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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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a gave money fs that Chrismas sis your opportunity. We havea stoel ggmices. (aOnann PuawAca ++ High-Grade Grocers, Dry Goods and Ladies Wesr. CORNER OF OTTAWA AND SED AVE. Chic designs in Madras Nets and Scrims, 200 to We a yd. Beautiful Dagdag Bugs for the Mving room and parlor 8.50, 6.75 and 90.00 each. Tastetal Porticres, assorted designs and colors. Priv e re Fanging from 8.50 to 12.00, A splendid new assortment of Eiderdown Comforters, * beautiful colorings; shadow effects. Prices from: 6.25 to 15.00, Phone 515 North Railway Street - McKinnon s Ltd. 391 MAIN ST. ASE FOR GENUINE Butternut Bread RICH AS BUTTER. SWEET AS A NUT. Avoid Imitations. ies Neckware, Scarfs and. Hoves up in nice fancy gee Pak goods at A Voltem Roll is the latest invention in - a Sle controlling, rio lever no buttons you just set the. tempo an play, and you get an exact reproduction of the artist's work just as he played it. They will ft auy 88 note player and a child can operate them, It you would like to hear one just step Into our store and say SHOLTEM* we will know at once what you mean. Piano Music hand played rolls (actual records), no HERE IS THE CHANCE OF YOUR LIFETIME TO GET-IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR. BY AN EXTRA- ORDINARY STROKE OF GOOD LUCK WE ARE ABLE TO MAKE YOU THIS OFFER. SUCH AN OPPORTUNITY .MAY NOT OCCUR AGAIN AS LONG AS YOU LIVE. READ THIS AND GALL FOR PARTICULARS. The city is raj pdovaete eet vs point. Already the gas is being piped in this-direction and hundreds of people are Jooking this way. On Betariay: we sold 78 lots. YOU CAN GET THESE LOTS TILL SATURDAY NIGHT, DECEMBER 7: 1912 FOR THE LOW PRICE OF 200 PER LOT. 50.00 DOWN. DON T MOSS THISCHANCE NOTHING DOING AFTER SATURDAY. H. C. Pettet Co. 368 Toronto St. Phone 481 NORWOOD G. C. Chipman, of Winnipeg, is joking over the Hat with the idea of locating here. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Ree and Mrs. Harvey Woolley left Sunday night for Ontario, where they will Spend a couple of months, summer in Alberta. Sa eee Mrs. Nelson T. Biette, of Calgary. is visiting Mrs, Sewell. the concert. Mrs, J. C. Hatgraye will not re- ceive), tomorrow, , mard,,o2 Nov. 27th, a son. S MfssJohn Green and-her sister, , Olas Tae eee the visit to thelp parents. in Fort William. Mr. Fred Scott ret a night to Ontario ana SELECTED SNAPS Mrs.Ar F. Kraptel, 482 Roy St will beat home Thursday afternoon and on the first Wedtesday of the suc- ceeding months. Hon. C, R. Mitchell is expect-d to afrive in the city this evening. . CENTRAL PARK, 1500 50 ft. corner, 19, 20, Block 24, 400 palr, Block 27. 700 pair, Block 28, 760 patr, Block 29. 750 650 ft. corner, Block 27. 800 lot 27, Block 27, 750 50 ft lot 11, Block 83. 600 60 ft. lot 10, Block 33. 1700 50 ft. lot 16, Block 3. COUSINS AND SISSONS. 260 each, 11:15, Block 35. 1250 pair, Block 10. Mrs. G. H. Woodland and Miss eth: el Crosby are in Calgary and will not receive on Thursday. * Mrs. C, Lean bas returned from Winnipeg where she spent a month visiting her sisters and attending the wedding of her niece. Snappy Buys COUSINS AND SISSONS. Block 4, Lots 12 and 13, High- land St... 1400.00: Block 4, Lots 19 and 11, High- land St, 1500.00. gt; Mr. A. P. Howells and his daugh- ter; of Calgary, were present at the concert given in ald of the hospital fond on Tuesday, Mr. A. P. Howells Block 8, Lots 13, 14 and 15, Js a well known violipist. and his 9o99-for 100 ft. corner, Block Highland Sc. 2000.00. daughter possesses very fine mezzo ages HERALD soprano voice. Mr; Howells is man- si 99--pair, 10, 11; Block 4. Block 20;-Lots'23 and 24, High- Tand St, 1400.00. 1260 pair, 12, 12, Block 4. 856 50 ft. corner, 1, 2, Block jaser for the province of Alberta. of Messrs. Gourlay, Winter and Leem- ing, and it was through their court- view, 1500.00. Block 1; Lots 4 and 5, 50x185, 2000.00. Block 17, Lots 15 and 16, 50 ft. on Montreal, 1700.00. Block D, Lot 8, 50 feet on the Esplanade, 3000.00. 1200 pair, Block 17. * 550, lot 24, Block 8,- Toronto Street. 1050 pair, Block 9. 1400 pair, 39, 80, Block 20. Highland Street. 2600 pair, 29, 40, Block 11. CENTRAL PARK 50 ft, Block 29, 800. Terms. 50 ft, Block 20, 1260, Terms. COUSINS AND SISSONS 50 ft., Block 85, 600, Terms, 50 ft, Block 8, 750. Terms. i OLD TOWNSITE 50: ft Block gsegg200) Perms: 2000 pair, 16, 17, Block 12, Blook aaeawo. Houses on -8P. COUSINS SUB-DIVISION Toronto Street. feet, 6850.00. 120 ft. Trackage near Clay Pro- 1575 pair 5, 6, Block 10, Tor- Blook 62, 50 feet on Main St., ducts, only' 600 ; terms. This- onto Street. * 9000.00. is the cheapest close-in track- 1500 patr, 21, 22, Block 10, Block 84, house on 50 tt, See ks oS : eather: 6000.00. 1600 pair, 25, 26, Block 15. 3000 50 ft. x 280, Int 8, Block -D. OLD TOWNSITE. HILL DIVISION 50 ft. corner, Block -18,-next ta Herald op Toronto St, 900. 7th Ave,, 100x130, 9600.00. Block 14,25 fet on Matn with * Building 82,000.00. Terms, : Tracksigeed tote Su o gt;, Plan 50 ft, Block 10, 700. Terms. 2100 I0t 18, Block 87. ee 2000 lot 28, Block 82. BM, threes tage. HERALD 12500 tot 28, Block 22, snap. 6500.00, 50 ft, Block 1, 1500. Terms. 5000 lot 17, Block 84. WELL 35000 for all. 25, 26 27, 100 ft., Block 14, 3500, Terma. Block Call at Our Store and get a Free Sample of Fleischmarin s Yeast. TASSIE BROS. - 326 MONTREAL Block t, Lotsi20 and 21, 1500.00 Block: 86, corner Braemar and 50 ft, Block 17, 1150, Terma. i 22. ere TOWNSITE. 8000 lot 1, Block 11, Main 8t., Block 3, Pign 50 t eon 50 ft, Block 96, 2100. Terms. N, corner, Park Ave., 1200:00, Ee a NIBLOCK TULL LIMITED. Reom 8, Imperial Bank Bldg. Fourth Ave. Medicine Hat, Alta. 50 ft, corner, Balmoral and 6th Ave, 3300, Terms. GAS.CITY REALTY Ca, MEDICINE EXTRA SPECIAL, 1650 lot 1, Block 7, corner of Ross and Washington, 60 150, with shagkjirent 15. esy and also thatof the Medicine Hat Music Co. that two beautiful Gourlay pianos were provided tree of cost for Born To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Le- Block 20, Lots 27 and 28, High- 22. Jand St., 1500.00. 1600 pair, 9, 10, Block 2. Block 20, Lots 29 and 80, High- a WE. : Jand St., 1400.00. RALD. aie Bjook 11, Lots 33 and 4, Mont- SOME GOOD aaa sees 24, Block 4, real St, 1400.00. te, cue INVESTMENTS sepa Seay nce Hockey Shoes at Foster s Buy your Hockey Shoes here and have the skates put on free of charge. -FOSTER S SHOE STORE MAIN STREET. s A GOOD PLACE TO BUY SHOES. DIED At Medicine Hat, December 3rd, 1912, Madeline Gertrude, aged 9 years and 6 months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W. M. Ronnenburg. Funeral will leave the family residence, 233 Esplanade, for Hillside cemetery 2.30 p.m, December 5th, , Place your orders now for the ae big handsomely Mustrated In lustrial number, Over sixty pages. Ready by the first of the year. tf. FOR SALE New Fully Modern House on Alberta Street, CENTRAL PARK, Sontaining dining room; parlor, den, four bedrooms, kitchen, pantry, bath and furnace. Full basement Hardwood floors, etc. PRICE 5000.00. GOOD TERMS. APPLY REX REALTY Co. 377 MAIN STREET. PHONE 858, Donations haye already started *o come toward the Gen. Booth mem- orlal, after the meeting in the Dream- Idnd Theatre on Sunday, after Capt. Oake made the first announcement. A gentleman gave the first donation nd others have come since. Leave your donation at the business office, of the Daily News, to His vores Mayor Spencer, or to Capt..Oake... .J.- For sale, 100 feet of nice view stuff in St. Barnabas, the new subdivision on the hill, next, to Crescent Heights, Brice 1300, 400 cash, balance 6, and 18. Address box 1444, News of- fice, 124-3 Foster s Shoe Repairing Depart ment is saving others money. Why Montreal St. Bakery, MITCHELL'S HOME-MADE BREAD REPRESENTS THE HIGHEST TYPE OF BREAD MADE. NE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU. PHONE 560. McGregor Betry REAL ESTATE INSURANCE WE WANT YOUR LISTINGS. Burns Bik. Main St. In heavy syrup. Packed in glass bottles by J. A. Sharwood, London, England. New stock just to hand. in the Senate. todas freight Announceme Chosen Claims vergne s Aired. Ottawa, Dec. 4. Private members of Commons, the Sitting being take: ly with the answ Many motions for made, but most o Posed and. Speake duty it is to read his feot most of the questions repi ral interest, but of local importanc The only debate was Started off bj discussed at som: owed,. dismissal c son, of Alameda, Hon, L. P, Pell bring the complais of his officials an sit could be shown assertions. were -tr allow an injustice Aged postmaster. The parliamenta clear for Premier pronouncement tor derstood that it w: one hour to deliv gt; Sir Wilfrid Laurie * servations are like eral character anc cussion of the bill to a later date. As PANAMA CA TOLLS OF RO aibera iain Makes Exh view of Imp Ottawa; Deo. 4. pers relating to. + and the devision of to charge tolls on femit the charge in wise traffic. Sir-Ge vantage of. the ca would be consider would shorten, the tween Liverpool anc 5,666: miles. The di between Montreal + would be reduced by coat of sending; across Canada by 20 a ton up While same-quantity -cou Vamoouver at from woul age in from 5 to 0 mate of export tra Vancouver and tho . lieve the Canadian r growing burden of upon them which searcely able to bea was likely to move would be clear to ar that Calgary is 616. Vancouver than to the grain port.of during the season of Sir George reviewe the Panama. project ning -to the time whe gave the United S to construct the can: Hay-Pauncefote treat derstood under the ping of the world ws freedom in the use o that of the United s . al was to be a comn the commerce of all i shown by article thr: Pauncefote treaty that the canal shall ptovthe vessels of cor of all nations on equality so there sho eripvination against 3 or its citizens or sut to the conditions or fic or otherwise. Su be just and equitable ed States saw fit coastwise traffic of tt OF Ee whe she se fe ope + + ANOTHER SPEE BY HON. A. Paris, Dec. 5. + Sifton will speak ek is Chamber of C: * morrow, + PE oe ob ee bee
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Image 1051 (1912-12-04), from microfilm reel 1051, (CU1740268). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.