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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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We P. TO t OPEN EVENINGS UIETIL CLOCK are Loaning Money at Per Cent. ER ANNUM OUR CONTRACT- HOLDERS From Coast to Coast in Canada To Buy or Build Homes. To Pay Of Mortgages. To Improve Real Estate. INVESTIGATE -OUR CONTRACT PLAN AT ONCE. THE CANADIAN HOME 225 Pacific Building, Van- couver, B. C. IMPERIAL BANK BLDG. MEDICINE HAT, ALTA, Office Open Evenings Until Nine O'clock. Medicine Hat Meat Market Rigs call every morning. A trial ie all we ask. PHONE 878, 515 THIRD AVE. FRED SMITH Carrots, Turnips, Parsnips, Beets, Onions Cabbage, Potatoes. Basement Under Pruitt Block, TORONTO STREET. Medicine Hat. dee: post CANADA-AUSTRALIAN TRADE 1S GROWING Details Given in Report of Trade Commissioner for Canada in Island Contin- ent. to the Ottawa, Dec, 27. Some interesting figures dealing with the trade between. Canada and Austra'ia are furnished im report received at the Depart ment of Trade and Commerce from D. H. Roas, Canadjan Trade Commis- sioner of the Island continent. Dur- ing 1911, as is always the case, the balance of trade was lergely in favor of Canada, our exports to Australia: amounting to 844,285 pounds, while wo took from Australians products to the yalue of 118,284 pounds. The increase, of Canadian exports to Aus- tralia was approximately -12,000) younds, while the Increase of the commonwealth s expotts to Canada was 18,000 pounds. 3 Mr, Ross remarks that the increase in exports to Canada would have been pronounced had there been more : em Little is known Of the sisters. Puey arreived two weeks ago at the ad- dress where death occurred, suttoring from colds ped: into pneumonta, They refused free hospital. Although living in the: they 3 ware, Bilis were. evenly: tween them. Yn the delirium preceding death Mrs, Johnson spoke of daughter more than forty. PR. OBJECIS 10; Toronto, Ont, Dec. panies to be allowed to stand be- tween the employers and injured workmen and to, the distribution Qf compensation for injuries? y Thig ia the crix of strugsle pe- and ds and papers aatiowin both which devel- Dave medical/lattention because of cost, and even declined to go to Sethe rooms, leptin single bed, and used tables, dishes and silver Utvided be- in New Mexico and of a sister Puevlo, Colo... The elder woman , about 50 years ol and Miss had remarked that she was STATE INSURANCE 27 Are th ) proyers ability insurance com- ie money out of 0 Canadian Manufacturers Association and its allies om the one hand and the insurance companies on implements, motor cats and paper from Canada are prominent T atures, there being a growing market for thede pfoducts. Dealing with the shipment of apples from the Pacific coast to Australia, Mr. Ross says: The Cansdian-Australian steamers have recently brought forward some consignments of apple from Van- coitver. It 1s impossible to state what the proportion was from Can- ada or the United States as the man- fests merely sh wed the point of origin as Vancouver. The fruit land ed on a bare market and should have realized good returns fer the ship pers. DIED IN POVERTY AAD MONEY IN BES Two Sisters Supposed to be Died in St. Louis. Bt. Louis, Dec. 27 Examination of the body of Mrs. Sarah Johnson, who with her sister, Miss Mary Scott, died Christmas eve of pneumonia, apparently in dire want, revealed that bag around her waist contained 5,604 in cash and three gold watches. In: Miss Scott's effect the of the the it by an Custom Dates Back to An tediluvian Days Some Superstitions Regarding the Evergreens. Though the holly and mistletoe are in condition peactically all the year round, for the average person they have no significance save during the Hestive season. No Christmas would now be complete without the shiny Teaves and scarlet berries of the hol- Ty; and. the waxen mistletoe. Pine branches festooned from wall to wall make charming decorations;. leaves of NOW 1S THE TIME to have the Inside of sour Hiome decorated. 4 G. W. Donner Giantess first-class work and satisfaction. Phone 786. F. S. LYO CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale. thy a o P: P. 0. Box 861. Yuill Street. Phone No. 415 P.O, Box 81. Phom ga 1-2 Builders. Oakes Evera REAL EST. MAIN STREET. PHONE 656 6 569, 729 Lockwood St. Houses for Sdle: a rd Co. ATE. Listings Wanted. Yai and Powell. Box 804. CROSSLEY: BROS. Contractors. 1 for good bays in Hill, North House Mover SAND FOR SALE SINGER SEWING capi peed under state control. Inthe brief submitted to Sir liam Meredith, the C. P: The company considers it desir. able that some Inw should be put on Ontario with this object in view, bul restilts would be obtained actment of any measure sory state or class insurance, A still faPther objection advanced keeping down rates to please the em- ploying classes there would bea re- sulting deficit that would have to be made good by the public treasury. objects to any plan whereby jt would insurance fund or be forced to share the accident labilities of other rail- ways, Glider the scheme. proposed by the Manufacturers Association jured workmen wotld look to. the government for thelr compensation, the assessment for the support of the compensation fund would be on the were found pay roll eee Why Holly and Mistletoe Hang In the Home During Christmas i: able prices. yall colors and sizes are weloome, but z red and white berries Christmas festivities as distinct from all others. should be more significant than oth fers farely-oceurs. We know that red son of cheer. We also associate mis- tletoe with kisses, but deeper that we do not-g6- fact, mistletoe was originally a part of the Druid worship.- The-oak was 6n the oak, and apple trees in Eng- Hand ig mistletoe most to be found Later it was used as a herb, and was believed. to cure sterility, and to act as an antidote to poisons, legend which was the Hodet killed Balder, the great god. For our part we hang it over suspecting to pay forfeit it he is kiss- ed without seeing the mistletoe. berries much larger and more waxen than the Mexican mistletoe, which is sold hanging holly im our homes is the reli date back to the In. those dwellings, and were supposed to be refuge to the sylvan spirits fromthe inclemency of the winter. ual story teller as one who never but when the hoily is green. -Difierent countries have different su- perstitions with regard to holly. Rutland bring that plant into the house -be- fore Christmas Eve districts other. Now comes the news ethat the C. P. R. representing itself as one the large Importers of labor in Ontario, has' allied itself with the in- surance companies in opposition to proposed system of compensation wit R, says: statute book of the province of firmly denies: that these desirable the en- sompul- the Canadian Pacific is that ip effort to:make a good showing by It competed to contribute to a state the in- the spell rough the green we look for that The question why certain shrubs a cheery color, and this is a sea- than As a matter of holy tree to the ancient sect, and There is also an old, Seandinavian states that mistletoe which fashioned the blind God ood rrow Avith which the sun ur doorposts and kiss those that ass under, while some cause the un- The English or Norman variety has of also of an old custom said to an Saturnalia. 3 hung in im Canada. The castom days ever A border proverb defines an habit- Lies In it is deemed unlucky to In some rural Cneland the prickly and bank do- terests devoted to srain raisths very often is able to boost bigger crop re turns to his old peighbors in th east who have continued to follow the rule of farming that gives live stock rals- jag, frulvgrowing, dairying and crop frowing eacti a place, but occasionally Gteaster visite Ble part of the prairie, UE t i The Montreal Horald Urges Canadians article on its front page say: complaining the other day that his architect had just been telling him that fora large amount of the material be used In the building he would have to go outside of Canada. Mie statement, t; 1s clear that two things should be done: Canadians should seek to supply thie home de- imand by investing capital in industrial enterprises created-for the purpose of manufacturing to meet it, and there whould be a-persistent campaign to in- uce Canadians to buy Canadlan-made articles. The Manufacturers Assoct ation Haw already cone-u great testi this connection, but much more bas yet to be done. Architects and bulld- ers should be requested by owners to specify and supply Canadian-made ma terials as far as possible ers should demand Canadian goods whenever In quality and price they are Eastern Methods on the Prairies he wentern farmer with all his to ages iit ee 3 i i i SHOW. PATRIOTISM IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SELL, WE WANT TO SELL IT. 2 IF YOU WANT TO INVEST WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. 2 y * , ; : L MORGAN FO 318 South Railway St. z m to Favor Canadian Goods. The Montreal Herald in. a display A Monttealer who has recently de- Whatever of truth there is in housekeep- not too far removed from the imported article; retail merchants should show their patriotism by promoting tn every reasonable way the sale of Canadian Instead of foreign goods; and all buy- ers should keep fixed in mind the pro- position that it is sound business to encourage home industries so long as they are doing.their duty by produc ing wares of good quality at reason- DAIRYING IN: MANITOBA A New Area East of Winnipeg Likely to Be Developed. The Free Press; Winnipeg, says: The Manitoba Immigration Depart fment 1s now turning its energies in the fae of the land in the neighbor of St. Anne, 40 mies east of Win- , through which the G.T.P. runs. This Iand-is owned by the provincial government and offers special oppor- tunities to dairy farmers and can be bought at prices ranging fiom 10 to 80 am acre. It has been overlooked by settlers and yet as a means to start and-carry on extensive dairies, Joseph Burke, provincial immigration sgent, points out that there is no better land in the codntry. Good water is close end plentiful and can be had at e depth of eight feet, and buflding timber can be found in abundance. The land is high, rolling, with immense quantities oft grass. aie CAMPAIGN OF EDUCATION Correspondent would Inform the West on the Trade Question, Considerable interest has been roused in Eastern Caneda by the Weybutn. correspondent of The Toron- to News in which lie advoostes strong- ly vigorous campaign of education fm the west which would explain the poticy of reasonable and moderate protection undef which manufactur ing has made such enormous progress tm the older parta of Canada in tho last fifteen years. This Weyburn writer cites as the chief reason the Weet fs out of touch with the East the trade question as the inability bf the western citizen to see the fruits pf the policy of moderate protection. le refers to the fact that there is no medium in the West to explain how the development of diversified indus trigs In Canada means prosperity not wnly for the manufacturers. but for all iekses of the community. FOR SAEE AYATING non-prickly leaves are distinguished HEAVY TEAMING 2s he and she hollysand in Derbyshire the traditiong r ns that 2OONCRETE WORK. according as the holly. erpught at ve Christmas. into a house,igy. smooth J J s L. A 1 TT or rough, the wife or husband will Pa Vo be master. 116, MONTREAL, STREET In Herefordshire a MMB cestershire : holly that has been part of church Phone 260. decorations at Christmas is much alae little branches with berries being supposefl. to bring a lucky year to the home fortunate enough to von MACHINE AGENCY tain it. In Germany there is also a Machines for Galo and Rent, superstition that consecrated twigr 421 Toronto Street. of holly hung over the door of a P. 0. Bom, 184 * tf .- Phone 59g dwelling will insure it against thun der. RESTAURANT AND LIVERY STAB- LE IN SEVEN PERSONS. Hoth places are well stocked and equipped and doing good business. Owner bas other interests. 7 Terms: Half cash; balance arranged. For-particulars see B CARLSON. eaeaeennaeer Uncle Sam Owes Hundreds Bulletin Issued by Bureau summarising the data collected for dairy products in the United States, rector Durand of the Bureau of the 1909 and: for only 4,021,460 was. the quantity of milk produced in 1909 stated. S on farms April 16, ed as, 20,055,000, while the:number. on farms which reported the production of any kind of dairy product 8 in 1909, was 18,745,000 andthe number of farms which reported the produc- tion of milk in 1909 was 16,069,000, or ported for 1909 was Ions, the true total probably execed- ing this by not less than 10 p. c. There were on April 15, 1910, 16,069,- 000 dairy cows on the farms produc- ing this milk. Assuming that there were the same number in 1909, the WITCH Ohio, Minnesota, Michigan, add Cali fornia, im each of which the value reported exceeded 20,000,000. In Production of butter (on farms and in factories) Wisconsin was. the lead ing state, followed by Iowa, Minne- sota, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois and New York. The average of value of butter sold by farmers in the -U, 8, asa whole was 24.2 cents per pound in 1909. as compared with 16.7 cents in 1899, an increase of 44.9 p. of Millions to the Old Cow average production of milk per cow would be 362 gallons. Total value of dairy production on farms in 1909, exclusive/of milk and cream consum- ed on farm, was reported as: 5,96,- 413,000, The total reported value of dairy products sold in 1909 was 143,769,- 000, of which the value of milk, gy nd butter fat represented irly four-fitths and that of butter most of the remainder. The quantity Tells of Dairy Produc- tions in United States Figures Three Years Old, But Latest Out. Washington, Dec.-27. A bulletin STRENGTH AND VIGOR THE: BASIS OF SUCCESS or 1909 has just been issued by Di- If you are run down, weak, tir- Census and Department of Commerce of milk sold as such wg reported as ed, nervous and Labor. It was prepared under 10,937,000,000 gallons, Or substan- have no. ambi- the supervision of John Lee Coulter, tially one-third of the total produced: tion to get out expert special agent for agriculture. The reported farm production of oe busts, nee There were 5,148,889 farms. in-the Dutter and of cheese in 1909 was stomach or ktd United States for which the enum- 4,651,000 pounds and 9,406,000 / ney trouble, var- eratore re, ported dairy. cows on Tespectively, was considerably. ess fcocle, or suffer April 19, 1910... For only 4,413,331.of am the production for 1909 as given sromy erat oe these farms: were. daity products of published reports of the twelfth Toe ha eee any kind reported as. produced in Cemsus: out helping Dairy Factories. your Conditions, don't be discour METZGER S, VITALIZ stores, Te- Rr. aged. ER BATTERY soothes, builds, ', while, you sleep; it restores: body and strength, -in the. natura) way by increasing the- activity and life of the. organs of the bady, and The manufacture of butter and cheese is, however, gradually being transferred from farms to factories. The production of cheese on farms and in factories wa - 320,532,000 pounds in 1909, an increase of 7.4 p. . According to the census the great- er part of cheese was made in fac- tories. In 1909 the leading dairy States, as judged by the total value of the farm production, excluding milk and ream used at home, wete: New York,; Wisec in, Pennsylvania, Iowa, rot dairy cows (10, Was report- The total num it quickly puts new Mfe, vim and vigor into Weak, run down, worn-out systems; (it preserves. health, pro- longs life, saves doctors . fees and loss of jme; it is always ready for use; rea no charging with vin egar or acids, is 300 pet cent. easier: applied, gives 400 per cent. greater service, and-ts sokl at a low price without added cost for fancy. books. A Booklet with full particulars mailed free; sealed. THE METZGER VITSLIZER BATTERY COMPANY. Rolil Block, Cor. j7th Ave. and 3rd St, East. Calgary, Alta. 9 p. , of the total. The total production of milk re- 5,814,000,000 gal- ea sae ee Consuming more than seven tons of. white paper, the News.mammoth indus- trial edition of ten thousand copies, which will be issued i course of a month or so represents the greatest achievement. in newsp: r in the history of this portion of the province. e A petter idea of the magnitude of producing this great issue may be derived fom Tthe statement that if the paper used were to be stretched out into a two foot strip, it would cover a distance of eighty-two and a half or would reach from Medicine Hat east to a point twenty miles on the Maple Creek.. If stretched out in-a westerly direction it teen miles of Bassano, or, beginning at the Saskatchewan reach west as far as Tilley.. If the pages.were laid side by si Nest division they would run six miles past Taber or with of Lethbridge.. Some issue that 5 Over a hundred half tone engravings will be used to all of om taken especially for the purpose. : Each printed copy of the News on that day wiht weigh quarter. x Several months have been devoted t gt; the preparation has involved a heavy financial outlay*and the most industri corps of capable writers in the compilation of the data required The fruits of such labors are contained in this remarkable editigi : yen epitomize the essential facts in districts. The des eive a copy in his 2 the confidence in th , which ot FEES EE ie, PEPE EET EEE PEPE EEE EE EE EES he Medicine Hat 6 ctiveness in a manner fo foreign capital loo make our tesourpes and advantages so 0 y his tespect should be gery uy ye The edition is limited to ten thousand.. Of these ov: are already be- spoken. Citizens desirous of securing copies to send out of town should lose no time in bobking their orders. Subscribers to the News will receive one free copy. Additional copies may be obtained at the News office at a cost of in cents each. * oth fig efor ent * PERE EEE EE * 184-12 Seven Persons IT PEE EERE EEE EEE SE See Rape Berke ot ote steed tea STBAY TOPICS FRO LITTLE OLD BE PE be hee New. York, Dec. 28 1 old: saying that al the w Jover, but the truth in th + not always so apparent the case of the Gould-Sht recently announced. Fev . promiinence and wealth hi Joyed the respect and the peomle throughout the cot game measure as Miss Hel and for many years it Source of general regret and noble-a woman she able to find a helpmate her, From, all accounts her choice is a man in th of the word, a. man of goc strength and refinement ognized business ability. seems to be us nearly may expect in this pros: the only thing that Is to. ig that Miss Gould and did not find each other ago. When Coxey's Army monwealth marched fro , to Washington many ye: motly crowd of marchers the: American sense wf hi the same time its numer ould not fail to impres try with the seriousness of the marchers: of New York by th Ho under the leadership of th ander Dowie, although it A frost was given dig numbers taking part in But the spectacle of a hai fragettes, with a big drt Miterature and a- lux marching from New York bany to storm the Stat Dehalt of votes for woma merely Judicrous.. The in the opinion of many s Woman's suffrage, did nc *eatise, but merely lower pect of-the- public for faction of the: suffrage pa nofse made in connectior gt; pilgrimage , only emp onvineing proof of the the movement furnished Jeulous pilgrimage to Al It young Vincent Astor, Jy came into possession estimated at more than continues to indulge in r oring, his millions mays to other hands. Racing power automobiles seem young man's mani: a, sia skill ana ni Th merc x , thinggeworth OB dox roe 2 S eset se costs 1 zg shore t 0 wat + of he stores the:go d sto Hat Daily N nee ree Poked to tote tad MeSotoegesiestoetoatoesg
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Image 1254 (1912-12-28), from microfilm reel 1254, (CU1740306). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.