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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Cc. P. i Glasgow House. COLD SNAP YOU WILL NEED A WARM COA THIS FALL. , Foy four days only, 15th to 19th, we will put on sale 32 Coats, Heavy Tweed, and Beavers. prices from 15.00 to 25.00 : SALE STARTS ON THE 15th GET FIRST CHOICE. : YOUR CHOICE FOR 5.00 See Window 618-611 520-513 Regular Nos. 11 and 12 do not come time at Dunmore shown. - SESS Medicine Na Published by the Medicine Hat-News Co, Lid, every that Ing ai Its office, Main Steou Wedicive Hat, Alta. 1 y.a,, delivered.... 4.90 months, 4 lives months, delivered. The Glasgow House The House of Fashionabie Dressers Fe OLINGER AG ELLING SO FAST IT KEEPS US BUS CHANGING ADS, BUT WE ARE SATISFIEDR IF YOU ARE. 1 month, delivered....35 Addresses changed as oftea aa destred, but bots now and 6 montha, tr advance ss Year in advauce.... 1.50 384 MAIN ST hureday, October 170k) 2919. WE ARE SI s CENTRAL PARK Block 12, 60 ft.. 1,200, terms. Block 27, 50 ft, 700, terms. Block 6, 50 tt. 1,850, terms. COUSINS SISSONS Bisck.17, 1-4 block, 700 pair, 5 TOWNSITE SPECIALS s Block 87, 50 ft, 1,600, terms. Block 5, 50 ft. 1,500, terms. HERALD 76 tt, 1,650, terms. lt;9, 105 tt, 3,000, terms. 20, 50 ft... 1,000,. terms. , 50 tt, 750, terms, nificance and bri Sere S bility a Sepetition ae ing the incoming year. Judi ing nees this feat is more than likely to lished, in which event the city may be fairly considered to haye entered the stretch in the rate for supremacy as the Most important centr and the coast. gt; le census. was carefully taken under the supervision of Chief of Police Bruce and through the system followed it is difficult to see where any seriotis error could hay been made. number of inmates for each house. visi bySthe police and as there Tae oe ping of the districts, if any mistake has */ been made, it would result */of the total rather th ee TOO LATE TO CHANGE: : Block 2, 50 ft, 1,050, teres: t 2 SPECIALS EN HOUSES WORTH SEEING S-roomed Cottage, near High School, 2,450.00. Balance arranged. SNAP. 7-roomed Hoitse on Ottawa Street, cl ty. 5,50.00. Easy terms. z lccomy 500.00 cash: mod rn, a beau- osafn, fully WE WANT YOUR LISTINGS. Wreteiegocesiectentecieatensetoge sieatesteetoatees ROYA NADA. NK MEDICINE HAT BRANCH Fourth Aven 3 Pibeksancescn Setoeseeenseczeete lonenloafoatoate Canada -. 6,460,000 - 6,460,000, 'RANSACTED, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TI SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES, RG WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch. POPPE OSSSSS TS BANK THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. 180 Branches In Canada. Established 1864: Capital Pald Up, 6,000,000, Total Assets (Nor. 80th. 1911) over 81,000,000. A general Basking Business Transacted. Special atteition to OY. Manager : ? Medicine Hat Braneh SAMPLES : ARRIVED H THE CROWD AND GET AN UP. -D, SUIT AND OVERCOAT. IUNDRRED SAMPLES TO.CHOOSE FROM. FUR COATS REPAIRED. CAMPBELL OPP. . P. BR, DEROT RAILWAY. R. P. NGER SERVICE. 'Rftective dune fad, 1912, Arrive. Leave, n Imp. Ltd, Montreal to vouver are ey . I 8.80 Imp. Ltd., Vancouver to Wear ture re published in anothey u 14:85--Vancouver Exp: Toronta to. Van. Some. interesting comparisans cenit be made gt; frem the figures: published. 20.45 20.25 22.15 St. Paul-Seat 4.20 Seattle-St. Ps 21,59 Prairie Bx Express. Express. Local trom Cranbrook. * Local trom Calgary. 10.80 Local for Cranbrook. 23.00 Express for Kootenay Landing, 6.30. Local for Qalgary. 40 Sov, Let, Sti Paitl-Port. 9.50: Soo, Ltd) Port.-St. Paul. Madicine Hat. ERRILL, B tzor, i 3 cele ora son of Mrs. RDG. FQ DAILY SURSCRIPTION RATES 3 months, by map. .. O14 ad reaser gt;et ba given. WEESLY NEWS Publishec every Thursday tn sixteen or more pages, and contains a eummay of the aews of the week. Jocal and district Z STRETCHING OUT HE fact that the population of Medicin: hi Hat has passed the mark, thus doubling in size si of the ensus in 1911, is elev A card is on file giving th its increase. THE School Board acted wisely in leaving the name, Connaught attached to the new school, of which the Governer-General laid the corner-stone. hat there was any division of opinion among the members of the Board regarding the commemorating the Duke s visit to Medi- cine Hat in this manner, came as a surprise to the citizens. It had heen generally be- lieved that the Board had welcomed the op- portunity to hand down a nanie to future generations which would stand for the at ) tainment of a very definite milestone in the city s existence. And the naming of the ini- stitution in tribute to Canada s first royal Governor-General, we believe, had the sup- port of practically every citizen. . Tf there was any cleavage of opinion; the time to discuss the advisability of the move was before the city had committed itself by asking the consent of the Duke. After the intention had been clearly indicated and. the acquiescence of the Governor-General had been . farther debate. It was not to be thought that we could repudiate owr expressed de- sire, Our reputation would have: been se- handled by sister cities if we had to supplement our request. JAPAN'S ANTHEM panese national anthem is the most poetieall: the possible exception of the Norwegian, Ja, vi elsker, written by Bjornsterne Bjornson. opinion, but the Japanese anthem is com- mendably short and makes in its English form, an eminently pleasing poem. Its ten lines are as follows: Until this grain of sand, To worded in the world, with That, is, of course, a matter-of ed by each wavelet s freak, Grow to a cloud girt peak Towering above the land; Until the de: Beading this bl Swell to, Age upon age untold Joy to. joy manifold And for-our Sovercign s.sake, ee ee CARLSTADT : Record: Citizens Wes: flake is som s gold a mighty lake f Medi- eine Hat who'are so proud of their trees muehy, woi iy of the trees are leaving. ied just now, as a great Toronto Exp., Vancouver to Tor, Winnipeg to Calgary.) THE M 6.50 Prairie Expy Calgary to Wisinipeg, Express from Kootenay Landing. x9 much to ene call a halt on the gi t News... mong: fellow get his feathers singed, 2 year by-mait.. 33.00 00 mouths, by malt, dl thousand lt; the taking startling in its sig- within range of possi- the rformance dur- by present e between Winnipeg in the lessening desirability of 1853 A filibustering expedition, ONG bui year already elapsed. The September time ) city, or upon this little furthe th jing over the eity stree Way company. ready, stand from, under and le LORE Medicine Hat leads alt Can: ada. in the percentage of increase in Iding permits for the portion of the DOCTORS COULD Se NOT HELP IN KIDNEYS hat it is pretty near lat stopped giving away cts, eo investiyent in the The News quit agreeswith the May F int. In fact we would go a than the Mayor. We would ng habit before hand- ets to any street rail- ou have confidence in the future of the vote to let the city oir its street y franchise: Of cdifrse; if you think e have about reached aur limit al- t the oth- Peter MeNaughton lies in the Vancouver jail with a charge of murder hanging over his head. He van away with another man s wife after beat- ing the man up. The man died. Despatches say Mrs. McNaughton is a school trustee ake Gr iL hn; QW ARELEY tell of the MeNatghton household today. : EX-KING Mannel of Portugal seems to . have hopes of once more reigning, as He jhas issued a manifesto to his former sub- jects, which is a reply to a report that he He - says monarchism is not dead and Portugal jis jdominated only by terrorism, which is the He refers. to the two years of revolutionary anarchy which all and the falsified elec- 1910, which, he asserts for a 'small fraction He assures the Portugese ex- iles and those still in Portugal + who are at the flag of monarchy ad abandoned his own cause. jrepublie s sole fo followed his dowr i tions of Octobe: wer a chance victor lof Portugal. ithful to him t till wa in his hands. o. PUBLIC OPINION. Church get their r and marriage must be promoted- a people to be reache DSSS) when sogial differences principles. first law of the Kingdom of Heaven. The time for great statesmianship. + o - CONGRATULATIONS: TO Vice Admiral Sir George le Chitce Eger- ton, of the British Nayy, 60 years old to- rl of Selborne, former Bfitish High Commissioner in South Africa, 53 years old SUN TS ee a October 17. ey 1777 British army under Biirgoyne sur- rendered to the Americans at Sara- togay: - 1797 Napoleon gain. the Venetian do- miniors for France by the treaty of Campo Formio. 1803 The fortress of Agra, the key of Hindustan, surrendered to the Bri- tish. z ss under Col. William Walker, sailed from San Francisco to establish 2 pro- slavery colony in Lower California, 1902 Lord: Kitchener, appointed to com- mand the British forces in India. 1908 Gen. Count Nodzu, famous Japanese soldier, died in Tokio. Born in 1844. and prominent charity worker in Vancou- ver. Had Mrs. McNaughton devoted her time to ineuleating high -ideals into the jinind of hey son, instead of taking such a general interest in other people s children, months, in advancu. .f0 there would probably be a different tale to When Undecided whether f-give a suit of old clothes away or have it' re- novated, decide on the renovat- ing and bring it to us you'll be mighty glad you did, be- cate we will probably save You the cost of new clothing. Our methods of cleansing are Scientific and right up to date. Give us your work. THE GLOBE CLEAN- ING PRESSING Co. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave. Montreal Witness: It will not do for the be content to hold its services without the people, while the people read their newspapers atid go to the theatre and igion, their morals and their econdinies from them. If the theatre is e- sentially the people s teacher, the theatre must be redeemed. If the newspaper is the People s maker, mind and soul, the news- paper must be redeemed. If the prison is an academy of vice, the prison must be re- deemed. If the college life is beset with Social perils, the social life of students must be redeemed: Ifthe raceyis showing a ten- dency to die out, dad more particularly the better elem nts of it, through prudence and absorption in the straining activities of life, the normal family idea must be restored These are the problems that the Chureh has to solve the tasks it has to fulfill, and it has not time for non-essentials. It has not time for denouncing this and that method as out- side of a preconceived order of things, see- ing that there is a country to be sayed and d, and the years are The time seems to have come resulting from pri- vilege are creating Unrest among the masses no longer dumb and when shadowy nostrums are being followed as elementary The Church has the cure for this unrest in the brotherliness whieh is the EMPLOYMENT AND LAB AGECY require help or if you are look- ing for work. Real Estate and ? 386 TORONTO ST. : Over Mitchell's Butcher Sho, time has come to apply that law. It is a Complete stock of Toilet Articles Deng andres, Propriety Moot Spenslog of Physicians Pee- scripeons s fpsealig ; 2048outh Ry. St. THIS DATT IN HISTORY Laundry Modern and sanitary in every respect and the machinery 1s the best that All white help employed. Your patronage solicited. And our drivers will call for ouse Mover HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORE. J.J. LAIT U6 MONTREAL STREET (ol GENERAL Cc. P. RY. See Harris Olson,if you pan eay Insurance. Phone 75- san buy. - PHONE NO. 8. and return the goods. SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING Phone 260, oe x Good Buy tt. corner, Block 28, 1500. Terms, 80 ft. corner on Highland St. wear school, 1650, HERALD * Lote 21 ana 22, Block 10, Terme. 10 tots tn. Block 21, 450 anch, Terms. 50 ft. In Block 14, 1200, Terma, lots in Block 2, 850 par. pair Terms, ROSEDALE 400 ft. in Block 3, 4000. Terms 100 ft. in Block 8, 8200. Terms. TOWNSITE SL ft. near station, 26,000, F have 160 acres of nice level Jand near Redclift at a bar- Call and s e me about . 1000. Other property in All parts of the city. BRING ME YOUR LISTINGS. Donald Currie Room 1, Becker Block. Phone 776, SINGER SEWING MACHINE AGENCY Machines for Sale and Rent. S81 North Railway Street. PO, Box 184, Fall AND 80 Phone 486. HAVE BY THE CESS, 0 OLD WAY Se RE FOR SMUT DON T PAY MORE le s Drug an Book Store : fo: H. B. CURTIS CitySaleStables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses'for Sale. LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING. Hay for Sale. FRED McCLAIN PROPRIETOR a. aa eo oe eee PHONE .85, Phone 569. CROSSLEY BROS, Builders. Contractors. Box 304, 789- Lockwood St. Houses for Sale. ee OFFICE PHO NO, 868, NE sexnck PRONE 402 728 THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST. Pgh 1 Pee Light anll Heavy Horses for sale at GEADING AND EXCAVATING Qravet and Sand for Bale, Phone No, 415. P, 0. Box 31, Yuill Street, T.F. Reynolds PAINTER, Latest samples in Wall Paper. 120 Righth A ETc. , Phone 690,
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Image 694 (1912-10-17), from microfilm reel 694, (CU1739886). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.