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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ot . as gt; Efficier through the air instead of wires. EASTERN ) ee ze , p how do they. fasten the aie to the Ge EXCURSIONS ; ae. aan * Seout Yuilk* T once knew taily: DEC-1- 51, 1912 who: waa turned into wood a Took-Took: How. was that 1 the company would bave done as she Yuill: We Jhureh will meet in the basement 4id. Her knowledse was mited, ane eee enn Address Given b on Tuesday, Deo, 17th, at 8.30, p.m. but she HWillingly made use of what . 4 as Model- tive, Refer aT a The Woman's Literary Club will wore thrilling he listeners with sel- board. PACIFI erie y meet at the home of Mrs. Martin, 139) eotions trom the great masters; 7 AC? Saw Montreal St,.on Tuesday at 8p. / A quiet y bexing- : WHAT'S ONT y Subject, Peru and its Capital. Have you heard what's on at the of parent, oF teacher, 1g much more Monarch touightt Culinary Accomplishments. to be admired than the unwilling at- Mpho gas? A Canadian, business wan: sald the sitage assumed-by many WhO require fo, the root We have decided to coutite our crockery business other day: I wonder that some e- io be teased and cntreated before Se ieeeaes nd thee. sienle he lore wi terprising novelist or playwright doe ney will consent to sing or-play for A GREAT 1 TEST. will offer you our large tek of oy Ones at. : not write a book or a tragedy about) peopie, who are not there to criticise. yrutt: Well, Polly, 80 tremend 4 you've put lous reduction, the domestic uushappiness caused BY yut to de pleased and entertained ti your foot in it at last; X-always - i i 2 woman's failure asa cook. When Jan informal way, and content to ai- sgiq you, would, 5 Si eshet Scere Soe ee eee SATURDAY SPECIAL on sale December Ist to 31st be eee at vat for. mnie is this noticed. but tm ether go you mean? Whore have I put'my inclusive. Good to return understanding Meri ee tha ompiianments as well, T ant 88 foot ia ward. sate See ince a tase toe if either the sift of playing an Mutt, In your boot, of edurse. . ANY ARTICLE IN.OUR WINDOW TN 4 i upon enaes as, oe instrument, or, of singing were mine, That s one on You. ih eee ecto ag sere ee OL seca re 25 HII nf 0 . a request to execute to the of my oO AT CAMEL Cc ; jare moth rates if they are properly /apitity, and I wonder why. OWS) Rosic. I say ypu uniderstand eo worthy chairman has fed. seem 80 shy and backward, so relust- Scotch, don't yout : Subject tonight Is the al ov not to Dec. 31st inclusive, Now, while this criticisin reduces ine ana so--atubbora. George: Yes, Ym Seabee STARTING MONDAY we will have on nooks Sion fat of goveramer what does t In most of the cities sion system, tere hag fence of Its operation; of comparison by whieh has its own story. of de taken up, bonds retired, Jong-standing nufsances One of the best nfor matters of municipal 'g Mr, F. J. Dixon, of Winn made a particularly: car haystive study of the 1 ernment by commission. Aildress on this subjec Prise, Mr. Dixon ts ep Mayor and gentle months from date of issue, jee te a one abeervas rile Ten then Dare Sets, See Glassware, Bowls, with iB nidative, ret extension. tion and judgment in t. Indigestion 1 is me Bna ken meant 2 lates, Teapots, Jugs. : citizen's duty to fight : iow, I am not golig Standard Tourist Sleep- me romoter of family dgputes, 824 poverty with Meee SECEDE sae * Cpa tepinaoRsoees Soe Now is the time to select your Xmas p: Fa ot of Cars through trains. Com- almost impossl Se Sadek eee so avicte ua ; at descr ee bs Raia or polite 1 -drppeceia ie 4t- lence eke nae gen - A. : the fate of the Observation ears on Imper- where manhood and womanhood can ASTONISHING NEWS. je and Toronto ress. ? ating havoc in the system. grow unchallenged by the gutter. Minican: Hello Have you beard i Th The story is told thal times the wife may. prepare such rich jacob Ris fe i a days; when th missio ; THROUGH TO iT CAR BP asa tempting dishes that thehusband har chong Rurpn at eS AND SECURE THE CREAM Went to New Zealand, t eats, not wisely but too much, snd The Juvenile Court he Wis Gf ae OF OUR STOCK. 9 goers ede Maar. was. most active ii his missionary went away, Teturned he was very a f es of de and. reservations. aj peacoat is consequently an irritable and dis- ye juvenile court has come to Mullican: I haven't heard it;: I tes es ee Atl to Beonmnsht agreeable, companion, whose 0cc8- stay. The Judge should bo one who just asked you it you hal, that's ps ore ee nin Master who. J J MOORE SON where be Was Oh their frailties. Down in one of th For full information, rail and steamship tickets, -fBlinet cooa cooking is a 1e0st. excel: Recsireaneeeeee wake gtr as aca eae leo De : here bs Wak vais ly to L. A. Dobbin, Ticket Agent, Phone 201, hent thing in woman and possesten i,ought before Judge for vandatiem ai a railway train): But, you Hivive, Medicine Hat, or write to J8 charm greater than any other for) .nq for trespassing on private pro- haven t drawn the cars yet. In discussing this pla R. G. McNEILLIE, the masculine fancy. A man may porty, after a confession of thelr Scout: No; the engine docs Mok fonh of vgovernms forget a woman's bright eyed or 8UD- ,-on -doing, during Whi a tr wish to be understood icy tak sh Phe SAawa NOW SO AE ne ene neem tee wae et underst District Passenger Agent, Calgary, Alta. ny hair; but if she 40 ; ccortainad akT the ROW: had u0. eae: : as criticizing the men w peal to his palate he will os place in which to play unless they Teacher: Billy, please give me a Present operating your 6 her with increasing tenderness. He tregpassed, he asked the gatig to go s titence in which the verbs to set Se ernment here. I bellexe es For Christmas PecSR SS may not Tong to see her smile or Hear . ana find some vacant place which and to sit are used corr Sood a government in Ii PHONE OR COME TO fher voice, but he will become tearful- ;, thotr opinion would be suitable for Billy ( Scout): The British Bm- Probably better, than ly reminiscent at the thought of her ji4y. They returned in twenty min- Pife is a country on which the sun many other cjties and t NORTH RAILWAY ST. fea biseult or her pumpkin ples. Al tog with a very definite its, and on which oth it rf proposition Zever s ts, and on which no er ada, and I want it to be course in the dlet Kitchen t really r1en the Judge dismissed the boys CoUntry ever sits. erstood that it Is the 5 a most valuable insurance. for dom- 14 tegan an agitation which ended In Propose to change. We estic happiness, and the retaining of 154 purchase of the very grounde Evans: Do you mect many peo- cling the men. There 5 that uncertain quantity, a husband s +4 yoys had selected. And so vand- Ple while cycling? certain defects or defies We have received a large shipment of Boys Cloth. )/attections. aliam and trespassing ceased, The Millican: Oh, yes; T run across a present form of city ing which we have decided to clear at cost,.as we boys retained their boyhood and tho fiend occasionally. throughout this. country a Diy one of the reasons t have no room for them at present. This shipment It has always been a cause torlcity regained its happiness. All of - ,, P wonderment why people talented and whichis to say that for some boyish HOW do you Scouts find your a comparatively good s fh) Proficient in music need to be urged, crimes it is not punishment of the W about a new country? asked a that you ar still what 1 begged, coaxed, almost forced to re-lhoys that is necessary but a little M HSeout of a Scout. 8 small city, and the g (CZAR TS spond to a call for an instrumental Christian justice on the ot the WBy, by the compass. The needle consequently still close 20 con or yocal sel ction. All manner o older people. always points to the north. When the government 20 COLLEGE SUITS excuses are made they do not. play Yes, I know, but what if you touch with the: people 100 BLOOMER TROUSERS without thelr notes, they simply can't One Day at a Time. Witte eo go soatht ee SOF ROD Sere ity grows larger, g p fi play, their voice is out of order, a we carry too often the Burd your Now is your chance to secure a good Suit or Over- ifbad cola, anything does for a plea, A ee ee thet Three gray, greedy geese flew over that the government get coat at cost. . farther away from the whole roomful of people, probably was meant for this day, nor the next BFee feen grassy groves; grey were tek vo eit bein. to half of them equal to furnishing en- Gay to: bears the geese and greedy, green were the Ibs. Mix . . Mixed Nuts... Fis. ait nea es of trouble, For instance tertainment for the non-musical, and tow often we kn: groves and grassy. for thope who have apt been peivife giey enon me MIS WO AP) Say it fact. 2.Ibs. best Chocolates .........6...0. 0.00005 See tear ee Cc. Ieged to improve their talents, yet nO Ana shrink from the woes that ne er , s Best Mince Meat, per Ib. .. Were in the hands of the one will take the initiative, and break darken our oor, Habit is such funny word Buchanan s Jeanie ) they were public priv Ault emetns, te hs every ratepayer had bi operation of the teieph The ratepayer was vital ly Interested and he kn that there was nothing connection with the worl jately it was removed to yinelal sphere, he seem interest in it. It was th 617 wee RAILWAY st. the ice, 80 to speak, which once bor- suanworry s a cin: let's be a 40h ken, others would follow. the crime. Abit remains; remove the a, I remember once a crowd of fol- By living one day fust one day at And still a bit is lett. low travellers in a small - village a time, wer cne: this lt;iniea wos tee f7e hotel with a long evening before yt them trying to: amuse themselves. qhen Jet all tomorrows stand waiting, Tre ut, with anxious care; Of course, no one could play, and fin- eons: *: Yet you will note; with startled eyes, eliy a woman took ber seat at the And deal with each one when its name TH? Whole of ane plano, and played some simple olf ie today. Best Mixed Creams, per box, from. Just received a big shipment of Toys, Chinaware, Graniteware, etc. . Christmas tree decorations. 4 To clear before Xmas we are selling: H Ladies, ready-to-wear Blouses, reg. 1.00, for. 75 Ladies Blouses, regular 1.50 for - Business in Redcliff niclody she had Tearn d.,in ter The best preparation the tuture can ,, Vist islands do Scouts like best ment, proposition: Ob, teens joking over the mfstakes she ask bg ae oa at ae Ga: Also a nice line of Children s ready-to-wear / matter, he sald. itis FOR SALE miade, and the informality of. it all te doing one s best with today and its 2 2ice dey island, sai ean. T)resses to cost: We also have a complete ' business; we are goin placed every one at their ease. task, Seed Bivans:: T world say 132 f- Lndiea . Ne ae Be estes Thenefit and. everybody Next day on board the steamer a/Life s. happiest and best that s tho pe Bhat ney eee aaoas: ned ead and Neck Scarfs. Aviation pay, his share, That FLOURISHING GENERAL STORE BUSINESS, ) csenger said to me: That is the ball we iinet aiias. eS a chased Evans from Caps : an ae and 1.00 that the closer the gov: GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, ETC. (Gates Woman, aes thin. partyin Bhal e Wall-choven Metin Ga aby-ac ee ee ee ediew: Seiten Bands: . 1.50 the people the better go saved the situation, al 25 Children s Toques .... COUPON GIVEN w FH EVERY 100 SALE RE DEEMABLE IN DISHES OR SILVERWARE. Phone 575. Prompt delivery, as we will have two delivery rigs going during Xmas. week. i Irresponsibitf I may say that our p of government, viz.; of sentatives for a certal giving them unlimited that term, makes for 1 and inefficiency. That Fepresentatives you ele iponsible to the people Posed to be their pring for sale in the growing town of Redeliff. This busi- n ss is now annual proft-of 5000.00 over and above all expenses: This business must be sold at once as owner s ill health compels him to give ap busineSs. For particulars apply No one elge in a time Took-Took: Dear mef I once knew a man who had b en deaf and dumb for twenty years, but last week he regained speech in a minnte. Boy. Scout News ) ae Took-Took: Well, you see, he went imto a bicycle shop, picked up a wheel and spoke. HE'D FIND OUT. 1 When to-morrow is yesterday, to- MESSRS, DAVIDSON WILL open? inquired the doctor. The butt of ridicule; + day: wit Be: aa fit. frond the aialcot : at i : ninkes for circumlocutt se 've never noticed, was the And he deserves the fing he gets th toll aan s : Barristers, Medicine Hat, Alberta. sareastic reply, . but I'll look to- Quite truly, as a rule. gle ee rien e r s 9 piste oes 133-5t night when I m asleep But unto one let s give our praise) was to-morrow. J thing to be done, and refers you to. someone e in. turn will refer you committee, and the w will be referred. from aoe ns rightly: owe ae What day is today? who doesn t know a thing, B. s , K. And Ynows hi doban't now it gh Seca a CERTAINLY, Morden: Now, what happens Hatte:. T say, Boote, which place stopping place thitty-five entered and six. Now then WASTE SMM (0. I when a: Hgkealls into alter af 5a angle of fotty-five degrees? PECULIAR: in the world would be the easiest to twent: ts at Rosie (struggling to keep pacd)? other, and from one pre Tues aeons ona nt ane ae ould eee le alighted. apd 22 ateredy at the Well ad i Gnother, All the time : ee ; Happy: (What's queert gy, Boote: Don't know, dear boy, third eight alighted and nineteen got Yuill: Well, the question is, what fx around for somethit What have you in the shape of Becke: Why, the night f T m not a general. fn; at the fourth twenty-seven got was the colour of the engineer's did very frequently ye eucuribers today? asked the Scout Master to the Quarter Master. Bananas, sir,' was the reply. Happy: Yes. Hatte: Why; Port Said, because out a aceo ; 1. 5 it and were replaced by twetty- hair? anything whatever Becker: But it doesn break. when you have sala Port, you have lt; eS fnistance, take the city Happy: You don't say so. Port Said. with which I am famili ER a ee We worked hard, and e e Happy: Correct. Tendertoot (showing a beetle ti gente teettes he have spelt the word rabbit with Beoker But it doesn t fall. S. M. Crissall): Are these their e rin apt + 3 q rs ed to pledge 24 of ther 4 two t's . You must leave out one ioiiate sket'? e + 3 i + 3 4 A carry in am a fall line of Building Material Lumber, Lath, Cement, Plaster, 8 c., Fir Finish and Flooring a Specialty. Phone 59 Freddy,' said the teacher, you a tax, It was no mere w of them. Tean't understand this wireless S. M. Crisall: Their antennae. : . e Dut pledged in black a Yes, miss; replied Freddy. 'telorraphy, said Beoker. Tenderfoot: Yes, there are, sir; in a Ss what happened? Wher Which one? Why, it's quite plain, said N. seo, they have two each. elected to office they a S. M. Crisall: Well, thy boy; I - 3 eS Thousands of habitual drinkers throughout Western Canada would singie step, We had to j Salves Can t Cure Eczema fat tee ere ere aren Bey: drink habit. them with a petition. Lack of knowledge of our treatment hinders some; natural procras- went down to the legis tee and harried and dr Fergy: I say, have you heard the tination holds others back. In regard to, skin Sincanes, medicai D. Prescription. This -penctrates to joke about the red-hot cindest No man can afford to continue ruining, not only his health, but low- Yard, North Railway Street. : To Thss OP OFOTOHOLOHOHOLOLEL OL OLOLOLOPe -0toteratoe til at last they consent government for power miatter to the people an i i ie authorities are now agreed gp this: th disease germs and destroys them. Chic: No; tell me. ering his business ability and his social standing. endum vote on the 3 i then soothes and heals th Es Wee te The NEAL TREATMENT drives the alcoholic poisoning, the cause faen oe Doa't tmpriton the disease germs in then soother and heals the akin a8) Fergy: *Well Oh, no, it's no good o uiquor craving, completely from the system. It removes all desire becca Aoi cE. B.U. your skin by the use of greasy salves, en tachaincrideces telling you; you couldn't grasp it. of appetite for intoxicants from the system and leaves the patlont in a government there was -E .B.U. We have made fast friends of more greatly Improved physical and mental condition. nian out of th whole down to speak on the and thus encourage them to multiply. than one family by recommending yuill: I say, Rosiv, you fancy The NEAL TREATMENT consists of a purely vegetable compound consequence the propos taken, nternally, no hypodermic injections being employed. Givil Engineer-and Landscape Architect. A true cure of all ectematous digeases thls D. D, D. Prescription to a skin . ithmeti g Sewer ee eater end Css Supplies. ai can be brought about only by using sufferer here and there, and we want Sela good at sqithmetic, don t Gall and see us today, or if out of town write for full particulars. ed down: And it was tustrial Spar Rallways, Irrigation, the healing agents in the form of alyou to try it now. We can tell. you ian 2 with the commission fo Rosie: Oh, I ti 30 dusty at ramaleaon to Fart, Stal Contrctons tata Ail about D: B.D, Preeerpte Soa pe ae e Neal Institute ment, tho majority of WASH THE GERMS OUT. how it cures eczema, or you can get Yuill: themselves in favor of ill: Well, try your brain at is ae ae Hable Prices. A simple wash: A compound of a:free trial bottle by writing D. D. D. mental anloulstion: wa 10.30 amm.ja Company, Ltd. the election, and in fa REDCLIFF, ALTA, 01i of wintdrsreen, Thymol, and other Laboratories, 49 Colborne St, Tor- train left a certain station with 163 s90 THIRTEENTH AVE. WEST; CALGARY. PHONE 44525. ingredients as combined in the D. D. onto, Chas. S. Pingle, Druggist. 1411 pass: rs on board. At the first
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Image 1130 (1912-12-14), from microfilm reel 1130, (CU1740183). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.