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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ee lt;x 2 leet aes * 7 - ae oP. R PASSENGER SERVICE. today. In eacl ity the public have got a . i The P 2 Bftective June 2nd, 1912, more del extended service, and, gener- ; b me P jally speaking, as good service, as any. pri- Glasgow House ... ....... ay mening, 8 foot servis any pe DITION ; ae ae a hee va ee financial results have never at any time Pr . ; 3 oo . been seriously on the wrong side of the ac- APHIC SERVICE o we vi Sane vom Tonnies Ean vaccine we count, Calgary, indeed, boasts that its sys- FOR SMUT - ng 18 21.50 22.15 St. Paul-Soattle Express. tem has paid from the. start. Edmonton s 50c N S COATS MW 4.00 4.20 Seattlo-st. Paul Express. system, being more extended, did not pay +++ Quart 6 ah re pone Sos Ses to ulesr?- ot the beginning, but has carried its own 25c....Pint Gen ies rtincione ee aE deficit without trouble, and is now return- DON T PAY MORE ; REDUCED PRICES 513-519 19.00 Local trom Cranbrook. ing monthly: surplusses to- reduce it. If ) 2 : 56 23.00 Local from Calgary, Medicine Hat decides to grant a franchise a p . Ee 28-611 10.80 Local for Cranbrook. to a company it will have to do so for local It s a Good Joke Pingle s Drug and : hie SO Raprese: tar Kootenay Landing. -oasons, agids nok Hecalise inunicipal owner- 7 6 Sees Coeerg ie hk Stope 258 We have a number of heavy warm Coats left i et ship has been anything but a decided aie ee Carrs eed eam ee? t ; . sips Jp 12 940 9.60. Soo, Lid, Port-St. Paul, cess in the two Alberta cities which have z vot in our Misses i ren s this season's styles. Secsai jue aa ae accom ons hentia Hat. Passing tricd it long enough to test its merits, toes opie e time at Dunmore shown, Street railway systems owned by other Seabtibay ics ibpecrainse pred tARING PRICE western cities have proved to be fhaneially aia dias aleasta ads Ww Medicine Mat Dews successful, The company applying. for a elidtd y Sea has: scntae ear Made To erery Teuehise in Medicine Hat believes that a your savings and days to the Order Shirts: inublianed by the Medicine Hat News Oty Lid, ina (Street railway system here will pay a profit 7 : aia tae wiul evening at Its office, Main Streon Yediclue Hat, A eat . of your garmo: MAD BY e : AL 3. N. TERRILL, Rateor. sufficiently alluring to attract its money it worn considering on those F. re Tee 7 PUONE: sag x gjaway from other gilt-edged investments. grounds. 5 ASTIMO sit eee Pvieeaaee All Winter Coats: To Go. ea Advertising Why. should any citizen wish the city to gre: Gnope ongan i 2 cn ae We ate , who. gathered es Revertorhd and oR Clreslation 94) jose control of stich a system? ING PRESSING 00. some wesc NUS srerr annual reunion. . i ee 7 RING RES - Th. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave. est and up-to-date styles and fo te aa - DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES WHY is the announcement of the plans of Patterns. A trial order is all if sees De 7 7 : trie telreret oh re re me the, Ripped Senpains Frommany, one the Ly a 1 . 7 ss months, dl 2.00 mont 5 ES 0 of i ili i gt; Sale The Glasgow House monlha oarversa/. 0 3 months, by maf. .,768 see RIE a ERS ores ao ahh sealer ROOM 3, NEWs BLOCK ; . The House of Fashionable Dressers crendes Garba cies deatredy bus beta a0 and aree a ne - old ad resser st by given. NO one suspected there was so much chi- COA L ee Sade WEERLY NEWS: . valry near the surface of publie life in ' o- a * Goats eee tC reeset the United: States. util: Colonel. Roosevelt SOE Pree COAL Smokeless Domestic, Engine and Blacksm th's Coal. local and district, was shot. Governor Wilson, the Democra- months, in advance 7s 3 months, im advance..80e tic candidate, will lose no yotes through his year ty sdvance.-.. 1.60 1 iretirement from the eampaign until the Thursday, October 24th, 1912. Progressive leader can take his place again in the fight. OUR PRIME DUTY. 5 ceesieli a: i UP to the present the honors of war in TO AVOID jeopardizing its future in even southeastern Enrope haye been mostly R. 8. Taware Transfer Re a a Speclality, Parcels Delirerea. SPECIAL SELECTIONS ALTAWANA HERALD 4, 50 ft. 1000, Terms. Block 10, 50 ft, 1000. Terms. 4, 90 ft,, 1500. Terms. Block G, 105 ft., 3000. Terms. Large or small quantities shipped to any station. Storage: Esplanade. 8, TAYLOR CO. t Bidck 27-00 tt, 550. Terms. one particular, Medicine Hat must re- with the Balkan States. +They have Z x ONE NA. 349, f ae axa erate tain control of its streets. The right of the scratched the Turk. . The world is waiting com 17 Becker Block. ; eres ee. ee 3 : aeons hebtain se thi ill find the Tart: P. 0, Box, 813. eee you: , 50 ft, 1500. Terms. ete ns pony aeaae city to, bend its street railway system into to ascertain if they will find the Tartar. . 5, : 5 it . i. Se pee eae tee See AERS Summing Block er go fio, Taree re form the oftisania. ee SEE Tirm qdustables on the Lethbridge police ithers ek eee ee ee eeitote tone able must be absolutely unimp: r foree handed in their uniforms on the : iy 5 OO reg i . he 5 . . eve of the great Dry-Farming Congress. oan Ree ey kT cee ee ee ee SHALL WE LOSE IT? Probably they anticipated a dry time dur- REAL ESTATE Hy, ricck..17, 10 lotms 200 - each. en fea OME: ing the convention. (Put him out ) Oakes, Eve Co ie lock 17, 50. YL, 900. . ME wei ade at E rard 5 Pecks 3 hes te: Lee deine SOME weeks ago the News made the state gee 5 - sale. This street is fast becoming business. Why not get one of these beautiful houses where you have a good revenue producer un- it is meeded for business. WE WANT YOUR LISTINGS. ment that the eyes of the West would be on Medicine Hat while it was engaged in struggling to settle its street railway -prob- lem. We have already had abundant proof 365 1-2 Main St. Phone 556. Real Estate Agents for Royal Insurance Life. Dept. o no no It does not by any means sig- nify that construction would be delayed if Medicine Hat undertook to handle the street railway itself instead of turning it ADMIRE SOLE, that the statement was well-founded. lover to a oriyate corporation. f Lots 8, 9, blk. 11, 1,550, terms. West is watehing Medicine Hat at the pre- p POWELL sen moment. 1 ANOTHER up-to-date hotel for the Hat It will interest the citizens to know that/is contemplated. With one new theatre un- no single detail of purely municipal import der way and another proposed the city will in any one city of the prairie provine s for soon be amply supplied with. hotels and a long time has called forth editorials in so places of amusement. many western papers as our proposed o Lots 20, 21, 25, 26, 55, blk. 3; lot 50, ble. 2, 1,500, half cash. CitySale Stables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sale. LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. STATEMENT TO THE DOMINION GOVERNMENT SHOWING CONDITION-OF THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ON SEPTEMBER, 80tb, 1912, 3 HILL Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, blk. 28, 1350; 1-8, 6, 12, Ay Hay for Sale, street railway. The usual civie problem is A divoreed woman must call herself Settled within the borders of the city in Mrs. decides a New York judge. A FRED McCLAIN which it originates and attracts no atten- diyorced man doesn t wear any labels. He s PHONE 85, PROPRIETOR tion or comment from other cities. This is Mr. before and after. Is this fair? Fall is Here AND SO IS HOUSE CLEANING TIME HAVE YOUR CLEANING DONE BY THE NEW VACUUM PRO- CESS. COSTS LESS THAN THE OLD WAY AND IS FAR BETTER WE CLEAN THE CARPETS ON THE FLOOR AND TAKE OUT ALL GERMS WITHOUT WEAR OR TEAR TO CARPETS. Gas City Vacuum Cleaning Co. not so with our transportation question. 0 Men in other cities have taken the trouble WHENEVER a man discovers himself to look into the matter and to write their making love toa pretty woman he views so that if there was any benefit to be thanks heaven that the recording angel derived from them the city might have it. doesn t keep.a dictagraph. Sac Medicine Hat's name has been more fre- oO - quently of late in the editorial columns of A wrinkle is a dimple gone to seed. New the west than at any other period for many side whiskers must curve out in front. amonth. Do the citizens realize the magni- The latest beauty notes. tude of the problem which has brought this 0 + .. state of affairs to pass? When they reflect on THIS DATE IN HISTORY. j Phone 569. Box 804, CROSSEEY BROS. - Builders. Contractors. 729 Lockwood St, Cash on Hand and in Banks ..... Government and Municipal Securities Seeks sn eee 30,091,307.81 3,482,134.30 Phone 707 a the insularity of the ordinary municipal O..1-1m J. C, LARSON, Manager, question they must agree that this is'a prob- October 24. Houses for Sale. lem of the first importance. z 1781 General John Ashe, an ardent patri- 9e99eeseesceesceoeseee Usually where many writers lay down ot and member of the first Provincial ; x z 7 ABLE their views there are divergencies of opin- Congress, died in Dublin County, N- BE. M. CA WKER, re Po hee 408 ie tea ion. This is eminently natural. The re- C. Born in England in 1721. Phm. B. markable feature of our street railway 1911 Tda Lewis, the famous keeper of the Druggist THE J. S. FOLLIS : - question is that so far the. newspapers of Lime Rock lighthouse, died at New- Complete stock 6f Toilet Articles Contractin Co. eae SSS the West have spoken with one voice to the . port, R. I. Born there in 1841. Drug. Proprietary Medi- is fe SP eee aioe recodieetectoage citizens of Medicine Hat, urging them with ee fact and figure and with the words of ex- ; 108 TORONTO ST. a y z rience to retain control of their streets, THIS IS MY 55th BIRTHDAY. gt; ed re Sand, Coal Graveh + Imperial Bank of Canada i of streets ; so Excavating a Specialty, There has not been a single discordant te. Th hi be doub: Earl of Essex, Ba2R SO Sit Maat aad Henry Havies Wer, sale ab , : note. here has not been one doubt ex- : : Times. apital Paid Up 460,000 + pressed. There have been no amuibtd aie ae oF ree one of She 5 Reserve Fund: .- 460,000 * against over-extending the municipal own- 2 October 24, 1857, 8 a eded to the : Steam 4 GENREAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. lcrship plan. There has been onls a old POT er 24, 1857, and succe b Tite wr oe F S. N SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. volume of advice to keep private. owner- file upon the death of his grandfather in Laundry . lt; F BG. WILKINSON, Manager. og ; 7 . ; 1892. The family name is Capell. The first Medicine Hat Branch. 4 aoe laying hands on this great public Lord Capell was beheaded by the followers ini Cromwell for his loyalty to Charles I. PRL OS Oe otededs To the opinions already expressed by the iy GE aght : papers of the West,'the Edmonton Bulletin ABther ancestor, Sir Giles, was knighted i i He RR heheheh ibe rhibrrrininiii dds its voice. Concerning the suecess of 2 bis valor in the French wars by Henry Modern and sanitary in every Feapect and the machinery is the best thatmoney can buy. All white help employed. PHONE NO. 8. Your patronage solicited. CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale ee 2 3 Es Lord Essex received a , ana ari mT to E gt; muni ipal ownership in the cities of the iy hoo ae io any years and return de roots a ee Street 0. Bor i ae ae THE MERCHANTS IK Nae eae ort Ga movenent on foot served as an officer in the See : ae e BOKER novemen oot Guards. To Americans he is erhaps bes' . 2 WESTERN CANADA. eae ee Hat to turn over a street rail- pin as the husband of the beautiful OP aja tea House Mover Established 1864. 80 Branches In Canada, 714. eee a ee eel Countess of Essex, who before her marriage sracnines tor sale ant went SAND FOR SALE ca ea Ep Metis Tat f'doeiag and none otf as Mis Adele Grant, daughter of Beach heow canta SNe payee Total Assets (Nov. 80th. 1911) over 2 a P.O. Box 134, tf) Phot A general Banking Batioese Wianenctaa Speclal attention to business of outsiders. It dg in the interests C7 t of New eer a Soucene toe Savings Accounts, ities in Alberta, however, to have : z E WORK. WO 30t wT OCS Urs wots Biphevaame understood that the operation vt CONGRATULATIONS TO: rDicINE war Gznena RE. cipal street railway. systems in this ueen Victoria Eugenie of Spain, 25 Province has not been any ice and that vere old today. 5 TENDERS INVITED. J J . Lo A I T te ownership. scheme promoted James . Sherman, Vice-president of the im that they have not b en a sue: cess is travelling unon false pretene: 16 MONTREAL STREET a na ee Tenders are tnvited by the Medi- United States, 57 years old today. cine Hat General Hoppital. for the Phone 260. OME aiken E *PHONE special ttain con- Tasker me i Edmonton and Cal . Signor Franco Leoni, noted Italian com- purchase of land for a Hospital site, te display of the wdmonton and Calgary are the tw. as aT a amount required not less than one Tndustfial - products 666 Transfer Co. cities in which munic il aa re . Weal Oh Gere Poke noted veteran plock. Tenders tobe in the bands oT. F. Reynotds nos) apa Plano mM apid LIGHT and HEAVY j)strect railway has been tried for augines of the British army, 72 years old today. of fie Secretary By noon of the 38051) eam CER TO; poke tone of er ne. mening easonable BRAYING of years, It'is not putting the results to, Bolva A. Lockwood , twice a candidate ** Latest samples in Wall Paper. A Speciaity liable 2 Morente Street. Fistrong to say that wsithor of these Systems for president of the United States, 82 years 2 120 Eighth Ave. Phone 690, oom couktybesbought byga-private corporation old today. : Oct 17th, 1912. 85-6
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Image 749 (1912-10-24), from microfilm reel 749, (CU1739842). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.