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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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October dth, 1912. FOR S4LE mace LS Ey SE R SALE WELL BUILT; ode rn hotise, with full block 87, Townslte. Only H COWS FOR SALE M. Cooper, eR ce: ia NTED TO RENT ca ) HOUSH,NOT TOO FAR months, No, children. Ad- a Rygs, Monarch Theatre, . ae TU RENE D -THE ABOVE WIL i formation that will lead wry of one grey gelding, / out 1300, branded either stam on left shoulder, or . eft thigh. This horse is years old and has trim- EB. Starke, Medicine Hat: 3 6ott MUSICAL FRED ROGERS, - TOR- atvatoty of Music. Tedeh Arrangements made at r phone 174. 73-3 ERED ACCOUNTANTS- DERSON CO., chartered nts and auditors, (estab- Wditors, city of Medicine , Medicine Hat, Leth- E. Gibson, C.A, resident hone 198. Burns Block, 276dtt ORSETIERRE Corsets made to meas- teed for one year against rusting. At office- in c, Main street, from 2 p. n. Offices phone 594. At 001 Avenue, opposite east sh School, in evening. e 699, or write P. 0, Box tthews. Av 22-3m AUCTIONEERS OWNE CO., Live Stock eral Auctioneers, 519 Tor stock Sales every Friday ; Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch tock sales conducted any- puse. furniture sales con- where, Consult us, our ex- your disposal free. Phone Browne Co, 619 To. issate ICINE HAT HIDE, FUR UNK CO. The above hive 6 best selection of Second s in the city. We carry Stoves and Bedding, new hand Clothing, lewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- agons. Buggies, Harness, new Iine of winter goods. erything mextioned above best prices. Call at 504 way St. or Phone 687. tf LADIB AND GENTS t clothing, shoes, watches, ms, revolvers, valises, sult es, musical instruments, Fourth avenue, opposite theatre, P. 0, box 358. The Best Prices Paid for 23Det L ESTATE VERARD CO, 365 1-2 Phone 556. Real Estate Royal Insurance Co. ct. 8. Great arrangements completed for the Interzia- haeological Congress, which t this month, with an at- of about 500 of the most archaeologists and- histor- all parts of the world. The ) be dealt with in the Con- prise preh storic, Oriental, ic, Italic, and Etruscan ar- the history of classic art, Roman antiquities, numis- ythology, history of religi- nt topography andChristian y. During the Congress be excursicns for the del- Ostia, the ancient port of a number of other places ; intereset. (LE OF AMERICAN RE- PORTERS. y two children played near . shed with matches. They ried. tomorrow. eat Bystem The News Job t hua every facility for sup- most satiatactory. e iow for The Daily News. Good Buys Pago *e 3 Aviat Aviator Meets Death Soseeoes pateattoeeateee gee tess Seether teceetedess Seely itp tp dip ate steatoatecte Recto tedtetioss PEPE OOOO p oO R T N FE; WwW G Svacessin Baton Swatfests in Balldom eedostocrtoatodtocrtosgeertentrete dostreretrtes eo oOLPeooSeeSeooehooeos Spaaaeacacacsaeaaany Worn and opreciated in Every Style Centre 2 th Century Brand fs Garments are known to a good many thousand men at their true value. They are with a word of should you ask. e are anxious that you, too, should know them. It means a good deal to know definitely where you can always get a good suit or over- coat sifould you need one. We are agents. Turpin Bros. The Man's Store Where You Get the Big Dollar's Worth exclusive Handsome Style Book showing 20 new. Suit-and 20 new Over- coat Models free on request. Tesreau, Bader, Dematee and Mey- ers; Rutker and-Miller. Philadelphia 13 11 2 Boston 4 96 Nelson and Waish; Donelly, Dick- son and Gowdy. Pittsburg at Chicago postponed on account. pt Wet grounds. AMERICAN Washington 4112 New York - . 3.8 3 Johnston ona Wittiamisons; War- hop and Sweeny. Bos* 2S Philadelphia we . Hall, Wood and Cay: Brown and Egan. Chicago at Detroit postponed on account of rain. Cleveland ... -.- s+ 11,15 2 St. Louis io... 6 3.3 Steen, Baskette and O'Neitt; How- ell, Weilon and Crosson. 1717 4 5 70 Pennock, FOOTBAL NOTES The hoodoo of probation that has bean hanging over Sem Felton s head since colleg? opened has vanished, and Sam has joined the Harvard squad. It costs 15 a week:to feed. each man at the training table in the big ds stricken with paralysis at his home about 4 per whef he has to settle is ow board bill. Loose Leaf System The News. Job Department has every facility for supplying the most satisfactory. AT t DANGIN ED. CENTRAL PARK 4 lots facing Park in Block 25, 450 each. HERALD Block 18, facing south, 360 each, Block 18, facing north, 875 each. Block 4, facing Barclay, 700 each. Block 2, facing. Prospect, 400 each. 5 NORTH YUILL Block 7, two 50 ft. corners, 1050 each. Block 15, 50 ft, 850, Block 17, 60 ft, 850, Block. 18, 50 ft., 750, COUSINS AND SISSONS Block 7, 50 -ft., 800. TOWNSITE Block 80, 50 ft, half cash, 1300, Block 21, 50 ft., 24,000. ALL USUAL TERMS PHONE 536. PRICES FOR SEATS Re ervations for World Ser- Ps trophy auto race with ies Games Brought Up te watosa race course after field of Betting on the series has not been up a reserve of ROBERT WINS PABST TROPHY (W. ALP, Dispaiteh) Wauwatosa Race Courae) Wis., Oct. Thousands See N. J., yesterday won the 220 mile son Special can over the new Wau- ing Meet. eight starters had been trimmed renton, N. Ju, Oct. 4. a Curtis biplane, IN THE FOOTBALL WORLD. outside the fair grounds. of the. teams representing the prom Inent eastern colleges have trying tests in prospect. Yale will take on formidable Holy Cross eleven at Cam- ingham, Eng. Dickinson at Franklin Field and thre. Carlisle Indians and Washington Cornell and Oberlin will meet at Ith- land. Chicago, I1,, October 4 The Chi- aca in the first intersectional contest 1905 Joe Jeafiette knocked cago-Indiana varsity football game of the season. West Point will meet here tomorrow will mark the opening Stevens Institute and Annapolis, will and dedication of the new University have Johns Hopkins for an opponent. 1910 Owen Moran and Pal of Chicago Stadium, The structure is : one of the largest and handsomest of its kind In the country. at a cost of 200,000 and will accom- Internetiona Association of Machin- modate 30,000 specta mington, Del. Forty-four new agreements have Boston, ists during the 1 Dont Read This 27 If YouHavn t Money tolnvest CANADIAN FINANCIERS LIMITED Head Office - - Vancdiiver, B.C. Authorized Capital - 2,000,000 IN 20,000 SHARES OF 100 EACH: SCOPE AND POWERS OF THE COMPANY Executor, Administrator, Guardian, Committee, Receiver, Assignee, or Liquidator. - Trustee under Wills, Mortgages, Marriage Settlements, De ds of Trust, or under appointment of Court Agents for the investment of money on ordinary terms, or with guarantee of Company. Agents for the management and ' sale of Real Estate, Collections of Rents eS Fiscal Agents of Corporations and Individuals, Trustee for the issue of Stocks, Bonds, or Securities of Financial or Indus- trial Companies. Agreements of Sales bought and sold. 139 Per Cent. In five years the Company has paid in bonuses and eash dividends 139 per cent., or an average of 27 per cent. per annum. While the: Company has paid these large dividends it has built 126,000. Between January Ist and July Ist, 1912, we have earned over 20 per cent. It is the interition of the Company to establish AN OFFICE IN MEDICINE HAT and with fifteen or twenty prominent shareholders in M dieine Hat, the Company will be practically a LOCAL ENTERPRISE. 40,000 (400 shares) have already been placed among your best citizens. YOU ARE OFFERED SHARES IN THIS COMPANY Because this Company wants your personal help and in- fluence to make this a thoroughly representative Western insti- tution, and of a financial strength in keeping with the great pos- stbilities of Western Canada. Because we want to establish representatives in every place of importance throughout Canada, and owing to our numerous advantages we can use more capital profitably: We invite the smallinvestors to become shareholders. The terms whereby you can secure the stock are very liberal This is an opportunity of a lifetime-to secure a safe and an exception- ally profitable investment. H. CG. NIBLOCK, SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE from the Home office will be at the Assiniboia Hotel until Oct. 12th where subscriptions will be received and full particulars given. 3 OVER 400 SATISFIED SHAREHOLDERS Many prominent men in Calgary and Moose Jaw among our Shareholders. Aviator Kille RISE AT BOSTON 4 Mortimer Robert, of Jersey City, OR Walsh Falls 2,000 Reet a Ma- to Death at Trenton Fly- While 30,- ; down to three by minor accidents, Boston, Oct. 4. With the world s His time was 2 hours 45 minutes 53.- hes beams bed okay series game in this city only five days 71 or an average speed of 58 4-5 nifles inte ee S apie oe away the quotations on sigle chances) per hour. ; to seo the initial struggle in Fenway Park rose today to 7 bld and 12 fell to. instant) death about . quarter of mile When phy- Ne York, October 4 By far the Soar oo Walshe few York, October 4 i eae Scala particularly brisk in this city. The nos pretentious schedule thus far i SaeAS rex * Red Sox have ruled strong favorites i. tne football season is due to ba body was broken and his face Orr aes the world s series lube cerzied Out tomorrow. Virtually ally hody badly outs Fo foll 2,000 fect. : ee 30 were definitely settled, but there has been a dearth of New York money. The Boston players are scheduled to return from Philadelphia on Sunday and will have a final workout at Fen- way Park Monday. Several hundred bridge. Princeton and Lehigh will of their most devoted followers will meet at Princeton, Pennsylvania and accompany them to New, York. 0 DEDICATE U. OF C. STADIUM. and Jefferson at Washington, Pa. every bone in IN PUGILISTIC ANNALS Syracuse and Harvard will play the 188 Owen Moran, English light- weight b xer, born in Birm- Moran began fighting im 1900, and has de- - feated of held bis own with some of the best boxers of his iviston in America and Eng- Black Bill in 7 rounds at Wil Moore fought 12 rounde to a draw in It was built been made by locals affiliated with the 1911 Jack White-and Tommy Dixon fought 15 round draw at Day- Cent. i New lt; out a house and lot. any other guarantce hat is the guarantee. at are made in a modern eee factory, by. materials are selected from the best the world's miarkets afford. While in England, the blocks used embody the latest American styles. Ther BUCKLEY shape for every type of count On sale in a wide range of sepe Not a Flaw in either Hat or Guarantee Subject any BUCKLEY that to the most sekrchie ey er it the cid test of constant wear. Read the BUCKLEY guarantee as cri cally as ae would a ae to 5 Then see if there s any other hat that will Lev you oe Service,, fe e that will protect you as well led Union siecle nice, and in every BUCS Notice this clause in the guarantee: - We agree to exchange this hal, if the same is damaged by accident during the said three months. So'you. see se there'll be 0 guibbling or red tape about the exchange bona fide accident insurance, as well as an ironclad the better stores. - 3.00. Buckley Sons, London, England lt; The Waldron-Drouin Co., Limited, Montreal - guarante -of quality Their Teammates, Says Team. After the world seriey of 1912 is done it is quite likely that instead of styling the Boston Red Sox or Giants as worki s cham- pions it will be but meet and-- just to style Wood, Hall and Collins or Mathewson, Marquard or Tesreau as the big title holders. In past years pitchers have been big. factors in the workd series, one or two of them playing a big role in the winning of the honor, but never before bas such an array of pitching talent been brought face to face. PITCHERS ARE BIG FIGURES IN SERIES Moundsmen of Giants and. Red Sox Outshine Any of Tris Speaker, of Boston Stahl likewise possesses an array of good players, but, with the excep- tion of Speaker, none overshadows the work of the majority of players on other teams in their respective Positions, It id the pitching staff that will have to: bear the brunt of battle. Jn past, series many pitchers have carved their way-to fame, but splen- did work has also been expected from some of their teammates. The Cubs had Kling, Evers, Tinker, Chance and others,,the Mackmen bad Col- fans can buy tickets for one, two three games, as, they choose, f The one big point scored by National Commission in its efforts cut off speculation ts that 20,000 se will not be reserved and the spe lators will have such small leeway which to ply their trade that, it is lieved, they will give it up. Tickets for the games in cannot be bought in New York ai Boston none will be on sale fc New. York games. The idea is to give the home fans first To prevent any loss of rest for the players which thought would be occasioned by ing to, make. the trip between E and New York every day hag worked out a neat schedi the. Glants, As the games start o'clock and will be over by 4 he x have the Giants on the train at o'clock bound for 4 get them there at 10 i will give them a chance The big clash which begins next lins, Barry, Baker, while Detroit hud good night's resting e re week will, unless all ante-series dope Bush, Cobb and Crawford. Lumin- President Mc: the was in New York Yesterday is upset, prove the biggest protract- ed pitchers battle in the history of the game. Barring their pitchers, the New -Yorkers do mot boast of any stars of exceptions magnitude. True, Mc- Graw has Meyers, Merkle, Doyle, Murray and one or two others, . but on the mee the Giants do nob shape up individually 2s did many of the other contenders for the cham- jonship. aries of similar maguitude are lack- ing this year, with the single excep- tion of Speaker, who can be siven a superlative rating. Under the circumstances then a battle royal between the two piteb- ing staffs can be expected, with Wood, Collins, Hall and possible O'Brien as Stahl's reliance, and Tes- pay Mathewson and Marquard thej ope of the Giant fans. conference with agement. It is ton team will ing schedule, special trains to. the members of the newspaper Stand. lation during the big series. fg intended to turn the trick equal chance. Baseball Commission Think They've Solved Speculation: Problem No Seats fot World s Series at Polo Grounds Will be Boxes downtown, 1 19 and 8,500 Seats in the Fans and baseball men throughout the countty are wondering if the Na- tional Commission has really solved the question of squelching ticket spec- In nutshell this is the plan, sag- gested by Mr. Herman, I believe, that No seats will be reserved for the 30,000 seats in he lower grand stand 4nd: the: Bleachers. When the gates are open-everybody (will have ap The 8,500 seats in the upper stand will be reserved. There will be no mail orders and no buying of tickets No person. will be allowed to ed by the Commission, probably a week from to-morrow the-reserved seats will be .put on sale at the Polo Grounds and no person will be allow. buy but two tickets. The fr son for selecting the Polo Grounds is that there are twenty-one ticket of- lines can form simultaneously. the gates, but the sale can be com ducted so quickly that they can according to the Commission, 4 of enough tickets to ure as ly. At the sale of reverved fices there and twenty-one separate Of course, it is possible for a tem )for speculators to get in line at some Of
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Image 602 (1912-10-04), from microfilm reel 602, (CU1739834). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.