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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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lt;TARDS AND SHBDS: Factory and South Railway E. W. STACEY, Mgr.. Phe bet ete t STRAY TOPICS FROM * LITTLE OLD SEW YORK + Phebe eee eed cent Astor had a narrow escape. old saying that al the world loves a Jover, but the truth in that saying is mot always so apparent as itis in the case of the Gould-Shepard match recently announced. Few women of prominence and wealth have ever en- doyed. the respect and the love of the peomJe throughout the country in the Same measure as Miss Helen M. Gould and for many years it had been a Source of general regret that so fine and noble-a woman should-be un- able to: find a helpmate worthy of her, From all accounts the man of her choice is a man in the best sense 1 of the word, a man of good character, strength and refinement and. of rec- ognized business ability. The match Seems to be us nearly ideal as one may expect in this prosaic age and) with young Astor's car, wrecked car against a tree. ichighn, and Call which the value. 20,000,000. In r (on farms and in in was. tho fend by Jowa, Minne . Michigan, Ohio, York. ' value of butter nthe -U. 8 asa ents per pound in. with 16.7 cents in of 449 p. living, has decided to take up an ultimatum vIGOR ASIS OF SUCCESS: cents a dozen. The members of If you ate run down, weak, tir- eaped so far any serious accident. However, ae tos, especially on the public Highways, is by no means a safe sport and conductv ts the Tombs has shown that conditions Filongevity. The other day while rac- ing near Rhinebeck, up the river, Vin- Hila New. York, Bec. 28 There is an opponent lost control of tis machine and after barely escaping a collision The Housewives League, a organ- zation formed in this city some time ago, with a view of finding some * tueans for reducing the high cost of fight against the egg trust and, in puYsuance of this decision, has issued the dealers.. Unless they agree to sell eggs at-26 cents a dozen th Housewives League threat- ens to enter into competition with the deaiers and supply the consumers in this city with eggs at.the price of 24 League are confident of sficcess and rely principally upon the State law big apartment in the Vanderbilt ho- tel. George Gould hada suite at-the Plaza for which be: paid. 3,000, and one of the Gus: said to have pala 45,000 4 your rr for his sutte At the St. Ri The Princess Lwoff, Pariaghy, who keeps her seven rooms and three baths at the Plaza, and oc- euples them only for six or eight months at a time, pays a rental of 18,000 a year. Cages are numerous whero: man or a fainily, ren two or three rooms by the year;-paying from 10,000 to 16000 a y ar, . although they may not occupy thelr rooms for more than a few months every year. The principal reason for this appar- ent extravagance seems to be the de- sire of many wealthy people to es- cape the trouble and annoyance con- nected with the servant, problem. The statement that the city has de- cided to provide roof gardens on top of the engine houses of the muriicipal fire, department to give the firemen an opportunity to enjoy themselves in the fresh air during thelr leisure hours, may sound like a joke to read- ers outside of New York, but it Is a fact, nevertheless, The beginning h alredidy been made and five of the newly erected engine houses are pro- vided With root Wherever t is possible the old houses are to be. remodelled: so as to make provi. sion for roof gardens, The investigation by. the grand jury into the conditions existing in to be so unsanitary and bad in every respect that a thorough reform is taperative to remove this disg- the city. The grand yury, among of er this, 1ecomme ved) the remo: of Lxputy Gommistouer of Corts, tions Willian J..Wright and the re- tirement of Warden John Fallon. EEE EE EEE EE his + FADS AND FASHIONS + wee ee geeeereeed New York, Dec. 28 Combinations in furs ares much worn this winter, and some startling results have been obtained. Thus a long ermine stole ig striped with very narrow banks of skunk, and for evening wear is both practical and becoming. Less prac- tical perhaps, but charmingly soft and graceful are the mousseline scarfs the ed, nervous the only thing that Is to pe regretted which pro the keeping of eggs/with narrow strips of fur over the have no. ambi- ig that Miss Gould and Me Shepard /in cold storage for more than ten entire surface. One stole of black Soe bustle have +e meena aed, os mousseline with strip of spotless er- rheumatism ; 3 r mine about two inches wide and a stomach or xt ney trouble, var- fcocle, or suffer When Coxey's Army of the Com- monwealth marched from the West frome ener I to Washington many years. ago, the pondent of a New York daily sends Inedicine. with motly crowd of marchers appealed to/out from time to time, comes another out, helping the American sense wf humor, but at good yarn which is quite apropos don't be discour the same time its numerical strength the current discusstog, of the ege- EGER S, VITALIZ- could not fail to impress the coun- trust evil. According to the story, othes, yestores,. re- trywith the seriousness of purpose f the marchers; Hiven' the invasion of New York by th Hosts of Zion under the leadership of the late Alex- ander Dowie, although it turned out frost was given dignity by the inumbers taking part in the Invasion. sleep; it restores . dn the. natural g the activity ; of the bady, and w life, vim and un down, worn-out aves. health, pro- last summer. From Tarytown, the town that has been made famous by the chicken stories which the imaginative corres- a man near Tarrytown owns a fine) Plymouth Rock hen which, as he has discovered, has been running. a cold storage plantof her own ever since The other morning. he weard the hen eackling and followin: the sound-he discovered the cunning fringe of ermine tails on each end was luxurious and beautiful in effect. The large inuff, for these very soft muffs really need to be large, was of the same combination, with ermine tails at the bottom: Moleskin with either blue fox is also a good comination. th aswell as recommend it, con- sisted of a broad flat piece of mote- skin laid flatly on the chest from z shoulder to shoulder. Attached to it on either shoulder were two smoked tors . fees and yaaa ready: for. But,the spectacle of a halt dozen suf- hen in his house house, where she fox skins, which hung down the back charging with vin fragettes, with a big drum, loads of haa deposited an egg, To his sur-/after crossing at the back of the 300. per cent. Miterature and a lunch . wagon, prise the owner of the hen found neck. For a woman with a short ad at te io price marching from New York city to Al- that there was an accumulation of/neck such a wrapatquld prove a at for fancy books. any to storm the State captital in seventy-two egge under the floor of boon, as all effect of bulkiness around h full particulars behalt of votes for woman is or Was the ice house, which he believes to the neck was obviated. It was suf- a. merely Judicrous.. The performance, be the total production of that hen / ficiently warm both back and front BR VITSLIZER in the opinion of many supporters of since last summer. In concluding bis to provide ample protection. COMPANY. Woman's suffrage, did not help the/story the correspondent adds that There are many little far.conceits ee Areeeen ay, *eatse, but merely lowered the res- the owner of the hen intends, next this season. The fur brushes and a kita. pect of-the- public for the militant summer, to-train all his-hens-to-do quills make charmingly simple hair a faction of the-suffrage party, All the their laying. in the ice house. trimmings. An ermine quill on a spolee ade th. comneckien Teen tne moleskin or seal hat carries with it iigrimage , only. emphasizes the 'Thig:number of people who rent ap- note of distinctiig, simplicity and Bjreonvineiag proof of the: Weakness i artments in New York hotels by the ej cance. Quite the newest things the movement furnished by te rid- year 1s steadily growing. The man ore the fur pueses. Fur bags we have gt; aesions, plerimage to Albany. io Salk the biggest ent ever Dutlned before, Pout. they: have been. of flown for tiotel rooms was probably i ai t It young Vincent'Astor, who recent- the Jate-Jobn W. Gates. He'had six- Fatt ace ease ly came into possession of a fortune) toe or elghteen rooms on the third jepeet 2 5 ee tar Tein estimated at more than. 65,000,000, floor of the Plaza, and. his rent *S0) one Very - ment is showing a fur purse made as noth indus- + continues to Indulge in reckless md:-) amourited to between 65,000 and eee ee a ee ee ey tom f / oring, hls miilions may soon pass in- 375000. The biggest rent payer In a Were the old fashioned purses of Long OTRO Oh Ree ote to other hands. Racing ith bieh- New York hotel now, with the pos- 950- These fir purses have spuch to king in the power automobiles be the sible exception of Mrs. John W. Gates, Tecommend them, in that they can * young man's mani anks to his is Alfred G, Vanderbilt who is said testy Pe slipped ine ed ne ae 3 Skill and coolheade the has es- t thing Mke 45,000 for his SUfliciently roomy to hold money a ' be derived Z obey Suen ees or MS one end and little vanity gdccessorits into a two ee a Be Forty years in use: 20 years, + the standard, prescribed es and-recommended by phy- : sicians. For Women s Ail- + ments, Dr. Martell s Female + Pills, at your druggist. L 6 ee 2 1 OG a . ge * Canadian Pacific . s a ) CHRISTMAS AND * Ases an oppressive burden. He 3 NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS 7 5 the margin*between income and i j Bre is often a very narrow. ae He a 58 tewapaper space to let tehe knows. In short, he ad Th merchant who advertisest thinigeworth while to tell. That r it, because gem ee costs money ? It will pay. you, there- egord to watch carefully the auvidundements stores that aBvertise, +3You'll find all the.godd stoves adhesion) the Medicine Hat Daily News, doesn t already be- should lose ive one free cost, of tae L fe a SPeeeetpetenontententeegetenionte deteteetedtece A unique neckpiece,. which had: warm- jand finished with a heavy ord: ed Page 11. Rout being bulky oF coats worn by stylish women Season ate made of two kinds of file, although fur and velvet, the velvet forming the middle part of the comty are much used Thus one may find a dex skunk or seal, of the coat: of welvet and then deop yoke and slegve of seal. a ed extensively im millinery as well Hats with gt; the brim of ane fur and the crown of another are much used, although it is g-dangerous experi ment to place white fur too near tho face. Few complesions can stand the glaring whiteness f fur about the face. White furs? during the day. should bo snarsely used. The small white fox collars amd cuffs on tailor- ed suits are xtremely fascinating while the larger qehite fox seta are apt to be a bit g Most neck pieess and mufls this season are lined with soit ehiffom vel- yet of the: same Shade gs the fur, Phese velvet limings are delightfully soft and durable, and lend an air of richness to the fur, which they really requice, Large, soft. velvet mufis with the buth inside and out, with one single animal placed in the middle, are xtremely smart for dressy occasions, Muffs are of all sizes, from the lange flat pillow muff to, the gall evlinder-shaped--ones-ot long-ago. As -means of introducing a dit of brilliant color into an otherwise dark street suit there is nothing so od as a narrow Hine of broadcloth, velvet satin con brocade in some strikiig though harmonizing shade. The new nell rose eombines admirab- jy with most of the street colorings, and: when softened with a tine of swell placed embroidery jor praiding in the'fark shade of the suit it provides a waisteoat easily, adjusted for semi-dress occasions. For wear with a street suit of Boat of any becoming bright color may be effectively worked in black with the design pitked out here and there in. small jet beads and the fronts fastened with jet buttons. Short lengths of Oriental embroid ery, remmants of expensive brocade and rich ribbon are all suited to this sort of work and small pieces of fur are also valuable. assets in ornament- ing the separate waistcoat. Fur cut in narrow srtips is utilized to good advantage as a borden to the clos- ing and may be applied under a row of dull metal galloon, with metal buttons to match. With a fur trim- med waisteoat the coat should have one of the short rolling collars of the same.fur. An adjustable waistcoat for-ar evening wrap is pfactical addition to the wardrobe of the girl who does not always have a carriage at her disposal. Such a waistcoat is ad- justed, as are the others, by ineans of several snap hooks at correspond- ing points on the lining of the wrap and the edge of the waistcoat; but to wear with evening frocks some fullness must be allowed to prevent crushing the soft thimmings and laces beneath the waisteoat. A good model. istof soft satin slightly fulled at neek and waistline Three or four jewelled buttons serve as a closing and asthe buttons are the only trimmings these-should be ay handsome as possible. The new cameo buttons are good for this pur- Pose-and so are miniatures surround- ed with tiny brilliants, Two revers may-be-so placed that they, may be . crossed and used to protect the throat from exposure. Two narrow bands of marabou or fur may - serv the same purpose. When not needed ter. warmth: these may hang softly on each. side of the throat. Petticoats for use with evening gowns are. indescribably soft, dia- phanous affairs, very narrow at. the foot and having deep ungathered flounees of sheer embroidery mounted on-notted tops of nainsook. Special brassieres, built for-use-with-decol- lete bodices, accompany such petti- coats and these little evening bras- sires, mostly made of all-over em- Port and McNEILLIE, District Passenger Agent. Calgary, Alberta. L. A, DOBBIN, Ticket Agent Meilicine Hat 'Cluny Ince, are a distractingly tied ex broidery with flat trimmings of pret- ty details of the eveding costume, al- though they are quite invisible in the completed effect... The brassiere must be, necessarily, but a bit of thing, with shoulde, straps holding jback and front together, for all for- mal evening gowmrt are extremely low im cut, but. at back and front, folds of tulle or a tucker of chiffon, lace or tulle being inserted in the deeply cut decolletage if modesty is insisted upon by the wearer. tt use is made of the sash thi: season to centre interest at the back of the costume. One sces-tiny sashes do or the other lo shes which Inoped under the and jeune which fall at one of the center-back, are really pannels, skirt drapery, tly in the centre with baby- ish bows and handing ends. j Some of the most fumes are fashioned by dark blue with white or silver adding a final touch by pipi , orange or eansry. Side by side withthe smart Rus- sian blouse which is so becoming to the slim, tall figure, is the extremely short cutaway cvat and t short bolerofronted, habit-basque Louis coatee. FLORENCE FAIRBANKS, fille sashes combining and with cor border of with the middle part The same fur eotdbinations aze us- fashionable black broadcloth or velvet a waist- the devil abor SUNDAY SCHOOL, Lesson XI l. Fourth,Quarter, For Deo. 29, 1992. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, a C Quarterly Review: them, saying, Be uf be not afraid He Jeads His own into trouble that He way reveal Himseit more fully to thea He is always In prayer for Us aud a waya sees our toll and ts un mindful of us. Lf we had ears to bes: we might often bear Him the words of the Golden Text. Lrsson IL Clean and uncleai. Mark vil, 1-18. Golden Test, Koni, 8, -17 For. the kingdom of God Is gat ment and drink, but rigbteougn ss, and peace. aod joy, tn the Holy Ghost. 1 4a not the outward that count before God If the heart fs not right. There mont be that which men can vee, but it must proceed trom a new beart and clean heart, a new birth trom God. by the Spirit and the word, Curiat our righteousness Ip the heart. Lrsson 111. Mission to the gentlies. Mark vit. 24-30; : Text, John vi, 37, Him that cometh to Me T will Ii nowise cast out. The stories of the Itoman centurion and the Syropboenician woman take 8 outaide of Larae and carry, us back to the queen of Sheba and All kings who came to Solomon because of the Lord to hear His wixdom and to bring Him gifts, for the Lord was heard and worshiped through Solomon. Lessox 1V. Wanderings in Decnpo- lis, Mark vil, 81 to vill. 10. Golden Text, Mark. vil, 37, He bath dove alt . Be mhketty both the dear to hear and the dumb-to-apeait. Whenever mouth and ears are yie'ded to Him He can give power tv speak and hear, He said to a prophet at-one: time, When speak with thee will open thy mouth (Bzek. ill, 27). the bm .them He filleth with good things (Luke 1. 88: vi, 21). Lesson V. The sign and the teaveo, Mark vill, 11-28. Golden Test, Joan vill, 12 (R. V2), Jeane spake unto them, saying, Iam the. light of the lworld. * * * Bread for the body. seemed more real to them than food for the sonl. They were unbelieving ad therefore more or tess blind. Thelr eyes and earn did not profit them as they ebould. false doctrine abotinded then, as now, and we mint take heed what we hear and how: Lesson VL. World's temperance Sunday, Hos. vil... Golden Text, tea. . 11 (RV). Woe unto them that rise Op early in the morning that they y follow strong drink, that tarry te Into the night till wine Inflame them Hosea was contemporary with Isaiah (Hos. 1, 1: Ina, 1. Ti. and both were falthfal messengers of hie Lord against the ain of drunkenness. But we mnat not forget the drunkenness without swine (Isa. xxix. 9). Lessox -VIL The great question, Mark vill, 27 to ix, 1. Golden Text. Matt. xvi. 16. Thon art the Christ. the Son of the living God. Simon (eter. speaking at one thme from God and at another from the devil iwerse 33 and Matt. xvi, 17), should make ns cqp- Sider who It is that Is using nx, While eternal life is the free gift of God. the cost of discipleship is the whole beai ed renunciation of self. Lesson VIL transtiguration, Mark Ix. 1-13. Text, Luke ix. AR, -V.1,- A voice cate Out-of-the- cloud. saying, This Is My Son, My- Jebosen: hear ye Him. ** This scene set forth the kingdom In minia- ture. The Son of Man glotitied: the tixen and transinted saint represent: ed by Moser and Elijah; a ighteons Israel T presented by Peter. James aud Jobn, and at the feot of the mount to be cast out. Lesson IX. The tunatie boy, Mark Ix, 1429. Golden Text, Mark x, 23 (R. Vo, And Jesus said unto him: tt thon canst All things are possible to bim that believeth. The whole hurch sas powerless to bind. the devil and cast him out of the earth as were these disciples to deal swith thatdemon porxersed boy, But whet) Jesus shall come In His glory He will cast him into the pit for 1,000 years. Lrsson X. The child in the midst. Matt. xviti, 1-14, Golden Text, Matt. xvii, 10, In heaven -thelr angels do Always behold thr face of my Mather which In ip beaven. To enter the Hifmedom-whietr tx yet to be set up and fill the whole earth ove murt come as empty and. pelpless as a babe and trusting fully Aim who calls on Then we ean never perish and may ev have. the guardianstlp of the angele who bebold the face of (od, anon XI.-' Forgiveness, Matt. xvill, 35, Golden Text. Eph tv, B2 (it Re ye kind one to another, tender hearted. forgiving-each offier, even a5 God also tn Chrlat forgave you. Hay- inz become children of God and oav- in. Him eternal redemption, the veneas of sins by -Als- precious Dlood, It Ik otir privilege to enjoy con- tinually the love of God and the fel- lowship of the Holy Spirit. Lesson X11. Christtaas lesson, Tea. Golden Text, Ina. tx, 6. Tinto us eniid is born: onto ne a ron ts given. Eneonrage all to belleve all hat fe sald of Him, and that as truly as He wan born of a virgin In Heth: hem so truly shall Be alt on David throne and rule Israel and. all nations and establich n earth kingdom of ; peace and/rigbteousness, A. Bi Mertick, Supt. of Saginaw division the Pere Marquette, hag resigned Ris position and on Jan, 1 will become general manager of the Western Maryland. Mayor Hocken of Toronto may be reelected by acclamation by a, tech nicality. CURES, COUGHS COLDS WOMAN'S ERIALS, The burdens a woman through life are many but they can be D Pierce's Fovostta Preseription,,'A.soothing asd strengthening nervine subduing nervous exvitability, prostration; -bysteriay bot+ Gashes and the many symptoms which may be caused by distressing ill peculiar to women. For those dragging-down pains or distress aud for the depange- avorite Prescription * has had many thouseode of Yeom people living in every part. of America, Anothe thing to every woman ix that this medicine is ae Son elchont without the use of alcohol, narcoties, or any inj ents given on bottle-wrapper and sworn to and Sangioal Institute, at Buffalo, by of the lavalide Hotel N.Y. Bvery women 4a inviend to. write to thie inotitie sa receive sound medical advice, svithout cost from one who makes the diseases of oe ily recommend your remedies, his specialty, wR rae iption, oF all Nerante disorders, Kins. aM MonnEDL, of Bluff City, Tenn., ita the back put the past seven Y suffered from patna in the Many remedies but now eK Sd aded by a fri Afar giving she remedy a Bea : it peal do, just whit 0 16 reco in all seven bottles. I eannot speaks toa jereo's remedies for ali fomale derangomenta Da Plerce s Pleasent Pellets reg te Liver tlie. ts Loose Leaf We.can supply the latest impro vad Looe Get our sending out of the iy for these goods. 3 We carry a full stock of Binders , Indexes, Ledger Sheets, Account Forms, ete. for this work. We make a speciality of Loose Leaf Binders, in Cor- duroy and Leather, Canvass and Leather, Canvass ete; and can miake them any to order. Job Departme Medicine Hat News, Ltd. SSLAU GHTERSALE ae The Harvard. Tailaring Co. OPPOSITE DREAMLAND We are going out of the second hand business and we are selling the stock at the Sone ea Coats and Ov rcoats from. d Jackets from w, from. 00 odd articles at your dwn price. During the sale we will sgerifice the balance of our br winter stock at less than cost, Men s-one-buckle Overshoes ;;, Men's twe-buckle Overshoes Me's Felt. Shoes from Men's Sheepskin Coats from .; B Sweaters, Mitts, Gloves, Unerwear, etc., less than cost. DON'T MISS THIS RARE OPPORTUNITY. D. DAVES, Proprietor. LIMITED WABLISHED 1897. -45 King Street West, Toronto. DIVIDEND. NUMBER 29, Notice is hereby given that.a Half-Yearly Dividend at the rate cd SIX PER CENT. PER ANNUM has been declared for the six Mgnths ending December 31, 1912, upon the paid-up capital stock of th ompaity and the same will be pay- able at the offices of the Company, om-and after January 2, 1913. The Transfer Books will be closed from December 10th to December, Sist, both days inclusive, JAMES J. WARREN/ President. H. A HOWARD) Manager of Alberta ALBERTA BRANCH 220 EIGHTH AVENUE WEST, CALGARY. LIVE MERCHANTS ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS
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Image 1255 (1912-12-28), from microfilm reel 1255, (CU1740286). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.