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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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witha to marry, iristian Indlang who and even white sett come to know th . re lovable qualitina ef her ave been prond te have Father Cholonec, the ian, urged her to macry rotection In the witder- mr of poverty Teak hin, So: itttle Is re y the necessities of thix wn labor can furnish t any longer my own. I self to God. It is not ge masters. 1 musi ; Beople* was permitted fo tak of chastity in the Cat- 1 March 25, 1979. 8 dian to, take this vow. ft 1680, when the cor: ited, this remarkable ill. While she tay in tasia she occupied her- he children lessons of ving. The French peo- ment visited her and. clan to useless, ork ts done and it is. go. Theresa will help lackgowns will teach ess fell upon the tro- jans as one prayed for shall not be forgotten. I will love my peo will pray for them in help. them. ho maintain a mission are made there. It in of these pilgrimages s, the Jesuits and the timore and / Montreal 8 for the canoilzation the Mohawks. RICAN, WHO - OLONEL; AN ESTING FIGURE Sir Charles ke. was: a the otter-day at the pital, New York, in his.- year. He was an Irish. enth of bis line, his 4, but he was bern in had spent all bie life his name, he wes Sir Baronet of, Newport. Ing to Burke's Pecrage, 10, 1780, when Robert was created bar was one. of thecom- revenue and member om. Dundalk. His eldest gueceeded in the same jowed by his brother, rles Towns whose. nephew, Sir Sdmond, een years jater to Sir then to baronet who ied on 1888 to the inte Sir s fond of travel. and erable part of his in- he title now rests with am Edgar Waller, who pf a department store j seldom made use of on a familiar figure at ntral Hotel, where he York home fer some was a Kindly old gen- te hair who. seemed lived very quietly and ny friends. At the pital it was said: that patient there several een there for the past. ring from a compli lggravated by his ad- . the hospital he was Waller, although the * id that he held title in. villiam Edgar Waller, ds to the Baronetcy, at the title frem Now- ih estate scattered in eee am the past E BETWEEN IT AND AUTO on the road from Tot- ating to hurt the little the rabbit hopped back the toad again, gave binding giare of the the race, e centre of the ami shot on ahead of Heur epecded up a st the race was not catch the rabbit, hat ttle eriteer s feet id not seem to be it mpeck where the ith the motion of his rown blur of hair. Bb ANd on, keeph the big machine te i ynotized him and he je behind in. the car laughed and watched uffeur net to ran hiss no auch chance. o quick. Wien he was ye hopped to ene. side p car went by, nd winked out ef one ed at the epeedor amd quissical ewey. to ese iy . HAT DAILY NEW Free to Someone giving this plano away: This f Sehestecetestoaecbestecectestecr toctetestesbecdodtec dodo dn torte totes sorte f a RS Sas WOULD YOU LUKE THIS BEAUTIFUL PIANO AS A PRES 1,500 votes given with each year s Marshall- Mitchell Hardware Co. QP erento totes POPP HY SLOT POT SIS 70-SOME OF OUR CUSTOMERS, Come to our store, seo and try this splendid instrament. We will tell: youl all about our plan of present worth having. This plano 1s of the celebrated: Upton make It carries the manufacturers Ten Year Guarantee. We cordially invite your inspection. Votes given on all purchases at our store. 8,000 votes given with each year s subscription to the Daily News, new or renewal. subseription to the Weekly News, new or renewal. Toronto Street T?, WE SHALL POSIT(VELY GIVE IT Soto Regoetee soteete Coeteeteatedeatectesteaetos The Medicine Hat Boy Scouts are for- ging ahead at. a great pace. At the last. two meetings over thirty-five be- ing present. Last Thursday Sergeant Major Woosey gave a splendid lecture on .knot-tying. He iso taught the boys a number of nots. Monday night. the patrol leaders took charge of their respective pat- ols teaching them second class work. The patrol leaders club met after- wards and discussed the banquet that is going to come off soon. Ar- rangements for game have been left in the hends- of Patrol Leader N. Rossiter, who is doing his best to make-it the best-ever -held in Medi- cine Hat Scout: cirotey A-sixth pa- trol bas been formed with Fenwick Rutherford as patrol leader and Laurence Rossiter as corporal. The Scouts have made all arrange- ments:for holding a concert aid art exhibition next month: Everything will be done by boys from decorating to the entertaining. The secretary-treasurer will re- elve applications) for the shorthand class to be conducted by the Scout- master, at his office until the night of the 24th. Application will be writte: in ink, and each applicant will write same in the following form and leave it at the office: Grade... All orders will be given by whistle from now on according to directions on pege 86 Canadian Boy Scout, All boys must Know these signal: Have all Scouts read Bulletin No. 2. Motoring Garb for Men EMI-READY Clothes for special wear can. be purchased here. There is no garment which we Boy Scout News Patrol Leader George Gerdner, of the Gophers, is up-and around after an attack of appendicitis. : Some people have different opinions regarding the Scout movement. Sir Jan Hamilton, in a speech: recently, referred to the Scouts as being a bunch of plastered saints, The American Federation of Labor say that we foster a warlike and mil- itant attitude. We would be pleased to hear what the people of Medicine Hat think of us, Address all com- munications to Scout editor, Box 569 city, aa area Next week a new author; who goes t by the pen fame of Chin Strap, will contribute a number of humorous articles to this page. Thursday night the patrol teaders took, charge of their respective patorls as usual. Second class work was taught. Some of the boys will soon be ready for to pass the second class badge. Orders: Meetings on Monday and Thursday evenings at 7.15 sharp. New Shorts Some Scouts find that: thecuew. stift hems at the bottom of new shorts chafe the leg until worn soft, 50 a hint how to. avoid. this may be wel- come: Sew a strip of swansdown or lint about half an inch wide inside the wif the way round, and about halt an inch from the bottom; this will effectively cure all tendency to chafe, and by the time it is dirty and should be removed, the hem will have lost the raw stiffness that caused the g soda and. milk, then a few miles trouble. farther on they get a stone ginger, One ingepious youth, to whom the above advice was given, thought he would improve on the recope, and cannot make to Special Order. Good, British fabrics of every woollen texture for men s clothes are ready for your choosing, and should Seles jthere not be found in stock just what. you want, we 18 to 35. offer you our personal service in getting through a .. Special Order made to your measure from the cloth Suits to selected. No detail will be overlooked, nor wil we we consider 2 ary special service other than a pl H. . IRELAND MEDICINE HAT, ATA. used wash leather instead of swans- down, but his delightfully soft wash- Wather got damp, and, when dried, chafed infinitely worse than the stift hem What Animals Teach Us. - You can pick up lot of useful tips when if the country by watching the animals. For instance, four boys once got caught in a big mountain storm on the Cumberland fells, There were some swollen becks which they had to cross, seemed as if they could not get over them, for they were only lads about twelve, but they saw some sheep running bard for shelter from the storm, and, in spite of the blinding rain and wind, they went straight for the place where it was easiest to get safely across. Then, haven't you. often thought, When you are walking through the fields at night, how stupid ft 1s of the cattle and sheep to stand on the path? They do not do it.on purpose to get in your way, but because they know Gwhat most of you do not) that at night it is several degrees colder on the grass. than it is on the bare ground. Also, you do not often see them at mightf) hollows and dips, because. they know that it is colder and dam- per than on the higher ground, as a rule. We shall be interested to hear from our readers any other. interesting tips that they have picke: trom watching animals, Don t Drink When you go out fora long walk or cycle ride with gome fellows, they are always wanting to-drink. First they stop at a cottage and get next day they are unable to pass an array of colored fizzle-bubbles which some roadside, and so they go on all the ume, Sdn general fale It 18a very good thing to drink plenty of water, or some impto drink but when you are on Jong journey the less you drink the better, The sparkling fizz bubble concoctionsare wspecially bad, to they really Miske you thirsty, so thatthe more you rink the more you want, The best thing to do on the march e to chew young and tender shoot of grass; it will keep you from talking too much, It makes you keep your lips shut, and keeps You mouth moist. If you do this you will find your- self fitter atthe nd of a long day than your chum who has been swill- ing all the thaes will not dribble Bway threes like his. When you do drink, water, milk and tea are the best things to go on; but drink moderately and slowly, es- pecially in the ease of milk. in twos and should remember Wheusver you are performing your toilet: 1, Don't leave the soap in the water; if you do-it. will, soon be wasted. 2. Don't. wrimg*-out the sponge, but squeeze it as dry as possible. 3. It 4g better to wring your flan- nel than to squeese it. 4. Always Wrins and shake your tooth and nail brushes thoroughly after you have used them, 5. Keep your tooth powder in a dry 6. Always see that you have clean ears, clean teeth, and clean nails. Unless you attend to these small de- tails your appearance will never be smart. Keeping Warm in Camp. When you are sleeping out of doors remember that the art of roughing it consists not fimaking yourselves Uncomfortable, but in making your stances will allow, When sleeping out, recollect you can get cold from. underneath dust as much ag from above, s0- put over your groun sheet any. spare clothes or wraps you Nave; if you are short of these, brown paper or news- paper. spread either aboye you or be- low is' valuable makeshift. Always. be carefull to choose pleco of ground into which you fit fairly well; don t ever sleep with your head lower than your heels, or you will have the most fearful dreams that 15 if you get to sleep at all A Tenderfoot s Tender Feet. When a tenderfoot is going for a long march oh- hot day, he will probably put om bis thinnest stock- ings in order to Keep his feet cool. After -walking-aboiit six nitles, he will most likely be a uderfoot in more sen es than one. When going on trek always wear Your thickest woollen stockings, and you are. far less Ukely to get foot- sore. j All Beouts, of course, know the soldiers dodge of applying soap or vaseline to the feet before starting; it makes a world of difference to your enjoyment if you will just re- member these two things wear your thickest woollen stockings and rub your feet with soap or vaseline before starting out. If you follow these instructions, in- stead of limping along like a lame donkey, you will feel ready to start the day all over again when vening comes. If your feet are tired, it rests them very much to change the right stock- ing to the left foot, and, vice versa; it is even better if you ean paddie them in some wayside brook as well. We work our feet harder than any other part of our body, so they de- serve to be looked after a lttle bet- ter than they are accustomed to be. that HINTS FOR HANDYMEN Little Ways of Making Yourself Use- fol at Home. Re-covering a Chair, The coverings of chair seats fre continually being worn out throligh constant use; but to re-cover them is not a yery affficult matter, First of all you must remove the old cover by taking out the nails round the bottom edza; and, when this Is done, spread it out on the ground or on 4 table, when you at once haye a pattern which will guide you in cutting out the material for the new. cover. Now take this material, spread it out flat, place the old cover on top of it, and cut out to the exact size of It. If you do this accurately and care- t fit the: chair gxact reptoduc- seat, because tt 14 tion of es You n ew cover Over the seat Fo palling it down on all sided, Pies smoothly, Tack it' p, and; thpn take a length fl it over the lower edge 01 g. Scouts. When SBcouting in the streets, things for you to no The every motor car jt or whose driver i tho number of signs used by the policeman in regi marks mad on pavement and door dren. Which men turn thelr toes in it all.take a brother Scout with you cover the pointed emi with a duster, and then use your cleaner for the so, your pennies corners. keep all cracks and corners free from FH: point. Remember These Hints. Here are some useful hints you You cam help man wonderfully place in an air-tight tin. hae selyes as comfortable as the. clreum fully you will know that your new lating the traffic; the various chal steps by surveyors, tramps, or chil- And if you wish,to make a game of down all the articles iremembered. The one who gets the most correctly is the winner. And though it may be a small mat- ter in itself, you will rejoice when you realise how quickly you learn to note and remember and thus get a power which may make your fortune, all through practice of scouting tn the streets, For Cleaning Corners Scouts should always keep their club rooms hean and tidy, and not. allow dust oF dirt to accumulate any- where. Take an ordinary wooden skewer, By this method you will be able to dust without any. trouble. Tt fs as well to blunt tho sharp end of the skewer little to prevent the duster being torn by the sharp sometimes by n0t giving him advice. It's the same old story, leap year never did live up to ts prospects. gt; Ifa man's nerve is good he can manage to pall through, even if his credit is poor. DON'T CRY The Bartlett Studio has the: best selution for the Gift problem. A doz- en photos in one of our distinctive styles will make twelve Xmas gifts, ach one of which is sure to be ap- preciated. Have the BEST or NOTH- ING. There's a PHOTOGRAPHER in your town. THE BARTLETT STUDIO Fourth Ave. Sittings of the District Court and of the District Court Judges Crim- inal Court will be held. within the Jvdicial District of Calgary on the dates and at the places following, during the Year 191: Calgary Commencing Monday, January. 20th. Monday February 17th. Monday, March 17th. Monday, April 21st. Monday; May 19th. Monday, June 16th. Monday, September 22nd Mcnday, October. 20th. Monday, November 17th. Monday. December 8th. Medicine Hat Tuesday, February 4th. Tuesday, May 6th, Wednesday, September roth. Tuesday, November 4th. Olds Monday, Murch 10th. Monday, June 9th. Monday, October. 6th. Monday, December Ist. Didsbury Wednesday, March 12th, Wednestiay, June Tith. Wednesday, October Sth. Wednesday, December 3rd. Carstairs Thursday, March 13th. Thurs ay, June 12th. Thursday, October sth. Thursday, December 4th. Cochrane Thursday, February 27th, Thursday, May 29th. Tuesday, September 2nd. Thursday, November 27th. Banft Friday, February 28th, Friday, May 30th. Friday, September Sth. Friday, November 28th. Okotoks Commencing Thursday, January Sth. High River Friday, January 10th. Wednesday, April 9th. Monday, May Sth. Tuesday, September. 218 Monday, November Srdv La Theos, Januaky 14th. April 26th. September 16th Thursday, May 1st, Thursday, O tober 16th. Thu eptember 18th. Datediat Edmonton, Alberta, this eighteenth day of ee 1912, Let each look in a few windows for one minute then go away and write fy F. CLARRY, Deputy vakanwey General. 220 EIGHTH AVENUE WEST, CALGARY. stf OOO POL OLOLeLS: Tae a MONTROSE Another Rec ond Sale ; 17,000 WORTH OF LOTS SOLD IN LAST WEEK: PRACTICALLY LOCAL BUYERS. THIS PROPERTY iJES ONE AND ON a HALF MILES SOUTH OF THE ADJOINING CITY STRIAL WE HAVE FROM GOOD AUTHO ITY THAT SIX INDUSTRIES 1 APPLICATION FOR THIS 5 INDUSTRY LOCATED WATER AND THROUGH MONTROSE INSID SUBDIVISION ALERADY SOLD. aS Smokeless City Land C Co, OWNER ATLANTIC S STEAMSHIPS HOOND TRIP FIVE MONTHS LOT Oe Sale Daily, Nov. 7th to Dag 31st FROM ALL.RAILWAY STATIONS Manitoba, Saskatchewan, peters and the Kootenay Great Britain, Ireland, Sc Scandinavia and Ean ot aaa Fri, Now 99 Bi f impress ol fOVe sper of Empress of Britain, oy Dec. 18 Lake C1 Empress of Ireland, Fri, Dee. 27 For reservations of berth or other particulars spply to any Railway Agent. 4.8, CARTER, Gen l Agent, 210 Portage Ave, Winnipes, Man, and for carrying out of trusts of every deseription. ; THE i Trusts and Guarantee ae Company, Limited f Public Administrator and Official Assignee for the Judicial Dis trict of Macleod Calgary Wetaskiwin HOLSbOeLeretejefereTeT eRe Terebe VELSTONE SAW We carry gn stock a full. Ps oe Ms e ae
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Image 981 (1912-11-23), from microfilm reel 981, (CU1740172). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.