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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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kinks that. give indivi trade. thoroughbred Fall Suit. STYLE- Phone 28. FOR SALE BY The Suit question can be settled-very easily here for the young man that desires suit smartness. Our stylish Fall Suits show clothes, without being freakish. The new features in cut and taiioring have been all honored by the best tailors in all ou land. who make these Suits to our order and for our special Every new feature in colorings and fabrics en- cables us to supply you with a handsome clean-cut, TAILORED LePAGE BROS. Minow NE SOIL STILL RIGH AFTER 80 YEARS Farnham Farm, In Wellington coun- ty, Ontario, owned by Mr-Henry Am kell, after eighty summers constant cultivation, possesses soll as: -h it if not richer than when it was first broken In 1831, The following meth ods of farming, rigidly adhered to by Mr. Arkell, may be cited as reasons for.thia happy altuation: The owner's interests are evenly divided between crop production and Jive stock raising. Bverytbhing grown on th m in the way of feed is fed on the farm. A syatein of crop rotation prevents any needless waste of soil fertility. The application of barnyard manure after specially: absorbent . crops re- plenighes the soll with plant food Hay area is pastured two years and crops. it trom -it- wo years, then plowed under. Rape seed is sown with oat crop, providing pasture for cattle and sheep for more than three months ter har- vest. The general conduct/of the farm is stossty in accord with mixed farming principles, which protect any soil from MEDICINE HAT. little men s all the duality to young CRAFT , CLOTHES 388 Toronto Si. Make Inebriates Work Gepletion. HOME INDUSTRY How It Has Been Injured in the Case of Wool, Manufacture Canada an oaaile apd warning js the subject of a pamphlet issued by Thomas 0, Marvin, of the Home Mar Ket Club, Boston. He says that the Wool manufactured in the Dominion of Canada is as old, and theoretically it should be. as prosperous an indus- try as it is in the United States, yet the entire production of the Canadian mills 1g less than that of a single American company. Two out of three: of the inhabitants of the Do- minton, he said, are clothed wholly tm foreign fabrics, as against less than one in ten of the American people. He then proceeds to investigate this extraordinary difference. Fifty years ago the countries were prac- tically on an equal so far as this great branch of textile manufacturing was concerled. The Uanadian mills had been managed with shrewdness and ability, Taere has been no dearth of capital or. of skilled operatives. Many of these capitalists or mill owners, finally despairing of success in da-had moved to the United States and there had become success- ful manufacturers. So, too, with the. fOperators. A comsiderable proportion of the best spinners, Weavers and dyers in American, mills to-day: had found their way to these mills-by way ot Canada. In 1861, an adequate -protective tariff in which wool and its manufac- tures were included, was enacted for the American people by their goyern- ment, snd under this policy the ag- gregate value of American wool pro- ducts increased from 73,454,000 in 1860 to 507.219,000 fm 1910. Under a policy of late years of inadequate protection, however, the wool manu- facture of Canada had entirely failed to increase but was actually decreas- - Lethbridge Herald. Thinks Inebriate Farm Proposal Of ing, as witness the Jaree number of Hat-Gouncil-Is a Good One. The proposal of the city council to: start an inebriate farm meets with the approval of the Lethbridge Her- ald. It says: Medicin Hat city council wants, to. reform the drunkards in that city and so the members at a recent meeting talked about the establish ament of a farm for inebriates, The idea is certainly. worthy of consider- ation, not only af Medicine Hat, but Zeihbridge. Fining a man does not affect bis tendency towards booze A few months work on a farm away from booze might reform him. The experiment has been tried in a num- ber of cities and found successful. In Lethbridg gor instance it would not be a bad it-the magistrate were to sentence some of the habit- uals to do work for the city on the parks or streets, It would be a more Severe. punishment than paying a fine OF belhg sentenced to jail. It would mean work and work is a job most of these habitual drunkards abhor. Some years ago Hon. Mr. Cross Proposed that habitual drunkards af- ter a certain number of offences should be sentenced inebriate , home and there made to take the gold cure, There is much to be commend- ed in this plan too. Certainly we are far from ref drunkard by punishing him with a fine or a short term of imprisonment. The gold cure or term of 50 many. days work in the open air away from lquor is more likely to reform than the other Loose Leat System The News Job Department has every facility for sup- plying the most satisfactory. COUSINS AND SISSONS 6 lots in Block 12 NORTH Lot 3, Block 8 25 ft. in Block 27, on Broadway 3 Lots, Block 76, sees. Honse on Braemar .- om House in Yutll, House on East Allowance, room Bungalow, fully modern, C zoom House on Kast Allowance, fully modern, The Housemen s Bulfetin of Snaps REDOLIFF HOUSES balance arranged. 35,000. Terms. + 3500 per foot. 25,000 Terme. 2,000. Terms, +. 1300: One-third, 6 and 12 x 1,000 a pair. Terms, YUILL 900. Terms 1100. Terms. + 1000 each. Usual terms, :- 4100. Good terms, 106 ft. lot jumbia Ave, 7000, 3000, 3800, Terms, aL there were 3,155,000 sheep in Canada 1 n1871, there were only 2,106,000 in 1910, while in the United States on the other hand, the number had grown, from 27,286,000 to 41,999,000, In other words, says Mr. Marvin, inadequate protection robs Canada of natural industry once strong prosperous and has made Canada the best outside customer of-the great manufacturing clothiers of the United A NOTE OF WARNING The west is agog with a discussion on the merits of mixed farming for the prairies. Many experts declare t is the only sure preventive of soil exhaustion. Most. farmers, however, are either convinced of the inexhaus- tibility of the soil s fertility or they however, are mindful of the fate of the western states, just gcross the border, where the yield. per acre has qteadily declined Cardston Globe. DRAPER STATUE UNVEILED. (Special to the News.) Milford, Mass., Sept, 25, The tri- of the late Gen. Willian, P. Draper was paid today, when an imposing equestrian statue of the soldier and statesman was unvelled with interest Ing exercises, The memorall which was designed by Daniel C. French, the New York sculptor, was a gift to the town of Milford from Gen. Dra- per's widow. preernrttey ch TO ATTACK IMMORALITY + + (WO AL PL De + Toronto, S pt Is ob expected ttat at the wocret sessions of the Methodist de- 4 * pariment of Temperance and + Moral Reform Thursday and +f * Friday some very delicate +f oh matters Wil be handled with- b out gloves. 11 is anticipat- - eh ed that some action will be h taken with reference to the h white slave traffic. race of *h track gambling, the registra- f+ +h tion of certain diseases and +f the physical et of all WP candidates Yor mariage gt; + * thoh bbb ob eh eb ob PEG LOST OUT WCANAR. FIGHT Railway. Commission Has Granted Permission for Cut-off. MAYOR WAUGH IS GREATLY DISAPPOINTED Matter Has Been Fought Hard by Citizens * Inter- ested and by City. Winnipeg, Sept. 25. Sir Donald Mann, who arrived here today from the east on his way west for a trip of inspection, said this morning. that he had received a wire from the com- pany s office to the effect that the railway commission had handed down a decision permiting the proposed Canadian Northern Railway cut-off through Fort Rouge and South Win- nipeg.. This ig news here, for the city officials say they have recelved no intimation to this effect from Ottawa. Assuming it is correct, Mayor Waugh Said that he was very disappointed. The railway claimed this cut-off was necessary for prompt handling of western grain shipments, but. the pro- ject has been fought toa finish by residents affected who have been supported by the city as a whole. MISSIONER 1S MAN OF WIDE ACTIVITY Besides Being Athlete, the Rey. . P. Wilson En- St. gages in Many Modern Movements. The Rev. C. P. Wilson, M.A, of England, who will conduct the mis- sion in St. Barnabas ehurch for eight Reported Famous Painting London, Vinci's master piece, Mona Lisa, stolen from August of the walls of a private gallery port, published in a Russian paper and transmitted today:to a agency here. HUGE STRIKE IN SPAIN Stations Are Held By Sol- Pingle, Wales Bell Real Estate, Notary Public, ete, Fourth Ave, One Minute From, Post Office. PHONE 791. Aurawal A Lots in Blocks 14, 13, 12, 3, 16, , 24 and 1. prices, 100 at 800 RIVERSIDE We hold a nice selection from 300 to 500. RIVERDALE lots at 225 each, HERALD Choice, lots facing river; - 876 to gt;g400, COUSINS AND SISSONS- 300 to 400. BENDING 250 each, HIGH SCHOOL 300 to 500. TOWNSITE From wards. NORTH -YUILD 180 andt- upwarits, SOUTH YUILL 1100 and up- wards, to ANNEX- 1150 up- We hold one of the . finest listings in the city. Call be- fore-buying: Our car is at your service. We want: lst- ings in tho Herald and Town- site particularly, as well as in other places, We have buyers if prices are right We heve a sploudid sub-diy- sion proposition. Farms and Ranches our spec- falty. We have over 60 Houses for sale. Our. advice and seryice are at your command. Rememb r the addresa: Fourth Ave, One Minute From Post Olflce. MONA LISA FOUND? Is in St. Petersburg Gal- lery. (C. A. P. Cable) Sept. 25. Leonanio Da ) the Louvre, Paris, in last year, is hanging on in Petersburg, according to a re- news diers and Employees All Idle. ( . AW P. Cable) days, beginning. Oct. 13, ties, He is a type Press has the following to say: Rev. C. P. Wilson, is a man of exeeeingly wide and varied a fivi- of the, modern school of English clergyman, which holds work as its motto. Concerning Rev. Mr, Wilson, the Winnipeg Free MA, Oxon, scholar of Keble College and a first- class classic, was always athletic and is even now at 49 years of age. For eight years he was a schoolmaster of Clifton College, near Bristol, where there are 600 boys. He is known as Perpignan, France, Sept. 25. A despatch received here from Barce- lonit tated every station is now in the hands of the military forces as every railway employee has joined in the strike movement. Even the in- ternational trains for France are un- able to proceed beyond the Spanish frontier. THe geeat railway strike is in the Catalonia-distriet Loose Leaf System The News Job Department has every facility for supplying the most satisfactory. a worker in Hereford and Manches- ter and now in the Bristol suburbs of Fishponds, where, to meet the needs of a growing population, two new churches have recently been built. Sunday school temperance work interest Mr. Wilson greatly. He is on the staff of the Bristol Diocesan mis- sion, and has been through eleven assizes as chaplain. He is also keen on the Christian Social Union, which aims at the bettering of the social life of the people. Has travelled much out of England and can speak Ger- man with any German settlers. His missions are: St. Alban s, Win- nipeg, Medicine Hat, Stettler; Alta., and Birtle, Man A NEW LIFT M. C. Sackrider Rushing Work on Two 4Storey We have purchased the Alberta 180 Lots: IN HILL DIVISION 200 EACH One-quarter cashs, balance in 6, 12 and 18 months. RIVERSILDE PARK Bleck 19 Lots 46 to 52, 2500. Half cash. CENTRAL PARK Block 24, Lots 87 to 40, 1680, cash. The Bradshaw Agencies Becker Block, NOTICE. Buildings. M,C. Sackridet has mstalled a new lift run by a gasoline engine for Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, ete., ads under theae headings, 25 words, one day .. .. 25 25 words, three days ., 50 26 words, six days .. .. 1.00 Additional words at same rate, No ad accepted for less than 25 cents, Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No. 18 ring 8/ and it will receive attention. BLY WANTED. WANTED Laborers by the Canad- jan Stewart Co, 30 ,per hour Apply Ogilvie Mill site Mett WANTED AT ONCE 50 carpenters on Ogilvie Mill job. Boarding camp R/WANTED To BiY Building lota Old Buryey, ark. Give prices, terms, eto. to P, 0. Box 610. Owners only need apply. vn aad + BBtE. WANTED CLEAN COTTON RAGS. - Apply 877 Esplanade, o2-te SS TO keNr TENANT WANTED for Yecant store on the corner of Montreal Street and Srd Ave, Fine location for any business, Reasonable rent. Living rooms overhead. immediate posses. sion, Repalrs and overhauling will bo done. Apply to G.G, MacBean Co. Imperial Bank building. toate 7 ROOMED HOUSE, FULLY MOD- ern, clean, and in. good* reuair, Wilt be Vacant first of the month. Apply D. V. Jackson, 403 First Ave. 64-3 eae ae Herald or --Centtak on site, Canadian Stewart Co, Lita. 33-tt Lappy Redeliff Hotel. ai-tt WWANTED Men and women to learn barber trade, Summer rate now on. Situations guaranteed. Special rates to ladies. Particulars and cata- logue free, Moler College, 609 Cen- tre St, Calgary. aosatt WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL for - general Fewings Street, - housework. Apply 412 65-8 WANTED A RANCH HAND, RE- Mable and competent. Inquire at Assiniboia Hotel. 65-3 FIRST CLASS MAID WANTED Good wages, Apply 626 Balmoral St 64-3 MALD WANTED APPLY MRS. Chas. Milne, 908 Barclay St 64-tf. WANTED FOR OCTOBER Ist GEN- eral servant for family of. three. R erences required. Mrs, James Mur- ray, Suffield, ste WANTED TEAMSTER. APPLY GAS City Lumber Co. 63-3 WANTED CAPABLE MAN TO LOOK after warehouse. Steady job for right man. Apply Birnie Bros. 63-tt GENERAL SERVANT WANTED Apply Mrs. Thos. Knight, 619 Brae- mar St. 61-6 WANTED GOOD COMPETENT girl for general house work, in fam- ily of four. Apply Mrs, E. M. Cawk- er, 428 Fewings street. 61-6, WANTED 20 FIRST CLASS MILL- wrights. Highest wages paid. Apply to Medicine Hat Milling Co, 60-tf WANTED DINING ROOM. GIRL. Apply Cosmopolitan Hotel. 60-tf WANTED SHEEPHERDER. APPLY A. P, Burns, 60-tt ROOMS TO RENT. ROOM TO RENT IN MODERN house, five minutes walk from de- pot, Terms 10 per month; if two occupy, 7.50 each: Also stable with three stalls and large hay lott. Ap- ply 201 Balmoral St. East. 85-3 FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE. Every modern convenience: Centrally located. Lease six months if desired. Apply Alberta Clay Products Co. 63-6 TO RENT FURNISHED ROOMS All new and modern, Apply 720, 4th 64-3 TO LBT FURNISHED- ly 422 Main St. ROOMS. TO RENT FURNISHED ROOM IN modern house. Good family. Apply to Pingle, Wales and Bell. 62-tt ROOMS WANTED. WANTED AT ONCE ONE LARGE front bed sitting room. Apply News office. 61-tf WANTED TWO ROOMS, FURNISH- ed, for light housekeeping, by mar- rled couple, No children. Apply box B.B., News office, 60-tt Cafe, formerly conducted by James Rutherford, and- will conduct a first class restaurant. Meals at all hours. Corner Montreal and North Railway, bute of his home town to-the-memory / POHEE-COERT Taising the bullding material at the Cooper Hackvale Block. As this building s going to be four stories and there sno room to Tun a horse it was m cessary to put in the new apparatus; Mr. Sack- Tider has two four-storey buildings under construction, the other being the Mitchell-Marshall storehouse. It will be 108 by 50 feet. WEIDMAN. MARRIED. There was a marriage at the Mounted Police Barracks last even- ing. George Weidman and the girl he was charged with assauljing were united in marriage, Sergt. Harper acting as best man. Jno, Thomas, Dan Corey, P. Weav- er, were each drunk and paid the Th usual fine at the police court today, namely, 3 and costs, wi H, Lefort, for an indecent act, paid a Uke sum. W. H. Ruggles was ordered to pay 28.35 plus 3 costs on a sult of am employee named goliars. a 63-3 opposite depot. We solicit your pa- tronage. QUON DUCK, JUN WAH QUAN SING. E. Bartlett. Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyo: Water Supplies, Sewage, Boom 14, Imperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat Public Auction oN SARKET SQUARE SEPT 27, Commencing at one List what you have to sell with'the fiictloneer or Mr, Calfirn. for Thursday night. Municipal Engineer, Industrial Spur Railways, Irrigation Plans, Ete. Phone 420 1912, o'clock sharp. ese sales will be held every Friday. li sell Stock, Furniture or any- thing you have to sell. Watch years old, and weight about*1300 Ibs. Brand HF monogram on-left should- er; one gray gelding weighing about ) 00 left thigh. last seen at Pete Weiss on the 13th of May. R. B. Starks, Medicine Hat. 19att FOR SALE FOR SALE AUTOMOBILE CHEAP. Maxwell, in good repair. Price 325, Apply Fred Wheatley, Tiller, Alber- ta. 64-6 FOR SALE BOARDING CAMP AT Ogilvie Mills. Owner will sell busi- ness and rent building, or sell both together. Apply at Ogilvie Boarding Camp. 64-3 FOR SALE ONE GOOD DRIVING mare, city *broken;-very gentle. Also trap and harness, Phone 173, or p- ply 727 Esplanade. 64-3 PROPERTY AND HOUSE FOR SALE or to rent. Apply to the Alberta Cafe. 59-12 SATTERLEE, Auctioneer ae ES Mey The Daily News delivered in the city 35 a montis. LOST AND FOUND , LOST BETWEEN REVESTEY'S store and MIL St. pocketbook containing a eum of:money. Finder Please return to Revestey a store and rec lve reward, 65-3 LOST A ROUND LOOKBT, WITH ; Monogram of W.H.D. on face of it, nd containing photo inside; Finder please leave same at News office and receive reward. 63-3 SS LOST A NOTE-BOOK DATED from 6th of Sept. to 21, A reward of 2-will be-given for return of same to the Newa 43.3 EDUCATIONAL MISS AURELIA FULTON, NEW England and Oberlin Conservatories. Piano and voice. Pupils after school hours. Call 726 Charles St, or ad- dress box 628. 65-3 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS. W: 4 HENDERSON CO., chartered accountants and auditors, (estab- Ushed 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- bridge. A. E, Gibson, C.A., resident partner. Phone 198. Burns Block. 2Tbatt SSPIRELLA Corsets mais to meas- ure, guaranteed for one year against breaking or rusting. At office. in Pingle block, Main street, from 2 p. m. to 5 p.m. Office phone 594. At house, 7 school Avenue, opposite east side of High School, in evening. House phone- 99; or write P.O.-Bor 72, Mrs, Matthews. Au 22-3m AUCTIONEERS H- 3. BROWNE CO,, Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor onto St. Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Rancb and farm stock sales conducted any- where. House furniture sales don- ducted anywhere. Consult us, our ex- pecieses, at your disposal free. Phone 03. H, B, Browne Co, 519 To- issate HH MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO, The above have on hand the best selection of Second Hand Tools tn the city, We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a nice new line of winter goods. We buy everything mertioned above and pay the best prices. Call at 50s South Reflway St. or Phous 587. t AND GENTS Tonto St. cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Jewelry, guns, revolvers, valises, suit sases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- gies, harness, bicycles. carpenter tools, ete, raw hides and furs, horse halr, wool and f.,thers, bought an sold. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co. 812 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. P. 0. box 358, Phone 295; The Best Prices Paid for the above. + 23Dte. GUNS IN PROCESSION Club of Unionists Also Dragged Cannon and Had Ambulance- Portadowne, Ireland, Sept. 25. Rifles were carried by several bat- tallions into whith the members of the Unionist Club were formed when they took part in a great procession in the afternoon. Two lange can- nons also were dragged along on gun carriages while an ambulance in charge of sisters moved with the pro- cess on and carried a large supply of splints and bandages. WILSON CANDIDATE WON. (W. A. P. Dispatch) Newark, N. J., Sept. 25. The lo- cal democratic vote cast in New Jersey yesterday was estimated at about 70,000. Complete returns were slow in being tabulated but the plurality for Hughes, the Wilson can- diate for United States Senator was estimated as running between 20, and 30,000. oe Washington, D.C, , Sept. 25 A force of 750 American marines under Col. F. J. Moses, will sail from Phil- adelphia Friday on the transport Prairie, for San Domingo, to be pres- ent at the reopsning of the Dominion customs houses. along the border of Hayti, They were closed by revolu- tionistas. Narrov OF course style t wards the ed shoulde: and narrow men, part: men of ath not propos: to style. ' wide-should snug waist trousers. rect, style f TURP THE Mi Where you get t SEE COVER RE Grand Trun Way of T of Line. OPPOSES IN OF Canadian Associatio demns Pre Immigrati (W. A Ottawa, Sept. sent form the tion constitute that 20,000 more built this year, w at 2 total cost terminal favalti The efforts. of t crease the expres ed. This evening th en a theatre part, R. 8. Gourlay, is expected, be th the Canadian Man tion. The extra Prov ed by the Provin from companies o minion. charters, 1 report. A test next month in whether or not the right to charg this means virtua Thanksgio Ottawa, Sept. Thanksgiving Day week, Monday, probable date. A small want ad , Classified Column
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Image 541 (1912-09-25), from microfilm reel 541, (CU1739664). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.