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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ther Window displays Autumn. Clothes body.the principles of quality, shap and i are attaaltce you should study as they u a correct idea.of what you should sBXD ESS two days. One of ths features of the opening day was the introduction of the women: candidates for positions as trustees of the University of Hl- nois, Mrs. Hivira Downey of Clinton, the president of the assdclation, pre- sides over the sessions of the con- vention. lt; Kalser s Old Timer 10c Cigar. THE FAIR ? 81. Cor. Ottawa St. and 3rd Ave. Phone 81. IN LLB. TINS Arrowroot, Wine, Tourist, Salt Wafers, Abernerthy, Strictly Freab. 2c PER TIN WHILE THEY LAST. LEONARD. FLANNIGAN and: Tea, Attention, Men Present Arms Fire Then when the smoke has cleared away look for results. Your eye may be true, your nerve steady, but if your gun is not Al. you are unsuccessful. Wo secure results purtliase one ot -se specials. 4 only 12 guage American Gun Co. special . 1 only 12. guage Stevens ... 5 4 only 12 guage, American Gun Co. Higametleoe, 2 only 12 guage Takedown Winchester Pump, only 12 guage Takedown Remington Pump, . 1 only 12 guage, Fox Hammeriess eee ee Pe ee ee J. J. Moore Son North Railway Street + 13.50 18.00 20.00 28.00 30.00 40.00 The Piano which has set a new Standard in Piano : Building SOLD ONLY BY The Medicine Hat Music Co. South Railway St. Under the Big Fiddle. MOTHER S BREAD ONCE USED. ALWAYS USED 9g LOOK FoR THE LABEL. PHONE 256 pte BROS. MEDIOINE HAT DAILY NEWS. TRADES COUNCIL ASK COUNCIL TO RURRY UP BARBERS CLOSING BYLAW Petition Was Presented to Council Long Time Ago Action Just Taken. The Trades and Lubor Council at their recent meeting dealt with the matter of the early closing of barber shops, which has been under fire for the past year, A petition was pre sented to the Council long time ag but action in the matter was de- layed aa it was thought that they would make the law effective in all Jines of business at the same time. Howover, a week or so ago the mat- ter was taken up again, and steps taken to bring the law into effect. To goad the Council on the Labor following letter to the Council: afedicine Hat, Sept. 50, 1912. Mayor and Council, City of Medicine Hat: At meting of the Trades sind Labor Goun il on Friday evening the statement was made that the closing by-law ro barber shops been passed but that steps had tot been taken to.enforce the by-law was said that it was necessary Couneil meeting decided to send ie taken to have same put in T have been instructed. by unanimous Vote of the Trades and Lebor Coun- cil, which reflects the spirit of the la- bor element of the city, to ask that your body attend to the qu stion of haying necessary steps taken immed- iately to enforee the by-law. The Passage of the Act by the Alberta Government was at the instance of the barbers of the province partiou- larly and by-laws arp now in effect in other cities. It is mang months since the barbers of Medicine Hat took up the quest on with the City Couneil and we feel that further de- lay will not prove of eredit to. the city. . Yours sincerely, B. W. BELLAMY, President. hopea to nave the temporary quar- ters ready soon, however, and they et ees oma be retarded in the temporary The following notice of the death of the young child of Mr. and. Mrs. L. Haines of Calgary formerly of Medicine Hat appeared: in/the: lt;Gal- gary Herald: s Haines The death occurred on Sept. 24th of Eda Evelyn Haines, aged 4 months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Haines, 457 Twelfth Street, Hillhurst. The funeral took Place from Shayer's Chapel, 1206- 10 First Street east, on Wednesday afternoon et 2.30 p. m. Funeral services conducted by Rev. Mr. MacLean. Interment in Union Cemetery. Mr. and Mr, Haines moved from here about 3 years ago. Miss EB. Wilson of this city is a gister of Mrs, Haines. Apples, fine cooking and eating, at, 1.85 case. Lively's, Main St. 70-2t Look This List Over Carefully It contains good Busi- ness and Building Lots that we can guarantee to deliver. TOWNSITE Lot 3, Block21, Toronto St., Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 68, (trackage) 3100 each. CENTRAL PARK Lots 9 and 10, Block 25, (fac- ing Park) 525 each. Lots 23 to 26,. Block , 7, (on sewer, water and gas) 750 each. Lots. 38 to 86, Block 20, 525 each. Lots 29 *id 30, Block 18, 400 each. ESPLANADE Lot 8 Block D (50x280 on river) 3000, SOUTH YULL Lots 2 and 3, and part of 4, Block 14, (104 ft. frontage opposite new school) 2000. Lots 1 and 2, Block 17 (cor- ner on-Columbia Ave.) This is a good business corner) 4000. Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block P with house (265x203 feet on South Railway and Factory Sts.) 7,000. NORTH YUILL Lots 4 to 8, Block 18, 785 each. Lot 7, Block 9, 825. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Lots 4 to 9, Block 24, 600 each. Lots 29 to 35,-Block 24, 575 each. Lots 10 to 13, Block 24, 550 each. Lots 11 and 12, Block 26, 1260 patr. COUSINS AND SISSONS Lots 35 and 36, Block 11, g 5, ROSEDALE Lot 13, Block 1, 3000 (track- age.) 100 ft. corner, Block 8, 2600 H.C. Pettet Co. per to be held during the weok fol- lowing the opening of the new church, proceeds of which will be de- voted to the organ fund. Further announcement later. As well as the local talent assisting there willbe several nimbers from friends in Calgary, annual North SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. McRoby left on No. 8 last night for Scotland. Mrs, Nelson Spencer of this city and Mrs. Black, of Sault Ste Marie, left last night for the coast. Miss Pearl Cranston, of Gore Bay, Manitoulin, Ont., has resumed her old position with the Misses Reids at the Glasgow Hous House, LADIES DECIDE 0 ORGANIZE Y.W.C.A. (Continaed from page 1) have been selected they do not as yet wish to make public until the ladies have al peen interviewed and thelr consenf to act on the commit- ted secured: One of the committees appointed one to secure temporary quarters for the Bssociation. These they will fitted up and will in a yery short time be ready to provide ac- ecomodation-fora limited number of girls. Besides the above committee they have named, a finance commit- tee, a membership committee, a con- stitutional Committee and a pominat- ing committed. These committees will be started to work as soon as possible and when iey have their work well under way a general meeting of the ladies will be called: and a report given, At this meeting the balance of the organiza- tion will be completed, officers elec ted, ete. The nominating committee appoint- ed at yesterday's meeting and who met this morning and named the dif- ferent committees was composed of the following: Mrs. Dr, Smyth, Mrs. Wagstaff, Mrs. Lean, Mrs. Webb, Mrs. Soans and Miss Lane. After Miss Lane had addressed the meeting yesterday, Rev. Mr. Morrow, who presided, also gave an address, and he was followed by Mayor Spen- cer. He went into the details of the jselling of the lot secured by the city for the Y. W. . A, and which he council resold to the school boa: a the erection f the new Collegiate Institute. He:stated that the council will take steps to secure another site for them. Miss Lane-siated to the News that the work would so on- rapidly. They quarters tilt they had their new building ready. It is expected that the bwork /of puilding-will start in the spring. PRIZES AWARDED. Competition this summer among the Agents and Section Foremen of the AlbeHta Division of the Canadi- an Pacific Railway for the most. at- tractive station gardens and grounds has this year been won by Mr. R. Reading, Agent at Fernie, who re- celvesa prize of fifty dollars, don- ated by the company. Other employ ees receiving th ten dollar prize for the best kept grounds on their res- Petive districts are A. Landreau, Sec- tion Foreman at Langdon, for Dis- trict 1, D. Macl ou, Agent at Botha, for District2, and J- Austin, Agept at Elko, for District 3. CAMERON-McLEAN A quiet wedding was solemnized in St. John s church Monday afternoon when Jas. Johnston Cameron of Cal- gary, was wnitedin the bonds of wed- Hock to Miss Gorham McLean, of Pip chon, Nova Scotia: The young peor ple left on a trip, west by the even- ing train. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. J, W. Morrow. ST. BARNABAS BAZAAR The annual bazaar by the ladies of this church will be held in the op- era house Tnesday, Oct. 22nd. A good concert will be given in the evening. W. F. M. S.. MEETING. The Women's Foreign Missionary Society will hold their annual thank- offering meeting at 8 o'clock Wednes- day evening, Oct. 2, in the basement of St. John's Chureh. Dr, and Mrs. Arthur of China will address the meeting. A musical programme will be provided and refreshments served. Ladies. and gentlemen interested are cordially invited to be present. 70-2t The Junior Branch of the W, A. of St, Barnabas Chareh are making pre- Parations for a Thankegiving sup- Mrs. Crissal, L.CA.M., will give a concert about the miditle of November in the opera-house for the benefit of the Woman's H spital Aid Society. N. DAKOTA INDUSTRIAL SHOW Bismark, Ni The second ndustrial Ex- Position was formally opened to-day with an address by.Governor Burke. Every county of the State has exhib- its this year illustrating its products and Tosources. The exposition will continus for two weeks, 865 Poronto St. Phone 481 WILLIAM PEARD DIED. SUDDENLY Heart Patture Claims Ong ofthe City s Old Residents Four Sons Live Here, William Peard, aged 17 yeara, one of the Hat's oldest residents, passed away this morning at. the residence of bis son, Mathow Peard, 202 To- Tonto Street, after a short illness. Phe deceased was working up untill Week ago, when he was taken with rather severe-cold, and on account of his advanced years was obliged to take to his bed. His end came this morning, and though not unexpected, as he was in poor health, yet the suddenness of it came as-a shock to the members of his family. Heart failure was the cause, The deceased was well known in the city, having resided here for a long time. He is survived by four sons and four daughters. The former xeside here in Medicine Hat and are all well known. They are Messrs Mathew, Jobn, Alfred and William. All are home, with the exception of Alfred, who is in. the east on a busi- ness trip, Four daughters reside in eastern Canada, The funeral not as yet been completed. The Women's Missionary Society of nesday the sudden local programme present. Just a few Green Gage Plums left. ly, Main St., GAS CITY REALTY Co. FOR IMMEDIATE. SALE ALTAWANA Block 10, 2500, Terms, 75 ft, HERALD 100 ft, Block 17, 785 pr. Reg. COUSINS AND SISSONS 250 ft, Block 17. 700 pair. Reg. 100 ft. corner, Block 32, 1275. Terms, RIVERSIDE Call in and see us about this desirable property. We can show yot Phone 695. Office 410 Main. Fire, Life, Accident, Hall and Plate Glass Insurance, 24 of various kinds under construction, some nearing comple- tion, Fully modern. Apply to W. fl. ROSEWARNE Builder and Owner. Phone 800. SNAPS - CENTEAL PARK 900 pair, 26 and 26, Block 21, water and gas. 840 pr., corner, Block 29, 650 for 50 ft, Block 33. Snap. OLD TOWNSITE 25,000 fer 100 ft, Block 22. 1350, Lot 14, Block 80, 1450, Lot 14, Block 82. 1300 for lot in Block 82. 11,000, lot 12, Block 55. 3,000, 50 ft. Block D. Esplan- ade 1400, Lot 10, Block 82. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX slock 34 3600-palr, 31-32, Block 2. 1100 pair, 5-6, Block 20. 900 pair, 1-9, Block 2 1000 pair, 9-10, Block 625 for 30 1-2 ft, Block 27. B.F.SOUCH;Phm.B. DRUG SPORE, TORONTO 87. Gee ae Subseribe stow tap the Dally News, arrangements hay St. John s Church will hold their amnual thank offering meeting Wed- evening, Oct. 2nd, in the basement of the church. Owing to illness of Dr. Arthur, a will be provided end refreshnieots served. Ladies and. gentlemen are cordially invited to be Just arrived this morning. Good. stock and selling at 75c. case. Live- 7O-2t Given these two rows, and the place is of labor, Offices Toronto Street. qualities thritt industry and a residence in the city Medicine Hat, a young man has nothing Yesterday s successes belong to yest day with all yesterday s defeats one ioe The day is Here, the time is NOW, MEDICINE Hat eG Don t waste your time aud funds on petty deals, on Something good. One yood investment ls worth a lifetime We sold 179 lots in Medicine Hat Inst week, Come im with the crowd. Be Optimistle We are City Agents for all nes of Steamships, Now is the time to hook for Xmas Sallings, PERRY, SEWELL PERRY REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL BROKERS, FIRE, LIFE AND. ACCIDENT INSURANCE, Ocean Steamship Tickets, Got in Medicine Hat, Canada, Montreal St. Bakery THE BEST YET Try Mitchell's Home-made Bread-and be convinced. IT IS DELICIOUS. PHONE 560, - en TO INSPECT LOUISIAN SULPHUR MINES Lake Charles, La, Oct. 1 Many chemists of world-wide renown are now in Louisiana, fresh ftom their international convention at Washing- ton, and will spend tomorrow at the sulphur mines near this city. These mines produce the sulphur of the Un- ited States, and so extensive are the deposits that it is said the entire world could be supplied. The exist- ence of the sulphur, betl was. di cov- ered some twenty years-ago, during exploration for oll, but no success- ful method of mining it was djscov- ered until ten years ago. The sul- phur lies 400 feet underground and 48 covered by 200 feet of quicksand, The mining is now conducted by a patented process, which consists of melting the sulphur underground by forcing. superheated steam and hot water into the bed and raising the melted sulphur to the surface by means of compressed air. After the Sulphur cools off at the surface it hardens and is broken up into blocks for shipment, Apples, fine cooking and eating, at: 1.85 case. Lively s, Main St. 70-2t TO END POLLUTION OF THE LAKES (Special to the News.) Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 1 The interna tional joint commission on waterways. met In this city today for what is Tegarded as the most important ses sion that has yet been held by that body. The chief purpose of the meet- ing 1s.toformulate a programme for. the investigation of the pollution of the great Jakes and other boundary Waters between the United State and Canada, This question, in the opin- fon of officials of the two govern- ments, has become the most pressing of all problems affecting the welfare of the people of the two countries. The sale reported in yesterdays pa per as made by H. T. W. Forester Co., was S. E. 3 2012-6 W. 4th 'M., instead of 20-16-6 W. 4th M. Just a few Green Gage Plums left. Just arrived this morning. Good stock and selling at 75c. case. Live- ly, Main St., 70-2 Houses for sale on easy payments or will exchafige for real estate. Ap- ply to Hotson Leader. b4-te We Furnish You With Bread McKINNON: S LIMITED Phone 105 that equals any that used to bake. It's 50 Bad that once you try it, you'll see the folly of bothering with home baking any longer. Suppose you take a rest for a week and have us supply the bread? We think you'll ifke our Butter Nut Bread as well as your own, perhaps better. Try it anyway. J.B, RICHARDSON, MGR. Washing ing glassware, cutlery washing clothing and Main Street. Young Tom For scrubbing and cleaning floors, painted woodwork and oilcloth, windows, zine and metal work and tinware. dishes and crockery, polishing and cleans- Powder For: washing it and silverware. For fabrics and i H.W. Ireiand Co. Phone 54. demand from ment, the next further steps t The four stat alliance are Tai together in an jagainst the co: The Ottoman a busy, while it 1 from Vienna th impossible muc from taking m order to keep t croaching-on th tria-Hungary part of Turkey) adjunct of Gres The slightest will start-a gen cording to the diplomatic circ powers might begun fighting, lack confirmati based on tome tween frontier ben a daily months. Diplomats The caly br situation is. th are Inclined to a Uttle more to induce Turk forms demande reported today send a collect plaining the re in mobilizing necessarily mi this note, the great powers be able further with the advisa demands. The Porte n however, deal ' which are One of these mands the rele nition which transit throug other is from against the: de ping which Wou T Bir Wilfric Audience tives We Prejudic WiLL D0 Hon. Cha clares F ier Call gether. (WwW. A Peterboro, Sir Wilfrid L: here Iast nig large crowd i1 and at he O used for an Wilfrid was tr elty by promi to visit the cerns, A pr the market 4 marched /to 1 was heartily proached, Hor: J. R.
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Image 585 (1912-10-01), from microfilm reel 585, (CU1739815). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.