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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Thous BULDING WILL BE FINE SI STORY STRUCTURE Organizer Smith Has Now Iw'in an excellent sanitary condition aud Is a good example of how slaughter house can be kept whice fabsajute cleantiness is observed. Theres an /excellent building out there which ast considerably over 1,000 and the arrangements for keeping and fattening cattl , Killing room and storage room reflect credit on Mr. Collins, wiv. although out of the jurisdiction of the city strives PERRY, SEWEL REALTY REVIEW TO THE FAIR Will find it worth while to visit the C. P. R. Men s ul a II At SHARP Store. We sell-Men s Clothes only, the famous and succeeds without a doubt In St a His A Rich Man at 40 keeping his place j1 condition that SEMI-READY eens rarebartsekeabe ots wave' te: /osC ect pamioutar person ould not eo Was not idle at 20. find fault with, and one that would -rho tocat lodge of Moose recently Luck did not do it; Sold at one price throughout Canada, Gene d Oeste win cnn, ae Da8 the Inspection of eny sanitary linitiated in this city will close thelr 1 ne official, charter on Friday, August 30th, at was nerve and grit. 15, 18, 20, 25. in the afternoom a 8 p. m, with a meeting to be held SOCIAL AND PERSONAL 0 the Opera House zs The organizer will then say fare- C.P.R. Men P. J. Frood, of Renfrew, father of be e Mer ee ag also, . - Pe en s C. Frood, of the Borate Brotices, through the columns of the Nows : es H. S. lreland HOUSE MODEL ONE 0.10 Mamet, gt the Dee roti eae ee ee Nee A Young Man s Opportunity lt;a i co-operation accorded him in his ef- . and making a tour of the poll L, forte here: The. presant:dea ts. to 2 lots, Block 20, Cousins and Sissons, 800 par, Nati: The music pupils 0 F So Says Natio News Man Found That it is In, A. M,, will commence lessons, fall erect a five story building in the tot 20 lots, Block 12, Central Park, 900 pair, minies W: Cl d K Sani term, on September 2nd. 40-6t Just purchased, at the corner of Tor- 20 lots, Block 14, Cousins and Stsso s, 560 pair. lean and Kept in Sani- Micand Mra FBousl and fame onte 82 apdNIRh- ye in the Good Building Lots, Block 20, Herald, 8800 pair, Conflict W EMPEROR BETTER NOTICE tary Condition. lity have returned trom a six weeks bullding the members are to have a WE REPRESENT: 4 fs 4 cantil Fire Insurance Co, s (W. AP. Cable.) vacation at their summer cottage at fully modern home consisting of The Mercantil T . The Occidental Fire Insurance Co. . Cassell, Hesse, Germany, Aug, 28 Any party or parties. found riding NO FLIES ARE 10 BE Buffalo Lake. Mr. Souch Was ac- game, lodge, and reception rooms. The Atarionn Central Piro Teestenes Co. for driving across the Alexandra High School grounds will be prosecuted to the: fall extent of the law. By Order School Board, Montreal, Aug. 28 Devorr, Henry Bo the, French-Canadias deals with the attite lish and Canadian p to President Tait Panama legislation. Tt may be taken this termoil will vious Anglo-America Canada s expense, fo sea traffic that will. the diserinvination x American coal tradi settled'as the Ma Emperor William felt so well that be arose early today and: before. break- fast enjoyed a long walk in the park urrounding Wilkglmshohe: castle, companied by his cousin, Prof. F.C. Pearn of North Pacififie College, Portland, Dr. Pearn is investing In Medicine Hat realty The music pupils of Mrs. Crisall will commence lessons, fall term, on September 2nd. 40-6t On Sunday evening, Aug. 25, Rev. H, H, Leibold, of South Cayugo, Ont., who is at present making a tour through the northwest, preached an Instructive. sermon in the Evangeli- cal church, and dispensed the Lord's Supper. Mr. Leibold has seen much In the basement will be established a fully equipped gymnasium, and a swimming pool. The street floor is to be divided into stores, and all the building possible to 80 convert will be made revenue bearing. Tt is this progressive spirit of the Order that accounts for its rapid growth and yet athe Order stands for the friendship of ideal brother- hood. The Moose establish these homes wherever possible, not only the members, but the city profits by such an institution. The Great West Life Assurance Co.; Also the Loan Department of the Great West Lite As- surance Co. Ocean Steamship Tickets all Lines, PERRY, SEWELL PERRY Hutehinson Block, Tor nto St, Medicine Hat, Alta. FOUND THERE AT AL Efforts are Put Forth By Owner to Keep an Up-to- date Place, and He Does. It will be remembered that on Sat- urday a report was published in the. News relating to the sanitary condi- tions. of the local slaughter houses. In that report a mistake was inad- Fair Week ? Cor. Ottawa St. aT THE and Third Ave. Fair Store ? Phone s1 LEONARD FLA Bean, alee: re NDS SUMMER CONFERENCE sion. Prominent among the schedul- ed speakers are Dr. John W. Graham, of Manitoba University; Prof. Paul (Special to the News) 5 Ib, tins of Baking Powder, regular pi 20 Ib, sack of Sugat, regular. price 6 cans of Tomatoes, Moose. brand, regu 1 1b. Coffee Beans, Empress , regular price. 10 Ibs, Ed. Table Syrup, regular price Total . THIS : oo WEEK 5. CASH We want you all to try this Special. GOODS SENT C. 0. D. We guarantee all our goods. Money back if not satisfactory, LEONARD FLANAGAN. furisaiction, not being within the Umits. visit his place, and give an statement of the existing state offer was taken advantage of an reported day afternoon. that the building was a house. explain. allowed to Me around. As soon carted away.- another factor in keeping down smell. Reputation ER The Phenomenal bed thoroughly every night. the ground, there is a drain from killing room which empties into bar- rels and these are emptied and wash- ed after each days killing. Another striking thing is the absence of flies around the place, and this ampl: demonstrates that where cleanline: Mr. Collins, however, invited representative from the News to exact things at his slaughter house. The: visited the premises yester- On arriving thers the first thing that strikes a visitor fs the entire lack of offensive odor. On passing one would never know slaughter The cause of this is easy to No refuse of any kind is the killing is done all the waste is There are no live pigs allowed around the place, and this is Although there are no wat- er mains laid out there, there is a good well and the building is berub- To pre- vent any blood or waste escaping to city gina and Winnipes, On Sunday, Aug. the Evangeli- cal Sunday School Little* Plume, Alta,, which was organized a year ago by Rev. L. Amacher, observed Children s Day for the first time, with encouraging results. Rev. J. G. Heid- gniger, associate pastor,, preached an able Children s Day sermon. The Scholars rendered a very good pro- gram to the edification of the goodly number present on the occasion. of aoa MONOGRAM ENGRAVED FREE as Your monogram or name Hand En- graved at the Fair free of charge on the famous Dutch Collar Pins, ete., manufactured in Vancouver of a new metai India Native Silver, and guaranteed not to tarnish, This metal is used by the Hindoos in the manufacture of their native gods and all kinds of fine carving work, The engraving, ciitting through the gold and sIver'finish affords a beau- the the for Burnham, P. Q. The party con- gregated at the park where a fine diamond emblem of the Loyal Order of Moose was given him, The pre- sentation was made by the organi- zer, W. C. Smith, in a few well chosen wortls. A NEW BAPTIST MINISTER COMES Rev. R. G. Blundell of Perth, Ont. Will. Take Charge Oct. ist. Rev. R. G. Blundell, of Perth, Ont., 3 been appointed pastor of the ist Baptist church of this city. He igned his pastorate in Perth, and will assume his new duties here on October ist. dustrial Building. tiful contrast of metal colorings, and the public ar condially invited watdh the work being done in the In- In conjunction with other Indian to GRANTED 450.00 ing, opened at Chautauqua today and f Illinois, will continue until September 3, Re- ligious education has been selected as the principat-subject for discus- Kaiser's Old Timer 100 Cigar. Subscribe now for The Daily News, e OPEN AIR DANCING Under the auspices of the of Manitoba, Sask, and Alberta, and On Saturday, at 4.30 p. m., Martin 1; by i . RF. : ; M. Py ie boundary disp An. Coline name, Coffe slaughter Parteularly impressed with the 1A Ciarke, former employee. of the ,, Jamestown Si at tha Prof; Thomas A. Jenbing of the ok ecaksivatcoies Rouse ad not heen visited by the tor ane chine, Me Mie om eeeects Rolling Mills, was tendered a sur- Fritnds General Courereace, whine veraity of OMicge eae: Peaslee, of Giayton Bulware tre UD GTS, Dy Gots, Lois Wet, city officials as it was outside their for Swift Current, Moose Jaw, Re. Prise by bis friends before leaving seven yearly meetings are participat- New York; and Oliver. W. Stewart, ted. ( From the first st 1901 and. from. perso with various Britis publicists, I have conelusion that the ment,-With any part -standMamything rathe flict with the Unite Tam not, howeve among those Canadi their statesmen with gence or cowardness passive and even at attitude towards arr They believe, and ri even if victorious would gain nothing x States, whilst she v 1 mendous financial los of famine anti serial home. This is know: better than Ottawi Toronto, where we row quietness childis our colonial irrespons No wonder, thoref can rulers, indifferent alll pre-international tegrity, should Iaug silver goods we'are showing a fine collection of Abolon Pearls. These pearls are of various tints, not one single piece being alike. They are found in the Pacific ocean. We mount them in sterling silver, every Beauti B Jud; Labor Day Sports Committee. .On large platform, lighted by electri ity. Council Thinks Labor Tay Sports.are Good Thing. is observed the number of flies can be kept down, thereby considerably minimizing the danger of disease in the hot weather. OF THE At a meeting of the City Council : es 5 Aithough there are no concrete held last night, a letter was received - ou ay lano floors, Mr. Collins slaughter house ee stamped. ae pliers from the Trades and Labor Council Ryge s Union Orchestra consisting of i in same manner skit it of 500 t: ds ess excent at-grenter personal dame ta Se tee Le four pieces,Piano, Violin, Cornet and Drum fgets and a Bs r, and only a pereentase . I8 DUE ENTIRELY TO THE CHARACTER OF Rese: used for Heteslicy. babe ee ie ceticenas Come and get in form for the Prize Been Con THE GOURLAY PIANO AS AT PRE- REAL ESTATE Ee once. Be Mgwer, better, and they were go gt; YWaltz on Labor Day. - ine-Co: bere arn i Favored by deal w SENT MANUFACTURED. ALTAWANA Bm Vancouver, B.C. leather was favorable, than ever be- REFRESHMENTS, leit eb air he fore seen in the city. Block'10, Lots 3-4, 1,000, cash. OPEN AIR DANCE. Ita t th f an earli Block 4, Lots 25-80, 1260 A, gracet of 400 waa mado, all the 4 sanguine . expectatior oes not res : lier . jock 4, , apr, : : E Test Ubon the work-of anleatlier genera terms. Under the auspices of the Labor Day. e bers being. unanimous that the . 4 mittee In. charge, an ti i i i grant should be made. is proving to be an ion or depend upon the character of instruments RIVERSIDE betes Sparinitiee an open air bye cess is but expressing . a will be held tonight on a large plat- j . made twenty-five or more years ago. eee at 48, 85 838 Hl oem, gtected. in in ball grousda at Ua samira rounds, whlch wer Block 15 a cost of 300. There is to be an Sergeant's Mess, 21st Alberta Hus- day afternoon presen' CoD: Tote 8640, 600 a ra Yi ccllent orchestra present consisting aPssars is now opened in the Arm- Notice of Removal seene. Thousands terms. : 2 ft piano, violins, cornets and drums, /Ory and all members are cordially in- x women and men on sno g stat at and at mamneser lt; lt; GEO. CAMPBELL, - Tailor vin a Block 5, Lote 28-29, 1600 a pr. /excellent time. The platform is to dressed to Sergeant A. M. Stephenson, contested racing even ' terms. be lighted by electricity, and tlie Secretary. Box 766. 41-3) has removed his Tailoring busjness from Toronto oftarts of: tose: aes : - Block 3, Lots 8-11, 950 a pr, fj dance is to start at 8 p.m. For fur- + St. to 331 North Railway St. ciated was amply dem South Rail St. Und Big Fi terms. ther particulars see advertisement in Loose Leaf System The News Job Suits made to order as usual. * . enthusiasm: displayed way St. inder the Big Fiddle. Block 7, Lot 16, 600: -Terms.. /another column. Department has every facility for aup- If Ladies and Gents Clothing Repalred, Cleaned and Pressed by expert tors aad ee nee Blech 11 10m 940, 180 ne. piri the -seoet :eftiatectory. hands. Work called for and delivered. 1 a ea Se; ae PEPE EEE EE EES FROME 426. tt the various exhibits CENTRAL PARK At ta jousdat e accel bE wale * large prizes offered Block 29, Lots 1-2, 785. Terms i, 10.0 Magistrate Kealy, J. Hamey FOR THE HAT of effect of atawingy Gor Phone 1 oF. Bik, 5, 37 ft, 875, terms. and J. MeGarvaotvere: tach. fod ioe eR RPE EERE RPE PP Reet every part of the wes j Block 27, Lots 31-82, 575, ) and costs for drunkenness, J. Mc- *e Mr. Frank Jones of the 3 SEER EERE EEE EEE ERE ird tario, amd parts of McKi I Nn nN on Ss I td. terms. Fadden and A. Rasmussun and I. * Canada Cement Co., speaking SSS ee HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Ward a similar sum for trespassing ** at Calgary of their plans in + Block 27, Lot 32, 525, cash, on C. P. R., and F. E. Werdlick was * the West said: In addition +f . : Block 21, Lote 29-20, 1100 a jsenteneed to one month's. imirisom . 0 Oe oe Wee We Offer For Sale , ew oO ir. ment for being drunk and disorderly. * plants, we ex ur Bread 1s On a Tair ihe wee ee *f mill at Medicine Hat having +f Hi h 90 e i Wanted First-elass office man. + a capacity of 2,000 barrels a f+ a Pedistal of its own er hr ont tans oo z t Only High-grade Footwear , trpewriter. Apply S, E. McClellan, 2 + The public demands good bread and we supply Fire, Life, Accident, Hall and iniboia Music Store. LEER EEE EEE Plate Glass Insurance. 410 Main St. P. 0, Box 816, it. There is a certain satisfaction abont getting good bread that only those who have tried our But- ternut bread can appreciate. It is uhiformly the aout quality. Try it once and you will eat other. . B. McKINNON, President. Here are two lines that will appeal to those who wear dressy Shoes: LADIES . TAN. BUTTON Fine... light . Weight Shoe, single sole. price 5.00. LADIES TAN BLUCHER Of medium weight calfskin, strong double sole. A splendid shoe for Fall wear. .... Price 5.00 SEE OUR NEW FALL.SHOES. Ss H.W. Ireiand Co. Main Street. Phone 54. betelctelegbeeieteiobelninioteininteinfelonteiniubatetetateintoteintafeer Now Is Your Opportunity J. B, RICHARDSON, Gen. Mgr. INVEST IN MEDICINE HAT- The live prosper- ous city of the West. Has the largest gas field in the world. Industries are pouring in. I will soon rank with the largest cities of Canada. opportunity for profitable investments in Real Estate. Procrastination is the thief of time. - WRIGHT DAY ROOME 1.2. PHONE 700. . OVER ASSINIBOLA MU SIC, STORE. Houses 24 of -varjous kinds under construction, some nearing comple- tion. Fully modern, Apply to W. Hl, ROSEWARNE Builder and Owner. Phone 800. terday and look of their investi session of the telephone buildi possible ground time Medicine I date automatic At pres average call fig change can han the same expedi EACH MEAL A PLEASURE IF YOU EaT Mother s Bread LOOK FOR THE LABEL. TASSIE BROS. Hon. C. R. Mite Over Prese Brought De Mr. Harmai berta, accompa
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Image 381 (1912-08-28), from microfilm reel 381, (CU1739576). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.