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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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os TO RENT. AN TO SHARR ROOM . Board if desired, 82 eniie- off, Hill. 120-3 OMS WANTED. 2DROOM, FOR GENTLE. 118-3 utelsPhone 141. RED IN MODERN RES- a private family, perma- usiness gentloman; Good jst. accommodations, and family. No rooming or ine desired. Address ,, suinibola Hotel. 116.6 a 0 KENT Soe ie USE TO RENT, TWO station Apply 304 Sec- or phone 593. 11g-g RE SUITH OF OFFICES TO Dox 1426 News office. 116-6 eae tes Ne a REWARD eee ee rd will be paid to eny- formation that will lead of the petuon or per- fully damaged the new of the Rosery Flower ssday, Nov27th. E, Ne- 120-6 STRAYED aS SNS THE ABOVE WILL formation that will lead ry-of one grey gelding, ut 1800, branded elther am on left shoulder, or t thigh. This horse is ears old and has trim- . Starks, Medicine Hat. 6ott DELLANEObe . O HIRE AT ONCE dress for carnival. Any ll). Box 23 Reaclite, -Al- 19-3 PITALIST WHO WILL toclass modern building nt store on good busi- pply box 1432, News of 117-6 OF WORK CONTRACT- Hing, decorating, paper- eclalty. Windows clean- eaten, ete. Estimates ourt Bros, 723 Third eFal delivery city post iste INE HaT HIDE; FUR K CO. The above have best selection of Becond. ia the city. We carry: byes and Bedding, new and Clothing, Clocks, elry, Rifles, Guns, Re ons. Buggies, Harness, wr line of winter Koode rthing mentioned abor vest prices. Call at 50. y St. or Phone 687. u ( HERE THE RAW 18 OPEN. Don't sell your raw hides till s87 or write P. O box Hat. Our price is from .00, Don t forget it, and E BEST PRICES FOR furniture, tools, stoves, aw hides and furs. Call e., Opposite Dreamland 6 295. D. Davis, Pro- 119-1m CTIONEERS INE 00., Live Stock al Auctioneers, 519 Tor- kk Bales every Friday re at 1 o'clock. Ranch k Bales conducted any- furniture sales. con- re. Consult us, our ex- ur disposal free. Phone rowne Co., 618 To- pared to resume nura- SSETIERRE . these, yes and snd dent that reaue Mapleine ise It Right impart delicioge iow iaver similar to Maple. Hil ot cook out oF rain nd is. therefore. expen pod. tor cake llings ans ings. To wake bome made yrup dissolve white ater and add roca to IF. S. LYON TO HOMESTEADERS, BTC. COAL COAL Galt Stove, Engine and Binekamith s Coal. arse or small quantities shipped to any station, Storage: Esplanade and N. Railway. . TAYLOR CO. Room 17 Becker Block. P. 0, Box 813, WINTER VEGETABLES FOR SALE Carrots, Parsnips, Beets, Onions Cabbage, Potatoes. urnips, FRED SMITH Basement Under Pruitt Block. TORONTO STREET. Medicine Hat. Box. 430 DONT CRY The Bartlett Studio. has the dest Solution for the Gift problem. A doz- en photos in one of our distinctive styles will make twelve Xmas- gifts, ach one of which is-sure to be ap- preeiated. Haye the BEST or NOTH- ING. There's a your-towny - THE BARTLETT STUDIO Fourth Ave. PHOTOGRAPHER in House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. LONDON COULD NOT HAVE MURDER CASE LIKE ROSENTHAL'S No Police Officer in English Metropolis, Says Famous Detective, Would Associ- ate With Thieves and Thugs. DISORDERS RAPIDLY QUELLED BY FORCE. Close Watch Kept on All Olubs' and Saloons in the Great City. Ov: Overseas. (By ex-Detective dive Tespector John Sweeny of Scotland Yard.) London, Nov. 29. For over. thirty years now I hive liad Jot to do with ail sorts of criminals in London. an- archists, fenlans, burglars and gamb- ler, After my long experience 1 am satisfied that no such case as the con- splracy organized: by Becker and his Meutenants, as we read it in the pa- pers her, could be enacted in Eng- land. No police officer would tend bim- nelt-or, his. position to such men as tun these gambling saloons. In the first place the majority of these clubs run by foreigners, and the Bripish officer would never associate himsclt with that class of persons, most of whom have left thelr country for their country s good. The west end of London particu- larly the Soho district, 1s infested with a number of these clus, very few of which are conducted by English- men. But the few English-managed clubs that exist are of high class, and before a man can become a mem- ber he has to be proposed and second- ed by men of standing and repute. Run by Forelgners. In the east end of London there are countless Ittle gambling - hells. Very often knives and revolvers are Drandished and sometimes used in these places and there are many such ee incidents which are never brought to the notice of the police, These east end gambling resorts are all run by foreigners, No poli e officer in London could guarantee any permanent protection to a gambiing club as he would soon be bowled. out by. his contemporariog, He would be looked upon as dis- grace to the force and hia conduct would immediately be brought to the notice of the commissioner of police and the Home Society. Several gambling houses in the weet end have been raided from time to time as the result of one or other of the members complaining to the po- lice of bad treatment Armed thus with tinwely information, the police are able to rald the club, although sometini s the officers experience great difficulty in obtaining admission the gen ra practice at these clubs is to have one Or two porters stationed: at the ei- trance in order to challenge any, thai who is not a known, member. Few Night Clubs. At the present time there are Very few night clubs in London a fact which is due to the activity of the police and those clubs: which remain are conducted tolerably. well. Some of them, for example, do not admit women after midnight. When a club is raided, the man- angers, upon conviction, get imprison- ment or ate fined heavily, and the club is usually closed at any rate for a considerable time after. which it 1s sometimes re-opened: under an- other name, although with the old members. All clubs on which there might be the slightest suspicion are always closely watched by the police, hence th almost complete rarity of any shooting or brawis at night which result in police court proceedings, But Mf the manager of any saloon ts ar- rested, he is tried and sentenced with- fm a month at the outside. Taken all around, I ean safely as- sert that there could never occur in London a case patallel to the Rosei- thal and Becker case, as there hus never been the slightest evidence of any association whatever between po- Ulce officers of any rank and the pro- prietors or managers of dubious Lon- don establishments. New York, Nov. 29 If M. Pierre Franchard, of Montreal, were not so near sighted it would never haye hap- pened. But because he is M, Franchard went down to the pler of the French line yesterday to say: bon Voyage, and perhaps other mor intimate things to his wife who was Sailing oh LaFrance. The:warn- ing whistle, five minutes before. sail- ing time, had blown, and Mr. Franch- ard hurried down to the pier. He stood there Kissing both hands ex- a handsome woman who stood on the main deck. Now, that. woman happened to be Mme. Jules Brevost, of Paris, and not Madame, the wife of the Montreu? man, Furthermore, M. Jules, her hus- band, was with her. Mme. Brevost turned - iigu tedly to her husbend begged him to notice what that pis J a J . LK ALT fat man on the pler was doing. U6 MONTREAL STREET 'Phone 260. CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale, Xulil Street. Phone No. 416 ji P.O. Box 81. MEDICINE HAT LIVERY COMPANY : Repository Rear.812 Fourth Ave. oviee Dreamland Th Single and double outfits of all descriptions for sale or hire. Harse or Automobile De- livery at all times. HAY FOR SALE. Prairie Hay by the load. No. 1 Timothy by the bale or ton, Z PHONE 703. orse FVICE PHONK STABLE PHONS NO, 868, 402 728 THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST. Heavy Teaming, Sand, Coal Grave Excavating a Speclalty. Light and Heavy Horsey for sale a AN Times, E. Bartlett. B.A.Sc Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation Plans, Etc. Room 14, Imperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat Phone 42+ A small want-ad in The Daily News Farewell Kisses Miscarry; Starts Affaire D'honneur M. Brevost noticed, and then some- thing began to happen ina typica) French way. : M. Brevost, who is no paragon of slenderness, waddled down are gang plank and charged: ferociously up to the gesticulating M. Ffranchard. Grand cochon Nom du chien Whim wham They milled around. 4ii the fine points of-In savate, aprettaining to the feet, and le box. ppertaihing to the fists, were being Gxemplified wien Detective Eddie Mallen interfered. With the aidof stewards he clawed the two Frenchmen apart: Pxplana- tions, d Grand pardon, mon chere ami Pas un mot, bray gentilhomm An embrace. A kiss on the cheek ot M. Pranchard. A kiss on the chee of M. Breyost. Toot-toot . * Now Operat One Has Been Published Regularly in: Budapest, Hungary, for Eighteen Years.. Newark, N.J. has what is per- haps the most remarkable newspaper in'the world a success. telephone newspaper. Tt does not use an inch of paper. it has no printing presses, no editions. All the-news is telephoned and in Newark, at least, it is said to be a success, The subscriber may isten evening. tap. like water or gas. paper seven days a week with all usual magazine features, terion, fashions, children s stories, and afl the rest of it. Becomes Entertainer. tertainer, recitals, that can be transmitted by wire. been published regularly for teen years at Budapest, Hung: der the name of Telefon Hirmondo. jhe Emperor Francis Joseph, jorins a-year. T newspaper had to install Hungary, large a dozen reporters, h ws into the transmitters are calle Uses Extra Wires. Classified Column will bring results ei */and key. The Newark Herald does not use plying the most satisfactory. Successful Telephone Paper es in New Jersey the regular t lephone lines, but extia wires. The, newspaper teleptione, which is not like th . ordinary. tele- phone, since it will carry messages fn only one direction, has never been patented. Instead tle secret of its construction has. been carefully guarded. The internal arrangement assoclate, of the switckboard is kept under lock AH that an outsider can find out about it is.what hie can see. This includes an ordinary looking switch- board in a room by itself. In another room are two ordinary sound-praot telephone boothsy each other inches apart. With his change, then immediately begins upon an- The Telephone Herald gets out a other. WHERE WILL THE PRAIRIES GET OFF, * ie Moose Jaw, Nov. 2 W. . *Wick ham, of the Redford Company, Win- I the evening the Herald ceases t gt; nipeg, Is here and is a believer in be a newspaper and becomes am en- the Panama Canal as a stimulant vo furnishing a Varied pro- the lumber trade, gramme of instrumental music, songs, province has a lumber area of 182,- lectures, or anything elve 000,000 acres, estimate at He says that the 360,000,- 000,000 feet. He says that when the A telephone newspaper has alsojcanal is opened it will mean a 8 eigh- rate to Europe from British Colum- un- bia ports, against 16 now charged. Instead of costing some 3300 to ship It has 15,000 subscribers, including carload of lumber from the Pacirie at 18 to the original telephone about 150 by the canal route. its own mean that all the surplus lumber of wires and as press servied , like the) British Columbia telephone, are not well developed sin market and a revival of the indus- it also bas to maintalm a try in the Pacific Coast province. editorial staff, including two principal editors, afx sub-aditors, nd vent the marketing of B. C. lumber in Cight the east. gtentors, as the men whorzead the Atlantic by rail, It will cost Tt will will find a ready At present the excessive tates pre- Leaf System Tho News Job ent has every, facility for suy- Instead of the to as much or as Uttle of the news usual telephone transmitters set there as he likes; but whether he Ustens are two large -microphon transmit- or not the Herald grinds on in onw ters mounted opposite continuous edition from 8) o'clock in some six the morning until'10,80 o'clock in tho mouth betw en. the transmitters the Its news s constantly ou stentor reads an item, says CROOK TELLS BOYS WITH HIME IN JAIL TO UIT BAD LIFE 2 Warns Seventeen Swagger- ing Young Prisoners Ag- ainst Crime, Then tf Five Years in Sing Sing. NCED BEFORE GSTERS ae Holds Up the Septuagensr- ian Criminalas Example of End of jonest Car- eer THEN IS New York, Nov. 2 Fighteen men were In the steel barred: prison pen outside the court of general sessions recently... Sexentenm Were young fel- lows, who swaggered abott. feeling they soon would be sentenced and would be able, when they came back from up the rivery* to toll the fel- lows on the corner Of the bit . they, had done tip at Sing Twice. + Tha elghteenth Was a veterah of Seventy, His: t gray beant covered a weak. + His. gray locks Concealed: his low forphend. His tat- tered clothing hung Iposely about his frame. ad Come here, you Boys, he said, and-listen to. me. They gathered about the old dere Het and jecred- him, Listen, you fools, he commanded. Before any of you Was bora, I had done my bit. I forged, 1 stole, 1 litted)) the leathers. I slugg d- men with fron bars. In my day I havestolen thous- ands and have made thousands more by forging checks, Why, Ihave made, by crime, mors money than any of You thieves ever thought existed. Honesty Best Policy. iow I'm just seventy years-old. E hhayen t enough money to buy the maSings; I'm down and out. Pm no Breacher, but I want to tell you young fools there's nothing to it Honesty s the'best policy, not because it's good to be honest, but because that s where the money is. Brace up. you fools i Henry Hudson to the bar, called the uniformed court attendant, and his audience to the Dar. I'm guilty, he pleaded, when, Judge Foster asker him how he answered to the charge of stealing a horse and buggy and valuable instruments from Dr. Cyrus H. Du Bois, a veterinary surg on ot 173 West Bighty-ninth Street. Call those boys in here, ordered the court, The seventeen young criminals were all arraigned .around the grizzled thief, a Lcalled you here, sala the) court, to show you an object lesson. Here 18a man of seventy. He has served, according to his own confession. more than dozen prison sentences, In ali ne has been in prison more than thirty years... That is more years in jal than most of you have lived. Crime Doesn't Pay, I want you to look at him nn- shaven, unkempt filthy. What: good spark of pride in any one of you you will take this as a great objecc lesson. Crime doesn't pay, Hudson, you aro of that stamp of man for whom there is no redemption, You have sent word ta me that you stole because you wanted to go te prison 80 you could have home, That is not true. You stole: because you'are a criminal. You have-serv Many fcrms-in prison. You are an old man, Men of your years are usually looked up, to and venerated by young- yer menj becaiise of the goodness. of thelr lives... Instead you gre reviled even by the criminals with whom you You are a curse to society and humanity. You have; instead of being a good man, been convicted for forger, for grand larceny, and for half dozen other offences. You have been a burglar. You are the best example I know of what erime brings to men. You will go to Sing Sing for five years the limit for in the second degree. continued the jurist, what you have seen with your own eyes should be. more of an example to you than any word of mine. Take heed by-it all. You can't win by be- ing crooked. - I told you young fools you could not win by being crooks, the vett- an shouted at them in bis thin, rasp- Ing voice. Not that i give a. byt it don t pay. SALE OF AUGUSTIN DALY coL- LECTION. New York, Nov. 27. Stage celebri ties and art cdlf ctors In. about equai numbers thronged Anderson's Gal- lery this afterfioon at the opening of the auction sale of the Augustin Daly collection of pextraits of eminent actors and actresses. The collection contains not only portraits of the members of the company which Mr. Daly Kept together so tiany yoary, fheluding Ada Rehan and others, bur also many: other players conspicuous in thearlier history of the stage. The gem of the collection is Sir Joshua Reynold s portrait of David Carrick. There will be no special election in Rhode Island ta fll the vacancy in the second. Congresajonal district by the death of Representative George H. Utter, the siouching old man sbambled from has it done him to steal? If there is New York, Nov. 28. No more can Milady have'a dress. sent. home on approval, dazzle her friends with it for an evening and then send it back with the explanation, that, while it was really a very nice gown, still nubby - didn t like it very well and so she doesn t want it after all. Hundreds of women have worked this scheme on dreasmakers and de- Partment stores for years. It has been a great saving on their purses anda great sid in winning the rep- ntation of always being dressed up-to- the-min Milady Can't Wear Gowns Sent Home on Approval While this has been fine for the fustomes, it has not been especicilly pleasing to the storekeepers. To put ' an end:to this particularly feminine swindle, an inventive genius has come forward with the device to be attached to all gowns sent on ap- Proval. * 5 This fs a tag, whieh, if taken off, reveals that the gown has been worn. If it dan't taken off the wearer goes forth with the tag, announcing the gown has not been paid for by the wearer. A modificati of this device prob- Winniper, Nov. 2 ham,, deputy. attor signified: his in from bis present: position ut the end of eae coal oc to, it is reported) fiabiy wilt be used on many, other ar- ticles, -Any storekeeper ean long tale of being vict petty swindles. store in the city. Wi ithe yicum of fraud articles. So far, the Bf to bear it, except im 3 e e Ms oS yoagoegeoteat yi i ateetedtedtontestessoegs es eS eaten ; es Soaks seaget 2 2s Free to Someo PH ey giving It-earrles the manufacturers Votes given on all purch 300 votes given with 4 e to our store, see and try) this plano away. This is: piatouit store. S subscription to the Daily News, new or renewal. 4,500 votes given with each eee Subscription to the Weekly News, hew or renewal. + Marshall-Mitchell Hardware Co. * Toronto Street WOULD. X08 MIKE THIS BE AUTIFUL PIANO AS 4 PRESENE?. WE SHALL postntveny QIVE IT ) SOME or oun mn nee RS. ee ere wit tel? you all about our. plan of g. This plano is of the celebrated Upton make cordially invite your inspection. nis fy ouah a There: ta big, ie aa The Daily News delivered ia city 360 iy ane ae
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Image 1015 (1912-11-29), from microfilm reel 1015, (CU1740191). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.