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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Be Glasgow. House COLD SNAP YOU WILL NEED A WARM COAT SEAS THIS FALL. For four days only, 15th to 19th, we will put on, sale 32 Coats, Heavy Tweed, and Beavers. Regular prices from 15.00 to 25.00 SALE STARTS ON THE 15th GET. FIRST CHOICE. YOUR CHOICE FOR 5.00 See Window The Glasgow House The House of Fashionable Dressers van MLLNGER AGENCY WE ARE SELLING SO FAST IT KEEPS US BUSY CHANGING ADs, BUT WE ARE SATISFIEDR Ir YoU ARE. TOWNSITE SPECIALS CENTRAL PARK Block 87, 50 ft, 1,600, terms. Block 85, 50 ft, 1,500, terms. HERALD Blook 4, 75 tt, 1,650, terms. Block 9 105 ft, 3,000, terms. 10, 50 ft, 1,000, terms. ; 50 ft, 750, terms, Block 12, 59; ft., 1,200, terms. Block 27; 50 ft, 700, terms. Block 6, 50 ft.,. 1,350; terms. .,, COUSINS * SISSONS eBi ck 17, 14 block, 700 pair, terms, - Block 2, 50 fH 1,050, terms, 2 SPECIALS IN HOUSES WORTH SEEING S S-roomed Cottage, near High School, 2,450.00. Balance arranged. SNAP. 500.00. cash, 7-roomied House on-Ottawa Street, close in, fully modern, a beau- ty. 5,50.00. Easy terms. WE WANT YOUR LISTINGS. / vately-owned system, thei Si es Ss ao C..P. R, PASSENGER SERVICE. Effective June 2nd, 1912, 2 Arriy 26.20 4.05 8, nas aah 20.00 20.25 is 21.50 23.35 Mu 4.00 420 61 21.25 21,59 62 525 5.50 614-517 5.05 512-519 19.00 51 23.00 618-511 10.30 520-513 23.00 815 6.30 Local for Calgary. byt 230 240 Soy, Ltd, St. Paul-Port. 12 940 - .80 Soo, Ltd. Port-St. Paul, Nos. 11 and 12 do not come into Medicine Hat Paswing ume at Duni , Medicine Hat News ; Published by tho Medicine Hat News Cea Lidy erery lawful Its ottico, Main Scrveu Wedicine Hate Alta, A. J. No TERRILL, Better, News Dept. a 3 RING DAILY SEBSCRITION RATES - d 1 Yeas, delivered....8490 year by mail.. . .93.00 months, d -live 00 onthe, by mail. ... 1.50 3 months, byrma). .,76e 1 month, delivered....350 Addreser changed ag often as desired, but beta Old ad resser net ba given: WEEALY NEWS Publishec avery Thursday in atxteen or more pages, and contains eummay of the news of the week. local and district. S months. tr advance 7 3 months tn advance. hoe, Vancouver xp; Poronto to Vali, Toronto Exp. Vancouver to Tor, St Paul-Seattle express, Soattle-St. Paul Express, Prairie Exp. Winnipeg to Calgary, Expresa from Kooteniy Landing, Local trom Cranbrook Local trom Calgary. Local for Cranbrook. Express for Kootenay Landing. BOONE: Baltortal, Reportorhel, and and Year In advance... 1.50 Wettnesday, October 16th, 1912. A GREAT TRUTH. BETWEEN the operation ofa municipally- owned street railway system anda pri- is one vital dif. ference which, from the standpoint of sat- is ction to the citizens, overshadows. all minor Considerations. In the discussions which have taken plage on the proposal to many reasons have been advanced for both aoe and Dilvate ownership, but- thisbefogged by the r et has not ye en mentioned. It is so o important that the News feels justified in asking every citizen to take it Seriously in- to onsideration when endeavoring to de- lem? The prime object underlying the opera- tion of a municipally-owned street railway Leave, s 2045 Imp, Ltd, Montreal: to Vanvouvrer Imp. Ltd., Vancouver to. Molitr al. Prairie Exp. Calgary to Winnipegs ly-owned street railway syst m is service. ajover what he thonght would be a monstrous yield the Streets of the city to a corporation port to him. In his case, as in many former cide what stand he shall take on the prob- There may be steps generously taken which would have to be retraced: But service is, and,in the very nature of things must con- tinue to be, the tioving principleof a sys- m Which the people own. When the citizenigiqveigh the details of the problem which pow conftonts them, let them give mind ts these truths The determing influence in 4 municipal- The ruling purpose with a privatelyownied system is the craving for profits. Will Medi ine Hat have service or pro- fits rule its system? + 9 . e WROUGHT WHAT HE AVOIDED. WHATEVER was in the mind. of the crazed socialist, John Sebrank, his criminal attempt on Theodore Roosevelt s life at Milwaukee will have the effect of advertising the Colonel s campaign for the Presidency of the-United-States. It would appear that the would-be mur. derer s Yeason had been upset by. brooding wrong,.a third term for a president. Follow- ing the path whith anarchy has time and again proved to be useless in attaining the end sought, he tried to right a supposed evil with violence. The result is that he has attracted more attention to the fight- ing Colonel than any other individual, not excepting Roosevelt himself, has been able to attract. Hndeavoring to end the pro- gressive candidate s campaign, he has sue- ceeded only in giving itsa pronounced fillip ) forward. He has aided the very. thing from which he sought to save the republie. History supplies many examples of the same thing. The truth has frequently been proved that when an individual is made to suffer for a cause, he is transform- ed into. a martyr. The assistance rendered the victim and the cause depends almost solely on the popularity of the cause itself. It remains to he seen what degree of strength Roosevelt will draw from the ill- advised onslaught. It is safe to predict that it will bring nothing but added sup- instances, the issue he represents will be of the individual. IF Col. Roosevelt ot so seriously in- jured as to n tate his withdrawal from further aetive participation in the dential campaign, the attempt upon life which was made Monday evening, may possibly result in securing for him the. majority necessary to win his election. oe pd 22) Block 10, 1090. - Donald Currie Good Buys CENTRAL PARK 78 ft. comer, Block 33, 1500, Terms. 50. tt, corner on Highland St. near schodl, 1650 MRRALD 10 loth in Block 21, 450 each. Terms, 50 ft. Im Block 14, 1200. Terms, 4 lot in Block 3, 850 per pair. Terme. ROSEDALE 100 ft'In Blook 3, 4000. Terms 100 ft, in Blocks 8, 3200. Terma. TOWNSITE SL ft. near station, 25,000. I have 60 acres of nice level land near Redellff at a bar- gain, Call. aud-see me about this. Qther property in all. parts of the city, BRING ME YOUR LISTINGS. Room 1, Becker Block. cided whether to give a suit of old clothes away or have it re- novated, decide on the renovaf- ing and bring it to us you'll be mighty glad you did, be- cause we will probably saye you the cost of new clothing. Our methods of cleansing are jscientific and right up to date. Give us your work. When, you vuita, cohatacr QUALITY tirat Don't be per- wunded to buy CERAP Lum. BER because it cheap nse the very best. We have it, and oy. erything the Bullder requirce, A select stock or LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOORINGS. We hare the agency for the celebrated Morgan THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL SELIT CEDAR PosTs, wiie Low Posts pete BOARD - FINLAY Co. THE LUMBER PEOPLE P. 0, BOX 29, PHONE 57 Fin BOc. .. Quart 25 .... Pint DON T PAY MORE Fingle s Drug- and . CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH Booh Store : : if THE GLOBE CLEAN- ING PRESSING CO. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave. system is sekvi ice. The prime purpose in the Stranger things have happened across the ee of a corporation-owned system is border. : making of profit. Spa : cio The purposes of the two types of systems ,;GHRMAN meat and bread prices are the highest in the world..-Only the rich eat beef. Horse meat is the best the poor get. ROYAL BANK Ce Sol CI ay AGGREGATE ASSETS: Do not wait until you have a large amount to deposit before start- account. : ote GENERAL TITS i. 4 8 Hine Wind oom eA a banking Z ae eee MEDICINE HAT BRANCH : pS z Fourth Avenue: :0.-H. McDunnough, Manager retro tee etostecteteeetonhs testers cto ctoeteateat gt; ImperialBank of Can Capital Paid Up... Reserve Fund . A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRAN: SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL MERCHANTS BANK 3 OF CANADA THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. + Established.19 , 480 Branehies in Canada, Capital Pal Up, 6,000,000, Total Assets (Nov, 80th. 1911) orer 31,000,000. A goneral Banking Baviness Transacted Special attention to lt; 5 Accounts, 3 175,000,000. COuld not possibly be more widely. Separat- e gt; gt; viewed in the light of this principle; no corporation undertook to serve a miunici- - pality in any particular through motives of itis given the authority to seek, It no upon-a private street railway corporation there extends, first, last and all the time, the powerful influence of the desire for force, no change in officials or employees is accomplished that has not been. subjected; to searching investigation by minds absorb- ed in. the contemplation of probable gains. No part of the system is too small to be part is too great to be governed solely by it; if some superior force does not interfere to asplace it. Why should it be otherwise? The cor- poration is born hecause certain men crave returns; it continues its lif i accru to it. Its food is profits. Its very life-blood is gains. Hf. this-were not true the-corporation would not:be in exist- ence. History affords no instanee in which philanthropy. Money, the citizens money, is what the corporation seeks. That hat other reason for being. It is nothing more Over every act considered by or urgea the first six months of this year 5,924 ri tension: read about, there are far worse thing: praies Nog BIDE SUA wee into experience. It would appear that Medi- 1781 The Americans and French allies be- horses were slaughtered in Berlin. Ae gy If these be the drear October days we S to eine Hat is to have the weather as -isual. ee ES eee THIS DATE IN HISTORY October 16. 4 J710 A British naval force captured Port Royal, 8. C. same grand fall gan the battle with the Yorktown. 1835 Maj. G. ili British at de Cuba, born in Galesburg, Ill. Died near Bakersfield, Cal., Nov. 12, 1906. 1859 John Brown made his Historie raid on Harper s Ferry. 1906 Mrs.. Jefferson Davis, widow of the President of the Confederate States, died in New York City. Born in Nat- chez, Miss., May 7, 1826 THIS IS MY 47th BIRTHDAY require help or if you are look- EMPLOYMENT AND 5 C. P. RY. LABOR AGeACY See Harris Olson if you ing for work. Real Estate and Insurance, : 386 TORONTO ST. : wi 2 received the surrender of Santiago VOteeoserooeorosossce CitySaleStables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sal , LIGHT AND HEAVY DEAYING, Hay for Sale. FRED McCEAIN PROPEIETO Phone 569, Box S04, CROSSLEY BROS. Builders. Contractors. 729 Lockwood St. A Houses for Sal OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONE NO, 368, 402 728 than natural that the influence of money ee us 3. + Medicine Hat Branch profits should er: ihefi He Earl of Cavan. ee caray ninence isin the manager's) qrederick Rudolph Latnbart, the tenth : air early and late, by day and by night lines of Cavan, was born Ostober 16, 1865, and succeeded to the title upon the death of a: ERRB always, FALL 1912. en COME WITH THE CROWD AND GET AN UP- This sinister purpose is absent from a municipally-owned system. True, there-is his father in 1900. The first Earl of Cavan was made Governor of Connaught after Modern and sanitary in every Fespect and the machinery. is the best. the money can buy. THE J. S. FOLLIS - Contracting Co. invariably a desire that such a system Lord Essex s expedition to Ireland in the should show a profit, but it is a profit, time of Queen Elizabeth. The present Earl not the greatest possible: profit, which i8 peecived ili educafio: ieu j red. The tendene: tenant colonel in command of the First Bat- of the utmost service to the itizens i8 80 talion Grenadier Guards in the South Afri- cready) sure y the ae to Bile By can war in.1901. Prior to that ey he was gains, tha e latter influence is All aide-de-camp to-Lord Stanley of Preston 1 intents-non-existent as touching es ites was Govertoe Guid of ouse Mover tion of the system. G anada. he heir to the title is the brother SAND FOR SALE not to be wondered at. Ft could of the present Earl, the Hon. Lionel Lam- EXCAVATING not be otherwise. It is not to-be presumed+bert- The-latter-was married in 1906 to HEAVY TEAMING that the people will exploit themselves. to Miss Adelaide Randolph, whose mother CONCRETE WORK. em which, it is trite, was-Miss Edith May, of New York, who, af. F own, but. Which they ean individ- ter the death of her first husband, Col. Ar J a J S L A I T 16 MONTREAL steer Phone 260. All white help employed. TO-DATE SUIT AND OVERCOAT. a HUNDRED SAMPLES TO CHOOSE FROM. pairing, Cleaning and Pressing. * FUR COATS : D. ee GEO. CAMPBELL 81 NORTH RAILWAY. OPP, C.F, BR, DEPOT PHONE NO. . 198 moRoxre er. Your patronage solicit Heavy Teaming, Sand, And our drivers will call for o Excavating a too and return the goods. rf : Light and Heavy Hors s for sale as All Times. F. S.. LYON. CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale. Ynill Street, Phone No. 41k P. 0. Box 81. og Sb Lowsees SFO lav vumess derive no direc monetary return. her Randolph, was married to the late Thus, witha municipally:owned em, William . Whitney. frectvice, whether it be adequately obtained ae eee or striven Sieg with only partial pissehe CONGRATULATIONS TO remains the priine determining force. There may be inefficieney at points, There may be retrenchment where necessa: 4 may be waste in serving people be neglected by a*pr Piano Moving ; easonable A Speciaity liable Wns No OO SINGER SEWING - MACHINE AGENCY , Machines for Sale and Rent. 31 North Raflway Street. P.O, Box 184. it Phone. 486, T. F. Reynolds PAINTER, ETC. Latest samples in Wall Paper, 120 Bighth Aves Marshal Hormes da- Fonseea, president There of Brazil, 57 years old today. yho Would Gen, Sir William G. Cameron, noted Bri- ely-owned system. tish soldiey 85 years old today.
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Image 687 (1912-10-16), from microfilm reel 687, (CU1739911). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.