo still roam, near Fort Smith. Sergeant Somer, two constables and Dr Wilson-of- the p lice service will remain at Macpherson the com- ing winter. It 1s understood there will be no ship at Herschel Island next winter, but that the Rosie, Capt. Anderson, will be at Bailey Island. Two Montenegrins Wanted in Europe Alleged to Have Stolen Eighty Thousand Dollars in Stamps at Cettinje From the Post Office. Red Lodge, Mont., Sept. 6 Wanted for the alleged theft two Years ago of 80,000 worth of post- age stamps from the postoffice at Cettinge, Montenegro, two Monte- negrins were taken into custody at Bear Creek today by a deputy form the sheriff's office. The men arrested are brothers and have been going under the name of Popvitch. Their correct name is said to be Yaboutchanine, ARMY MANOEUVRES Feared--That the Recent (W. A. P. Cable.) Londan, Sept. 7. The most inter - esting army manoeuvre held in ng land, which it was feared the inum- dation of the country by rains might Drevent,. will begin Monday and con- tinne-until- September 20. s The repulse of a German invasion. is conjectured will furnish the gen- ral scheme for the operations since the manoeuvres adjoin the eastern coast Himes. Inspired articles in the atheory. The area covered will be Huntingdon, Bedford and Campk dge, That which is done in a second is Often regretted in a lifetime. T EVENING GOWN TRIBE NOT SAVAGE s * Dismal Lake Gives Inter- PS belie the Wild Huskies 7 Dawson Sepe -T FaNer ROVEF. from the mouth of the Mackenzie. Fortunes in Tea Pid you-ever learn to tell fortunes fm teacups? Some of There's nothing in it. you say: Its just A lover ( ith r main or-woman, be cause sometimes you have pink tea nted by a number one figure stands Twd' Gots side by side-meanan en gagement. An offer of marriage is shown figure kneeling in the cup: A group of dots, three in w:voWw, means that the offer wi be accepted. Without them chance. Three large dots in the shape of parallelogram will watching. These mean fliness, aad news, or loss t dots in trisngular the contrary go Parties) is rep ot dots in whic separate. Plume and got to Macpherson in ith pnd. Manphers lover has no f money. Three large shape mean just n ws, good fortune and good i if you are awaiting following aigns will telliyon ust. what Four dots in a square tell A dot within to expect: of an important letter. the square or just outside means there is something im Ne letter which you will be glad to hear or something you check, *f the article or thing advertis- im the epistle. A long journey is indica ; Jong exter nied. line-of dots mn way A group of dots around the cup. i i i Hi Fe Taken by Sheriff Nb I a ii it i iE i La Ze EE F 5 i ai i : i e ip 24 i fe g G I ; 3 yf R from a stale loaf, put gican imualin bag, tle the bag jp, and gently rub it with r a few minutes. The crumbs will then be fine enough for A small want ad in The Daily News Classified Column will bring results. Subscribe now for Ths Datiy News. Dr. Martells FemalePills newspapers, however, depreciate such Nineteen Years the Standard Prescribed and recommended for scientifically Suffold, Essex, Hertford, women's ailments, Pingle; Wales Bell 4th Ave. corner of Esplanade, Half-minute past Post Office. PHONE 721. Beg to announce to the public that they have received in- strietions from the owner to dispose of the following valu- Able lots and they call special attention to them as good buys, On Broadway, facing river and city, Block 18, Lots 9 and 10; 750 pair. Terms. RIVERSIDE Block 19, Lots 46 to 52, to be sold singly or in pairs; 350 each -or 650 in- pairs. Terms. CENTRAL PARK Corner in Block 24, Lots 37 to 40; price 1575 the lot; cash. Block 8, Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, facing river. Price 750 the pair. + NOTICE TO *-their a + effect. Pe + PEPE EEE Ee PeeeSEET TES EES 2 A GOOD WANT AD. Is, of course, one which will W'omakes, certain the quicker sale, ait. efe The Want Ad. is the brief- sh est kind of an sd. that is ever h written, and hence in its brev- +b ity there must be wit-wisdom. The Want Ad. can only inter- PoO8t the reader on the basis of interest. Each ceader is ch interested in each and all of *h the five essentials to every h Went Ad. These esaentia's, * in the order nt their impor f ance, are, first, the names of ie ed; second the quality of the F article or the kind of thing ads : Paes the article or thing advertis- ed; fourth, the address, Cphone, or street number) of the advertiser, and, fifth, the name of the advertiser. When the above essentials are Tully and truthfully atat- ed in the Want Ad, the best Tesults are obtained; but in Proportion tothe number of these essentials omitted from the Ad., does the advert- iser curtail the results to his Ad. - Each Want Ad. is an opportunity; lobk for them in The News, Phone 13, Woke food eho ode eke fools he feof he ofe eed ke AUCTIONEERS Specialty. Prices right. Call Drepared remedy of proven worth. although the first week's operations The result from their use is quick will be confined to Norfolk and Cam- bridge. . and permanent, For sale stores, 7 CETTE EE EEE Ee - g Fe + ADVER' RS + * a ree + Patrons of the News + ** who desire to change * ereafter have to + leave the copy Yor the srew * Same in the business + office the day before * + the issue in which they + + wish the change to take - + the greatest nuitiber of PY +t replies or answers. It is a Te Jaw that increased demand Be eck oheobe ook debe ode obo obe ole ode obesteoht he sbeobesbeode obese ooh beh ob deeb onto St, Stock Sales every Friday Market Square at 1 o clock. Rancb iniz; wool and t ithers, bought an Braemar St. or vicinity sold. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co, 31 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. P. 0, box 368 Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for the above. 28D Address Box 566, city. THE MEDICINE HAT-HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hard the best selection of Second Hand Tools tm the city. We carry /and 3rd Ave, Fine location for any Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new business, Reasonable rent, Living and second hand Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, Riftes, Guns, Re sion, Repairs and overhauling will be yolvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, done. Apply to G. G. MacBean Co and a nice new line of winter goods. Imperial Bank building. Loatt We buy everything mentioned above - at all drug 2Nd pay the best prices. Call at G0s/TO RENT 5 ROOM MODERN .0.4-10mo, South Raflway Bt. or Phone 687. t house. Apply 639 Montreal St, 51-1t Clocks these headings. 86 words, one day .. .. 26 26. words, three days .. 50 25 words, eix daya .. .. 1.00 Additional words at same rate, No ad accepted for lose thin 26 cents. Cash must adcompany the order. Phone-your ad to No, 18 ring 2, and it wileresetve attention. HELY WANTED, I Yaborere, 3 per day, on pipe line work:at Bow Island. Ap- ply International (Supply Co, phone 763, s 36-tt foreman to take charge of laying wooden street crossings. Apply City Bngineer s office. A. K. Grimmer, City Engineer. doe 'WVANTED Laborers by the Canad- lan Stewart Co, 30c per hour Apply Ogilvie MILL site 24-tt WANTED AT ONCE 50 carpenters on Ogilvie Mill job, Boarding camp jon site. Canadian Stewart ne girl Anoly Si-tt WANTED Servant girl, 20 a month, Apply to Mrs. W. Hig- gins. P.O. box 773. ai-tt WANTED Men and women to learn barber trade, Summer rate now on. Situations guaranteed. Special Tates to Indies. Particulars and cata- logue free. Moler College, 609 Cen- tre St. Calgary. + Soddtt WANTED 2 ENERGETIC SALES- making from 50 to 100 weekly. Best selling Proposition on the market. Every assistance given. Ask for Mr, Hill- house, Room 4, News Building, 51-6 GENERAL SERVANT WANTED Apply to Mrs. J.C. Hargrave. 51-tf DRIVER WANTED ONE WHO knows the city. Apply Hewitt Armstrong, B1-8t WANTED EXPERIENCED BOOK- KEEPER and Stenographer. Apply Hollinger Agency. 51-3t WAN Apply Mrs. E. B. Lively, Sugar Bowl, ? Main Street: 49-tt WANTED GENERAL SERVANT. Apply Mrs. A.C. Hawthorne, 713 Toronto St. a 49-tf WANTED AN EXPERIENCED female cook. Apply Merchants Bank. 49-tt could sleep home. Call at J. H. Everson s grocery store, 512 High- land St. Phone 755. 49-3t housework. Apply 123 Toronto St, 44t? WANTED MESSENGER BOY. AP- PLY C. P. R. telegraph office, Toron- to St. Phone 114. 50-1 5 years. Apply at 801 Toronto St. AT-tt WANTED NURSEMAID TO HELP. in care of four children. Eldest 5 years, Apply 801 Toronto St. 47-tf WANTED A THAMSTER, APPLY Gas City Lumber Co. 50-8 SITUATIONS WANTED, ANTED Young indy desires po- 5 years business experience, . B, BROWNE OO, Live Sto APPIY H. Gy post office box 818. s0tt WANTED TO BUY WWANTED TO BUY Bullding lots y-lin Old Survey, Herald or Central Park. Give prices, terms, etc., to P. 0. Box 510. Owners only need apply. STOCK-AND FURNITURE SALE a Herald, Cousins and Sissons and Cen- of tral Park. Apply write P. O. box 826, 102 Main st, Medicine Hat, Alta, Medicine Fat. G. L. Satterlee. 44-8 will buy furniture for cash. Freedman, 231 Braemar. Situations Wanted, Help Wauted, For Sale, Lost, Found, etc,, ads under LOST AND FOUND LOST ON. BRAEMAR FOURTH Ave. or On Sixth Ave, ahd Montreal St, gentlema Bold-filled wateh ang fob. Initials J. B.S. engraved on fob. Finder please eave watch at J. BE. Stoddart's, Jewelery Store, Matn St, G1-8t SS EEREET LEER 5c LOST ON SATURDAY NIGHT BE- TWEEN Bowling Alley and Dream- lund Theatre, 9 hand-carved ring, of Uttle value to any but; owner. Ro- ward to finder upon leaving at News office, i LOST AT EXHIBITION GROUNDS on Thursday, diamond ring, small size, Return to Mr. Turpiti, 687 Main St. Reward given, 45-t2 a Eee Sane LOST SMALL BLACK PURSE Containing sim ot please leave at News office and re- colve reward, g0.3t BUSINESS CHANCES. PARTNER WITH 2,000 WANTED- 4m good paying retail business in Medicine Hat. Silent or working. Apply Box 1347, News offices 50-3t e ROOMS WANTED, fees Soames ey WANTED TWO FURNISHED School. Apply Mis Box 74 Spee en, FOR SALE SS GAME LICENSES FOR SALE AT Marshall-Mitchell Hardware Store. Toronto Street. 51-3t FOR SALE FOUR BURNER Mc- CLARY gas stove in govd condition. Apply 114 Montreal 8. Bast: 49-3t YEGETABLES FOR SALH I HAVE for sale green tomatoes, onions, cab- bage, turnips, carrots, celery, ete. These Vegetables will be delivirea any time by applying to P.O. Box 206, Medicine Hat. 47-6 FOR SALE A FINE FIRST GLASS boarding house, central location; 12 steady boarders; furniture and bu l- nese. Apply-box 932. 49.6 OFFICES TO RENT. ee TO RENT FINE LARGE OFFICE 20x24 size, corner 4th Ave. and Main St, upstairs in News block. ; Modern Conveniences and -well light- ed. -Very..central lccation in the city. Applyyat News -office. tt an BOARD AND ROOM. ROOM AND- BOARD APPLY 222 Montreal St, best BOARDERS WANTED WITH OR without room. Apply 308 Braemar Street. 50-6 sa ae Ss STRAYED STRAYED TWO WEEKS AGO from near Coleridge, two buckskin mares eight years old; one branded JM on left shoulder, other badly cut on ankles and hind knee, Reward Apply Alberta Clay Products-Co, 49-3 STRAYED ONE BROWN 4-YEAR old mare weighing about 1200. Halt er broken. Last seen at Bulls Head Lake making for Medicine Hat. .Re- Ward of 10 will be given for return of same vr any information that will lead to recovery of same. Branded rs) lett hip, and HJ.R8..on right Belding with white stripe on nose, Years old, and weight about 1300 Ibs. Brand. HF monogram on left should- er; one gtay gelding weighing about 1300 Ibe,, branded .) on left thigh. These horses were ) Pete Weiss on the 13th of May. R. E. Starks, Medicine Hat. 1 ate tee ate ee FURS. Se FURS FURS FURS LADIES* and gents fur coats remodelled. Own skins made up and dreesed. Apply J. W: Crisall, Medicine Hat, Agent for the Andre Van Veen Co, Phone 278. P.O, Box,726 Be 7-3m CN Danan W: 4 HENDERSON O,, chartered Sccounfants and auditors, (estab- lished 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- bridge. A. E, Gibson, C.A, resident Partner. Phone 198. Burns Block. A SUITE OF FURNISHED ROOMS wanted for light house keeping. Ap- Diy to News office, TO RENT , . TENANT WANTED for vacant store on the corner of Montreal Street overhead. Immediate posses- . GPIRELLA Corsets i ieee to meas- ure, guaranteed for one year against breaking or rusting. At office in Pinglo block, Main street, from 2 p. m. to 5 p.m. Office phone 694. At house, 7 school Avenue, opposite cast side of High School, in evening. House phone 699, or write P. 0. Bor 72, Mrs. Matthews, Au 22-3m Few, if any, medicines, have met with the uniform success that has tended the use of Chamberlain's Col- fe, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The remarkable cures of colle and diarrhoea which it has effected in almost every neighborhood bays given it a wide reputation. For sale by all dealers, rc Steep ae between post office and High shoulder. O'Connor Bros., Tast een at Soe ee Be ely ae Cu CALENDA Opening at, Syracus New. Je tennis tou town, N. Ohio St tournamen Opening champions Mancheste: Opening trotting m Start. of Winnipeg one Ri Burns, 20 Annual an Golf A treal. Opening the Ottaw Ont. Opening Ciren't Huron, Mi Opening cult trotth Opening ting meeti att mocko Johnny Peoria, Hl. Opening ing handic Northwe pionship t Seranton, Opening cult meetir Opening Wilmingtor ton Del. First hy meet in Western track and Palma t men of Ca Ottawa, 01
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Image 437 (1912-09-09), from microfilm reel 437, (CU1739645). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.