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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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N OR BEFORE 25th we to rent. No children, 28, News office. ieee ems WANTED. HOUSE OR. SUITE OF ight houstkeoping want- married couple, for one hs, Room do not have shed, Apply to box 146 126-6 WO OR THREE FURN- for light house keeping. orris, gen. del, Medicine 181-6 Bee, oil made yet. O RENT ROOMED HOUsE. AP- St, or P. 0. box 705, ee TENT APPLY 134 B et. 124-3t, WELLING AND STA- Enclosed.tind 11.55.. Please send m one barrel of your Tn a this oil we use a double this oil will give a clear Cian Light and last . In order to advertise this oil; and get the peo away. 2000 of our new st yle, larg le size Nickel Plated White Dome Glass Shade this leas gives 100 candle cannot be bought at any store less than 6. 00. te us your order at once. Address all orders to--- Beautiful Large Size Solid Nickel Plated Parlor B Lamp a GIVEN AWAY ABSOLUTELY FREE We are offering our New Brand Kerosene oil which we claim to be. the best Grede of i process, which takest out all bad dont i le of the northwest using our oil, we are goin arlor Lamp that stands 24 inden be h and he power light and is a beautiful lamp f or r any ng pes a) ae 'F PRICES THEY ARE re SNAPS 2400.00 cach Three 75-tt. corners, Blocks 107 e 574. 125-6 - Kerosene oil, with which I'am to receive one of your Parlor ASSES EVERY MON- Lamps FREE with the understanding if I am not satisfied: my ay snd Friday. Ar- * ade for out-of-town or s if desired. K. Her- onto Street, . Medicine 3 att LIVERY LONG AND h OF out of the city. and Fifth Ave. Phone ching. is OF WORK CONTRACT- Hing, decorating, paper- ecinity. Windows clean- eatet:, etc. Estimates sral delivery city post of these consisting of train of the which deducting frefglit, duty and Ger. And in other respects traffic or A Woman's Way. Ann Murdock ee GEORGE LANE AND George Lane Canadian steers of good shrinkage is equal to 7.00. in Cal- is hampered-and made dificult. has been, engaged for the principal INE HAT Fun and ciass, the bulk of which gary. The Times says that Secretary Wil- part. ee K co. ihe eas ica at 8.50 to 8.25, with some of When spoken to about the calemia- 0n does not relish the. situation, but seat ealection of eae Sant ee wehieh ae 9.65 tions of some Calgary. that he realizes that there fs mothing that he A new play produced in Cntcase sce: a to 980, the latter five cents was losing money by faking, his cat- cam do.about it, itt he cqnsiders ita) James N. Haokett 1s called- Tak- city. We carry above the price paid the best cut of/ tie to Chicago, Mr. Lane smiled anc iesson,to the American farmer to ing Things Easy. Cyril Scott is ene ee CATTLE 10 10 Ci Sees Gitte landed here last Monday. said that he thought. was. hardly think (wice, before he places himselt Playing the leading part. Clothing. Clocks, at ae Steers, of 2 plainer right for these men ito injure his 1n a,situaticn where the, American aie eiry. Rifles, Guns, Re and Ap Saaggrataprs Cana credit by showing up that be, was market is closed. t -him, just as far us A farce comedy called The Danc- ons, Bugsies, Harness, Smiles at Statements of dians pot sell as readily, ahd) losing by shipping his exttlein this Cansdlan railroads, packera and other ing Doctor will be one of the pro- ee Calgary Stockmen That ce pore ealy about) way. He say have something fur- Canadian influences; can do it. ductions of the new year. The music is Losi steady such. Lane steers) ther to say later on in the season, is. by Jerome D. Hern. at He is Losing Money. sold as follows: 4 Bde doe Junta Aneta eeee is beet ae 1850.00 50 t. corner, Block 106. be Calgary Albertan Z No. Av rage. Price. Calgary oman, diseuss L, A. Turner, who has been mem- 1000.00 50 tt. corner, Block a aay peck cota ca-, - 1608 9.30 ine meniteaanes asi the me i PEAYS AND PLAYERS. z ber of casts supporting Blanche 2100.00 50 ft. cornet; Block 82, Eary cattlemen were figuring out 16 1453 9.85 berteix sat Mr. Lane's. shipments) Walsh, Helen Ware and Robert. Lde- Just how much George Lane was los- cf Ea 949 meant about 7.00 in Calgary after Peete teeta eee Son,has gone into burlesque. s , ecg Ss ee eT Sr ee e gt en eer ale ned eee ono We wie ot Chicago market, the Chicago market - 1515 885. were bringing 6.25 and 6.50 in Cal- oe with Laura Hope Crews in. Black papers were giving details of anoth- 57 - 2474 8.35 gary, but there was no sale at those biras. Thegroduction is. lt;0 be made iar tralitinall al Gutta whiets ie, Lane * 50 3290 635 cures for any large bunch s of cat- Minnie Palmer may appear im alin Atlantle City this month. had placed in that beef absorbing 37 1288. 8.70 tle. burlesque called Sufferers Get It ae Saber 20 1878 8.70 Washingtom Times Story. - Madge Darrell .is sald to be the The Drovers Journal of last Mon- 1298 350 : Irwin is to have vaudevitie world s greatest actr ss. She weighs Mirs: Peckham's Ce- a Don t Pay Rent or high rates of interest. We Will Loan You Money To buy or Build Houses t Per To Pay Off Mortgages a C To Improve Real Estate t. ED ACCOUNTASTS We Guarantee the time when your indebt- edness will be paid off. International Home Pur- chasing Contract Co.,Ltd Meticine Hat Office 889 Malu St, Phone S83. Over Assinfbola Music Store. A: He Woods is to produce a new minsleal Djece called The Dancing S Willian 1. Crane iq having a eye Striking incidents of the methods C*S8fl tour in The Senator Keeps pursued by the Canadians to prevent use. Americans from getting the benefit ie a aa business from their side . et ltag eerste ae oe Oliver Twist. te aad tikes tog te Caagda llestonee is to Femain in New and ship them into the United States. York throughout the season, accord- Byery effort to ship ire ale '96. Teer and other live stock from ae aa A now company Mas been orgatitced to play The New Si with Ian Mac- Jaren at the head, Freckles has Deen playing in the Nothing is left undone to hinder and new England States and will go to embarrass such shipments. Of course Jem wait . Boston for a run. they can use to come to this side of the border. The Canadian railways want to haul the stock of the pro- ducts, not north and south, but east and west, thus getting the longest mileage and most freight possible. Apparently Canadian officials are helping -out lt;the Canadian packers and rallroads. x The Sum Dodgers is to be revived with Bes8le Wynn, George Monroe and Harry Fisher ee the cast. It is rumored that Fritz Schett will the Metropolitan Op- era Company in light opera roles. Billie Burke's The Canadian farmer and raiser in Mind-the-Paint Girl, of live stock Woulyt- to sell larket, if he cobild. pts to do so he and the railroads James Montgomery, ages of Rea inst him to pre-jdy Money, has written A new com - wanted-for the dy called Come-Home, Smith, fo the United on advertising. be had Health nicpaatye) Rock are imposed Edward J. Bowes has accopted for ft makes it dif- production a neWw comedy in threo has Seen go touring, 5 based O. F. LANGE c.E.BU. Civil Engineer, hitect Municipal eer Sewerage, Water, and Gas m in New York extended tg January, when she will MOTTO: Ditice:. Opposite Redelit Hotel, Red across the bor-jacts by-Thompsorn Buchanan, author 387 pounds. Miss Darrell supported Mollie Wiiliams in burlesque Helen Low li will star in. musical comedy. She has been appearing with success in Rida Johnson Young's musical play, The Red Petticoat. Maude Adams has received from J. M. Barrie his one-act play. Rosa- lind, to be her property in America, Miss- Adams will probably present the play next season. nEDIENE WAT CARTAGE 60. ALL KINDS OF TEAM WORK. Household Moving a Specialty. PHONE 820, J. M. Cooper - Steel Constructions Designs nd Specifications for Houses, cic, First-Class Responstnle Service for Reasonable Prices. cliff, Alberta. Hollinger PHONE 433
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Image 1060 (1912-12-06), from microfilm reel 1060, (CU1740270). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.