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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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baskets containing groceries. gt; each one of which Is sure to be ap- To Pay Off Mortgages edn Office open evenings. ay Rent or high xates of interest. : We Will Loan You Money To buy or Build Houses To Improve Real Estate We Guarantee the time when your indebt- International Home Pur- chasing Contract Co.,Ltd. Medicine Hat Office 889 Main-St., Over Assiniboin Music Store. Per at Cent. off. Write, phono oF call. Phone 883. FOR W The Woman's Society of Knox Ghurch will hold their annual meet ing for the election of officers at Mrs. Bentley's 1094 B. Allowance, at 3 o'clock Thursday, Dec. 12th, The Woman's Missionary Society of St. John s Church will hotd thelr monthly meeting in the Ladies Par- Jor on Monday, Dec. 9th, at 8 p. m. Blection of officers. The public, meeting of W. M. S. of the Methodist Church will be held in the basement on Monday at 8 p. m. The half year s reports will be given; aiso a short programme. Silver col- ection. The Mission Circle will meet in the Baptist Church at 30 on Tuesday, Dees oth. The Daughters of the Empire will have a Christmas cheer entertain- ment in the basment of St. John s Presbyterian Church on Thursday, Dec. 12th, Tea will be served from Zito 5. The ladies are asked to bring These are to be distributed at Christmas. May we who have been blessed with plenty during tie year open our hearts to give of our abundance to those who have not been quite so fortunate. . fFrtteesssese es oe FADS AND FASHIONS - Paeeceeeeeeseed . New. York, Dec. 7. The recent Sp hing of the social season which was ushered in by the horse show and, close upon its heels, the open- ing of the operatic season, has given ample opportunity to study the pro- sent types of evening costumes wWorn-at the opera, the theatre la at various other publia-and social functions. One of the most strikingy Features scems to be the great vogue of costumes in c mbination of white and silver and white and crystal. The white frocks vary greatly in character. Some of the handsomest are in white and silver . brocade trimmed with white. silver lace and fur. Ong stunning frock seen the other night was of white velvet bro- ade on a silver foundation, an amazing supple material draped in bONT CRYI The Bartlett Stud o has the best solution for the Gift problem. A doz- en photos in one of our distinctive styles will make twelve Xmas gifts. preciated, Have the BEST or NOTH- ING. There's a Your town. THE BARTLETT STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHER in BY ONE OF THEM OMEN clinging lines and showing a petti- coat of fine lace where the narrow pointed train dragged away from the slashed sides. The bodice was al- most entirely of the fine lace laid over flesh color tulle, but the sleeves were mete wisps of silver tulle. Crystal trimming, or at least erys- tal in the popular form of brilliants set on in single lines or in chains, is moreoften used upon the to lettes of young women than upon the elsbor- ate costumes of maturer matrons. The brilliants used in modifs of loose chain effect are at their best made double. That is, two brilliants are set together back to back and the crystal fringes, although only o - casionally, The crystal beaded talle, which both in white and in black is wel liked, figures very considerably in on wag.oF another among the oper ocks- S nthe black and white are combined after the fash- ions exploited by Worth and Drecoll and there are some handsome ( nd practical frocks in which the drapery and train aro of black velvet em- bossed or silver gauze or black chif- fon, wh le the underskirt is of the or black and white, Perhaps the most distinctive fea- ture of tho new evening frocks, aside from occasional vagaries.of akirt - drapery and train, is the freo use of flowing sleeve draperies, akin to the angel sleeves of olden times, This idea is developed in innumerable ways, but all have more or Jess the same effect, and the effect is usually a charming one, though occasionally the designer bungles the thing and achieves a sleeve drapery quite out of tune with the Hines of the frock. Often this so-called sleove drapery covers the front of the arm ot at shadow neross the-shoulded point and few inches of the arm below it, but back of the shoulder line the lace or rulle fallsgracefully, forming a background for the arm and giving long, grac- ious lines to the back of thi frock, imes jt descends, only to the or looses, itself in some clever way among the skirt draperies. The idea of sleeves contrastig in material is not new this season, but one finds new expressions. of it in Some of. the opera gowns. - One veautiful gown of black velvet . and rare old . lace, for example, had the left side of the bodice and close shor sleeve; of the lace plainly and cling- ingly fitted, while on the right side F the velvet rau up iagonally to a Point from under which rose a drap- ery of black tulle that crossed the shouldet and fell in - loose fk drapery over the ari. This was bordered by a single line of bril- Hiants. A great rose of black velvet with brilliant erest was posed on the corsage, where velvet and black tulle met, - The very general use of the trans- parent bodice has miade necessary all sorts of versions ofthe bib skint fcontinuation. A bodice of color and texture contrasting with the skirt, the line of demarcation being directly at the waist line or even aba high girdle top is distinetly ungraceful aril inartistic. Broad back pannels are extensively aged on dresses made of heavy weight result is a greatly enhanced. cffestive- ness. Embroideries of tiny crystal bulges are used extensively. Net bands and trimmings of erystal beads predict that GEM FOUND IN RUINS: Su OF HOTEL UNINJORED. Kingston, Des, 5. A rough mond valued at- 200, and own Miss Helen M. Johnson of Wat Fourth Ave. are also popular, ahd. one) sees some, town, N. Y., daughter of the former materials. The skirt of the dresoy model shows a drapery sugges- tion. drapery tapering off where it ia slightly caught For the amount of money that we have in- vested in our Victor stock we could easily . have presented every other talking ma-. pianos placed in Canadian homes. But we recogniz in His Master s Voiee products the very best obtainable, and we years there will be more Victor-Victtolas than pianos placed i nCanadian homts. during the next three Those who demand the best must buy a Victor. where they have the largest stock from which to choose. we have in our store more than fifty Victor machines, ranging permanently 3 in stock the following records: Every 10-inch 90 double- sided Victor record that is made. Every 12-inch 1.50 double-sided Victor record that is made. Every 10-inch 1.25 Red Seal Victor record that is made. Every 10-inch 90 Purple Label Victor record that is made. Every 12-inch 1.50 Purple Label Victor record that is made, A large assortment of 10 and 12-inch pie Records, Seal Records. 4 proprietor fnins of the Colimbia Hotel, twas destroyed by fire at Tho sland Park int July. The gem uninjured. Mhese skirts have crossover slender to the back, a-conibination up and batiste, or ai ordinary combibation Will there Paty home this Christmas 2 been found in the which appointed A. Belderkin of thickly Leaded tulle, black or white House next week, Hopp, Dr, Moore; Meeker; brought the back pin l, near. the skirt e069 es Other model have a broad panel effect in the back, the skirts having pleated inserts at the side. or the suggestion of drapery. produced by an arrangement of pleats in the side side front seam and effected by s rile, somictimes it falls to the floor rwing-up the-tengthened skirt Tho sides of these models are plain and finished off at the back with a panel arrangement, Some panels i Pleated. They generally run allthe same way in- stead of being reversed toward th. centre. They appear in the back or front, and in some cases in a panel effect on one sid of the skirt. Gath- eredpanels are also used, but in every case this section is stitched to the skirt all the way down, The anel finish is more becoming to. the rage figure than the perfectly plain back, and it also makes a de- ery Sifable finish when the drapery is of 4 material contrasting with the dress fabric, as. the panel of self material makes a good finish for the drapery at each side. The old style corset cover has be come almost unknown in fashionable cireles, for the Women who dresses. smartly. realizes the necessity of firmer figure support under loose gowns than the corset cover of yore. Brassieres of lines and fine embroid- ery. and perhaps an edge of Irish or Cluny. lace are, worn with the petti- coat, over the corset, a separate eul- otte drawer being worn also ov: the corset if desired. Most women, however, dispense with the pretty coulotte drawer in the interests of and Were the corset over chemize-drawer of The characters ot Hopp-Skip an a Jump to be presented at the Opera ES garment of glove silk, which clings closely-to the-Sgure. except in the form of insertions above narrow frills under the edge of the Medicine Hat to Toronto Reger. aL PA CIFIC ei GO AO Tee el tf ii a Skipp, D. R. Ware, and Jump, Frauk Lace is not used on petticoats now Lickets Gat ih connection. with tic Trips on sale Nov. 7th to Dec. mae, rtd five monte fom de i i Cs ial ners SPECIAL THROUGH IOE. in connection the flounce of embroidery, and in embroidery scallops, Tho street petticoat is of tub ma- cinch flounce, no deeper, set on under an embroidery beading. Dancing petticoats and those in- tended for evening wear often have flounces to the knees, the hand- some embroidery. flounce not being gathered where it joins the petticoat top, but having a few erqups of pin tucks to lend fullness without Iumpi- ness. , 5 Velour hats are n great favor and . i : . rallies ee ee ae we to L. A. Dobbin, a od Cameos in Welewood hue aod shel cine Hat, oF write to pink are seen on hats and used for the fastenings of evening cloaks. Smart waists of white voile have groups of fine tucks alternating with rows of tiny rhinestone buttons. The oriental influence is sen in Persian-shaped toques and Persian changing the name of the. organiza- embroideries. tion from Republican to Progres- FLORENCE FAIRBANKS, : sive. . The league since its organi- SE Ee gation has been affiliated with the SCANDINAVIANS SPLIT. Party declaring that if he left publican Party he was no: lo we memter of the league. With the tt broken every member present : occasion to express bis views, oie of them in forceful and ob Bnglish. The motion, however, finally withdrawn and the entire ter dropped. In the meantim factions are claiming control progressive wing of the Republican Party and the organization of a third party resulted in a split, The con- stitution of the league pravides as one of the qualifications of member- ship that the member shall subscribe rks, .N. D. Dec... 7 The of the National Progres- sive Party bids fair to cause the ile- solution ofthe North Dakota Scan- dinavian Republican League, one of to the principles of the Republican Of 48 the pioneer political organizations of Party. When a third party entiiusi- the mu state. ast: moyed that the league-change its Mrs, Mary Jane Bull wishes to York cl Dissolution. in the ranks was pre- name by substituting the word Pro- thank all the people who assisted in were sh cipitated at the Amnual me ting when gressive for Republican the *trou- putting the addition to the hottse and an effort was made by thevthira par- Dle began. Tho: president himself of /making it comfortable for her inva- Seven ty members to secure control by the faction still in the Republican 1id husband for the winter. 20 100: 1 you wish to hear. lt; ans The Nova Scotia Government has Amhers as rm delegate and lecturer fo ish Isles In connection witi i Rive department of Industries and tm lightning bolt. and the German word migration, Mr, Elderkin will take up Subscribe now for The Wally News his duties at once. 32. 50 Any His Master s Voice dealer in any town or city in Canada will gladly play any music BERLINER GRAM- 0-PHONE CO., LIMITED, Those who desire the very best should select from At the time of writing thisladvertisement from 20 to 250. Besides,we keep A large assortme be a Victrola in 52. 65 35 200 250 MONTREAL. Red a 7 12-inch Sey isl Germany electrical apparatus and wires carrying high voltage cur- rents are marked by a warning sign consist(ggg of a startlingly realistic LEADING peReOn: AGENTS Eastern Prices. Terms oe, /tor aanger. Subscrite now for The Dally News ,
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Image 1073 (1912-12-07), from microfilm reel 1073, (CU1740249). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.