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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ett MEDICINE HAT DALLY NE Come and immediate need. where you get service, quality and keen prices. We have an extra good buy. 66 THE FAIR LEONARD FLANAGAN PHONE 51. 391 MAIN ST. ASK FOR GENUINE Buttermut Bread Avoid Imitations. S the range of Caps and Gloves, of which you are in Our stock is selected from the most competent ers and is thoroughly adapted to your needs. You will find qualitylAt fair prices and some- and please. NEW: GOODS are arriving every day at The Fair store. The store See us before you buy your winter Blankets. HIGH GRADE GROCERS AND DRY oops MERCHANTS.- CORNER OF OTTAWA AND SRD AVE. McKinnon s Ltd. Look for the Label. BUILDING PERMITS SHOW BIG INCREASE October s Are Already 70,000 Ahead of the same Month Last Year 30 Is- sued Last Week. Medicine H: building permits for this month will be at least 70,000 ahead of the same month last year. Thet total for October, 1911, was just 100,000, while already this month, with several more permits which are expected to come in today and tomor- Tow, the total 1s 169,000, The past week has been the biggest in the his: tory of the city In regard to the number of permits that have been turned in. Thirty-two applications for permits were made to Inspector Daly. The largest permit. was for- 15,000, which was taken out by the Rosery Co, for the large addition to their greenhouse. POULTRY: ASSO, MEET ficken Fanciers Called*Tegether Tomor row Eveiliing to Talk Over ts for Another Winter Show. x - . With 8 breeding season over .and the chicks arrived at an age when close is no longer needed the poull tiave time at their dispo- sal to up questions fer the 00d of the order, and a meeting has been Alied for tomorrow (Thursday) evening, in the News office, to con- sider what steps shall be taken in connection with holding a Winter Show. Last season's Show proved such a magnificent success and was so high- ly spoken of by outsiders that if ar- rangements can be made to hold an- other one this: winter, the patronage should certainly be much larger. CITY CLERK CHOSEN Medicine Hat s Civie Offic- ial S. O. E. Grand Vice- President of Province. City Clerk H. Baker has been elec- ted Grand Vice President of the Grand Lodge of the Sons of England of Alberta. This lodge has just been formed, Previously. the 2500 members in Alberta were responsible: to-the: Supreme Lodge at Toronto. The of- ficers: Past Grand. President, F. Ro- bins, Lethbridge; Grand President, C. W. Chapman, Edmonton; Grand Vice President, H. Baker, Medicine Hat; Grand Secretary, R. B, Gale, Calgary; Grand Treasurer, T Oddy, Calgary; Grand Chaplin, D. H. Elton, Leth- bridge; Grand Trustees, Messrs. Ay- Yes and Watherston. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs, J. H. Spencer, 303 Toronto St, will receive on Friday, Oct. 1, and not again thie season Mr. H. A; Webster. of Redina, ar rived last week to take charge of the Medicine Hat Steam Laundry. Mr. Webster comes'to Medicine Hat with a wide experience in laundry work and the publie. may now rely on d first-class work. Catholic schoolon tutelage of Mr, How- ire shown around the A. Sewell and ex- pressed themselves as greatly im- pressed with Modicine Hat s advant- ages as manufacturing centre and consequent employer of labor. SpORN. To Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jordon, 207 BalmoraliSt., daughter. MARRIED. At the Montreal St. School on Saturday, Oct. 26th, Charles. Stew - art Isaac and Alice Isaac were mar. ried by the Rev, R. G. Blundell. The Epworth League are giving a Halloween Social tomorrow might in the basement of the chureh.. Riverdale, continuation: of The: Esplanade, on the river banks, beaw tiful situation, no bills. Price 250 per lot, They will make a big prc fit in the spring, growing rapidly j- value now. Get in and buy at one Pingle, Wales and Bell: Houses for sale on easy payments or Will exchange for real estate. Ap- plyito)/Hotson nt Leaders 54-t1 Homes If you want something good and up-to-date, I can. supply your needs. MAPLE LEAF MEN HERE Locking Over Their Site and Securing Prices --on + Materials. A couple of officials of the Maple Leaf Flour Mills Co. are im the city today looking over their site, and securing prices on material. They will, it is expected, take steps soon to start work. Opposition Met By Small Army Tried to Take Their Seats in, Hungarian Diet But Were Prevented, -. WHITE BLANKETS 7 Ibs., 6.30; 8 Ibs., 7.20. Our Special, 6 Ibs., 3.25. Stop Shivering lows, ete., always in stock. Phone 515 Or did you feel the need of extra egyers? Tf se drop in and see our new stock of Heavy Scotch Blankets, 6 Ibs., 5.85; Best Canadian Blankets, 6 lbs., 3.85. / A-full line of Quilts, Comforters, Pil- J. J. Moore Son North Railway Street (C. A. P, Cable Budapest, Hungary, Oct. 30. The members of the opposition in the Hungarian parliament, when they tried to enter the house today, were met by a strong military cordon which completely surrounded the parliament buildings and prevented their approach. , The opposition de- puties, led by. Cotint Albert Appon- yia, Count Michel Karelyi, and Francis Kossuth, -alade an attempt to get through but were forced to retire. Before doing so they made a violent protest. Premier Will Attend Hearing Hon. A. L. Sifton Will be at Great Waterways Case in London. CW. A. P. Dispatch) ee Oct. 30. Premier Sifton, of erta. was in the capital yesterday en Toute to London, where he will at- tend the proceedings in connection EVENTUALLY WHY NOT NOW? with the Great Waterways con the Privy Coumetl. Ri, Bennett ap P., Calgary, who is also engaged on the case, Jeft Proneue Selected I have 23 houses of var- ious sizes. Attractive in appearance and Sp tial attention given tc the layout inside, Almost half of these homes are sold already. See me personally and get first-hand informa- tion. W. Hl. ROSEWARNE Montreal Street. Phone 800. 500 for 50x186, Block 33. 3700 pr., Biock 28. 900 pr., Block 9. 400 pr., Block 27. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX 1100 pr., 5-6, Block 20. View lots, worth 1800. COUSINS AND SISSONS 650 pr,, south half of 28. OLD TOWNSITE + 4400, 1-2, Block 86, Braemar St. 100 ft. corner. 2 5500, Lots 16 and 17, Block 84, with house: 25,000 for 100 ft., Block 22. 35,000 for 180x120 corner Montreal and 5th Ave. 1450, Lot 14, Block 82. S Bleck 11, Main St. North. 5,000, Lot 7, Block 52, Main Bt South, worth 10,000. COTTAGES tonday Cop Lon ciety a ot Ngee ayy, FATS Wag one. ot the P stic ex gn in the country, t mister at Bet Wior over fifty yearn) ny positions of hon* For iis section and was known ax one of the leading preachers of the day. ro 2700, Cottage, 5; rooms, lot on ett i. Snap, 8000, Higitee: ny lot 60x 186, corner. Mi and 6th Rte BESOUCH,Phm.B. DRFG STORE. TORONTO ST, Brussela, Conservatorie. Miss Baines SOunt esas gt; COUSINS AND Sissons Block 2, Lots 8-29, 1059. Srerms. 3 Block 32, Lots 17-20, 640 9 fir. Block 4, Lots 25-26, 3900 a gr. . CENTRAL PARK lt; + Block 29, Lote 1-2, 800 a DH. Block 29, Lots 25-26, 8 gr. Block 27, Lots 34-38, 700 pr. HERALD . 2 3, Lote 3, 4 and hiltof 5, 1100. Terms. * 5, Lots halt 48. 49, - 50, Teme git GAS.CLTY REALTY .Co. 410 Main St. Phone 695, MEDICINE HaT a j Fire, Life, Accident, Hall and Plate Glass Insurance. REALTY travelling public, to wit: If finds that he has not the price of the man s name, street address, Pany sends a collector away aro collects tuppence. the CP, RB. could afford to put look like business? we touch turns into Mo paper PERRY, SEWELL PERRY 'S OH YOU FREE RIDE The editorial Columns of Saturday s NEWS upholds a Mu ielpally Owned Street Rallway because Glasgow, Scotland, has such fine system and because of that system's co: 5 him to ride to bis destination and the following day the Com. D it make you laught In a crowded street car, too. The NEWS in the same columms says that it does not ook for its support from auto owners as much as it doos from the dinner-pall man. been asks the question: From whom does the NEWS get its financial support nee en falling over the, lack ot eed adie meee mer, Id imagine that this paper reelat eatery hho even from the men who meri aia SOMEBODY IS SLIPPING. BUY IN WESTOVER PARK - EVERYTHING WE TOUCH TURNS . INTO MONEY. REVIEW How boards a street car and fare, the conductor just takes amoutt due; etc, ete, allows und to the man s address and That s sure some recommendation tn sup- port of a munfelpal street railway, allright, allright. Imagine such laxity on any railroad in Western Conada, where so many people are trying to get something for nothing. We wonder it Tule In force, Does it ising all sum- MANAGING MILDRED Big Musical Comedy at the Opera House Thursday Evening, October Bist. Managing Mildred, two-act musieal comedy farce, by Scammon Lockwood and Theodore Stearns, ap- pears this season in a brand new dress and many original costumes. The piece has been entirely rewrit- ten, and every aumber in the bril- Jiant little show is new and compos- ed especially for Juanita Rush, the, clever little comedienne, and Charles Picquet, both of whom are well known to our local amusement-seek- ers. Two new members are added to the east and a ew four-piece ladies orchestra carefully culled from the important musical centres, will tra- vel with this season's Managing Mildred Company. Of the latter, Mae Thomas, form - erly solo cellist of the Metropolitan Ladies Orchestra, is heralded, and Wilna Bains is the violinist, recently returned from her studies in the is, said: to possess a brilliantly ma- gnetic personality. E. Adriance Roy is the new. con- tralto, and has the rare honor of having studied with Jean de Reszke in-Paris. Harold Russuck is another new ad- ditiongn the cast of principles: He is a London baritone. Another new feature will be the specially painted seenery by the Bel- ian science artist, Paul Henter, who spent last winter in Southem Pines, N.C., where Charles Pisquet ownes and operates an extensive chicken farm. Mr. Henter took a-liking to Charles, otherwise no amount of money would have induced the noted painter to unpaek his magic brushes inasmuch as he hed gone South to rest up and fonget. It is a pity we cannot know the details of his ro- mantic exile. A good deal is claimed for Stearns music. This young composer and conductor is widely known in New York and Vienna, and has dropped the baton for the pen for the . next few years. His music, while popu- lar, is full of haunting nuances that never fail to impress. All in all, the new and enlarged Managing Mildred promises much, and, apparently, will do more than that. Plan opens at Pingles Drug Store on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. Property Which THE WAR INFLUENCES US So Many Leave For Bal- Bulgarians to the war continues. This week 150 passed through here, pri cipally laborers from trans-continen- tal railway construction Steamship-tines have agents here to arrange parties to cross the ocean. The labor market is being seriously depleted. sy squad of Bulgarians started for their native land to fight the Turks, work on the civic light and other private concerns had come nearly to a stand- still. 850. All around sold at 1000 50 ft. Do i quick. Pinele, Wales ell. kans That - Construgtion Work is Suffering. (W. A. P. Dispatch.) North Bay, Oct. 30 The rush of districts, sent special Kingston Feels Strain Kingston, Oct. 30 Because a. big Riverside, 60 ft. for Broadway, MONEY WE have Eastern customers who desire to purchase inside property. IF you have any to sell come in and Hear the Conversation H.W. IRELAND, The Medicine Hat Security Co. ROOM 4, BECKER BLOCK PHONE 305. Montreal St. Bakery MITCHELL'S HOME-MADE BREAD REPRESENTS THE HIGHEST TYPE OF BREAD MADE. ONE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU. PHONE 560. HL. 8, ELLIS. NEW DEAN OF DURHAM C. A. P. Cable) London, Oct. 30. The Rev. Herbert Hensley Henson, Canon of Westmin- ster Abbey, who recently visited Can- +fada, one-of the most popular Angli- can clergymen, has been appointed Dean of Durham. Chang. Assasinated Pekin Report Says Moham- medans Slew Governor of Kanai Assembly. a Chicago, Ill, Oct..30. Cable des- patches to the Chicago Daily News from Pekin, China, say the Moham- medans have assassinated. Li Ching Chang, president of the Kanau: Pro- vinelal Assembly, because he propos ed. making Maan Liang governor of the province. that the governors of Maan Lang con- trol che province and that the unrest. 84-tf In Shensi and Shanghal is growing. The despatch adds TALKS A,r, PUAXTON Will Make You. MONEY TOWNSITE 50 ft, Block 21, Toronto St, 24,000. 60 ft, corner, Block 55, 7,000. 50 ft, Block M , Main St., with two houses on property, 9,000, HERALD 50 ft., Block 15, 1300. 50 ft, Block 20, Highland St., 1050. CENTRAL PARK 50 ft, Block 3, 1500. 56 ft, Block 7, 1500. 50 ft, Block 17, facing Park, 1050. 50 ft., Block 27, 800. NORTH YUILL 50 ft. Block 18, Bridge 850. COUSINS SURVEY 50 ft. corner, suitable for busi- ness, 1500. SOUTH YUILL 50 ft. lots, Block 17, 1050. See us for good buys in all sub- divisions. Phone Us Your Listings, H.C. PETTET CO. S68 Toronto St. Phone 481. St, into a cupful of boiling dissolved. . It is then beef, the stimulant exti feed the body. H.W. Ireitand Co. Main Street. Plefelrininininininninleleioleinintninininteinininininininheininintoleleintek, nourishing, strengthening beverage. OXO IS A CONCENTRATION OF PRIME BEEF. It contains th whole goodness of up the nervous system and aid digestion as well as the rich nourishing proteids which DROP ONE . OXO CUBE- water and stir until ready for use as a i best ractives which tone Phone 54. 3 Crema? complete abse blockade, the prairie provi eastward at th thirtden. hund: The Ganadia Ung 800 cars ive of all shi; and miscellan ne si Hon. Robe Control Depart RULES EN Hon. L. Ci Dr. Roel Their Ne (Wek Ottawa, Oct demns - his d aes printing bures Hon. Rober Publie Works supervising at penditare of whieh , Paci dredging, wha LIBERAL CODE Will Put Candida Hochela Owe. Montreal, held by the Hochelaga- Cc contest the I rendered nec of Hon. Louis Cabinet as Se was decided Total for ing Ove of Octol TEN MONTH TW New Thee dition Total S Medicine 1 the month 0 or 152,740 0 last year, about 150 pe This. sends soaring far a sanguine boc Total for ter the year . Total for te 1911 Inerease 191:
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Image 792 (1912-10-30), from microfilm reel 792, (CU1740075). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.