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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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sig s and qualities you a few. * of ODD TROUSERS than any other clothing house. Our corner window will show 1.50 to 9.50 . S. IRELAND C.P.R. Men s Store them. But as the tew parcels post system has raised some complications im the adjustment of the adopted by over until December: choicest styles in the city. range of Ladies Sweaters on STHE FAIR sEONARD FLANAGAN, PROPS: 81. Cor. Ottawa St. and 3rd Ave. Phone 81. : ipment + of Fall Waists Opening Up To-Day, Co me and see these if you want to secure some hand. T Quebeo, Oct. * his body. express. ticles, MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF CANADIAN AUTHOR IN QUEBEC PROVINCE . M. Fairchild Found With Gun by His Side and a Wound in His Body. WRITER S TRAGIC END AFTER FINE CAREER. He Amassed Fortune in His Early Life and Then De- voted Himself to Writing The autumn toll of hunting accidents was increased by another victim last week when Mr, , M. Fairchild, jr, the well knows, Canadian author and publicist, was found dead in the woods on the bank, of the Jacques Cartier river, near his country residenice at Val Cartier, hip gun by his side and o shot wound in How Mr. Fairchild met with his death is unknown, but it 1s surmised tates, which the commission as welll that the gun went off elther through as the express companies belleves his stumbling or through being en- will take eome time to straighten tangled in branches, Out. it is regarded as likely that the Maile Fortane Early. hearings om the new rates will go The late Mr. Falrehild this city in 1864 He was educated in the University of New York, where he was for some time connected with the firm ot Schoff Co. He man- aged his share of the business Successfully that at the early age. of thirty-six he was enabled to retire with a handsome fortune. Since then he had resided in Quebec. Bren during the most active of-his mercantile career the deceased found time not only to cultivate a love of letters, but to make frequent contributions to the press. The Que- bec papers have after column of his interesting ar- Prolifie Writer, In- Addition to many articles on fourrent events lt;rhich hrave appeared in Americca periodicals , the anthor also published Leaves ; (1887 )) Ridiculous vinced. BRASS AND IRON BEDSTEADS STEEL AND WOOD SPRINGS ALL GRADES OF MATTRESSES In fact everything cond QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, SHEETS BLANKETS AND EIDERDOWNS Ive to comfort this winter. J. J. Moore Son North Reale , Street Then you would Appreciate our IDEAL MATTRESS. built hot stuffed with white * Sowa? Tet tid'witt Inst you a lifetime, Try one and be con- It Price 13.50 . Pook. of 1812. is izations. int the world. Sing a About the Name the place of well seasoned wood. SOLD ONLY BY South Railway St. That s-why IS PRE-EMINENT 1OOK FOR. THE LABEL. There ar 'no wital eaitings used in the Gourlay to take lt;Mother s Bread? Song Therefore, as a miusieal instrument the GOURLAY is appreciated by the best musicians of the land. The Medicine Hat Music Co. Under the Big Fiddle. tet TASSIE BOS. (Special to England in 1870. Recital This is the 868 Toronto St. (1900), Mr. Fairchild also edited the Jour- nal of an American Prisoner at Fort Malden arid Quebec during the War His-iibrary of Canadiana was probably one of the most com- plete in -existence. Besides this Mr. Faircliiid was one of the founders of the Canadian Club, f New York, and was its. vice-presi- dent for several years, He belonged to-many literary societies and organ- Quebec Historian. Mr. Fairchild was a man who knew his Quebec and its history thoroughly and he never failed to point out its great attractions: to the many thous- ands who yearly come to this great jecea of the North American con- Hnent. He wrote many articles in re- gard to the winter attractions of the and he -never failed to impress upon the world that the great northern climate was the best An ardent: follower of sport, the deceased was a fisherman and hunter, and whether he toyed with the fly in summer or went-off on snowshoes in the winter after big game he was al- pways the same genial sportsman. He Was a friend of all who. met and be- fame acquainted with him,-and the Rews of his death will canse the deep- pest sorrow among a circle of friends all over North America. NOTED BLIND EDUCATOR 80 YEARS OLD the News.) London, Oct. 9. Sir Francis J. Campbell, the noted blind educator and scholar who for. more than forty years has been at the head of the Royal Normal College and Academy of Music for the Blind, celebrated his eightieth birthday anniversary today. In view of the many years that Sir Francis has givei tothe Royal Nor- mal College it is not surprising that even among those intimately associa- ted with him the fact has been almost forgotten that he Is a native of the United States and had established his reputation as an educator of the blind at the famous Perkin s Insti- tation in Boston before-he came to Don't forget Charles S. Thomas 550.00 For a lot in Block 24, High School Annex best value in the city. H.C. PETTET CO. Phone 481. born in blished columut Canadian Notes on Jesuit Manuscripts (1887), Rod and Can- oe, Rib and Snowshoe (1898), Courtship* many other works the best known of which is From My Quebec Scrap A. Long, iit retimned to the city. Calgary last though considered out of danger, recent went. operation i Mrs, TB Dawson On Wednesday, Oct. 2, 1912, marriage of Mr, Leslie C. Copp, after on the third Monday. ve pa: SS as ea scuoon THACHER LOADED Tn the report of the Council day's issue of the Nows, it was ed that St, Jolin's church offered the city 20,000 Scop avebees aren lie cemetery. The facts are that St. John s Chunch Semt owns this 168 acres as been offered 20,000 for it, but give the city the opportunity of chasing at that priee in preference to selling to any one else. the of the at and late. A under Sons of Scatland auspices. and tes COUNCIL MEETING. last evening.went-into the Railway agreement. - But again tonight. MR. BREWSTER S MOTHER DEAD. ; death of his mother. She was 91 rallied).osomewhat, and then, .grad- ually sank. There will be. a mass meeting held in St. Cobn's Presbyterian Church this evening at 8 o'slock. Mrs. Jor- lon White, Dominion President of the W.C.T.U., will give an address on Tokens of Coming Victory. A silver collection will be taken in aid of the work. Block 3, Riverdale, the best buy today continuation of The Esplan- ade, on the river banks. Beautiful dry and level lots, facing the river, only 260 per lot. Terms. Get in on this. Pingle, Wales and Bell. 76-2 Remember the date Tuesday, Oct. 15, at Methodist Church. (Charles S. Thomas Recital of King Henry The 5th. Admission 25c; Wt Houses for sale on easy payments or will exchange for real estate. Ap- ply to. Hotson Leader. B4-tt Foster's Shoo Repairing Depart- ment is saving others money. not you? ACREAGE Are you interested in Acreage? The price is ht. The terms are good. The locality ig the very best. It is sure to gdouble in value by spring. Come in and we will ex- plain our proposition to you. GAS CITY REALTY Co. 410 MAIN. STREET MEDICINE HAT Phone 695 Fire, Life, Actidegt tan and Plate Glas Tnsiranee, brother of Mr. C. Mer, W.B, Maral returned trom evening, and states that his brother, Mr. F. J. Marshall, is still very weak, asi tho result of the which he under will be At Home on Saturday, the 12th inst. from four until six o'clock and there- the of Calgary, took place to Mary Blanche Flanigan, of Milwaukeo, Wis. The wore a tailored brown suit tod gar ht Rev. McDonald of fete A. D. McDonald, a schoo teacher, got rather bad on a C. P. R. train last night, He. was boisterous and a C. P. R. constable was called to take him out, He bad to knodk him out to do 80 and oadifig him into an ex- press wagon brought bim to the sta- bi ceedings, which appeared in Tues- stat- for pob- case pre- has will par- SONS OF SCOTLAND CONCERT. Mr, E. A. Martin, an accomplished English pianist, will be the accom - panist at the Gtand Concert on Fri- day evening. Indications are that this is going to be a most success- fal concert, both in attendance and quality of programy The Concert is. The City Council-at their meeting Street eight clausesrvere dealt with, many of the main;points being discussed: butifew sshanges were made. They: will: medi E. Ww. Brewster received word this morning from Appleton, Wis., of the years.of age. Mr. Brewster visited herdast July. She was ill then but) ENCE Special co the News) Montreal, Oct. tion, which had its opening here day in connection with the SOUTH YUILL rent at 80. Easy terms. 50 ft, corner, Block 'T, 1500. CENTRAL PARK 800 50x186, level, Block 33, HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX 1100 pr,, 5-6, Block 20, water and gas. View lot- 1000-pr., Block 27. 700 for 33 1-3 ft, water and ga8; 525 for 22- ,-Bh and gas. 1200 pr., 5-8, Block 15. 1000 pr., 9-10, Block 28, water and gaz. a 900 pr, 3-4, Block 31, water and gas; snap. COUSINS AND SISSONS 700 pr., 21-30, Block 17, 900 pr., Block I. 550 pr., 1 and 2, Block 34. OLD TOWNSITE 1450, Lot 14, Blo ck 82, 5400 84 ft, corner, Braemar and Sth Ave Business site. 1200, Lot 14, Block 96. 3000, 50. ft, Block D, Esplan- ade, Block 25, level; BUSINESS 100 ft, Block 22, Old Townsite, 25,000. 75 tt. corner, 5th Ave .gnd Mont- real St, 35,000. 56x120 corner with brick block opposite C. P. R. station, N. Railway St, 35,000. 50x10 corner, Main St, and 7th Ayve., 20,000 84x180 corner 6th Ave, and Braemar St, 5,400. Busi- ness block- going up opposite this. This is now worth 10,- 000. He 500, Lot 3, Block 11, Main st. Main Siar 25 and 26 at 150 per Jot. B. F.SOUCH, Phm.B. DRVG STORE, TORONTO ST. Houses 24 of varidus kinds under - construction, some. nearing comple- tion. Fully modern, Apply to W. Hl. ROSEWARNE Builder and Owner. Phone 800. CANADIAN CHARITIES CONFER. 9. The* Canadian Conference of Charities and Correc- Chita Welfare Exhibition, has attracted: to Montreal. many men and women who SOME SPECIALS Cottage and lot for 2700. Will 50 ft. on Columbia Ave. with typ, houses rented-at- 54, for 840 for 50 ft. corner, Block 29. 900 6-7, Block 22, water and fas. SG 0.000 for. z and 8, Block 52, to Given thase two qualities thrift ny have made a scientific study of industry and a residence in the city of VOL. mean and methods of alleviating Medicine Hat, a young man has nothing suffering among the. poor and stamp- else to ask for. 4 ing out poverty And its entailed bel i vils, Tho United States as well as esterday s successes belong. to yester- . Canada is represented on the lst of day with all yesterday s defeats and sor- gt; Speakers. The discussions of the rows. The day is Here, the time is NOW, Y conference, which will continue over and the place is, gt; sh fad several days, will be conducted un- ij ee der the general heads of publle char: MEDICINE HAT ities, child delinquency, the ment- al defectives, tamttis 4 neighbor- boda the Gelinguent, pabtle health We lave a few deep River Lots in Riverside Park at prices and housing, sickness and depend- which will produce substantial profits ina very short time, - ency, and recreation and education. Only 40 per foot now. - Turk OARD OF THANKS, ; Se We are City Agents for all lines of Steamships. Now i Mr, A. E. Forester wishes to ox- 3 eae fait teak an isthe time to book. for Xmas Sailings. ay those friends who have extended to. hhim-and-hia family so many kind- Kindnesses during their bereavement 5 Sie fete e's) PERRY, SEWELL PERRY Also to thank the nurses on the hos- REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL BROKERS, se FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE. Pods Ocean Steamship Tickets. Regthe dea Offices Toronto. Street. Medicine Hat, Canada, cei ANNUAL BAZAAR. positic Whe ladies of St. Barnabas Church * Nichol: are busy preparing for their annual x was th Bazaar to be held in the Opera House . the lin Tuesday, Oct. 22. : gt; Within Montreal St. Bakery . M THE BEST YET. Try-Mitchell s Home-made Bread and be convinced. IT IS DELICIOUS. on Friday, lth Oct., at 9.45 a. m., for PHONE 560, badges and orders. Rubber Heels put on while you wait at Foster's Shoe Store, Main Street. te popes. felieitiebicieieicieicieieleleleieiedeleieleleleieledeieletetebeieiete City. ae THE CREATION OF WOMAN i - : Some of the bathing suits were of: blue silk, and with these blue silk stockings were worn. Others were of red or white silk, with red or white silk stockings. But the prettiest were the simplest well cut bathing-suits of black mohair, with stockings of black silic. Under his umbrella the Hindu studentsaid sofily, ashe gazed at all those slender sylphs moving, in their pretty hathing-suits, up and down the beach: This jolly sight reminds me of the Hindu fable of the creation of woman: It s a fable far more poetical than your Christian one, which forms woman, qut of a man s rib. Listen and see if you don't agree with me, Twashtri, at the beginning of time, created the universe and man; but when he came to make woman he f he had ex- hausted his materials, and no solid olements remained. pies Twasbtri mused a while. Then an idea came to him, and, in order to make the first woman,*he took moonlight and the undu- lations of the serpant, the sienderness of reeds and their soft move- ment in the wind, the tears of a raincloud, the velvet of flower pet- als, the grace of a roe, the tremor of grasses, the vanity of a pea- cock, the softness of the down on a dove s breast, the hardness of diamonds, and the sweetness of honey, the cruelty of a tiger, and the warmth of fire, the cold of snow, the chatter of 2 ji and the coo of a dove and out of these things Twashtri reated woman. SO Reb epee i De Ee deeds ole obe ode ode ode de ode ole ole ote ote ode fee alee He ote te Tob ob bebe ote oe oe ebbieeieieieie ieee eb biieieiib q cA 8. S id City a We Furnish You With Brea Borati that equals any that Mother i Setar used to bake. It's so good 10 that once you try it, you'll see limits the folly of bothering with aks home-bakliig aiy-tonger. is i Suppose you take a rest for a 6 for. week and have us supply the bread? We think you'll like che our Butter Nut Bread as well as your, own, perhaps. better. 1 Try it anyway. tratio J. B, RICHARDSON, Nox. -McKINNON *S LIMITED i Phone 105 lt; Th the 1 gt; whol await Wher RUBBERS : Eai carry colle Now in Demand ae - sives Barri WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK IN ALL ne SIZES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND ae CHILDREN. a Th All bought before the recent advance the in price. pion socle trod: plem Thos deba eet H.W. Ireiand Co. oor Main Street. -Phone 54.
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Image 647 (1912-10-09), from microfilm reel 647, (CU1739901). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.