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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ecumber 14th, 1912: 1S Cards e Finest tment Ever ow in the City s Drag and Store : : 3 gt; Made To er Shirts MADE BY LASTIMO ews Block. We guar- faction with every. e carry all the new- p-to-date styles */and A trial order is all 1.25 6.50, NEWS BLOCK B. CURTIS Sale Stables eams, Drivers, Saddle orses for Sale, D HEAYY DBAYING, Hay for Sale. D McCLAIN PROPEIETOR CAWKER, -Phm. B. ruggist te stock of Toilet Articles dries, Proprietary Medi- ing of Physicians Pre- a specialty. Ry. Phone 73- . Reynolds NTER, ETC. amples in Wall Paper. th Ave, Phone 696. day, December t4th, 1912. Saturday Special HOUSES Old Townsite: 7 rooms and bath, fully ancdeees (35 feet) 5,300. Petme 1,000; balance easy, 6 rooms and bath, fully modern, (85 feet), 4,500; Terms: 1,000; balaiice easy. 7 rooms and bath fully modern, (40 feet) 5,800 Terms: 1,000; balance easy. 7 6 rooms and bath, fully modern, (85 feet), 4,700. Terms: 1, 000; balance easy. 6 rooms and bath fully modern, (35 feet) 4,300. Terms: 1,000; balance easy. 5 rooms and bath, fully modern, (77 feet), 6,000. Terms: 1,000; balance easy. North Yuill: , T rooms not fully modern. (27 feet), 3,500. Terms: 1,200 cash; balance easy. . Nete location of this; East Allowance. B DING Pots 29-30, Block 24, Usual. .......... 12 115 peel 4 36 inclusive, Blogk 34, 325 each en bloc. sual. Lots 6-30, inc., Blk 36, 825 each en bloc. Usual. CENTRAL PARK Lot 14, Block 4, 2,000, Usual. Lots 37-40, Block 24, 2,700; 1000 cash. Lots 37-38, Block 26, 1,500. Usual. Lots 5-6, Block 29, 1,600. Usual. COUSINS AND SISSONS .. . Brecpena: 0's Lots 1-10 Block 31,. 5,500. Cash 2,100; 5-11 months Lots 10, 11,.12, 13, Block4, 4,000. Usual. Lots 36-40, inclusive, Block 20, 4,000. Usual. Lots 19-20, Block 31, 1,000. Usual. Lots 13- 14, 15, Block 5, 2625. Cash 975. Lots 35-38, Bloek 31, 925 per pair. Usual. Lots 1-10, inclusive, Block 35, Usual. Lots 19-20, Block 1, Highland St., 3,000. Usual. HERALD Lots 15-16, Block 17, 1,675. Usual. Lots 4-5, Block 1, 1,600. Usual. Lots 27-28, Block 20, Highland St., 1,750. Usual. Lots 30-31, Block 2, 1,600, Cash 700. Lots 6-7, Block 1, 1800... Usual. Lots 17-18, Block 17, 1,650. Usual: Lots 29-30, Block 20, 2,200, Usual. Lots 93-24. Bloek 20, 1,700.. Uswal. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Lots 11-12, Block 31, 1,500. Usual. Lots 5-6, Block 20, 1,850, Usual. Lots 1-5, inclusive, Block 34, 1,500 inside; corners. 1-22, Block 27, 1,500. Usual. OWNSITE Lot 26, Block 80, 3,100. 1,200 cash, Ottawa St. Lots 25-26, Block 89, 66 ft., 5,500. Half cash, 6 and. 12, On three streets. Lots 9-10, Block 86, 10,000. Usual. Lot 18, Block 87, 2,500. - Half cash, 6 and 12. Lots 37-38, Block 82, 6,500, Usual. 265 ft. Highland St. Lot 6, Block 49, 6 room house, etc., 9,200. Cash, Lots 32-40, inclusive, Block 18, 1,350, all cash, 9 lots. ROSEMONT 8 Lots at 210 each. Terms: one- aes cash, 6- 12-18. SP. BARN Lots 19-22, inclusive, 100 ft. corner, Block 7, 2,000. One-quarter cash, 6-12-18. er lot en bloc, Lots 23- 24 Bloek 31, 950 per be Usual. 5 p 1,650 on Lots 1-4, inclusive, 100 ft, corner, Block 7, 2,000. One-quarter cash, 6-12-18. Lots. 37-40, inclusive, 100 ft. corner, Block 6, 2,500. 1,000 cash. Lots 7-10, inclusive, 100 t. corner, Block 1, 2,000. One-q' quarter cash, 6-12-18. Lots 11- 13, inelusive, 125 ft. Block 1, 2,500. One- quarter ash, 6-12-18, NORTH YUILL Lot 19, Block 6, 650. Usual: Lot 15, Block 10, 1,275. Usual. Lot 17, Block 17, 1,600. Usual. Lot 5, Block 7, 1,675. Usual. Lot 15, Block 7, with house renting at 30, 3,300. Usual. Lots 13-14, Block 1, house renting at 46. 4,700. Usual. SOUTH YUILL Lot.5, Block 4, shack renting ban 2,200. - 800'cash, REDCLIFF Lots, 7-8, Block 82, 3,000. Usual. Lots 1-2, Block 106, 2,500. Usual. Lots 14-15, Block 106, 1,850. Usual. Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, Block 50, corner. 2,500. Usual. ACREAGE See us for Medicine Hat and Redeliff Acreage. Prices from 30 to 750. TT WILL PAY YOU TO CALL PHONE 920. N block Tull, Limited Room No. 8, Imperial Bai Satis Fourth Avenue, Baek PE riene Hat. where ELABORATE. PLANS FOR CELEBRATING PEACE CENTENARY Earl Grey Will Make An- nouncement for Tllus- trious Committee. London, Dea 38: Although the atrictest secrecy garding the details propounded by the British beet for the celebration of the Anglo- American centenniary, certain that these will be disclosed by Barl Groy lt; who must not be confounded with Sir Edward Grey, the Foreign Secre at the inaugural publi meeting of the British committee, to be held at the Mansion House on Wellnestay next. The fact that the committee is one ol the most representative ever. known in Great Britain, including as it does, members of the present min- istry, the last administration, lead- ers of the church, sciende, art, eduea- tion and-literature-and the chiefs . of political and municipal bodies 25 2 guarantee that the celebration will be fully worthy of the occasion. Tt is also understood that an enormous sum of money is to be spent im fit tingly perpetuating the one hundred- th anniversary of peace among the English speaking peoples. Confirma- tion has been received im London that the municipality of Gent will also etter into the celebration and it is understood that the Jeading members of pees. contmittees of Engiand, the United States and Can- ada wil visit Ghent at that time. BULGARIANS ARRIVE. Londoa, Dec, 13. The Bulgarian Jdelegates to the peace conference ar rived here today. They were met by the Bulgarian minister and ithe of- ficials. of the Bulgarian legation. The Turkish peace plenipotentiar- fies ave expected to teadh here. to- night, With this exception ail those who are to participate in the conference are in London, The plenipotentiaries zepresenting Bulgaria, Servia, Mon- tenegro and Greece, spent the great- er par. of the day in making of for- mal calls and getting acquainted with each other. Wach d legation is ioused ina separate hotel. Several funetions axe being arranged in their honor. The Duchess ot Sutherland will entertain them at Stratford House on Dee. 19 and the Lord May- or of London his gnvifed them to Junch at th Mansion House, Dec. 20. King George, Sir Edward Grey and the British third secretary and Premier Asquith will. also entertain the peace delegates but have mot yet settled on any itlefinite date. The first call made by *the tisitors was on rthe British foreign. office Sir Edward Grey welcomed them. Subsequently they left cards iam the King at Bucvinghatp Palace and at the privatke wesidemee of Mrem- ier Asquath. BARING RESCUE FROM BURNING APARTMENTS Pittsthirg, Dec. 15. Moxe than twe hundreil permons, resirlunts ef the Library Apartment, a Large vei idence building in fhe. north side, were ciriven into the streets thi morning by a spectaciflar fire which destroyed the etructum. A dozen or th m fimemen, who were. caught under falling wall, but it is mot believed there were any fatilities. A report Hepread through the crowd that eight women had been trapped im a rear reom and a policeman made his way to the fourth story and reseued four teen wombn, dragging and carrying them) to the front of the building where they were taken hown adders, sumptuously more persons -were Tajured, some of MEDICINE HA? DAILY ws SCHOONER SAFE Chicago, Ml, Deo, 13 The three- masted achooner Butcher Boy, missing since last Saturday and believed to have foundered with its crew of sey- swept Lake M higan, is docked Safely in Milwaultee, according to messages recelved by its agents here today. The schodner is laden with Tamber and salled from Manistique. Mich., the port trom which the schooner, Rose Simmons sailed a month ago and WAB lost with soven- toen persons, RANCHER FAGING SHOOTING CHARGE AT MAPLE CREEK Percy Johnson is Being Held for Firing on Home- steader A Family Rum- pus. Maple Creek, Deo, 13. Perey John- son, one of the amost widely Enown riders and stockmen of the Maple Creek district, hak been committed for trial on a charge of shooting f neighbor named Valley., Bail was re- fused. The alleg d shooting took place on Tuesday, Deo. 3, in Mr. Johnson's house two miles ast of town, and said in tho presence of Mrs. Johnson,Mrs. Valley, and Mr. David Burgess of Crane Lake. Johnson made no attempt te get away and was taken into custody a few hours later. According to the evidence given at the protiminary heating Mr. and Mrs. Valley were married a short time ago. They metethe Johnsons andon their return from their hon ymoon visited the Jobn on home. Later Valley went to. his homestead leav- ing his wife at Johnson's. On re turning for her she refused to join him, According to the evidence of Burgess Valley then attacked John- son. A general mix-up ensued, Bur gess being also assaulted by Valley, While matters were looking serious Mes. Johnson, it is said, banded a revolver to hec husband. The accus- ed covered Valley and ordered him off the premises. The latter started to move towards the door and Jokn- sen llowered the gun. Valley, so the story goes, who is a powerful mar, tumedl suddenly dnd patching John- son unawares threw ifm to the floor. While on the floor Johnson shot V: ley. in the fleshy part of the leg. D: rectly. after the shooting Valley left the house and walked towards towz. Jehnson got out his automobile and overtaking the wounded man brought him iimto the hospital. LAURIERS PDLIGY 1S APPROVED IN BRITA (C. AB. Cable) Lamiton, Dee. T3 The Daily News, and Geader, commenting upon Sir Wilf Laurier s :amendment to the Naval Rill, says: z The -plan for establishing a Can- adian Meet unit on each of her ocean coasts, bullt, maimeainetl and, so fer as ponsfijie, manned by (Canada, and ready te go to the ald of Great Brit- ain in am emergency, does give. Dominion what Mr. Borden's scheme ices not a maritime force of ite own: It silso avoids the grave od fection to which Mr. Borden's pro- pesal is certainly exposed that it the remaining control of the House of Commons om our reign policy. Seriqus in itself, such s fundamental change becomes more e rious still when carried out, not 6 a partid- mentary deliberation, but mnder great Jsecret admiralty transactions. good for Rink and guaranteed, (Copyrighted.) The STARR MFG Co. DARTMOUTH, N. GRACEFUL BEAUTY FIGURE SKATE Used generally throughout the world particularly Figure Skating. The runners are specially curved and tapered; this is the best Skate in giving support to the ankle. Made in the famous Starr Quality. experience in Skate making. 50 years Bach pair is fully Makers of the celebrated Rex Hoekey Sticks. Lita. S., Canada, Administrati and for carrying out of trusts of every description. We are specially organized and equipped for the on of Estates THE Trusts and - Company. Public Administrator and Official. Wenivriage Macleod 220 EIGHTH AVENUE trict 5 Guarantee Limited - ignee for this. Tudigial Dis- Calgary Wetaskiwin WEST, CALGARY. . stf ae en men in one of the storms which weakeris, if it'does not wholly diestroy A Hf she that upset Tor about age without wrinkles It is invariably the rule 1 derangements which and suffering. prescription io his early practice thar Mus, Hauce E, PEE eh hee + + 5,000,000 FOR + GERMAN ATRSRIES + lt; London,, Dec. 13. A Berlin + despatch to the Daily Express saya the government has C2 cided to ingert a supplement- + ary clause'in the military est- imates in January of 5,000- 5000 for alrships. PERE eee EEL EES PRETTY GIRL PLANS DIABOLIGAL MURD Confession in Court of Kill- ing of Husband to Get Money Loyed Another. Moose Jaw, Dec. 12. Cunningly plantied amd cleverly carried into x- ecution was the murder of Ralph Warwick, on his homestead near In- Yerman om the night.of Nov. 18. Last night his wife was on the witness stand at coroner's inquiry and she told the court how she gnd Price had planned the details in cold blood. Stic is held as accessory to the ntirder, and Wm. Shortel faces a sim- ilar charge, but before all the vie den e thas been brought out, it is pro- Dable that they will be charged with murder. She is a Newcastle, Eng.. girl pret- ty ana barely out of her teens. Look- ing Wm. Grayson, crown prosecutor, squarely in the eye, she started to tell ther story: She told of meeting Stanley Price neariy a year ago, then she'began to love him and six months ago went to live at his homestead as hls housekeeper and common-law. wile. She had been there but a month when Price proposed that she should matry Ralph Warwick and at once get him to turn all his, belongs over to her and have him make 2 will in her favor. She consented and at once laid traps that Warwick might marry her. it was .a long wooing of some two mantths befote Warwick proposed martiage. She lived with her hus- anti iuntil he was brutally beaten to death, but kept up her relations with (Pfice. Sacesueea ene BARONY REVIVED Lamtinn, Dec. 13. King George te- day revived the barony of Latymer, for Francis Burdett Coutts, the poet and banker, nephew of the Ite bar- oness. He -will be known as Lord Latymer. He is sixty years of age; and has st completed a volumie an Egypt and other poems. TRYING 18 SAVE cult Case of Arthur Lee Charged With Girl s Abduction - Reopened. Springfield, IIL, Dee. 14. Argu- ments were heard in the Ilinois Su- preme Court today in the case of Evelyn Arthur See, the Chicago cult leader, whose trial attracted wide- spread attention a year or more ago. See was convicted and sentenced to the penitentiary on a charge of ab- ducting Mildred Bridges, who, with ther mother, was among See's most prominent disciples and inmates of his temple. Pending the appeal in his case the cult leader has been at liberty under bail, The belief pre- vails that conviction will be a dif- ficult matter in the event of a second trial, for the reason that the father of the Bridges gitl, who is prominent fn Chicago business circles and who fated the prosecution of See, has Be become reconciled to his wife Aaughter, both of whom are still loyal to the a ult jeader, SCHOOL FOR WEALTHY WOMEN ESTABLISHED; WILL LEARN FINANCE. London, Deg 13. A good deal of interest is Being, taken in Lady Esh- er's remarkable s hool of finance, the object of whieh is to teach wo- men of large means how to get the best value of their money and how to manage their home exefequers. There was a large attendance at the first of the lessons, which are being given at Craig's Court House, Char ing Cross. It was the first of four which are to be conducted by Miss E,.M Tait, who is better known as John Yronside, the novelist. WOMAN'S. GOOD LOOKS Depend ou: ber general health und-freedom trom paia. betore her time because of those irregularities which are essentially feminine. Starting from early momaphood, she eulfers com Sara ers rangemcots rows Pech women suffer little, or got Rr and leave in the faoe the tell-tale story Ace SF) GARIGA dee tamsows speciale in the diseases of women hood oiled the machinery aa it were, of the human system to pass those painful periods that scar-lined and aged her face. the well-known Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, that haw benefited thousands of women and saved them from misery and suffering at different periods in lile. Fl argest persobal injury verdict, ap- LEADER FRUM Pal Many a woman looks old be beautiful she the eyes or the bi mellow fe Ciwie peculiar to helped the woman This remedy became soothed the organi Ont, writ Pumnce, of B44 es a Cas FOR INJURIES Minneapolis, Minn., Deo, 13. The proximately 50,000, ever handed down in Minnesota, bot CURRIE Room 1, Becker Block. RealEstate The following are some of our best buyst ea . TOWNSITE Lot.5, Block N, 7 roomed house, bath, 8000, Terms. 51 ft. in Block 24, 3000; 8000 azh. balance arranged. 68 f , Block 27, facing Mon- RROAT St, 5000; 32000 cas balance 6 and 12. SOUTH YUILL, Lots 4, 6, 7, 8, Block 17, 31600 each; and 12. Lot 5, Block 99, fifty foot lot hack, 1500 cash, (ORTH YUILL Block 15 1150; 550 eash, balance 6 and 12. RIVERSIDE 75 ft. corner, Block 15, 1976. Usual terms. 100. tt. corner, Block B, River lots, 4500. 1-3, 6 and 12. Lot Minneapolis Street pany, Frank D. Blakely Langdon, guardians of Blakely, wite of F. D: Tt was proved that Mr. Blakely was badly hurt and that injuries to Mrs. Blakely. had driven her insane. Mrs. Blakely is to receive 33,- 615.33 and Mr. Blakely 18,026.13. Mr, Blakely was formerly aasistant treasurer of F. H. Peavey and Com- fpany. : PLAYED WITH TREM THEN HE SHOT TREN Anarchist Entertained Man and Wife for Hours Be- fore Carrying Out Threat Paris, Dec. 18. The police investi gations into the shooting of M. Du- eret, editor of the anarehist--newa- paper Free Idea, show that it was attended with circumstances of cold- blooded cruelty that are rarely qualled in melodrama, Lacombe, the anarchist assassin, burst: into M. Ducret's room Tuesday night of half-past ten o'clock, and with a pistol in each hand amounc- jed'to M. Ducret and his wife that they had, sold him and mist die. From. thut hour until. 6.30- o'clock Wednesday morning Lacombe. plied the couple-with questions and threats trying to make them acknowledge that they had betrayed him. He played with them as the cat does with a mouse, alternately menacing and then forgiving, Mme. Ducret.beg- gimg Lacombe to spare herself and her husband on account of their five- year-old son, who was sleeping in a lerib at the couple's bedside during ithe whole of the horrible night. The bandit, said, however, that he would also Kill, the boy. BN.W.ALP. WRITER DEAD Torento, Dec. 13. The will of Ralph Delamer Keefer, who died lately, is probated here. He left 5,326. He was for some time in the North West Moamted Police, cl yer stories of which apreared in American maga- gnd gained him some reputation 8-a writer, Captain Ackford, of the British ar- my,,has been killed by tribesmen near Shirag, capital of the province of Fars, Persia. The Hudson's Bay Co. contemplates moving its Canadian head offices to Calgary. SHILOHE: STRENGTH AND VIGOR i THE BASIS OF SUCCESS If you are run downy Weak, tir ed, nervous have no ambi tion to get ont and hustle, hare rheumatism 5 stomach or ktd- ney trouble, var- fcocle, or suffer from losses; if you have tried medicine witb out helping your-conditions, don t be discour. aged. Rr. METZGERS VITALIZ. ER BATTERY sooth builds, while you. st it restores body and strength in the natural way by increasing the activity and life of the organs of the bady, and it quickly pute new life, vim and vigor into weak, run down, worn- systems; t preserves health, pro- longs life, saves doctors fees and loss of time; it is always ready for use; requires no charging with vin- egar or acids, is 300 per cent. easter applied, gives 400 per cent. greater. service, and is sold at a low price without added c t for fancy books. A Booklet with full particulars mated free; sealed. THE METZGER VFTALIZER BATTERY COMPANY. Rohl Block, Cor. 7th Aye, and 3rd East, 100 ft. corner River lots, Block E, 1700. Terms We have a good section improved farm land elght mil from town that we will sell oF trade for Medicine Hat property Canadian Pacific CHRISTMAS AND gt; HEWYEAR HOLD Fare and One-Third for the Round Trip Between .all stations, Arthurto Vancouver + branches. Going dates, Dee, 21, 1912, to Jan. 1, 1918, Final return mit Jan. 6th, 1918, For further particulars apply to nearest agent or to R, G. MeNEILLIE, District Passenger Agent. Calgary, Alberta. L. A. DOBBIN, Ticket Agent Medicine Hat Port and K bes WILLOW RIVER (DB. 788) This new TOWN OF IMPOR. ti ik Pacitie 1 Baeth and an Hudson Bay, at junction of Brass, er and Willow rivers, British etarable. ig the southern and gateway to th Wwondertai, Pagce Hiver Countes and SPELLS OPPORTUNITY the man or woman who wishes gt;, judiciously invest a small or amount Easy payments: no interest; no taxes. Write. to- day for maps, plans end PAC LAND TOWNS-TES 0, 578 Pacifie Bldg. Vancouver, B. Cs House Move SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY YEAMING CONCRETE WORK. J.J. LAIT. 116 MONTEHEAL STREET *Phone 260. MEDICINE HAT LIVERY COMPANY Horse Repository Rear S12 Fourth Are, (opposite Dreamland Theatre.) Single and double outfits of all descriptions for sale or hire. Horse or Automobile De- livery at all times, HAY FOR SALE, Prairle Hay by the load, Timothy by the bale or ton. PHONE: 703, Dede ver Female treatin
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Image 1123 (1912-12-14), from microfilm reel 1123, (CU1740159). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.