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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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a PPPOE SEESEEEN. O14 E on 418 South Railway wSeet CREAT ALTERATION SA EF Al Pay Checks Cashed at Phone 852 store by F. Levine THE WORKING MEN'S STORE HUNDREDS PACK OUR STORE eee OPER EVERY ENDS Saturday, Dec. 21st Mild Weather Plays Havac with Prices on ee Stocks Over Bought. 1 0,000 Too much Goods. Working Men s Store Over Stocked. GENUINE SACRIFICE OF PROFITS. SELL, SELL, SELL, AT ANY PRICE IS THE ORDER, *OR WE MUST RAISE THE CASH TO PAY FOR WINTER GOODS D ORDINARILY BE SOLD: BY NOW IF IT WAS NOT FOR THE MILD WEATHER OF THE LadT 5 WEEKS. WE HAVE ACTUALLY OVERBOUGHT..BY 10,000, BRING CUSTOMERS EVEN IF WE HAVE TO LOSE ALL OUR PROFIT, FROM NOW TG DECEMBER 20TH. WE HAE THE GOODS AND WE HAVE THE iS, ALL WE NEED IS TO HAVE THE PEOPLE COME AND SEE. WE KNOW YOU'LL BUY ONCE YOU EXAMINE CAREFULLY FOR YCURSELF THE MIGHTY .VING CHANCES Now READY. WE HAVE ARRANGED OUR ENTIRE STORE SO AS TO GIVE BUYERS QUICK DISPATCH. EXPERIENCED SALESMEN Ei. FOR THIS SPECIAL EVENT AND YOU WON T HAVE TO WAIT AROUND TO GET SERVED. Bi SURE AND SEE OUR BASHMENT BARGAINS OF TRUNKS, VAL- STEAMERS. SUEROARES, BAGS AND TELESCOPES; BE SURE AND GIVE IT A VISIT. DON'T ae TO ATTEND THIS BUTCHERY OF PRICES li wget a4. : i ; Tic eters wee 60996999900b0o gt;00O00099 (fee sf onishing Price Poles ins on Men s Winter Suits and Overcoats PEPE POGOe Dan OOD etree SOEIEOOE PEGG HEG CLL IDG reneeononseros ie JUST WHEN YOU NEED THEM Winter Overcoats Slashed Mer s and Young Men s Suits z ; wae 3 as udes elegant and well-tailored coats, Fur Collared Coats Men s swell business and dressy suits, plain x 2 at nar fe quoted here you will find unexcelled in Come and get a Far Collared Coax, quilted lined, well black, Iiue. Regular 22.50; sale -price...... 15.75 - 4 ee es pney pent ne Peeeai aot couse EE Oye, inl oe 16.15 Men s (ancy Wetsteds of up-to-date styl very Snappy le x the cash. Remember if you need am Overcoat that will: ; aeae ine, Regular 15.00, for . .... BN Ss. 11.00 Setar os poten Boli-at and acttially ly 14. 05 z ee sae Dae od 2 Bk Conte . ee hres ae en - : 1950 One of the best known Mackiriaws; warm and A 4 ( 8. 15 lt; Vattas Ravers, nosey and gor materi well raade; worth 6.00 for...... 02.2.0... 4.5 y ae 00; for Pea-Jackets, made from genuine Irish r i Redilar: 1.002160 cing basiees Seawie sas, mee 25 x OSS Big Line of Men s Mitts and Gloves, lined or unlined -.. We have the largest stock of Mitts and Gloves that has ever beer handle;/ir. one store in Medicine Hat. Come and con- - vince yourself of our bitgains ini line. UNDERWEAR Dr. Dillon Good strong and warm Sweate: We have a full line of good Baidsoy and Look : mothers, we have secured at Pee eet net on NE giana 1.45 net over and coat style. Some of our . Coat Cloth Caps. The earlaps are lined with good a special pw price a big lot: of boys good i Will Plain fleece-lined Underwear. Regular GT LOT 0 soe ss ecen ney She vteey 95 cts Good woollen Underwear, double-breasted and maae of good material, Regular 1.26 a gar- ment for, ......... -. Per garment, 80 cts strong shies Good for working i: and also for vss Qn sale while they ast at lowest possib. prige: sear Bae yy, From what b . , edge of late, 1 SUITS Men s Rubbers oo Men s heavy suits, made of Halifax tweed. NU q 5 1 Buc):ie Rubbers. Regular 2.00; sale price... auesee REVS . ase Ea Regular 13.75, for : tN Je fe i and thot Hulse: Men s fancy tweeds, made up in a styles 16.75 a and slcania wi and patterns. Regular 22.50.: . Men s heavy worsted suits, cade up in int styles and patterns. Regular 15.00, for. . * i 25 Shoes Shoes Shoes Full and complete lines of Me n s Fine and Working Shoes. Best value for your money. gt; e Remember the Place WORKING MEN'S STORE Sweaters have ao collars; most of-.them. have. All colors and shades; made of best material. Come and get them while last. Lowest prices. Men s and Boys Sheep Skin Coats Men s and Boys Sheepskin Coats; sheep lined coats, duck top Sweater wrist in sleeves and sweater neck. Regular 6.25 BT.5O, for 6... ese d ete eee e enter eens Whi; rd Coats, made of good material, Sarees ye eainte in sleeve, good lining. Regular 9.00, for. . 7. 15 - Boys Sheepskin Goats: made in same style as the men s ec coats at a great reduction. gt; We have a few Men s long Sheepskin Coats, best for delivers: Cee OD London, Dec. graph, Dr. Dille na, takes a hop situation, and 1 timisitic proph warm fur and are very warm. These caps are mat the lowest possible price. fied. Casting Kans, he report PEO REE oo ere eee sty te eee 2 Buesle Rubbers. Regular 2.50; sale price .-. +... 00... 2.10. ity, af not in ng of the Balkan Commenting Men : Rolled Edge Rubber with a nine (9) inch leather top. Regular 4.50, for ......-..... : 2. chars eRe 3 5 4 fil line of Men s, Boys , and Women s Overshoes, Rubbers, Helts, Moccasins, Larrigans, and Skating Shoes at the lowest prices se n in the Hat. Working Shirts We have a good selection of Men s Work- ing Shirts made of the best material, Sa Sa Soo oP Sata? SNioo the eho oho aoe Regular 3.00, for .. ce 425 Regular 5.50: for . : as sc Chae 9400 strong and durable. Best values in town. guar 5.00, on : - 8.95 418 South Railway Street REMEMBER THE DATE OF THIS GREAT MAMMOTH SALE. IT. WILL COM- MENCE THURSDAY, DEC. 5TH AT 9 O'CLOCK AND WILL LAST 16 DAYS: UNTIL SATURDAY WO. 2187. ae can SHOW YOU SOME BARGAINS U HAVE NEVER rag oN ; Regular 4.00 blue worsted, for. . Corduroy Pants made-up in good styles, euff bottom, belt loop. Regular 4.50; sale price 3.30. Fine Shirts Every shirt has collar, tie on buttons, Ceca bs AND CONVINCE YOURSEF: complete. Whipcord Pants oun: of tonne gov YouR Good-material and in latest style colors. made up of good untearable goods. Regu- NUMBER PAY Come in and: convince yourself of these Is 852 CHEQUES. bargains, POLLED LEO LL OOO SNIPE LLANE POOL PALL
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Image 1057 (1912-12-05), from microfilm reel 1057, (CU1740272). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.