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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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a Longa PEDIOINE Bi - r : SOs LESSONS FROM WOOL Western Canada Lumber Co, Ltd.) conerinn 9 se insurer Canada And The St LARGE STOCK OF : S athe value. cf bg tkcturere wool The lure fithe eutomobile 2 irre. Dry Common Lumber, Fir and Cedar Finish, Fir and Cedar Doors; Fir, AUTOMOBILES AS FAT PRODUCERS Mrs. G. W, Martin, Tenn., followed by man should be prit courting, men should. do and should have the pri Hing aiter Bhitee onsets. Before we adopt this rangement we hould investi marriage laws o. see that SHOULD WOMEN DO THE COURTING AND PROPOSING THE BLESSING. OF MOTHERHOOD Healthy Mothers and Chil- dren Make Happy Homes fs in the Unticd States in 1910 was qigtible, and n consequence, those 507.000,000, The number of sheep In who alwaye ide find they are bgcom fe s Cauada-tn 1670 was-B,160,000 and tn Ing fleshy, an so tallors and modlati Foe Cl. at, i Losel mca Maple, and Oak Flooring, sob sess arcse or owe wr tantaey to aor Sow Mabel roma shares Taekr Viows and Paae . Jon rat. Don't be per SOLE AGENTS FOR 1,000,000, In the United States the bring out and accentuate gracetul hopes and greatest desires ; yet thow Motion in the Af Liverpool, 0., minds : uy CHEAP LUM Paroid Roofing, Nepunset Water- S number of eheep In 1870 was? fines in the garments they design for sands of noble women through some de- fi - the one that was sb stzcoptibl siew-obbaaeeulke de roof Paper; Neponset Roofing, Felt, Ge 000 and in 1910, 41,999,000. Darin Btadame. rangement haveboen denied this blessing. irmative. to emotion should dhe thane 6 lie R 3 NCP S gt; 7 that forty years the population of Dame Fashion has decreed that tho In many homes once childless there are eos choose the mate, andgaccordings 4 We havd 16 and ev. . and . Wall Board requires no f canada aounied and thae of the United Proeent, gure must, be light and now children because of the fact what WOMEN CHOULD MARRY. i, ac Builder requires, further finish. BI stator a tcc more than doubled. ET tng thamseives becoming bir Lee Pinkhon seep yandaong: is the most, prominent, Gags Alle Canada had one sheep for each three Sowy instead of willowy. makes women normal, aes 2 I fall was brought ey or LUMBER, SEE US BEFORE BUYING. head of population, but nine States Dr. J.T. My Binney of Johns Hop- Ti is Svidensee ap rad Slloring atten Chautauqua, Aug. 7. The course pretty womin offered hi i, FIR FINISH, YARD EAST ALLOWANCE. PHONE 467 of the United States had each more tins Hospital, Baltimore, declares eect ian 46 thank you Of Hectures on Child Welfare, to eat, bub it. took Sab if the men and women of to- with all the persuasion K, MAPLE, BIRCH te ste-atestestestesteeteeteetecyy sheep than all of Canada. Montane London, . iven h t Set um, i fit takin, given here by: Dr. Earl Barnes, call LOORINGS. tn 1010 produced 83,000,000 pounda ot ay, devoted mane, me to, cot, tennii.) fas the ben 1 received by taking Your) Ta forth lively discussion at a afehangle, to cause the ae 4 wool. Alberta, right across the line their motors, they would be in better Lydia E. Pinkham s recent meeting of Mrs. John Lewis mam, ageney for the produced only 400,000 pounds, though health. Vegetable Com- parliamentary law class. MAN COMES FIRST) organ Doors, all declared that Alberta was quite . Someone atts eens Aug had : Before: my Phe following preamble and reso Mrs. Foster, M-D., of Buti OR BEAUTIFUL an tayorable for wool growing. The motor 1 Au OUE jn the Sir grew baby was born T was) lution were the them s of the dis - thought erase man was Sab Fier LT dectine in sheop raising and woollen et just-sitting OF lounging in soft, o T a cusion: first, he was. i RE) LATH manufateuring had gone hand in hand. gomfortable motor 1s not getting any stand long or wall Whereas: Accordi the views Creator any distance: Thad as ording. te the atl DAR POSTS, WIL- Comparison of Looms Greccige, excahiiige occasions bump. F)to lie down nearly Of Dr. Barnes, it ig the duty of should hi W POSTS In 1898 there were 2645 woollen 4fhowe WhO (Sail fitre end a ail the time. After e ry woman of sound mind and his mate. looms in ada, but only 2034 In et canter im the morning for an py I took medicine body to marry in order'to ensure If women ha 1907, many mills having closed. The T felt like a new wo- the future of the race, therefore ing to the Canadian consumption of wool was or man. I could work Resolved, / That every woman said Mrs. Jolin 18,000,000 pounds and the United toner night snd yee apa should, have the. privilege of doing falo, teacher should be a governing courtship, censure. her own courting, and selecting her husband. Mrs, Fane, Elliott Snow, of Cleve- 10 Teams Heavy Work Horses 8 574,000,000. Thus the United States used four times AVER ARD Dp pain at childbirth and recommend it to every woman whois pregnant. Youmay use this testimonial if you like. I much wool jome manu per capita as Canada in Weight 1400 to 1900 each. 20 Wagon Gears, Brick Boxes, Chains, factures. The product of Canadian help some other Mrs. FRANK land, opened. the discussion-by fay- QUEENS. NOW Pi mallts was only 19,000,000, while) Conain, 132 Adelaide-St., London, Ont. ing that she. would take exceptions General H. M. Roberts) Roberts Rules of Order, aid 12 Sets of Harness, Sand and Gravel Boxes, 2 Ice Racks, 21,400,000 was imported. Thus, two- thirds of the wool consumed in Canada was imported. On the other hand, the United States produced 380,000,- Brooklyn, N. . I was ailing all the time and dia not know what the matter was, I wanted a baby but my health would not permit it. Iwas nervous, to the preamble; because the savants liad decided th people on th earth now there is the population reach thet there are so many brother, James, were former followed Mrs. i it was not a new thing for wome 14 Coal Boxes, For Sale 1 Heavy Dray, 000 out of 40,000,000 consumed, oF side ached and I was all run down. : Dra; 000, . 3 to do the proposing, though it LY +8-barrel Water Tank and Running Gear, 96 per cent. of it Threeifths of ent ae Wn ea : ot cuigamoary Joe cig aa Co. the raw wool used in manufacturing ied Heiss; of Louisville, women sovereigns of Burope had ak 114-barrel Water Tank and running gear with pump in the United States was grown on Some women, she ways followed that custom. MBER PEOPLE 4Plows, Mowers and Rakes, the backs of United States sheep. Mrs. J. J. Srewakr, 299 Hum- doing the court- Victoria tiade the marriage prop 29, PHONE 57 The invectigation of -the American , Brooklyn, N.Y. oS to Prinee Albert, end Qu esi 3 Wheel Scrapers: 7 Slip Scrapers: Tariff Board covered 81 mills with ceedings, and would be discountemanc- hetiming ofHolland: mad over 5,000,000 spindles and 133,000 Jooms, Tueir finding after enquiring into conditions in Germany, England ed'in society: But if it is herduty tovtfarry let her halve the acknow- ledged privilege of saying honestly, posal to her husband. - beth had the samo privilege, not accept it, 1 Filling-in Scraper, 1 Wagon Loader for excavations, THE USE OF REVEREND. The term. reverend was first ap- plied'to. a clergyman in 1657. May Pees PPR PEPER EEE 2 pair Sleighs, 1 Hay Rack, France, Canada and Japan for pur T draw your attention to the state- will you marry Be eet The motion was 1 new 5-ton Derrick, complete (made by American ff) vv: oe saseariaon esate thar: the rent made by Dr. Murray in his WOULD MARRY ANYONE. large m Hoist and Derrick Co.) Beta sec to pet GaN of our rod pang epeedireanerpey re pargeget so tis Sapere Winches, Assorted Blocks and Ropes, while the cost of erecting mill in this Sarum dated 1653, where occurs the days of our couitry, to te an old should marry in order to en Yuture of the race, and if do this. very woman. ou privilege of doing her country was 40,per cent, greater than in England, and equipment from 50 to 40 per cent. greater. A Commission s Report. Continuing, the Tarif Board made the follow finding re Textiles: Except in the case of a few special fabrics, the American industry sup maid was a disgrace, and in order to have Mrs. on her tombstone 4 woman married anyone who happ n- ed along without through for the future generation. But now. goverr ment and science, atcordiig to Dr. Barnes, have regulated what a wo- man should marry for, i.e., to Dopu- following: The death of our Rev- erend and Godlie Minister Mr. John Connant. As a term of respectful address not followed by any name, the uso is Yery much older, dating far as 1486. I find the samp authority quoting the rolls of Parliament. (1492): Graunted unto 1 Capsole for removing buildings. 1 150-yard Concrete Mixer, complete with vertical boiler and engine, - ft 1 50-yard Concrete Mixer, complete with gasoline : engine. Tar Boilers, SMUT - Quart IAUINE Barrows, - plies practically the whole home. con- lium ty the Right Reverend Fadre late the earth. If she hag only Shovels, Picks and Hoes: sumption. Mill prices are in many (Wes yea. aa Piers Courtenay, 2 7-10 children instead of 4 in or . eases as low in this country as in the sudietsmns Bishop. of: Bxcostra: Box to. koe the piesent papa Mortar Boxes: Sand Screens, world s markets. Where higher, a3 ip a gaara La oe Cae Mr. Ls Lanterns, Post Hole Diggers, the case of the finer classes of pro ees HVS time hc ducts. they ave rarely higher by thing like the full amount of the The effect cl th present-tarlilt in most cates, 1s not so much t the duty to the domestic sanutactur- er s price, as to secure him the Ameri: can market; and inthe case of most articles of widesi-causnmption, to pre: vent the tompetition of the foreisn manufacturer, either in normal: or ab- new stiithe wants to go owt and U wet it, you know. Yes, I know. It s different with a This style is weil oman. I guess so; especially if figpted tor summer frocks of eiB - + happens to be a bathing suit. normal times. On account of more Nonkers Statesman. se dice a asset no's TABOOES HOBBLE SKIRT gountry from producer to cvs Something as to the Prevailing Modes the latter pays a decidedly Soe. Weiken: retail price than the European x sumer, even in the case of fabrics on : Sehich the cog? of produciion and the 2's Whst wolpen will wonr the mill price areas low here as there 0minmg season, as disclosed by the Boe style congress held in Chicago by the s MIXED FARMING Ladies Tailors and Dressmakers As- sociation of America: No hobble skirts: Hor. George Lawrence Expisins What Manitoba is Doing In That Direction Blacksmith s Outfit.complete, Oak Rollers, and various other items connected with contracting outfit. Also a full stock of Window Sash and Frames, Doors sy and Frames, and sundry Mouldings, etc. Builders Supplies including Cement, Wood Fibre, Plaster of Paris, Building Paper, Roofing Felt, etc. etc. ALL-TO BE SOLD AT ONCE. APPLY A. P. BURNS CONSTRUCTION CO. LIMITED how to care for D exist, what would the government . CURTIS When the People Refuse to Pay EYER since King John signed the Magna Charta the people have been discovering new rights and asserting them. Dresses must be two and a baif yards wide, three-fourths of a yard wider than the hobble. They must be short, three inches from the ground. Blue and white are the colors, and the materials whipcords. Jackets are to be 86, to 88 inches Jong, and close-fitting. Empire effects must be forgotten. If any waist line is effected, it must be at the waist or lower. Revers and sailor collars will be tabooed, but collars will be different eolored from the coat. ON ; LEADER Our crop. prospects were never brighter, said Hon. Geo. Lawrence, Minister of Agriculture, for Manitoba; in the courze of an interview. his ig my thirty-fifth year in the province and I never saw a better cutlook. The wheat acreage in Southern se Z itoba is about the same te z Fe a i es ee ecorating. ACTORS AND SILDERS GURE WITH YOU PLACING YOUR IPP PPE fz Long ago the people learned how to get ee what they wanted by the simple expedient of refusing to pay. ie Some Things You Should Know About Business STATIONERY but in the north oats, bari meres havo becn sown, which means that 0 qhanges ere ordered in plein the wheat acreage of the province Js - not quite a: rege as in 1911.. There CREAM SERGE SUIT Is satisfaction In this, however, as t PRME DP eeentene EB Deedee g indicates more mixed farming which a ve.,.Phone 434 Box 304, ates Free. Prepared. 8 STABLE PHONE 402 728 S. FOLLIS cting Co, DRONTO ST, lt; Sand, Coal Grarey ng a Specialty, 'y Horses for sj . Imes. ND EXCAVATING i Sand for Sale, - Phone No. 4 Borst . immonds axp CONTRACTOR nptly attended to. ne No. 335. elpseeterteipte dete dntoensn ae Ooi etedeoeetetieted: If the average business man had time to carefully itivestigate every proposition put up to him, he would pay less attention to first impressions and judge less by appear- ances. But he is called upon to think and act quickly, and he must base his judgments upon what he can take in at a glance. Using poor stationery or printing is poor business however you look at it, because it represents you, and you cannot prevent it. The safe thing, therefore, is to use paper and printing so good that you are willing to have your work or your goods judged by it. There ate certain things that are impossible to tay about one s self. For instance, your character, the esteem you hold for your business, your integrity, these are things that cannot be advertised. can suggest them through your stationery and printed matter. A handsomely printed letterhead on good stock will at once impress your Man-favorably, while an indifferently print- ed letterhead on ordinary paper might have scarce gained attention. 4 nA It is not exaggeration to say that the success of your let ters often depends upon the printing and paper you buy. a4 We will gladly submit samples to you. We know that we aed can please you. t Medicine Hat News, Limited. a - Medicine Hat, Alta, ved until August 18, Cncty Sette Reese 2 LPR TD Soe Coton eet the farmers must gradually come to ff agriculture is to be a permanen industry. Appreciating the impor tance of, dairying and stock raising and the great possibiiities that are in the west for the development of these Industries, the Agriculture De permanent of the province is cending out two demonstration tra'ns, one o which will pass over every mile cf the G.P.R. track In the province, and the other over every mile of the C.N.R. Those trains will be manned ty pro fessors of the Agriculture Colleze, a stag-of fifteen to each train of eight ears, and will carry horses, cows, and poultry of the best bree Dibits will be used to stock raising to farmers all a ong the Toute. There will rlso be instetiction In dairying, household econom'es, the testing of milk, the manufacture 0: utter and the destruction of weeds Last year we ran a train over the CPR. Ines, atid so successful and productive of good results was the experiment that we decided to extend the towmthis year to the entire province. Trees in the West One thing that the settler misses in certain parts of this gently rolling prairie s the tree. However, in an- other ten years time even this will not be missed for we are conducting extensive experiments with many varieties of trees with a view to fill Ing out those most adapted to the dis trict. COTTON CARNIVAL AT GALESTON Galveston, Texas, Aug. 8 Galves- ton s fourth annual Cotton Carnival was opened today and will be contin- Heading the list ie the three days programme of auto- mobfle rac s on the beach course. The city is elaborately decorated and Adverse Your Wanis Non Te Dt News thronged with visitors. Coupons on all purchases at E, E. Triders, Third Ave. tt el SEMEL oe Se KENTUCK CAMP MEETING. (Special to the News) Elizabethtown, Ky., Aug. . Lead- ers of the Seventh Day Adventist Church from Indiana, Tennessee, Louisiana and several other States are here to address the annual camp meet Ing of the Kentuck Conference, which opened today. st Cave Spring Park. The meeting wil continue ten days. SUBRORIBR NOW for the Daily News. Inthe days when kings played war with one another the people could al- ways put a sudden end to the fun by refusing to pay. To-day, when men play the great game of business, they have to depend on the people, even as did those kings of long ago. When the people stop payment, the game ends. OF Tigh importance is the right to know as applied to. modern com- Soon the world discovered-that it had an appetite for facts. And/in the -adjustment of things for the proper satisfaction of this appetite, we have dey a new science its name is avertising. : Now that we have learned there is Bray of telling us we deaiamit to Facer? By as cxsicioc of hag Tegs ever failed the tA paca Teas aitiahed ehe pepple have set a See Ok teat The ao a new orde: merce. The people have found they facturers and merchants are telling us before they buy. want a' reason why We awoke to this fact but a short while ago, when a few manufacturers began to tell us some of the things they thought we should know abeut their goods. They were the pioneer advertisers. It s the same with well-nigh everything we everything we want to. Advertising. When we buy soap, we must know Whose soap? How is it made?? What are its properties? What are jts uses? Wherein does it exe cel? The Advertising tells us. buy food, clothes, furniture, pianos, automo- biles. We will have tlie facts about these things or we will refuse to pay. We, the public, have created a new world force. We call it Advertising. Advice regarding your adeertising problems is available throwgh oe any recognized Canadian advertising agency, , on throws Secretary of the Canadian Press Association, Room 503 Lumsden Bldg., Toronto. part so write, if interested. Enquiry involses uo obligation on your
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Image 241 (1912-08-08), from microfilm reel 241, (CU1740156). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.