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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Indianapolis, ise (Bp to the News) . om- in mind certain persons who reprele Nov. ment of Herbert 5. Hi olilet defendants, n gt; creased bond, whic -the court, becai everyone, the d trict ators the courtroom repudiation b; fense of some f were among the at the dynamite today. Hockin was 4 in the employ ter the Los Hoe was also a witness of o Namara talk the Taternation fon about an IB BAd docetved deal heavily with: thom. er arg has happened here tliay, T wish to Jusk the court to in fease to 20,000, not only the bonds f Hockin, bat of fall the defendants Who are members of the union's gxeciittve poard, sald District Attorpby Miller, after thn Jury haqeretined. Anderson sald: I aia not in- to take auy mbtice of the arti- Fead to the jury, but since.'they fhAVe been read I wil aay I have never heard of such an outrageous contempt of court. I will therease Hockin's bond. The evidence haa shown thateho is q man who Cannot The article jm question-deale-with/be trusted by anybody at any tim court proseedinse --y0t the day. He has betrayed every. Se- person with whom he has bad to deal. Hut a it was Saturday I will not consider Increasing the bonds of the others. . Hockin has been taken inte custody. I wish to make statement, said HHockin, rising from that part of the courtroom t - which he had been withdtawn from the other defendants, I wish to-etate that Miss Mefd's art- cto wos published in the magazine without Its hardly being read by the officers. I did not know it contain- ed anything in contempt of the court and few of the other officers saw it juntil after it was published. Lindsoy L. Jewell, formerly con- ected with a steel construction firin in Pittsburg, and in 1911 went to Panama as an engineer, was a wit- ness. He announced on the atand he testified because lie had to and Dis- trict Attorney Miller stated it was Hecessary to take action through the Sales state department to induce Mr. Jewell PRESIDENT LYNCH to appear, Of the International Typographical Mr. /Jewell testified, that in the Union, Who Emphatically Denies Summier of 1910 Hockin came to his Any. Connection of that Tnlon office and offered to give information With the Los Angeles Explosion, about nitro-glycerine hidden in an old IRAGY CASE Beer 06 sith je arose and said fendants walked into court. Thea as consulted about) the faree of a trial, the trial in which ticle criticizing the money, prestige, power, was the pros- disavowed the sent - ecutor of want and obscurity, a trial in the article. in which the steel trust masquerades ard the table, where as the government. attorneys. for the de- In view of Mr. Jewell's testimony And rson said he had about Hockin, and in view of what -Mylott, the great Australian Prine Donna, will sing in the OPERA HOUSE, DAY, NOV. 29 She will -be-assisted- by the great Solo Pianiste MISS HILDA AITKEN Programme announced in Thursday s papers. Reserve your seats early. at Pingle s Drug Store. ADMISSION, 1.00. QUEBEC BANK SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. Lotiers of Credit aud Money Orders sold, payable in all parts of the world. os E i GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANBACTED: MEDICINE HAT BRANCH ae TEMPORARY OFFICE, 394 TORONTO STREET ee JOHN INWOOD, Manager. to - UNITED STATES RETURN FARE FROM MEDICINE HAT Minneapolis or St. Paul 41.25.- Ohicago 57.25. Kansas City 62: Corresponding fares to many other po G. MeNEILL Ir, Passenger Agent, INSURANCE * ANT YOUR LISTINGS. hk. : Main St. copper shop near Rochester, Pa. He then sald a plan was on foot to destroy the Pittsburg and Lake Erle bridge, near Neayer, Pa, under a loaded pass nger train. The next day We went to Rochester on the same train, agreeing not to speak to each other. I followed Hockin along the river, and in an old house, pall- 4g up the boards of the floot, found fifty-two quarters of nitro-glycerine. ne LYNGPS DENIAL Syracuse, Nov. 25 Referring to th mention of his name Saturday in the testimony of Lindsey L., Jewell in the trial of the alleged dynamite conspirators at Indianapolis, James M. Lynch, of this city, president: of the International Typographical Un- Jon, last night made. the following Statement: S This story has ait die lements of Sensationalism, both by implication and application. But the facts are, T never met McNamara in the lobby f an Indianapolis hotel, or any oth- er hotel; that I do/not know Jewell, And to the v st of my recollection Hever miet Hoekin. * Furthermore, I never. discussed Los Angeles or the coast with Me- Namara, ither in Indianapolis or elsewhere, + TURKEY'S REMARKABLE PROPOSAL OF PEACE (Special Cable to News.) Paris, Nov. 25. The Belgrade cor- respondent of the Matin says: Turkey now requests that she be admitted to the /Balkan confedera- is ot course, all the territory she had before the war. This extraordinary proposal; as yet, has only been , semi-officially made, and it causes no sutprise in Servian official circles, which are well seqainted with. the Ottoman mentality, and know that Turkey never appreciated facts excopt with the knife at her throat. The correspondent declares that there is unbounded confidence in Ser- via, with regard to Austria,: and that this is due to the belief that soime bigh Russian personages havo given a formal and bimding agree ment to support Servia against Aus- tria. This arrangement 4s supposed, tochave been concluded by Grand Duke Nicholas Nichaoliviteh, the Rus- correspondent j's Whether this engarement, exists ornot, the Ser fan belie in it ip a la haSactor.. the critical situa- truth should be known of the whole of Bar- Spokane today for nig? of the tficenth annual. meet- ; OF thie Mining, CoBgress Ing i the most Fepreschia- tive: of tfs/Kind ever hel in this*coun 2. The websions WI last foursdays the ortant matters. sche. Ecowilderation are Fedetal fsmineral lands, xola Saiviniuetpromoters, revision of BARMME laws, the Alaskan oi. on, workmen's gom- jer power, mine taxation, railroad rat s, the apex law, the tariff on lead and zinc, Federal aid State mining schools,,and the loca- tion of the permanent headquarters of the Mining Congress. i for TOWN OF BASSANO, ALBERTA WATERWORKS The Corporation of the Town, of Bassano, Aiberta, tnvite tenders Tor the following: CONTRAGT T All labor and ma terials for constructing concrete) Pump shaft, 130 fest deop, aud laying 18-inch steet intake pipe in tunnel from shaft to Bow River, feet Imi Jength, aud constructing intake curd in river. CONTRACT HAN igvor and ma terials for constructing frame power house -atBow. River... pag CONTRACT F ANl labor and ma terials for constructing frame . trost Casing for standpipe, 25 fect in dtam eter and 112 feet high. Plana and specifications for all, Contracts may be obtained from the Jobn Galt Engineering Go., Ltd, Wine nipeg and Calgary, on deposit of cheque for 10, which will be return eto bona fide tenderers. Tenders which must Ne accompan- led by an accepted c of five per c nt, of the amount of the tenders, should be sent to the jlersigned not Inter than 20 o'clock ox Monday, De- cember 9th, 1912, The Corporation does not bind it- Self to accept the lowest or any tend place or erect any grave stone or monument or make-any alteration in any grave or lot in the public ceme- tery without written permission from t he Supt. of the Parks and Markets. Any one wishing to set up a grave stone or monument or make any al- terations as stated above should write the Supt, of Parks and Markets giv- ing the weight of stone or monument -alterations re- quired. 116-6t. 8. BE, McCLELLAN, Chairman Parks and Market. Com- mittee. and particulars of TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up to Dec, Ist for a bridge to connect the is- land known as Sttathcona Park, with the mainland, Plans may be seen at the office of A. P. Burns. Bridge to be completed by March: Ist. 10 per cent of price to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not mecessarily accepted. K. Dec. 1- RSS 4 Comet Regulations. Dating. trom Nov. 6th, 1912) a0 Person or persons will be allowed to SINGER SEWING MACHINE AGENCY Machities for Sale and Rent. 831 North Railway Street. P.O. Box 184. it. Phone. 486, i AUCTIONEERS HH: 8. BROWNE CO. Live Brock nd General Auctioneers, 519 Tor. onto St. Stock Sales every Frida: .on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranc and farm stock sales conducted any where, House furnitcre ga'ss con- MUcted anywhere. Consult ua, our ex. erlence at your. disposal free. Phone 703, H. B. Browne Co, 619 To Tonto St. is2att a ++... CORSETIERRE SPIRELLA CORSETS MADE TO measure, guaranteed for one year against breaking and rusting; very light welght. House No. 7, School Av- enue, opposite east side of high school. Phone 699 for appointment or write P.O. box 72, Mrs, Matthews. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS een SLSR W: 4 HENDERSON CO, charterec accountants and auditors, (estab lished 1882), auditors, city of Medictn: Hat, Witinlpeg, Medicine Hat, Leth bridg . AE. Gibson, C.A, residen: Partner. Phgne 198. Burns Block 3 25att MEDICAL DR. W. M. ANDERSON Physician and Surgeon. Office above Assinibota Musie Store. Office hours A. M. 10. to 12; P.M. 2 ta 4; 7 to 8.80. Real- dence 612 Roy St. Re 708. Miss . J, ROWE) pmurse, having returned, ation, is prepared tow fhg. 438 Esplanade, 144, 114-6 STRAYED, 25 REWARD THE Al WILL be, paid for information that will lead to the recovery of one greyugelding, Weighing hont 1800, branded either HK, monibgram on left shoulder, or ) on lett thigh. This horse is four years old and has trim- med tail. R. B. Starks, Medicine Hat. Sept. 30, 191 eott sit WOLTEW BELL a ee SONS Real Estate Brokers, INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC, Corner of North allway and Main Streets, i PHONE 633: lt;a a Herald 15 ft, Block 4, 2000.00. Usual terms. ft, Block 1, 1000.00. Usual rms, ft, Block 17, 1300.00. Usual terms. 50. ft. corner, Block 9, 1100.00. Usual terms. 50 ft. corner, Block 2, 860.00, Usual terms. 50 ft. corner, Block 22, 2000.00, Usual terms, 50 tt, Block 16, 1260.00. Usual terms. 250 ft. Block 21, 575.00 per lot. Usual terms, Highland Street 76 ft, Block 5, Cousins and Sis- sons, 1650.00, Terms. 100 ft, Block 4. Cousins and Siseons, 1260.00 pair, Usual terms. 50 ft. Block 2, Cousins and Sissons. 1400.00 Usual terms 50 ft., Block 20, Herald, 1 00. 0. Usual terms Cerit al Park 50 ft, Block 25, Lawton St, 1250. Usual terms 50 ft. Block 29, Chicago St. 1050. Usual terms. 50 ft, Block 22, Chicago St, 1050. Usual terms. Chicago St, Usual terms. Alberta St, Usual terms. 100 ft, Block 22, 1050.00 pair. Usual terms, 75 ft., Block 13, 650,00., terins. 50 ft, Block 19, 1300.00. Usual terms. 60 ft., Block 20, 1200.00. Usual terms. 50 ft, Block 1, 1200:00. Usual * terms. 5 J0. lots, Block 95, 650.00 pair. / Usual terms, Hill Subdivision 100 st, Block 31, 650.00. pair. Usual terms, ; 100 ft. Block 28, 850.00. pair. Usual terms. 50 ft, Block 29, 850.00. pair. Usual terms. : All Blocks 13 and 14, per jot. e All Blocks: 23. and 24, 200.00 per tot. Yery easy terms of one-quarter Cash, balance over one year and Riverside 50 ft, Block 19; 850.00. Usual terms, 50 ft, Block 4, 900.00. Usuat terms, 80 ft, Block 1, 1100. terms. 50 ft, Block 1, 1000 casl 50 ft, Block 7, 950. terms. lt; 50x800 River front lots, 2000,00. each, Riverdale : + Block 3, commanding splendid view of river and city, only 300-each. Easy terms. North Yuill . 50 ft, Block 17, Queen Street, 1050.00. Terms. s 50 ft, Block 27, Elm St, 1050. 08. Terms. S0ft, Block 18, Yaill Street, 1050.00. Terms. + 50 ft, Block 2, Park. Ave, 900.00. - Usual terms. 200 , Block. 2, 6300. Usual terme. f 59 ft, Block 11, 1575.00. Usual terms. - 50 ft, Block 17, 1600.00. Usual terms. 50. tt, * terma, creage We have several excellent pro-. positions in Aereage. close to the city, aud invite interested parties to call and we will submit our Hist. Business Property We have some of the most val- able Business sites and Busi- ness Property in the city on our lists, - Cheap Houses New four roomed Cottage on Queen Street, 1800.00. 400 :-handles, balance as rent. See this. a Two new four roomed Houses on Ross Street, only 2000.00 the pair. Rented at 20.00 each per month, New modern -five roomed Cot- tage facing Broadway, River- side Park, close in. 2100.00. + 3800.60 will handla. Balance gt; to be arranged. We alio have some very special yalues in house and cottage property in various parts of the city. Redcliff We have over 400 lots in the above town for sale ranging from 2004. to 1000.00 per lot. We Need Your List- Kindly phone or call and same will recefve our prompt atten- tion, . Bell Sons CORNER. NORTH. RAWWAY AND MAIN. STRE PHONE KEITH BELL. . oo TY Be Situations Wanted, Help wanted. For Sale, Lost, Foun , ote, ads under these headings. 26 words, one day + 2 25 words, three days .. 50 25 words, wx daya .. .. 1.00 Additional. words at same Fate. Np ad accepted for leas than 25 cents Cash must accompany the order. Phone your a4 to No, 18 ring 2, and it will receive attention. BBLY WANTED, WANTED YOUNG MAN WITH Knowledge of men s furnjahings and- clothing, to work in store Saturday evenings. Good: wages to clever sales- See AND ta L487 News afte: Au SINGLE GENTLEMAN HAS SITUA- ptiou for man and wife. Man to. look After horses and wife as housekeeper. Apply box 1429, News office. 116-3 WANTED YOUNG WOMAN OR middle aged Tor few tours work ench day for good board. Apply 800 3rd Ava, 115-3 Usual Usual WANTED CHAMBER MAID AND: dining room girl. Apply South Rail- ArgEE Bewens Linseed Oil Mill and Foundry, Winter Burns build- 114-3 ing. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL to wait on table. Apply Jim's Cafe. 114-8 WANTED DRIVER FOR GROCERY wagon, Apply H. Morrow, N. Rail- way St. 18-tt WANTED GENERAL SERVANT. Apply 805 Esplanade. .Mrs.- Jas. Mitchell. : qiatt WANTED BOY FOR MESSENGER, GIRLS WANTED ONE GIRL FOR brushing clothes, with,some exper- fence at pressing. Apply New York Dye Works, 513 Toronto St, 112tf WANTED STENOGRAPHER FOR Teal estate and insurance offic Ap- Ply to-P. O, box. 510, stating salary expected. 112tf WANTED A GENERAL SERVANT. None but a competesit person need apply. 226 Main St. 201-6) BRICKLAYERS WANTED APPLY ;to-J. T. Bergman, cor. Braemer St. and Sixth Avenue, 201-6 BRICKLAYERS WANTED ON THE Ogilvie Flour Mill job. Telephone 787, Job Office, Canadian Stewart Co., Limited, 7-tt on Ogilvie Mill job. Boarding camp on Bite. Canadian Stewart Co, Lea. 23-tf WVANTED ten and women to learn barber trade. Summer rate now on., Situations guaranteed. Special Tates to ladies. Particulars and cata- logue free. Moler College, 699 Cen- tre St; Calgary. 29sate BITUATIONS WANTED. MAN (YOUNG) SEEKS SITUATIO Apply C. P. R. Telegraph office. 112-6 ) WANTED AT ONCE 50 carpenters close. to the Hull block, sult- LOST A SMALL PURSE CONTAIN- ing sum of money, neat St. Louix School, on Balmori St. Finder please return to Naw office, 116-1 LOST FOX TERRIER BITH PUP, Allwhite with twotansbrown spote over each eye. reward. J. F. 5. 0. box 835, 114-6 a FOUND AN UMBRELLA WAS found In opera house some time ago, Owner will remit sum. for ad when they receive umbrella. Apply News oftice. ite Se LOST BETWEEN ROLLING-MILLS: and city ball, a silver watch and with W. . on case. 5.00 re- ward will be givcn for return of same to News office, 112-6 FOR SALE FOR -SALE LOTS 27 AND 23, block 26, High School Annex. 1050 cash. A bargain. Apply owner, box 1430 News office. 116-3 Seperate Ee FOR SALE OWNER WANTS TO Sell Beven room house on Fast -Al- Jowance. Apply 941. East Allowance. 118-3 cea FOR SALE HOUSBHOLD FURNI- ture; Famous range, chairs, sewing machine, Perfection Oll Heater. Cheap for immediate cash sale. Apply 118 Ross Street. 116-1 FOR SALE AT 83 TORONTO sm., 2 ded and mattresses; also two gas heaters and gas fixtures, 115-6 FOR SAL ,25 ROGISTERED BERK- shire hogs. Both sex, about seven weeks old. Also three registered Jersey bulls and cow, Apply Dem- onstration Farm, Medicine Hat, Al- berta. 2200-12 FOR SALE A FINE LOT OF MAR- quis seed wheat, grown on new breaking. 2.00 per bushel. 0.3. Mo- Gee, Redvers, Sas 81-5-80 ROOMS WANTED. FURNISHED ROOM WANTED BY young couple, Must be warm and close in. Apply O. D. Austin, editor- tal office: News office. , 113-tt 3 ae ROOM DESIRED IN MODERN RES- idence with a private family, perma-. nently, by a business gentleman. Good Pay. State cost, accommodations, and who compose family. No rooming or boarding house desired. Address F.; Room 105, Assinibdia Hotel. 116-6 TO RENT TO RENT SUITE OF OFFICES TO rent, Apply box 1426 News office. ? Po ae- 6 a eee pe SY FOR RENT HOUSE ON TORONTO able for a doctor, Apply. Capital Re- alty 115-8 TO RENT STABLE ROOM FOR 6 horses; with loft. Apply 236 Main St. nes TO. LET FURNISHED HOUSE TO adults. Apply 726 Esplanade. 114-3 BOARD AXED ROOM. TO RENT, Rt AND BOARD, with Drivate family, on the hill, close to High School. 526 El Paso St 114-8 420 Main Street. Expetienced-in gents outfitting. Will- 116-1 FANTED TO BUY Bullding lots fin. Old Survey, Herald or Central Park. Give prices, terms, ete., to. P. . Box 610., Owners only need apply. 3 i B8-tf, FARM LANDS FOR SALE A FLORIDA BARGAIN 320 ACRES of the finest truck growing land in Florida. Snap price 14.30 an acre. Free and clear of encumbrance; tt- tle perfect; first-class endorsements s to value. We will guarantee to re-sell for you at the end of Year, at twice the price you pay, The purchase of this property likewise, offers a chance to participate in the full profits of one of the greatest colonization projects tow. under way in Florida. one-fourth cash, dalance, ont, t three years, if: desired, Absolutely no chance for: Joss; every opportunity to gain, from speculative: or investment stand- Point. Corporation mhking this -of- fer ranks foremost aimong the larg- est colonization operators in Amer- ica, from a standpoint of integrity and financial responsibility, For full Particulars of this remarkabl offer, address Geo, H. J. Haas, General Manager, McCormick Bldy., Chicago, m. 116-4 WANTED TO RENT WANTED ON OR BEFORE 25th January, house to renti No children. Write-box 1428, News office. 1i6tt 2 5 ROOMS TO RENT: TWO NIGH NEWLY FURNISHED Tooms,-sultable: for two each. Mod- 14-3 GB. FURNISHED fccomodate four men, oronto. 114-6 + MISCELLANEOUS if A COUPLE OF YOUNG FELLOWS would care to hear of good batch- ing proposition, send a note to F. H. Adams, general delivery, city. 116-1 a WANTED FAMILY TQ uED pA- Box 52, Medicine Hat. 116-8 ALL KINDS OF WORK CONTRACT- ed for. Painting, decorating, paper- hanging a specialty. Windows clean- ed, carpets beaten, ete. Batimates gy given. MacCourt Bros, 723 Third office. Ave., or general delivery city post. , is-te PSH MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNE CO. The above have on hand the best selection of Second Hand''Tools in the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies,- Harness, and s nice new line of winter goods We buy everything mentioned abos and pay best prices. Call at 50. South Raitway St or Phone 687. LOOK LOOK HERE THE RAW FUR, SEASON IS OPEN. Don t sell your fura or your raw hides til you call up 587 or write P.O box 702, Medicine Hat. Our price is from 2.00 up to 6.00. Don't forget it, and call or write, * WANTED bADIES' AND GENT cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Jewelry, guns, revolvers, valises, suit eases, Stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- gies, barnes, - bicycles. carpenter tools, ete. raw hides and furs, ho: hair, wool and f ithers, bought ang sold. Apply to the Harvard Tatloring Ce,, 312 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre: P. O. box 368, Phone 295. The Beet Priovs Paid tor the above. 2301 TO LET TWO FURNISHED ROOMS; Loese Leat System The News Job also room Sind board. Apply 115 East Main St. 114-3 s Department has every facility for sup- plying the most satisfactory. gs 4 : fob oF Bede eateeegeate : Coat: We are showing th values in the ci Sweater Coats. ishow you a good for as small a pric 1.25 A Sweater Coat pretty good these evenings. The hing to wear to Dre ind look our line o urpin Br he Man s Stone Whe1 Get the Big DoWar s V NUAL BONSPIE ON EDMONTO Alberta Curling tarts Jan. 15 Ni theets of Ice. Avai ne Trophies: way colds. ponton, Noy. 25. This. wwal bonspie? of the of the Royal Caledon Plub will be Held in on Wednesday, will last for about ef year Calgary. was the ppiel,) but the -number urlers who will be-tak B ate so-many th a rink big enough in them. It is stated : ms and rocks will b means that for each ock there. will he one p them. Nineteen shee e in use throughout 1 will be open to bers of any rink in Srand challenge troph; uated by the Tetley T. will be put up for con ll represent the gran yw the bouspiel. There Ht events: organized, but Ht tims these are only ir pa before long an annou made clearly indicat will take place. AR OF SPORTS FO WEEK. Monday, Ing of annual Old sale, Madison Square t nnual meet Ficlaerial Club be 0, Ga. Britton vs. Hddie Mur at Albany, N, Y. Moran vs, Hughie M at Birmingham, Enj rnoon vening cs FTERNOON Sk VENING Gent s Ladies admiss Music Every A
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Image 986 (1912-11-25), from microfilm reel 986, (CU1740162). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.