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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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y Viow. ers for you. 2 rtment: Ever how in the City 2's Drug and Store : : 3 r Made To ler Shirts MADE BY LASTIMO z News Block. We guar- isfaction with every We carry all the new- up-to-date styles and A trial order ts all S 1 25 6.50, 3, NEWS BLOCK 8-tr Se for anster dentin to all orders, ving with Plano Yan ality. Delirerea. INE NA. 349, flo fonfointn loft fefecfnfe B. CURTIS Sale Stables ams, Drivers, Saddle orses for Sale, D HEAVY DRAYING. Hay fe Sale. McCLAIN PROPRIETOR CA WKER, Phm. B. ruggist tock of Toilet Articles ries, Proprietary Medi- ng of Physicians Pre. specialty, Ry. St. Phone 75. perro nctedocon deat, Reynolds ITER, ETc, Seeeeec eran Oe), nples in Wall Paper, h Ave. gt; Phone. 690, Be . f mharndey, November 260, 1012. TO HOMESTEADERS, ETC, COAL COAL Galt Stove, Engine and Bincksmith s Coal. Large or small quantities shipped to any station. Storage: Bsplanade and N. Ratiway. Room 1 Becker Block. P.O, Box 813, WINTER VEGETABLES FOR SALE Carrots, Turnips, Parsnips, Beets, Onions Cabbage, Potatoes. FRED SMITH Basement Under Praitt Block... PORONTO: STREET. Box 430 Medicine Hut. . DON'T CRY The Bartlett Studio has the best Solution for the Gitt problem. A doz- en photos in one of our distinctive Styles will make twelve Xmas gifts, each one of which s sure to be ap- preciated. Have the BEST or NOTH- ING. There's a PHOTOGRAPHER your town, THE BARTLETT STUDIO Fourth Ave. House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. J.J. LAIT 16 MONTREAL STREET Phone 260. F.S. LYON CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale. Yall: Street. Phone No, 416 P. 0. Box 31. Dreamland Theatre.) or hire. Horse or Automobile De- livery at all times. 2 WAY FOR SALE. Prairie Hay by the oad. No. Timothy by the bale or ton. 7* * PHONE 703. OFFICE PUONR STABLE PHONE. NO, 888 402 728 THE J. S. FOLLIS 108 TORONTO ST. Hoary Teaming. Sand, Coal Grave: Excavating a Specinity. Light and Heavy Horses fer sale AMI Times, E. Bartlett. B.A. se Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation Plans, Ete. Room 14, Imperial Bank Bullding. Medicine Hat Phone 42 A small want Ad in The Daily New Y buying low grade coffee. An extra half cent or cent a day will buy Seal Brand and you will know the exquisite flavor of the ..finest coffee 8. TAYLOR CO. A TALK ABOUT HARDWARE If you are thinking about pur- chasing Hardware don t forget that we can supply your needs at the right price and that we can give you the benefit of a long ex- perience by offering you the best j would probably increase th grants that can be procured. Chance to Win a Sew ing Machine With every 1.00 purchase we are giving a key and the person holding the key that unlocks the machine takes the machine absolutely free. Anderson Plumbing Company 625 NORTH RAILWAY STREET Eva Mylott Recital EN TOUR Eva Mylott, the great Australian Prima Donna, will sing in the OPERA HOUSE, FRIDAY, NOV. She will be assisted by the great Solo Pianiste MISS HILDA AITKEN Programme announced in Thursday s papers. Reserve your seats early at Pingle s Drug Store. ADMISSION 1.00. ATLANTIC eet e) ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS tz FUTURE SAILINGS (ST. LAWRENCE ROUTE) LIVERPOOL MONTREAL WinterExcursion Rates On Sale Daily, Nov. 7th to Dec. 31st. Empress of Ireland Lake Champlain . Empress of Britain Lake Manitoba .: a C HAT LIVERY COMPANY net Horse Repository Rear 312 Fourth Ave, (opposite E Bostoc Single and double outfits of all descriptions for sale +. Friday, Nov. 1 . Thursday, Nov, Friday, Nov. 15. . Wednesday, Nov. 20 2 Extra Sailings to London. .. Sunday, Nov, 17. .. Sanday, Nov. 2. Future Saflings from St. John. Weekly Sailings Uniegualled Accommodation Saloon, Second, Third Class: Complete ctalls on-application.- Berth reservations can now be made with any Rallway or Steamship Agent for Christmas ships, or write J. S. CARTER, Gen'l Agt, 210 Portage Ave. Whanipes: L. A. DOBBIN, Ticket Agent Medicine Hat. Mount Temple . Lake Michigan Lowest Rates. Contracting Co. +F0-+-O-L0-he-Le-re-pe-n: EVELSTINE SAMMI 60. UD earry in stock a full line OTe He bOehe+o+o) if corererenees oo om m a Lumber, Lath, Cement, Plaster, zc., Fir Finish and Plooring ia Specialty. One Her ehe: eee yi MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS, AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION AND NAVAL MATTERS Discussed by Senators theed, Dandurand and Bostock More Senators For B..O. Canada was on the ove of an era of prosperity whigh he believed Canad- inns generally unable to appreciate. It was more appreciated by people from the outside and the result was that the possibilities of wealth in Canada were being largely exploited by people from the United States. He believes that:/in Canada there were greater postibilities for the de- velopment of) yzalth than in any other country. im the world. A. few years ago the man who predicted a billion dollar tirade would tave beer yet, Canada s trade will year reach that total. The United States trade did not reach the billion dollar mark until 1875 when it had a population between 45,000,000 and 50,000,000. An examination of the figures re- vealed the fact tin no country had growth bee 0 rapid as in-Can- ada, Hon. Mr. Lougheed said that so great had been thebsuccess Of the aid given to provinees for the promotion of agriculture that the Government this year. It wis to be regretted that in Canada, where agricultural Dr. Wm. A Pare Cream of Tartar Sedgwick Saund Medical Health of the City of Londc enough to say that a eicee and has proved a pet sacty o- safe and ecomdmi 10 possibilities were greater than in provinces gave a0 little attention to agricultural education. The great support went to institutions of high- er education which turnedout eon- sumers instead of producers -while ada to a study of the soil. He said the Premi was not open to criticism for not haying-made fm England an an- tay thr oot te wor he AMERICAN VESSELS MAY LOAD OUR WHEAT Ottawa, 27. Arrangements arable land enongh to raise food for Were made today by which vessels the whole of Eutope, Canada had to Presenting themselves afver midnight import foodstuffs from as far away Of December Sth, at Port Arthur and RIVER. as New Zealand. An effort should ort William, will be permitted to be made to divert the youth of Can- load grain, remain at the ports in the winter and in the spring deliver. It jat Potnt Edward; Goderich or Geor- not Port Colborne, Britain last year has been com: g an Bay poi mented upon in a-friendly way. He The move s part of the general plan to prevent a grain blockade and ws fation. nouncement of the naval policy. The. chief educational course re- quired him to formulate that pro- gram in Canada. Sir George Ross yesterday seemed to expect that Premier Borden should have stepped into the admiralty office, with a check for ten, twenty, thitty, or for- ty millions, ask thtmito exski it and go and buy a few dreadnoughts with the proceeds. That would not have been a feasible or proper.cotrse. The proper one was that which was fol- lower. The naval bill-would have al- ready been before Parliament if it had not. been delayed by the prolong- ing of the debate on the address in the commons. When the bill was bronglit down,. he believed that it would be found satisfactory to a great majority of the Canadian peo- pie. And the condition which ac- companied it would be ample. Dandurard Next Mr. Dandurand said he did not know what mandate the Conserva- tives felt they had received from. the people in the last election on this question. It could be better told when the bill came down. The Con- servatives rode two horses in the election. The Conservative party split. over the proposition that in time of stress Canada would go. to the aid of British fleets. The. two horses ran into the same stable. The Government w: informed of their conflicting elements. The present Prime Minister sought to realize all he could from the strength of hi Nationalist allies and. their propa- ganda in Queh: This had to be taken into consideration in deter- mining what mandate the Govern- ment had given in the last election for a naval poli Contribution Senator Bostock expressed the pro- fit and pleasure that people derived from the visit of the Duke'and Duch- ess of Connaught ast summer. In British Columbia, nature had, as the speech said, given the husbandman an ample return, but the-producers found difficulty in getting them to the proper markets, Attention should be given to- this. More Bb. C, Senators Senator Bostock noted that the spee jicated intention to ap- point additional Senators from Mani- toba andsj ates and Alberta but no made of a pro- posal to: st senatorial re presentatives fro ae Columbia, though there hadabeen a-great crease in the population of that pro- vince. Hon. Mr. Lougheed interrupted to say that there was statutory means for the appointment of two addition- al senators from Manitoba, Sas- ketehewan and Alberta, but unfortu- nately, no such provision for British Columbia existed and to obtain suck authority imperial legislation womld be required. Senator Bostock said -he thou the Imperial Parliament would; not hesitate to grant such legislation if Canada asked for it. He was sur- pri matter had not been arranged: by Premier McBride andj Bonone 59 Tu Th8a. Yard, North Railway Street. reas Column will bring results. fobepeteteretetetererereteretotehe crerere AO Ohd 0b OO SOL eae Obed, Attorney-General Bowser when in Ottawa r cently. or Bostock arged aid for highway development. LIGHT RUNNING Axles Trussed and supplied with either steel or cast skeins- Wood stock alle air-seasoned from three to five years. , We stock these wagons in all sizes and can now sell on next. year's terms. Can supply all heights of wheels and all widths of tyres. Call. and examine JAMES R A * WEDICINE HAT, ALTA, e-. Ei versal deleterious to ais ee food wt stom In England the sale o baking containing alum is absolutely Ww THEN BUYING BAKING POWDER, READ brought about at a conference held was between the acting minister of trade n jand commerce, Hon. J. D. Reid, the pany at a costiof about grain commission and the represent- its greates span 16 Fe lative of the Dominion Marine Assoc- NEW BRIDGE SPANS THE OHIO Louisville, Ky. Nov. 28. The mag- nificent new bridge spanning the Ohio River between Lruisville ana the Indiana side has been formally opened and will be ready for traffic soon as the finishitig touches are ATATAAHM AV IONOSI e AVaM SI SUTHL
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Image 1009 (1912-11-28), from microfilm reel 1009, (CU1740260). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.