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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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MNDIOINE HAT DAILY NEWS. lass Distinction in - Men s Dress Suits thing you only buy once in a long time selecting. werth using care in Fashion-Graft never shows to better advantage than in the production of the Dress Suit. The tiany fin points so necessary to form perfection in style and fit are never overlooked. e Priced 30.00 to 40.00. Shops of e BARKER PATTEN MEDICINE HAT. ONE NIGHT ONLY i Nov. 15th PRESENTS FLORODORA. THE Book and Lyries by Harry B, and Robert B. Smith, Musie by Robert Hood Bowers, . Dances arranged by Jack Mason. ae WITH ZOE B * and 65 others. A real All-Star Cast. Including the original English Pony Ballet and the most ingty beautiful Chorus of Dainty, Demure and Delightful Dancing Girls ever seen under one roof. Direct from the Globe Theatre, Ni ork - fk Winnipeg Papers declare THE RED ROSE to. be Seen there in:years; TRY TO GET IN't THREE HUN TO CHOOSE FROMZI Repairing, Cle: and Pressing. FUR COATS REPAIRED. GEO. 831 NORTH RAILWAY, Spesial Feature THE STUDENTS GLIDE, Prices 1.00, 2.00 and 2.50. Sale Wednesday at Pingle s Drug Store. TOPERA House JOHN C. FISHER TUE QEEATEST MUSICAL COMEDY SUCCESS SINCE: HIS RED ROSE Staged by RH. Burnside, ARNETT This attraction is guarantee to be the biggest Muslenl- Comedy tat has ever appeared Here and is playing to capacity swhere. theese Musical om a CAMPBELE OPP. C. P, R. DEPOT peeling; when done, put them tna ROM A SOUTH WINDOW IN CANADA wa she. you Love, Laughter ind Life HOW TO BE A SUCCESSFUL WIFE Maoterlinck, Belgian dramatist, who, as Geor inseparable half of the imperfect indtvidualities thus to strengthen. your husband s physical the art of selecting and pre Hf an infallible barometer whereby to forecast and electrical disturbances peculiar to the married state. moods the subtle, unsuspected antidote; doy. that bis dinner has been without - GAS JET DRIVES FAN Runs as Long a Desired Without country Wwe: new patterns shows rough surface, and very decided colors, such as orange and biack, or black and white flecked with bright blue or vivid scar Iet,'are In high favor. In nearly every case costumes made-of- lout -tweeds. re toned down by the addition of black Velvet collar, while large. black yelvet buttons and immense imitation button-holes are a feature of trim- ming much in yogue for tweed coats and skirts just now. PUMPKIN PIE One cup punmpkin, cooked fine: one egg, one level tablespoonful of four, two-thirds of cupful of sugar or sweeter if desired. a pinch of salt, one- half teaspoonful ginger; one-quarter teaspoonful cinnamon or allspice, enough milk to fill one pie. Bake with lower crust only and brown slightly on top. : Filling Lemon oF orange paste for tarts: Juice of or temon or orange and pulp, one gg, one cupful of sugar, one table spoonful of melied butter. Set it in polling water ta thicken. Put on the tart crasts. If they are deep enough this can be frost d. : Apple Nectar i This Is avery nice drink for chil- dren. Bake six large apples without Tube Connect with Burner ket 18 of especial interest. The appa* ratus has been in'anted by a New York man, and the motive power is the flame of an ordinary gas jet. The motor is a little engine operated by the simple process of the expansion anil contraction of air, and it drives o fan big enough to xeep the air fresh In Whole room. The gas flame ex- pands:the aif add forces out the pis- ton of the motor, and as the air is con- tracted by the cooling effect of the fan the piston is drawn back again. This operation completes ons revolu- tion of the fan. and speed enough for between 500 and 600 revolutions a min- tite can be obtained. A tube, like that far and pour over'three pints of bofl- ing water, add a little grated lemon, and four or five cloves... When.-cool, strain, and sweeten with honey. used on'a reading lamp,-connects the tan with the gas burner, and the appa- ratug can be stood in any convenient place. A good feature is the absence of odor or any noise of exhaust. - i PEACHES Spiced Peaches Peel seven pounds of fruit, but do not remove the stones; to one pint of elder vinegar add three and onetalt pounds, of sugar, one tablespoon of ground cinnamon, and one of mace, and one teaspoon of cloves. Tle the a few at time, ar pack in jars, pour over them the scalding syrup and cover closely. Let them stand twenty- four hours, then drain, cook the syrup ten minutes, and agsin pour over the Put a plate over the fruit in the and tle a cloth over the top asd keep in 2 cool place. Peach Marmalade , stone, and cut ripe peaches in Pleces, take three-quarters of a of sugar to each pound of fruit, cup of water to each pound of . Place on fire, boll, and skim; put in the peaches and let them doll hard, stir amd-mash them until the whole 6a thick mass. Then put in 5 Jars and peal. Peach Catsup Pare and quarter elght quarts of ripe peaches. Simmer the parings for thirty minutes fm one pint of water. Then strain, add the peaches, 7and simmer thirty minutes longer. Add Jone and one-half cups of best cider vinegar and one-half cup of sugar,two teaspoons of ground clnnamon, and Preserved Peaches Alloy. three-a 06 6 pound of rau gailipne age ts to every. pound of fruit. ib them in halfiit the fruit 4 uftil ten- Gut carefully and pack in glass jars; boll the syrup until clear, then strain over the Grape Juice To two gallons of grapes put three i i quarts of water; cover and let boll un- ox tiigrapes break. Steam, and to six .typ are-shown ip 8 but ot juice add two pounds of Hin ach itstane the braid ed sugar. Let come to's boil, in black. 3 t into bottles het, and seal. ent to the Housekeeper of the haunted mansion. This is splendid, he gasped. Someone has taken the Howse; het j don't know, sir, I am sure. Per- it elaborately done up and decorated haps he'll come back for the house. and by way of a tempting-bait, he F he gus fittings,- had some exp nsive gas fitting put Canadian Pictori up in all the tooms. The next week he heard that some bold man had been after the house. Pevartment has every facility tor sup- eg eK hosts and weird apparitions wee said to-appear in the empty*house Loose Leat Sy: The News Job His heart lept with Hope and. expec- ling the most tattatactore tation, and he rushed of in Vteantic Subscribe now for The Daly News, T bave made you an. almond Souffle for fully clear in the new cookery book them exact ; NEle smiled a ubiovs smile as be looked hard atthe dish, Can't say I like it, mouthful. Are you sure you got the-instrustions-right, my darlingt * Oh, yes, dear, sid she. Why, I general pablic. AN IRISH STEW. a little surprise, said The instructions are beauti- wave me, and T have followed he said after the first eacli asortment is limited: Corner Main St. and Fourth Ave. THIS BEAUTIFU 400 PIANO Given Away Absolutely Free the DAILY NEWS have made arrangements whereby they will give away absolutely free a beautiful Upton 400 Ptano. Votes are given with all CASH PURCHASES made at either. place, and the Contestant having the largest number of votes on MARCH 17th NEXT-quill receive the piano. A feature of this contest is that numbers are given Con- testants, and their names are not published nor known to the Those who want to get into the game sh call on MARSHALL-MITCHELL and get a nutmber. Ask for votes on every purchase at either place. . Name of Contestant will not be known. 2. Name of Contestant will not be published. 3. Every Contestant is credited, with 2,000 Votes te start / with. t 4. Eyery Contestant gets a number. . 5. Standing of Contestants numbers published weekly. 6. 7. All votes must be brought in for record on Wednesday. Votes must not be written upon. : 8. Tie Votes in packages with Contestant s number and the amount on top slip only. 9. Color of Votes will change and must be recorded weekly. 10. Votes are transferable only before recording. 11, Contestant having the largest number of Votes on March 17th next, wins the Piano. 12. Candidates not bringing in Votes will be dropped. personal iculars and all information call on eS - TORONTO STREET CHRISTMAS CARDS OUR NEW STOCK OF CHRISTMAS CARDS has arrived and for design and artistic beauty their like has never been shown in Medicine Hat. They are now on display in our business offive and parties desirous of procuring same will do well to leave their orders early as the quantity of MEDICINE HAT NEWS, LTD. ould arshall-Mitchell Hardware Co. Bitte rih f dolotetabbebefetedeioleteteleietobel etoile etetolelteteieidetefeleetefeteltetefet trom - Dayton; FABR It is hardly and not alt keeping with of a busines: ably known upon the fa ferior qualit tions or su are not per 20th Centw Clothes. We're not go upon ft now you that the fab ter into the mak Century Brand every one of tl selected, and t for the purpose 400 choice fab: TUR BRC The Man s Stone Get the Big Do PLAYERS ARE Several Change: Made by Mag: waukee Yeste (Special Cable Milwauket; Wis. 2 Yesterday's purcha: player , were: Char by. Providence to. Ct ger Donnely, sold 3 als to Atlanta; Pitch by Fort Wayne fron couver purchased C Toron Surtis-to-Pittatield, CARL MORRIS BACI (Special to th Shreveport, La., Morris, the Oklahom 1s to be seen in the 1 Tow night at a box Ziven under-the- aus athletic club. His of Cass Tarver,.a big fel Texas. The two are ten-round contest.
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Image 910 (1912-11-15), from microfilm reel 910, (CU1740094). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.