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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Stieaday, October 15th, 1 12, MEDICINE yar DAILY NEWS. 4 z TAILORED BY MASTER TAILORS These famous 20th Century Brand garments are tailor- ed by specialist workers whose accuracy and thor- oughness, have been devel- oped to a degree which the average man can hardly ap- preciate. Let us show you the fine points of these gar- tents and then you will un- derstand why they are so popular. TURPIN BROS. THE MEN'S STORE Where you get the Big Dollar's Worth LOOK AT THIS RIGHT RIEF ROTHERLY. This is the Young People s Society at the Methodist church. Held every Tuesday at 8 o'clock. WILL YOU COME? Our Motto: Look up, Lift up. Houses For Sale 350 Cash Balance 20.00 month- 5 ly. All have 4 rooms and heated by gas. Te F.Dawson jtre. SSeS rete SS EDA 3 A GREAT PITCHING DUEL of Hits Off Last Game. New York, Oct. 16. ighting in the Inst trench, the New York Na- tionals repulsed the on-fushing Bos- ton Americans yesterday and sent them back to a score of five to two in the,sixth game of inning seores also wigwagged from could know the GIANTS i BST 4 (Continued from page one) Meyer's single to left, Flet her got a single to right, Meyers taking third when Gardner dropped. Hooper's per fect throw. Fletcher went to second on the play.. Meyers scored on an Infield hit by Tesreau, which Wood was only able to knock down. Fletch- er scored ona delayed steal. Tes- rea was out going to second after Fletcher had scored, the play being Cady to Yerkes to Stahl to Wagner. Sir runs, seven hits, one error. Boston Hooper struck out. Yer- kes walked. A sharp wind storm was in-progress during the second half of the first inning, Speaker flied dut to Murray. Lewis out, Her- zog to Merkle, No runs, no hits, no errors. Second Innings. New York Hall went into the box Devore walked, Devore being for Boston. stole second, wild. - Doyie- caught uff second by a quick throw from Hall to Wagner. Snodgrass singled to right, Doyle taking sec- ond. Doyle scored when Hall threw wildly to catch him napping. The throw went into centre field., Snod- grass took third.) Murray filed out to Wagner. Merkle out, Wagner to Stahl. One runs, one hit, no errors. Boston Gardner hit a home run over left field centre fence. It was the first home run of the series. Stahl out, to Merkle. Fletcher threw to Wagner, Tesreau had knocked down the ball, Cady struck out. One run, one hit, no. errors. Third Innings, New York Heraog singled to con- Meyers singled to centre, Her- 20g held at second. Fletcher forced Herzog at third, Hall to Gardner. Tesrea ott, Hall to Stahl. Devore Tied out to Hooper, No runs, . two hits, no errors, Boston Merkle took Hall's groun- throw der and threw wildly to Tesreau, he Yard, North Railway . Street. : going to second om the throw; it was + fa hit and an error, Hooper singled op0--e 04-0-0-+0-4040-404040+0+0P0F0+H0 O40+010+00 to centre, Hall taking third. Yerkes struck out. Speaker filed to Devore, who threw out Hall at the plate. No runs, two hits, one error. Foukth Innings, New, York Doyle went out on a grounder to Stahl. , Snodgrass popped to Wagner. Murray went ont, Hall td Yerkes to Stahl. No runs, no hits, no errors. Boston Lewis sent a high fly to Devore. Gardner was hit by a piteh- ed ball. Stahl singled to left, Gard- ner taking second, Stahl was forced at second when Doyle took Wagner's grounder and tossed it to Fletcher, Gardner went to third on the play. Tesreau throw out Cady at first. No runs, one hit, no errors. Fifth Innings. Company New York Merkle out. Cady to Stahl, Herzog truck out. Graw and Stahl Toss Coin to Determine cW. ALP. Meyers perpen lt;x SPOR he an sreteaie es LOLOL SLE SOOL OHS oo Sppeesooseee Ss Boot ON FADES AT - GIANTS OUTBURST Red ox Tried in Vain to Overtake New Yorkers After Mc- for Buck O Brien Digpateh.) series the Boston infield was Unable to meet the attack of the New. York- ers. Two crisp doubles, four singles, a balk by O'Brien and doubts. steal netted New York five rims. Oddly enough, tho four singles gar- nered by the Giantsswere slow. -in- field rollers, which om the somgy dia- mond, made them difficult to handle, auard's error of Gardner's grounder, a hit by Stahl and a two-bagger by neck s of the Boston batters. The Bostons sought to overcome the lead of five runs which the Giants piled-up in the first ino ning. The Red Sox made two tallies in the second but their attack was broken in the third:with a thri catch by Snodgrass, This play was the turning point in Boston's offence. Stahl had made first on) a hit when Wagner drove a screaming liner to deep centre, Snodgrass turned and ran towards the fenee. The drive looked good for a home run and Stahl was rounding second with Wagner turning first when Snodgrass caught the ball as it came over his shoulder. That ended the Bostons and with the exception of the eighth Marquard sent the Red Sox batters back to the bench in one, two, three order. Ray Collins: twirled a fine game and in the seven innings that thr Giants faced him not a runner S or- ed. The figures of yesterday's game were as follows: Total paid attend- ance, 30,622; total receipts, 66,654; i singled to left; it Was his third hit ofthe game. Meyers wis out at second, when Wagner took Fletcher's grounder and tossed it to Yerkes. No runs, one hit, no errors. ibaa Boston Hall sent up a fly -whinb fell safe between Snodgrass and Doyle, Hall taking second. Hooper walked, but was forced) at second when Yerkes grounder bounced out, of Doyle's hand, Fletcher getting the ball. Speaker jwalkpd, filling the bases, Lewis fouled out to Merkle. Gardner was out, Tesreau to Merkle. No runs, one hit, no errors. Sixth Innings, New York Tesreau out, Yerkes to Stahl. Devore walked. Doyle hit a home run into the right field crowd, Scoring Devore ahead of him. Snod- grass popped to Lewis. Murray out, Hall to Stahl. Two runs, one hit; no errors, Boston Stabl flied to Devore. Wagner singled over second. On a wild pitch Wagner went to third, the ball going into the grand stand, and he was allowed the extra base. Tes- walked. Hooper was out. No runs, one hit, no errors. Seventh Innings. New York Merkle singled to cen- tre, Herzog flew to Lewis. Meyei beat out an infield hit. Fletcher flaw Boston made its tallies on Mar- ees out to Speaker) Merkle scored on Tesreau s pingle 0 left. Devore filed out gtawls. GE ron. threo hits Do ofrorm. Boston Wilson How catching for New York, Yerkes went out, Fietch- er to Merkle, /Spoaker singled to centre, Lewis doubled to left, Speak- or taking third Mletcher threw out Gardner, Speaker Beoring and Lewis going to third om the play. Lewis scored whet fumbled Stahl's grounder. Wi Btruck out, Two runs, two biti, om error. New York- Snodgrass out up a high fly kes grounder ws Tesreau to Fletcher, who threw to Doyle. Yerkes took second on a'wild fpitch. Doyle tke Speaker out at first. One run, One hit, one error. Ninth fhimings, New York Hersog walked. Wilson singled to centre and Herzog cored on Speaker's wild throw td catch Herzog going to thifd. Wilson taking second on the play... Speaker caught Fletcher's drive and running. in. touched second, doubling Wilson, completing a doubl play unassisted. Tesreau walked. Devore out, Yerkes to Stabl. One rum; one hit, ome er- TOR. Boston Lewis Walked to first. Gardner struck out. Stahl forced Lewis at second, Herzog to Doyle. Wagner out, Tesrequ to Merkle. No Tuns, no hits, mare ores TODAY'S MARKETS. Winnipeg, Oct Reaction fol- lowed. yesterday advance, ahd prices were a little easier, both for wheat and oats. Cash trade ts fair with offerings liberal, and. neti some buying by exports. Recefpts are lt;a heavy and there. is a matked tncreaseof. coarse grains on the market. Barley is in good demand and its price steadily ad- fiiefhe: Chicago; Hi., Oct. 15 -Wheat kened, toflay. ag a. result oj isped ee a ee aie war. An expected liberal increase of world s stoeks'fin fo Wencourage- ment to the bear s ) There were alsolprospects of cont heavy ar- rivals, northwest. The Opening was 5-Boto 1-4 off, De started at 93 4 to 94 1-4, 2 1088 Of 5-8 to 1 1-8 and seemed to keep near the lower level. Selling on the part of local spec- ulators carried oats down grade. De- cember started 1-8 to 1-4 lower at 32 5-8 to 32 3-4 and descended to 1-2. Liverpool, Eng.,- Oct. -15. Closing wheat, spot, steady; No. 3 Manitoba, 8.5 1 8-44; futures weak. October 78 11 1-24; December 7s lid; March ip 8 3-44. Oct. eau threw out Cady at first. Halt 5; 16. Wheat, Oct., 925; Nov. 9: May 933, Nov. 36 , 358; Dee. 343, 34 . Flax, Oct, 146, 1445, Nov. 141, 141; Dec. 184, No. 1 Nor. losed 924; No. 2 Nor., 90; No. Nor. 90.. IWinnipeg, BoR, 914; Dec. 683, 834; , Oct. 403, 42; POPS POLO POPOL LOLOL OT OPO OT OTe FOHO: THe REVELSTONE SAMMI 110 We carry in stock a full line of Building Material Lumber, Lath, Cement, Plaster, Zc., Fir Finish and Flooring a a Specialty. O-M-bO-bO-- Oe Oh Opa: : *Phone' 59 rurnse NEWS sew RoPSeae tre Qrateeie dees Let your children take Oxo ., Cube Sandwiches for their 8. Singled to right Tue anual meeting of the Curling 2 grounder to Club will be held in the Court Room Stahl unagsisted, Doyle taking sec- of the City Hall on Friday evening, ond, Speaker mads a brilliant catch the 18th inst., at 8 p.m. *Merkle out, iAil those interested in curling are runs, one hit, anvited to ed. Hall singled to School Annex for 2400.00. Small pay- to third when ent down. Balance 30 per month. H.C. Pettet Co. 368 Toronto St. testants, and their - callon SSTEoooooOOEseeTond POOH HOOSESOEERED LOOSE SEO EPESOLEEOD Cay Roller Rink JUST ACROSS THE BRIDGE Brenig 10 siats adbabeion Ladies Free BROWN, Secretary. Saturday morning and afternoon children s ad mission 15 cents including skates. gt; 400 PIA Given Away ean THE: MARSHALL-MITCHELL HARD-WARE-GO. and the DAILY NEWS have made arrangements whereby they will give away absolutely free a beautiful Upton 400 Piano. Votes are given with all CASH PURCHASES made at either face, and the Contestant having the largest numberof votes on MARCH 17th NEXT qill receive the piano. - A feature of this contest is that numbers are given Con- d nor known to the general public. Those who want to get into the game should MARSHALL-MITCHELL and get a ples. Ash for-votes on every parchase at either place. 1 Name of Contestant will not be known. 2. Name of Contestant not be published. 3. Every Contestant is.credited ag 2,000 Votes t to start with, . Every. Contestant gets a numiber. Standing. of Contestants numbers published weekly. . Al? votes must be brought in for record on Wednesday. 7. Votes niust not be written upon. 8. Tie Votes in packages with Contestant s number and the amount on top slip only. 9., Color of Votes will change and must be recorded weekly. 10. Votes are transferable only before recording. 11. Coritestant having the largest numberof Votes on March 17th next, wins the Piano. 2. Candidates dropped. net bringing in pers nal. Votes will be the white man. Every race has one fayorite WHITE HORSE whiskey for For shrift particulars and all information Lf on Marshall Mitchell Hardware Co. TRAD Round Hat t John 31, 19: Ret Gate o Lave For and apply Agent
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Image 683 (1912-10-15), from microfilm reel 683, (CU1739919). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.