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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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JBLE BEDDED ROOM, , bath, atc. Close ins St, 95-3 URNISHED ROOM IN y. House modern; cen- Lady-preferred. Apply ws office. 95-3 DOUBLE ROOM SUIT- centlemen. Apply 121 B. 1-6 FOR SALE. ee BT FOR SALE ONLY Good reasons for eel TB answered. Write to 1 new wagon, 1. new lough, 1 sleigh, 1 mow- set Of harness, 1 har- for cash or exchange pely TP. 0. box Oct, 3-dw INTIRE SET OF house- furniture, in good ap for cash. 619 North 95-3. HORSE, GENTLE TO e. Also buggy and har- ox 163 City, 94-3 WRITING DESK, new; hall rack; two lounges, ine, old; carpet; dishes, dresser, and setec. onto St. 98-8 FINE LOT OF MAR- heat, grown on new 10 per bushel. O.J. Mo TWEED OVERCOAT eet. Owner may have ing ownership and pay- rtisement. Alberta Taxi 95-3 EEN MEDICINE HAT auto tail Iamp. Finder at News office. 34-8 SMALL INSIDE BROWN containing sim of rd when delivered. Ap- st. 94-3 EEN TASSIE BROS. purse containing sum. d keys: Box 1892 News 92-6 MS WANTED. WANTS FURNISHED fern house at once in h and Balmoral. Will be pply 1394 News office. EB 0 EXCHANGE FOR MEDICINE HAT ge close in, building 24 0 stories, In centre of opposite depot, in Gra- floor used as .pool, hall ool tables upstairs. Has Eyerything goes for Stevenson, 618, 20th gary, Alta, 91-8 2 IN GOOD ORDER TO Medicine Hat lots, or house. Address full par- ox HE; Carlstadt, Alber- 89-6 D TO PURCHASE LY (NO AGENTS) hay- sale in Townships Hle- ind Thirteen, Range Six, up Twelve, Range Fite, location, lowest price ms and full particulars only, Address Berkeley, reek Vaseoueety: ae pee ORME he Q-BUY Building lots y, Herald or Central prices, terms, etc,, to P. Jwners only need apply. ears old and has trim- . Starks, Medicine Hat. : 69tt Oftice hours A.-M. 10 2 to 4, 7 to 8.30. Resi- by St. Residerice phone 0. 19-Im ICTIONEERS VNB CO., Live Stock mal Auctioncers, 519 Tor- ck Sales every Priday re at 1 o'clock. Ranch sales conducted any- furniture sales con- ere. Consult ts, our ex- our disposal free. Phone rowne Co, 519 To- roars pene ore are ETE ones THE MAN in the Overalls is the o pu to to the fact that we are sole agents for the famous we are after, W BROTHERHOOD io. OVERALLS made by H. 8: Peters in Dover, New Jersey and Welland, Ontar- None better, TURPIN BROS. The Men's Store where you get Worth. Real Estate Specials the Big Dollars aT TF. DAWSON HERALD 5 Lots Block 18 400 each. Terms 4 Lots Block 20 450 each, Terms 2 Lots Block 20 500 each. Terms 2 Lots Block 2 425 each. Terms 2 Lots, corner, Block 3 1050 pr. Terms. 2 Lots, corner, Block 21 10F0 pr. Terms. BUY IN NORTH CO. HOUSES New 5-Room House in High School Annex 2400. 600 cash handles 8 Room House, High TEL: School Annex 3600. 1000 cash, balance ar- YUILL NOW ranged. Prices Sure to Advance Block. 18. 800.00. Terms Block 17 .. . 850.00, Terms 8 Room House, new, High- Block 15 . 850.00, Terma land Avenue 4600. Block 7 . Block 8 .... . 900.00, Terms 2600 cash, balance ar- - 950.00. Terms ranged. WE-WANT LISTINGS IN HERALD, HILL, COUSINS AND SISSONS, CENTRAL PARK, AND TOWNSITE FOR QUICK SALE LIST WITH US peteetoateat 000nbeedese eset 5595 d449400605. Soefestoateatoaroat 'NEWS? doeeeteateate ectestostptpegectestedte stosteeteeteetes SaRRES, COULEE STRIKERS Tr sn Re ws. wy bridge last Tuesday to the Dry Farm- WITH POLIGEMEN Sema 8 nesday evening. Mrs, W. H. Taylor returned from Two. Officers Wounded in Letnpridge Inst: Tuesday where she Violent Contest at Little naa veen, staying tor a tow weeks. Falls, N. Y. L, B. Losey and F. Settle received ples pe a carload of dlabs last Tuesday and (W. A. , Dispatch) + were busy for few days Saleaiing 2 them, uae 5 ee, T. Thorson, with the help of a few Terie mere a ae ot his neighbors, turned the flax on Hekimer jail day, phatged 8. A. Walker's Tand last Wednesday, with assault in the firet degree, Don Losey Tete on Thursday for They will be held without bail until EAombe, Alta, where he will, attend the recovery of Special Officers Hialey the Seventh Day Huventists, Schvot and Kennedy, who are in the *jeil for Missionaries. He stopped a day, ia Se : and knife tLethbridge to take in the Dry Far- 5 ming Congress. rome sa arene in a Davo Settle, with the help of his Agta me . Bani day brother, Franks, stack his flax the lat- when the police tried to break up 7, Part of Iaat week. hie ei pioket: Chiet of Police Another snow arrived on Monday I a ie chaxgwiste and cVeRitig, which will again stop thresh- raped ae ner ing for a few days. See ee ee C. Hoerman.called on F. Settle on ae Sunday, mil she strikers, te at) tT. Thorson and family and Mrs. C. The neta on med in Aah ase ot Foster, wore pleasant visitors at the Si Police fought vad, battered, W - Wilbur homie on Sunday after- noon. The officers then made a raid onthe) p 4 Watker and little daughter, strike headquarters. They battered) po -nea, and Mrs Gibson, were out in the door and were met by Volleys) +... rive on Sunday, enjoying the Sees nico weather before winter sets in. F, Settle and D. M. Sullivan were ASKS. FAR ONE LAW Bow tstana. visitors on Saturday. ry Mrs. -B, E, King called on Mrs. J. Chairman of Canadian Lon: +, 23 Shey setuset tom Lethe don Chamber of Com- pridge on Saturday evening where he merce Complains Before had spent to weeks attending the Trade Commission. Dexcatining Consesss, ( , A. P. Cable) HAIR HEALTH London, Oct. 31. Differences in the laws concerning commercial and sol- veney matters formed the subject of complaint before the Dominion Trade Commission by J..G. Colmer, chair- If You Have Sealp or Hair Trouble, Take Advantage of This Pifer We could not afford to so strongly endorse Rexall 93 Hair Tonic and : ecntinue ta sellIt-as we do, it it did man of the Canadian London Obam- 55: go all we claim it will. Should ber of Commerce. Mr. Colmer stg - our enthusiasm carry us away, and gested that one law ghould cover the Rexaiy:.:93 ) Hair Tonic not give en- whole Dominion. Another dissdvant- 11-., satisfaction 0. the users). they age to the British trade was that) jouta Jose faith in us and our state- certain goods shipped from South /loments, and in consequence our bust ampton to Canada at a pst of fess prestige would suffer. pounds freigliteige, - could be We assire you that if your hair is from Hamburg for three pounds, ven beginning to unnafurally fall out of shillings. if you have any daly trouble, Rexall 93 Hair Tonic is without question. THE MARKET REPORTS) ine nest remedy wo kriow of to eradt- ts oate dandruff, stimulate their: e: Winnipeg, Oct. a1the RH prevent premature baldnes: was a little firmer at the o1 Our faith in Rexall 93 Hair Tonte and held steady, the . end of the month closing of the October ac- that your counts seemingly having little effect. 4 liy Yefunded if There gt;was a temporary brisk de- Ps Two siz- mand for October oats which rose to es, 60c and 1.00. Sold only at our 45, sold. Flak gt;was steady. store The Rexall Store. Pingle s There is Hut en indifferent cash and Drug and Book St re. - export time being heavy. Houses for sale on easy payments Yesterday's inspections were pom- or will exchange for real estate. Ap- paratively light, being 676 cars. In ply to Hotson und Leader. b4-tf sight today were 1060 cars. Weather conditions are most satisfactory for Foster's Shoe Repairing Depart- delivery and transportation. ment is saving others m ney. had Cables closed Liverpool, 4 up; not you? JUST ACROSS THE BRIDGE Treat For The Tuesday and Thursday Evenings Admission and Skates Free Let them All Come. Saturday morning and afternoon children s ad- mission ye cents including skates: Ladies. May 89 , 898. Paris, 1 to 2 up; Berlin, 1 lower; G. 6. MACBEAN CO. Oats Oct. 382, 37; Nov. 354, 353; Sedo Seen niesiesiesiesto tine Soho Seater este eee eG NP NON PI Ie bs t TH ere sfaerhicr ts rere: Ma iss ae pee ers) pe srrrs sso eee e: Reppert iret: eeereititrire Ssding of Great Coats HERE S the ideal great coat r ulster. Double: breasted, with patch -side pockets, ticket pocket, the new two-piece:top sleeve. Big, roomy, warm,- -comfortable, stylish, serviceable, perfectly tailored and perfect fi stormy weather. We are sole agents for these . zoth Century Brand ulsters.: TURPIN BROS., MAIN STREET Handsome Style Book showing 26 N w Suit and 20 New. Overcoat Models free on request. sleeve straps, convertible collarand tting. This is the coat for cold and. Budapest, ( lower; Antwerp, un- changed. Wheat Oct.. opened, 90, closed, 888;.Nov. 888; 85 ; Dec. 65 , 84 Des. 334, 394. Look Into These Flax Oct. 1353, 13653; Nov. 1343, 7 Deo, 1284,-128 I Tt Will Pay You CASH PRICES. SPECIAL TO FARMERS Nor., 80; No. 5 Nor., 72; No. 6 Nor:, soil, All fenced. - 100 acres feed, 58. broke. Stable, lay shed, sep- if arator shed, windmill and pump. Winter wheat No. 1, 68; No. 2,1) a1 fit tor plow except 100 acres, fo. 3, 83 . good pasture. Nicholls Oats No. 2 C.W., 36; No. 3 C.W., Sheppard 35 horse power eng- 24. . ine, Red River special Separat- l 8000 cash and 1800 a year for Poe aes WARKETS. 8 yours at 6 per cent. Outfit alone cost 10,000. Sell land Chicago, Oct. 31 Fear that the Ar- or implements tely if de- gentine crop has had too much rainy Qraq nts, eran immense caused the wheat market today tol bargain. Owner retiring. harden. Many small shorts covered. Snaps, You act quickly : Lot 20, Block 15, 1050. Usual shade down to 1-4 -up. December Block 16;- 1050. Usual same change from last night as the market, taken altogether, rose to 91 TOES Lot 24, Block 87, 1680, Terms. LIVE MERCHANTS ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS . TERMS CASH. Everything Must Go Having decided to retire from business, T will offer my entire stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery and Gents Furn- ishings at cost. SALE TO COMMENCE ON NOV. 8th. DAVID ROLOFF, Boots and Shoes, IRVINE, ALTA, 0 31-2w 3-8. Liberal commission buying upheld) oats, December started unchanged to 3 a shade off at 32 to 32 split and re- Tots 24, 25, 26, Block 1, 1200. Terms. metas 2825 HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX. Minneapolis, Oct. 31. Wheat, Dec. Lots 30, ae Block 20, 1300, a joved 863; Half casi ah 808, closed 808; Misy, 924.1) octn brick House; 50. Jot es Winter St. 1800. 4 Lot 1, Block 67, 2500. Terms. HERALD Lots 3-4, stock 28, 1100. Terms Chicago, Oct. 31. Deg: 914, 913; 500 down, 25, mont May 968 , 954; July 83, 923. Corner Montreal Bt. Liverpool, Oot, 31. Wheat, spot, Ave. with 7 roomed Steady; No. 9 Man. Gs 114d; fetures o'20 room bee H steady; Dec. 7s 64d; March 76 74d. rented or, 80 a month CURLERS MEETING. Curlers are reminded of the fact that the anmual meeting of the, Club will be held in the Court Room, City Hall, tomorrow (Friday) evening. Ait trembers- and-prespective mem bers are requested to be in attend - weer ss Sucks They Have Arrived-- Our Second Cit Load of F , John Deere 12 bottom gang * Feod-Ex. No. 1, 95; No, 1, 34 Siow: 4 extra. stubble bottoms, ; i No, 2, 33. . Water tank. Price 8 an acre, Barley No. 3, 56; rejected, 48. including everything. Terms: ; and... ee rma nor on ae ANGELUS PLAYERS T UN if NORTH YUILL pt by the report of an improved cash by the report of ax improved cash ) ro 30, Block 1. 1050, Usual JUST UNLOADED The Best or Nothing But they are going fast - seven left We are ordering another car load at once. Select your style now and have one-ineladed in our next shipment.
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Image 797 (1912-10-31), from microfilm reel 797, (CU1740093). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.