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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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5 DIOINIE HAT D.s1L + NLWwa OULD STRIKE FIRST AT THE SUEZ CAML In Case of War With Evi- tain, Germany Would at Once Attack Eizypt. - Candid Admissicn Made b; Admiral Brousing of th.: Kaisar s Navy. First Move Would be-to Cut Off Britin s I'zade With the Orient. Imperative Ne. d of a Brit- ish Naval Kase in the Levant, Cairo, Egypt. O uver 10. The can- did admission mac. by the German admiral, Brouaing, that Egypt would de MI eosntry s first objective if she sce M blogg wit eat Hritaia fe yet the present Junc- jture when the .cstion of Britain's Position in the Mrditerranean Sea is still on the tapis / It has been clr: ever since Italy (gcexpied Tripot . gt;at the occupation ; as going to acind the Triple Al- iaice in good stead. Whatever When the Cool Weather Sets in HERE are English fabrics the purest woollens and the finest weaves done into correctly tailored clothing by the digital skill of expert tailored trained in the Semi-ready system. Semi-ready Tailoring stands alone Nowhere else can you zet it, of a good thing that yx the same standard Idbel P We alone h--e it in this city. Yet ours is just the sort of monopoly like for we sell Semi-ready Cloties at t rices at which they are so d-er erywhere in Canada. You can always buy as cheap; you never have to pay more than the label price. And each cloth quality is sold at the same price here as in the. farthe-t-off city in Canada. Tothe fair man, willing to pay for the gnod a) that he gets what iit of selling furs ng seb tess es Send them back at our expense and we ax 430 MAIN STREET we lo.WINNIPEG IL OO TOTO iy tae : 0 ing well Ys for, this trade poli H. S. IRELAND MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. Sir Rufus Isaacs, 52 Today, seed wonder. Soo ates asa Boy Ran Away to Sea Ttaly's feelings towards Great Brit- : 5 ain and Franc may be, she. would i never be able te withstand the over- a Specimen Page Vonotatny prot of ber ew elt ea : me of whom fs on her frontier and m Our New Fur Book bie secie wees eee Copy Ready To Mail You in any demands that might be put on E her. 4 gt; Admiral Bro:ising states that the Jand attack on Egypt would b un- means that Tripoli would be used, 28 2 base, * The reason given by Britain's can- did enemy fr this land attack on Bsypt t the urgent need for Germany (to intercept 3:Hain's ford sxpply im- mediately or the outhrak of hosttl/- ytles, Naval Base in the Levant. The Germans, it may be sure, have A b: Ob rV H lid ure of Egypt and the Suez Canal will eee: Serre ce: - x the royal Scotch game of golf Eusi conctitute an effective blow to Brit- Of Grito De* Vara rene emierents, and the courn: iin's existence I mee be woken thet PUCO (pe Lara: erste comstes cian of tevane op (cie cuintence mas (ken cha S of the finest in America. . l even though it may be but a tem- While a majority of the Boers 4e porary one which such an event now loyal subjects of King George vould inflict may make all the dif- and patriotic citizens of the new Un- rence in the world as to the result fon of South Africa, tho Aacoes of or the nature of hostilities their long struggle for independeuce)/ Peop gt; out here are in two minds are'by no means forgotten, In Pret as to the position For over haifa century, life infde Baire, the beginning of the rero- Cuba kas beon just one r volution Tution, ig the occasion of popular after another: and the end is not yet. merrymaking. Im March comes So many rebellions against Spanish Maceo Day, on which Cubans honor authority as the Pearl of the An-lone of their foremost patriots. Cub- tiles has known naturaliy provides an Independence Day is celabrated dertaken with the co-operation of fAustrin and Itiiy. and that of course studied the question in ll its aspects test for the championship c2 the and when they conclude that. the seiz- world. Among the wealthier Cubens the Middle Temple he married Miss Cohen, in whom he continu d to find inspiration for greater endeavor. ttiey stilt com There are those who allege that sider that Britain s strength les in Running away to sea, and laterythe parental roof: The fated ealf James M. Barne based he play, the fiesta-loving Inhabitants with on the twentfeth of May, Grito de fumerous holidays, commemorating Yara on the tenth of October, and declarations of independence and Memorial Day, when dead heroes are commencements of Tevolitions: Not remembered and their graves decor: the: least Important of these legal ated, comes on December 7. Thase Holidays is Grite de Yara, which holidays; with the -frequent religious celebrated the: Declaration of Yara festivals, enable the more indolent and the beginning of a rebellion, and/of the Cubans to dodge work about which will be observed today. ja third of the year. ; f The lst of Cuba's patriotic, estas Oo 660 yeary Dull Gk te ended eee oe et 20 MER SURE a taaiog save catbet to bo tac pop- ular holiday pastimes of the Cubans, AUCTION SALE Zee popular with a large proportion of ON THE MARKET SQUARE FRIDAY OCT. 11TH and the other large cities of the Is- land. Baseball bas gained so many Commencing: at. One O'clock sharp. We have a large sale for this devotees that a full-fledged league is im opergtion and the Havana newspapers not only print full ac- counts of Ioeal games, but also those fof the National and American. leag- ate Canada, and the big Havans .ews- Papers have reporters on the ground fo serve up the news of the series in Cuban style. It fs the dream of the Cuban fan that at some time in the not distant future the baseball jtalent of the island will have to be orfa and throughout the Transyait Oom Paul's birthday continues tv have the nature of general heiiday, andthe anniversary of. ths sturdy statesman will be observed today al- most as generally as Tr iz-Aud lege / sanction. Stephanus Johannes Paulus Kruger was the 11t-uae-ot the man. who, affectionately *inoiwn, be, Afrikanders of tho-vridi as Oom Paul, was four times elected to the Presidency of the Transvas* Republic. He was torn gt;tn ape Colony eighty-seven yea.. sso (Oday: His first election to the Presidency was in 1888. His majorite was dim- inished in 1888, and i 2842 HeiFnd majority of only a few hundteds. and MMs political opponents cpenl charg- ed him with perpetrating the -asq- est frauds, Zlnvtng his fourth term the Boor war broke out, and in 1900 Oom- Pasl wes, forced to fle to Portugese territory. whence he escaped to: Eur; He died in Switzerland in ye publishing an interesting volume-2t memoirs, and his remains now Ne buried in Pretoria, his former cas lt;m- - tal... There a. monument perpetuates vence in, or near, esp: ot the memory of the dead hero and the a squadron of offensive strength, and Vanished days of the republic. jit is considered that until eight first- is class cruisers the Mediter- the Levant. The concentration of the Fren-h fleet in. the Mediterranean may be intended as a check on Aus- trian and Italian naval activities, but it Is scarcely sufficient to relieve the tension, After all ,France has no naval bases in the Levant. The Austrian and Italian striking points-ere far nearer Egypt. and even if Britain allows France to make Malta her base an event which is scarcely admissible jhe would not be naar enough really te cope with the situation. A strong iiritish naval base must be created within striking distance of Tripoli fand the Austrian and Italian main- Jand bases, and ft must be at the Le- Vant end of the Mediterranean, Most Vital Point. In other words the torpedo base at Slexandria, which has still not ma- icrialized and is not Ikely to do so fo. some little whil , s insufficient. Pt pay, it is trie. do-very well as a pa-ely defensive measure but it is not What is required. failing in busines, may not be the best kind of a bi sinning for a suc - cessful career, yr they were inci- dents of the start in life of Sir Ru- fus Daniel Isaacs, che English Attor- ney-General, for whom constitutional precedent was shat: ered last June in order to je a place for him in the Cabinet. His rominence in the inquiry into the Titanic disaster, and as the first . ttorney-General ever admitted to the British Cabinet have made Sir Rufus an internation- al figure. Rufus Daniel Isaacs was born in London fifty-two yerrs ago today. His father, Joseph Mt Isaacs, was a wealthy menchant ix the City of. London, and young Isa es was given the benefit of excellert educational facilities afforded by tre University College Scaool, and institutions of learning in Brussels, Be gium, and Hanover, Germany. Tirig of study, he frustrated the plans of his par- ents for sending him ts Cambridge. by mbarking as an A. ing ship bovnd for tie on ike. ouuding-iillows was not-so pleasant as he had anticipat- ed, and the runaway was lad of pn opportunity to return to London and was slaughtered in honor of the re- turn of the prodigal, and the young- ster embarked on the sea of business. His father secured for him a mem - bership in the London Stock Ex- change. The boy broker, unlike the heroes of Alger and Henty, was not a large success. His business bark was soon on the rocks, and at the age of twenty-five he was bank- rupt and marked a failure. Soon after the penniless youth met and fell in love with Miss Alice Edith Cohen, the daughter of an American merchant, and his affection was re ciprocated. . She suggests the law fas a profession swited to his tem- perment. The faiiure insisted that he was too old to begin the study of legal lore, but Miss Cohen insist- ed, and helped him with. his studies. In 1887 yorng Isaacs. was admitted to the bar, and commenced a career that proves that: opportunities to tise inthe world are not confined to this side of the Atlanti The youthful barrister profited by . bis own unfortunate business exper- ience, and specialized in the laws of bankruptey, in which he soon became known as authority, His nvast- ark figures wat ac- What Every Woman Knows, - on his personal knowledge of the part. Plaved by Lady Isaacs in the rise of her husband. The Barrie play, which Maude Adams produced with great success in America, relates the part played by a woman in winning political success for her husband. In 1904 the lawyer entered: Parlia-,a.Liberal, and became a Personal friend and companion of the late King Edward. He became So- licitor-General in 1909, was knighted the following year, and also was made Attorney-General of Great Britain. Last year his honors in- cluded the Privy Councilorship and Kinght Commander of the Victorian Order, and this year he was ad- mitted to the Cabinet. Dr. Martells FemalePills: Nineteen Years the Stendards Prescribed and recommended for women's ailments, a scientifically Prepared remedy of proven worth. The result from their use is quick nd permanent, For sale at. all arug.' stores, 9.0.4.-10mo. SUBSCRIBE NOW tor the: Dally News, Tanean and at least half of them stationed in the Levant, this most yi- tal point in the scheme of imperial defence will remain exposed to the danger with which Admiral Brous- ing threatens it, NEW MANHOOD The Dr. Metzger Vitalizer Body Battery is the greatest. self-cure for weakness and ity the world iis. ever known. No drugs, no medicine, no diet- ing, no unusual demands of any sore; just cease all dissipation and this invention will do the work. It Sends a stream of vital life into your nerves, organs and blood during the evar one arenes ste rheumatism, weak back, nervous- Two HORSE POWER : hess, stomack, liver and kidney dis- BUILT cither vertical or horizontal. OSS GESOLEIEO LL EDOSESESESOSEOTED Sige 1t etre tee Sees coe soos See STUDEBAKER Pumping Engines : CdaiI000 ary SPRINGS Triple elliptic front; full platform rear. PAINTING Choice of colors in- cluding red. body with yellow gear and green body on yel- low gear. 75.00 i orders, varicocele, and stops losses, Dr. Meteger Dry-Goll Storage Battery is a high-grade battery, requires no CYLINDER bore 4 in: hes, stroke 5 ir hes. FLY WHEELS 18 inct s in diameter. SPEED 500 revolutions per minute. charging with vinegar or acids, is 300 Der cent eascler applied, gives 400 This Engine is eqa'pped with an-accurate and sensitive hit and governor, * ber cent greater service, and is sold at a low price without added cost Each engine furnisl d complete with spark coil, spark plugs, e:. gt;. for fancy books. A. booklet with PUMP JACK We can iiow supply a 65.00 Water Supplies, Sewage, irrigation ENGINE PRICE THE METZGER VITALIZER BATTERY C0. 5 Medicine H cn JAMES RA, - - Medicine Hat Room 14, Imperial Bank Bullding. : f EN Motietetiet Puome 420 eloalesfeSeeostestettosseeserte torte ctonts Spefosteaine h atoeeatoeteeteatocaletecteateatect: feat we miss AXLES 1 1-8 inch, long distance Sa BODY Fitted with drop ond gate, wings and removable seat. ss oil eups, wrenches batteries, Rohl Block, Cor. 7th Ave, and 3rd St, East, TuThSa Calgary, Alta. E. Bartlett, Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land-Surroyo Industrial Spur Railways, atrong, well-built Pump Jack at 7.50 dicine Hat es Paercosgsoes e
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Image 653 (1912-10-10), from microfilm reel 653, (CU1739930). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.