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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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November S0th 4018, et OOMS WANTED, sIRED IN MODERN RRS- 2 - private family, perma- s business gentleman, Good cost, accommodations, and family. No rooming or ouse desired, Address ., Asainibota- Hotel. 116-6 eiibabi ns To RENE, + SUITE OF OFFICES TO box 1426 News office. 116-6 Information that will lesd st of the person or per- wilfully damaged the. new B of the Rosery Flower inesday, Nov. 27 h. 120-6 iia RD THE ABOVE WILL information that will lead ery of one grey gelding, pout 00, branded either rau cn left shoulder, or left ugh. This horee is Years old and bas trim - E. Starke, Medicine Hat. ay ott ie cue ISCELLANEOUS ee LE LIVERY LONG AND in or out of the city. oy and Fifth Ave. Phone Cocking. 121-6 AND ART NEEDLE- at home by an experienc- dy. 526 El Paso St. 1213 TO HIRE AT ONCE y dress for carnival. Any tall). Box 23 Redelift, Al- Cy 119-3 CAPITALIST WHO WILL. t class modern building ent store on goed busi- - Apply box 1432, News of- E 17-6 pee Ee 3/OF WORK CONTRACT- inting, decorating, paper- ppecialty. Windows clean- beaten, eto. Estimates Court Bros., 723 Third meral delivery city post 118-tt ICINE HAT HIDE, FUR INK CO. The above have s best selection of Secone in the city. We carry Btoves and Bedding, new hand Clothing... Clooke new line of winter goods erything mentioned abot best prices. Call at 50+ ray St. or Phone 687. OK HERE THE RAW ON IS OPEN. Don't sell or your raw hides till 587. or write P. O bor e Hat. Our price is from 6.00,.Don't forget it, and te. HE BEST PRICES FOR i furniture, tools, stoves, -taw hides and ture. Call Ave., opposite Dreamland one 295. D. Davis, Pro- 119-1m UCTIONEERS IWNE CO,, Live Stock eral Auctioneers, 519 Tor- tock Sales every Friday square at 1 o'clock. Ranch ock sales conducted any-. use furniture sales con- Browne .Co., 619 To saate CORSETS MADE TO larunte d for one year aking and rusting; - vary . House No. 7, School Ay- ite east aide of high 1 /699 for appointment or box 72, Mrs. Matthews, ERED ACCOUNTANTS DERSON CO., charterea nts and auditors, (estab- auditors, city of Medicine eg, Medicine Hat, Leth- E. Gibson, C.A, resident hone 198. Burns Block. * TBate 2 Re RE R SEWING SHINE AGENCY es for Sale and Rent. orth Rallway Street. 184, tf Phone 496, Everard Co. AL ESTATE. IN STREET. PHONE 556 stings Wanted. ood buys in. Hi itt and Powells Tt NERAL MANAGER , BC, Nov. 30 0. ,* anager of the Vancouver he Bank of Ottawa hag d his resignation to ac- ition of general manager of Vancouver, Vice L. W. PP. general manager, yy, November 30th, 1929. DONALD CURRIE Beom 1, Becker Block. RealEstate TOWNSITE. 52 f4.0n Toronto Street. 30,000 8000 handles. 68 ft corner in Block 92, 3000. HERALD WS Tela Blosk 4, 2000. Usuat: RIVERSIDE PARK. Tats 18 and 14 in Block 20, 960, Usual. Lote 33 and 34 in Block 1, 1050. Usual, Lote 26, 37, and 28 in Block 16, 425 cach. Lote 29-20 in Block 15, corner; 2000. . Usual. POWELL. Tete and 3 in Block 3, 1600, Usual. HILL, Lots 1-6, Block 17, 625 per pr. List.your property with mey lt;i ave the buyers, Room 1 Becker Block COAL - COAL Galt Stove, Engine and Biacksmith s Coal. Large or small quantities shipped to any station. Storage: Esplanade and N. 8. TAYLOR CO. Room 17 Becker Block P. 0. Box 813. Medicine Nat Meat Market Fresh Meats at. 10c, 12 0, 150, 17740, 20 and 22 a Ib. Rigs call every morning. A trial is all we ask. PHONE 878, 615 THIRD ANE. WINTER VEGETABLES FOR SALE Carrots, Turnips, Parsnips, Beets, Oriions Cabbage, Potatoes. - FRED SMITH Bas nient Under Pruitt Block. TORONTO STREET. - Box 490: Medicine Hut. Fall is Here. AND SO 18 HOUSE CLEANING Pa TIE HAVE YOUR CLEANING DONE BY THE .NEW VACUUM PRO. CESS, COSTS LESS THAN THE OLD WAY AND IS FAR BETTER - WE CLEAN THE CARPETS ON THE FLOOR AXD TAKE OUT Ald, GERMS WITHOUT WEAR OR TEAR TO CARPETS. Ges City Vacuum Cleaning Co. Phone 707 Phone 569, Box 804. CROSSLEY BROS. Builders. Contractors. 729 Lockwood St. Houses for Sale. f SUBSCRIBE NOW. for the Dally News i, Were arrested here headquarters were wid Merion Cricket club, She had buffeted Old Ocean's gray and melancholy waste on tue beach at Cape May and mt Atlantic Clty Spiritually she was devoted mem- Der of tho Episcopal church, of the variety that abhors the, word Protes- nt in connection therewith. Alto- gether ahi three Aepurtmonts of life left little to Be desired. it once received.and acclaimed by the tloned by rizht of birth and position and there wes no other power under eave by which she could have f- fected entrance therein, at least that is what the outs. thought of, that most. exclusive etrole. The home of the Mattlands) over Teoxing Rittenhonse Square had Deen the scene of her debut. In all the refed and decorous gaities of -Philadsiphin's ultrafastidious society: he had participated. She had even Jooked upon money standardized New York in its delirium of extravagance, born Philadelphia family could coun- tenance such golden madness. During the year shr bad ranged lke a con- querer pardon the masculine tlon betwern Palm Beach In the gouth and Bar Harbor in the north. Philadelphia was proud of her, and she was. not unknown im those un- fortunate parts of the United States which lay. without. Inall this she had remained a frank, free, unspoifed young woman. Life wos full of zest for her, and she en- Joyed it with the most un-Pennsyiva- wlan enthusiasm. The second summer after her com- ing out found her n-Colerado, Robert Maitland was one of the big men of the west. He had departed from Phil- adelpbia at an early age und had set- fled in Colorado while t was still in the formative period. There he had ber baron Jong antocedent. Penn. And the speculation .. The blood of sonre-TkWiess adventurer of the past, discreatly for got by the conservative section of the family, bubbled in his velns unchecked hy the repressive atmosphere of his home and immediate environment. He had thoroughly identified .him- self with his new surroundings and had plunged into all the activities of the west, Durlug one period of nis Hfe he had actually served as sheritt of one of the border counties, and it was 2 rapid bad man indced, who enjoxed any advantage over him when self which still abides, especially in mained almost as primitive had been from the beginning. as they fortune, too; the cattle upon-a thou- sand -hills were his, the treasures of mentioned Enid. He at as everybody was, by the splendid personality of the girl and had striven earnestly to disabuse her mind of the much worth while on the continent His fame had been accompanied by prevalent idea that there Was nothing Your day 1s passed, Steve, re- turned the younger Maitland with. shocking carelessness. Freedom 1s what every woman desines now, espe cially when she is married. You are not in love with anybody, are you, Eniat -- / With fot a soul Tankly replied the girl, greatly amused at the col- loquy between the two men, who, though mothered by the same woman, were as dissimilar as what shall I say, the east is from the west? Let ft go at that, That i right, said her undle, relieved apparently. I will take you gut west and introduce you to some Teal men and If I thought it possible, interposed flected great credit upon Mr. Stephen Maitland in his most .anyway, her pastors and masters spiritual and austere and dignified manner, that Enid's mother had died in her in- temporal and. her upbringing in the my daughter, with a perceptible em- fancy I suppose that I could not in- phasis on the my, as if he and not the daughter were the principal being: tar forget what belongs to her station Assembly Set of Philadelphia, to. in life and her family as to allow her 'young woman lightly. which indeuil she belonged unques- affections to become engaged by any-/ fous to assume the bonds of wed- one who, from his birth and upbring- ing in the er oh unlicensed atmos- phere of the) western country would De persona non grata to dignified so- clety of this ancient city and Nonsense, interrupted the young: er brother bluntly, You have lived here wrapped up in yourselves and - your dinky little town so long that mental asphyxiation is threatening: you. : will thank you, Robert, said his brother with something approaching the manner in which he would have at least in So far as a sedate and well repelled a blasphemy, not to refer to payers? Philadelphia as or what. was, most extraordinary word? one i * Dinky, if-my-tecoHection: serves. ah, precisely. I am not sure as to the meaning of the term, but 1 concetve it to be something opprobri- ous. You.can' ay what you ike about me and mine, but of Philadelphia, no. Ok, the town s right enoush, Te- turned his brother, not at all pressed. I'm talking about: peop) now. There are just as fine men and women In the west:asiin New York or Philadelphia. ; I'am sure you don't mean to be Your Day Has Passed, Steve, Re eS z ra MUEDIOINE HAT DATLY NE 80 greatly, he Rat quickly added, loathe. to offend, *But. he-mislook the Mght in hin brother's eyes; it was a twinkle, not a Bash. Robert Maitland laughed, laughed with what us brother con- delved to be indecorous boisterous- rw. of the bone ness, : How tile intry, Steve, he exclaimed presently, Robert Maitland could not -ompzeheud how it irriimted to be called fer spoke of him But Lord, things and Jearn Cali never see or any .- do you good, too; from wht I-hear, you have been going *he pace and those. cheeks of Yours are little too pale for so splendid a girl; you look too tired under the eyes for youth and ibeauty. Po believe I am not very Mit, sald the girl, and if father will permit Of course, of course, sald Stephen Maitland, you ar your own mistress and Having no mother terfere or object if 1 wished to, but jmo marrying or giving in marriage, Upon her graduation she had been under consideration, should ever 80 Remember that. No father, answered: the am not nx look. * : Woll, that settles it, sald Robert Maitland. We'll-give, you a royat -good time. I must run up to New York and Boston fora f w days, but T-shall be back in week and 1 ca. pick you up then. * What is the how e in Denver; is it er may I ask, provided. with all mod- .erm conveniences, saat degan the elder, Majtland Aids Bobert Malt a laughed. : What do you take us for, Steve 4o you ever read the western news confess that I have pot giver much: thought tothe west since 1 tudied geograph and the Philadel- phia papers have been thought cient for the family mince Good Lori 6 jed Maitland. The house cost million dot lars, it You must know it, and if there ia anything that m dern science can contribute to comfort end luxury that fem t in it, I don't know. what it 4 Shel st be the house tm Denver,-or the ranch, or a real camp in the wilds, Enid 4 First the house in Dent Hnid, and then the fanch aid then the mountains. a Right-O; that shall be. the pro- sram. Will my daughters life be perfect- ly safe from the cowboys, Indians and desperadoes: Quite safe, answered Robert, with deep gravity, The cowboys no longer shoot up the city and it has been years sines the Indians have held up even a trolley car. Tho only real desperado fm my acquaintance is the mildest gen. the old stage driver in the west. Do you keep up an acquaintance swith men-of that class still? asked Ris brother in great surprise. You know I was sheriff in a bor- der county for a number of years ana aa e But yon must surely have with- drawn from all such society now. said Robert Maitland, e aman and ke him, when we have slept by bim on the plains, ridden with him through the mountains, fought with him against some border terror, some bad man turned the Younger. Maitland. ciation of ideas in your mention of us with that common and vulgar New dered the elder Maitland. 1 Pm only urging you to recognize the quality of the western people. I Gare say they are of a finer type than the average here. From your standpoint, no doubt, continued his brother severely , and somewhat wearily as if the matter. were not worth all this argument, AIL that I want of them s that they stay in the west where they belong and not strive to mingle with the east; there is a barrier between us and them which it is not well to cross. Te pam mit any intermixtures of er tace Yor The people out there ate white, Steve, interrupted his brother sar donically, I wasn't contemplating fn- troducing Fiaid here to Chinese, or Hiegroes, or Indians, or Don't you see, said Mr. Stephen Maitland, stubbornly waving aside ic and irrelevent ment, from your very conversation the vast guif that there is between you and me? Although you had every advantage in life that birth can give there. sthirsting to kill, we don t forget him, we don t ent hls acquaintance, and it doesn t itiake any difference whether the one oF the other of us is rich or the mountains where things yet re- York is er- un pleasant, fairly shOd- ior. T have friends who can't frame granimatical sentence, who habitual- ly ent with their knives, yet who are absolutely devoted to me and I to, them. The man s the thing out He smiled and turned to Enid. Always excepting the su- premaby of woman, he added. How fascinating/ exclaimed the girl I want to go there right away. Arid this was the train of events which wronght the change. Behold the young Indy astride-of horse for the first time in her iffe im a divided skirt, that fashion prevalent elsewhere not having been accepted by the best equestriennes of -Philudetphia, she waz riding ahead of a lumbering moun- tai wagon surrounded by other rid- erm, which was loaded with bazsage, drawn by four sturdy broncos and fol lowed by number of obstinate little Durros at present unincumbered with packs which would be used when they COM: got-further -from- civitization and Cie way was no longer practicable for any- thing on-wheels. Miss Enid Maitland was clad in a caused her father POLICE MANAGE TO Chicago, Il, Nov g92Three men, Fecenayy Their, large quantity of, plunder, ing from value;/wes recovered. tickets were lead pipe to diamond fies, of: lar tten rented the wagon to thi Sixiyigpuwilewho, when they took it out, among the property ft this sign: found. The men are all under 26 ears of age and gave their names GET THREE-BAD ONES 5 rarry-Hesman, Edward-Daht-and 4 x Christopher Juel. The police learned of a vacant supposed to hays itind more touge, recently robbed of its fittings, than a hundred but which were probably carried away in a delivery wagon. The wagon, was traced and fuund In an expressman' yard. The expressman said st 5 and Juel, painter roofers und plumbers who waited until he came to get the wagon, D, D, Davis, citizen, whose: house was robbed tast weely was called to see if he could identity Dahl. Davis coujd-not dentify the man, byt identified as his (Davis) all the clothing Dahl was wearing, in- eluding overcoat, necktie, shoes, shirt, suit and gloves. The clothes had been stolen-from Davis house a a been suddemy Uidde- aware of ner dress, tf she had burst into the draw- ing-room without pitouncement; for instance. Her skirt. was distinctly short, she wore homgy bob-nalied shoes that laced up to Ber on bright blue sweater, cap known a4 tam pinned above her glorious closely braided Mr. James Armstrong Was Desperate- ly In Love With Enld Maitland, jhe was ideal. Alas for the vanity ot aman proposition Mr. James Arm- strong, friend and protege these. many jyears of Mr. Robert Maltiand,. ming owner and cattle man on 9 much amaller scale, than his 6lder friend, was desperately in love with Build Mattiand, and Enid, swept off her feet py wooing which began with pre- eipitant ardor so soon as he laid eyes on her, Was more profoundly moved by his suit, or pursuit, than she could thaye tmagined. Omne ignotum pre magnifico Shoe had been wooed in the conven- tional. fashion many: times and oft on the sands 6f Palm Beach, along the (elifts of Newport, in the romantic glena of Mount Desert, in the-old-tashioned Square. She bad been proposed to in motor cars, on, the: decks, of and once even while riding to hounds, but there bad been touch: of + ness aboutit'all. Never had she been made love to with the hea long gal lantry, with the dashing precipitation of the west. Jt had swept: her from her. moorings, She found almost be- fore she was aware of it that her past experience now stood her in ttle stead. She awoke to a sudden realiza- tlon of the fact that she was practical- ily pledged to James Armstrong after an acquaintance of three weeks in Denver and on the ranch. Business of most important and critical mature demanded Arm- strong s presence east at this juncture, iand will-henil-he there was no way he could put off his departure longer. He had to leave the girl with an un- easy consclence that, though he had her half way promise, he had her but half way won. He had snatched the ultimate day from his business de- mand to ride with her on the first istage of her iovrney to the mountains, CHAPTER I. The Gani Played In the Usual Way. The road on which they advanced Into the mountains was well made and well kept up. The canon through the foothills was not very deep for Oolorado and the ascent was gent Naturally it wound in every direction, following the devious course of the river, which it frequently rossed from one side to the other on tude log bridges? A brisk gallop of half a-mile or 80 0 convenient stretch of com- paratively level going put two in ithe lead far ahead of fees WRorseback. There was perhaps a tacit ement among. the latter not to in upon this growing friendship,. , more frankly, not to fnterfere in And you can t think how loath I jto ave you return, the'gtr flash out at him with a sidelong glance from : f Maitland, said the man, (fyou know Worship you. da like to sweep oat of your saddle, jlitt yeu to. th 'Bow of mine and ride aves. with you. I can t keep my hands ot you, I (To be continued.) f Mattells FemalePills Nineteen Years the Standard Prescrived and recomincnded fog women s ailments, a scientifically orepared remedy of proven worth The result from their use is quick und permanent tote For sale at all dvigd .0 lume drawing-room overlooking Rittenhouse Did you ever good thing? YOU WILL IF YOU DON T GET LOTS IN MONTROBE. We are getting enquiries for this prop from all points of the compass. may bring forth announcement of huge factory locating on the city s ing site. Better be now, I Smokeless Gity On PHONE 163, OFFICE 368: OPEN EVENINGS. Stave Se et ie Pla Patt ra fea TY INOS LOT asa Tickets issued in conneetion with Trans-At tic Trips on sale Nov. 7th to Dec. 31st i re, and limited:to five months from-date of Sissue, with privileges of extension. Finest equipment, Standard and To: ing Cars, Dining Cars on all through partment-library Observation cars o ial Limited? and Toronto 88.7? SPECIAL THROUGH TO TC ICE in connection. with these exe dates of departure and reservations a agent. Tickets via all Trans-Atlant: For fall informations rail and ston For f Oe and steam: apply to L.A. Dobbin, Ticket Agent) Medicine Hat, or write to nl Ve Calgary Lethbridge Macleod Weta 220-EIGHTH AVENUE WEST, ALBERTA TAXI - HAVE MOVED fnte their neW-quarters-on 3 SECOND AVENUE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 118-6t PHONE 859. Tasker ransfer Co. LIGHT and HEAVY aDRAYING
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Image 1027 (1912-11-30), from microfilm reel 1027, (CU1740118). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.