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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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j Bt .S. Irelan e able to show excellent values, in specialize on WATSON S I 1H COMBINATIONS .and have a garment 2.50 a suit that is guaranteed*for satisfaction. BUYING IT SEE INE;-FOR IN DERWEAR working KLOSED C. P. R. Men s Store LISTEN We had'the whole Canadian market from which to select our Pianos. We had avery Treason to decide very carefully. We chose the GOURLAY from a Buyer s Standpoint. We do- pot mind telling you thatthe GOURLAY jore than we can purchase other costs us a little good Pianos for, but we have secured the best that is known in modern piano building upon which to stake our own reputation. South Railway St. The Medicine Hat. Music Co. Under the Big Fiddle. We Furnish You With Bread that equals any that used to bake. that once you try it, you'll see the folly of home baking any longer. Suppose you take a rest fora week and have us supply the bread? our Butter Nut Bread as well as .your Own, perhaps. better. Try it anyway. J. B. RICHARDSON, MGR. bothering We think you'll Mother It's so good) with like McKINNON S LIMITED Phone 105 ish Unbelief and Instill Faith. Stuart Preaches Sermon -on the State of Man * Canon A large congregation was drawn St. Barnabas out the Anglican ert s service for the people of this other cities, but it to heal. to see and could not. frequently come to these he pointed out that it be gross insult faith in God. was consumed in the pursuit ly. ask for more money. HA A Block 28, Lots 1 and 2, 1100 pair. Terms, Block 2, lots 15, 46, 17 and 18. 450 per lot. Terms. TOWNSITE . St, iT Terma... - 100 ft. on Montreal Block B., St. 5500. Terms. REDCLIFF 35,000. Block 168, three lots. eac. Terms. Block 84, four lots. 800 each. Terms. Block 107, six lots. 800 each. Terms. Block 77, two lots on Broad- way. 2000 pair. Terms. SUBDIVISION 800 AFew MoneyMakers RIVERSIDE Lots 11 to 15, Block 14, (on Broadway) 325 each. SOUTH YUILL 50 feet on Hill Street with good:4 room house, rent of which will pay 15 per cent. on money. 1600. Easy terms. 60 'feet, Block 1, 840, 100x180 ft. corner an Columbia Ave., 4000. Best buy on-this street. Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block P with good house on South Railway Street. Suitable for business. 7000, 609x180 on Factory Street, 525. , ROSEDALE 100 feet, Block 6 (teackize corner) 5000. GOUSINS AND SISSONS Lots 35 and 36, Block 11 (near new school) 365. CENTRAL PARK 50 ft,.n Block 5 785. 50 ft oh Charles St, Block 4, 1300: 50'ft. on Alberta St, Blook 7, 1200, 50 ft, Block 16, (water amd gas) 1050. 50 ft. corner, Block Lot 3, Block 21, (Toronto Street) 2000. 368 Toronto St. NORTH YUILL lt; lt; (ablamiats H.C. PETIT Co. Phone 481. 160 acres surveyed into 25 ft. lots, at a Bargain. 3000 acres adjoining the city of Medicin Hat, suitable for subdivision. Give us your Listings. CAPITAL Investment Co. Phone 799. 420 Main St. -61-tf. 24 of various kinds under construction, some nearing .comple- tion. Fully modern. Apply to W. Hl ROSEWARNE Builder anid Owner. Phone 800. LIVE MERCHANTS ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS Watch for EAT IT ONCE FOR OUR SAKE, TOOK FOR THE LABEL: TASSIE BROS: .. THEN- OR-WiLL-ALWAYS . BAT IT FOR YOUR OWN SAKE. MOTHER S BREAD PHONE 256 theQpening This store will be .open on the 25th September with a complete new stock of CLOTHING, GENTS FURK- ISHINGS, BOOTS and SHOES, Ete, Great bargains for the open- ing week. Come and let us get busy. MEDICINE HAT CLOTHING Co. Corner Toronto and North Railway, WILL MAKE ATTACK. ON ALL. BLINDNESS Mission of Help is to Ban- Eloquent Church last evening to the opening service of the Mission : of Help, which is to be held in this Peal V ty Higitly developed. Hi: city and many other points through- Province of Rup- Land during the next ie i o tuart, M. P Fee ee Per. penlety at eacicat F who codld command attention in Canterbury Cathedral, England, de- livered an eloquent sermon, taking as bis text the passage in the Gospels which record ve instances in which Christ healed men of blindness. The Mission was to perform a similar this and was spiritual blindness the Church would endeavor Several kinds of spiritual blindness were to be found amongst the peo- ple, There were those who wished People had him and said they wished to believe but could not succeed in: banishing their doubt. To would to him if they were to tell him: frankly they could Inct believe his word. . How much greater was the insult when-a human. being told God he could not believe: Him? Blindness to God's wonderful promises could be Femoved only. by There were men whose whole life wealth. When they spoke it was on- - These men- were like the blind teggar-who- sat'by the way. Christianity was not incompatible with business. The clerk who was also a Christian was a better clerk than him who was not. He believed that the tents made by St. Paul were the very best tents to be found in all Galilee. Houses 57-15t Christianity could go hand in hand with bysimes. 6 was the prime duty of every business man to try to find faith, There werealso people who had settled into. dull hepeless state. Faith and expectancy were furgotten. to them. They were like the blind emoniac who codld- not go to Ghrist to Have his eyes healed, but had to be brought by others. Others would OPENS. AT. ST. BARNABAS xs .b2 hms see tat rit belief. He called upon his hearers to give the Mission the first place in their hearts. Only by unceasing prayer, faith and example could it be made of the full usefulness the Church ex- pected of it. Canon Stuarb has the gift to ap- ser- mons are orystal-like in their clear logic and he has a remarkably free delivery which is greatly enhanced by deantiful diction. He is a preach- to any Anglo-Saxon city. The choice of forerunner for the Mission could not have alighted upon a man more suited for the work and there is lit- tle doubt that the succeeding ser- vices will feel the results of his f- iforts Z AMEND CITY CHARTER; FORESTALL OBJECTIONS OF ACENTS COUNSEL Raised Against Legality of Money By-laws, Make Things Bad. Kick When the Legislature meets, one of the first things they will be asked to consider will be an amendment, to the Hat's lty charter, count Afuaiaiet Wood (Geaay- and Co,, fiscal agents for the city, they have had trouble with the company s council over the legality of money by-laws. The first real instance was that of the water by-law, and now comes on in regard to the Ogilvie by-law, claiming that the city can- not guarantee them full. Yet, it the city wants to, they can, acc rding to the city charter, give them fuel for 20 years. The counell intends to sidestep any future objections by having the charter amended to have the Minister..of Municipalities sign all. money. by-laws, .which will then make them legal despite any solicl- tors objections. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL EAC, Hawthorne went ito Walsh. today. puns Constable Stevens took three pris- oners to Lethbridge this morning. J. J. Mahaffy s son left for Port Hope, Ont, last night to resume his studies. . Canon and Mrs. Stuart went to Regina this morning. . J. W. Hamilton went east to Prince Edward Island last night. His mother is seriously i11. 2G TWebb went Feo; Regina last night. The C. P. R. 8.8, Montfort, re- Ported by. wireless, due at Quebec Sunday. Passengers due at Winn - peg on the evening of the 24th. Mrs. W. E. Evans, fourth avenue, entertained the members of-the choir of the Presbyterian church last eve- ning. Progressiye Whist was played, Mr. Campbell winning the prize, a cut glass bon bon dish. A spoun, the consolation prize, went to Mr. Sim- mons. A social meeting of ths Woman's Auxiliary of St. Barnabas . Church will be held at the home of Mrs, H. Baker, 708 Fourth Avenue, Tuesday, Sept. 24th, at 3-0'clock. 61-2t The Women s Missionary Socjety of the Methodist Church are holding Crusade Day Thursday, Sept. 26. Ladies of the congregation will be called on from 2 to 6. SEEKS LOST SON of Jas. Ryder, o* Parry Sound, would like to find his son, of the same He would also Ike to know what ad- vantages the city offer a man with a family and little capital, to. come and live here. Yom Kippur, or the Fust of Expia- tion or Atonement, will be observed by Jews the world over, beginning at sundown this evening. The obser- vance commences tonight with the ancient Kol Midre chant, and the services in synagogues tomorrow will be continuous trom early morn until the first star appears, when the long fast will be broken. From olden ties Yom Kippur has been a day devoted entirely, to the things of the spirit, when the flesh and its desires are ignored, all fgnoble and carnal thoughts banished from the mind, and all enemies are forgiven: In orthodox synagogues the men are clad im shrouds and the women are clothed in white, but in reform tem- ples this feature has been abandoned. Yom Kippur s-the hollest-day in. the Hebrew calendar and is followed five days later by the Feast of Taber- nacles. Cheap, cheap, Green Gage, Drad- shaw and Buriwik-Plums, 60 . per crate today only at Lively's. Phone 367 60-2t, Houses for sale on easy payments jor will exchange for real estate. Ap. vly f Hoteon and Leader, B -tt Since the name, who-is in Alberta-somewhere. HUGH CLASS INVESTMENT Altawana - Block 10, 1,100 pr,, cash, Bending Block 8, 500 pr., terms. BO tt, 50 tt. Cousins and Sissons 50 ft, Block 19, 750 pr. terms, 60 ft, Block 11, 865 pr., terms. Riverside Park 100 ft, Block 18, 750 pr., terms, We recommend and can deliver this property Gs Gi Realy Co Fire, Life, Accident, Hall and Plate Glass Insurance, 410 Main St, P.O. Box 316. WE DO NOT ADVER- TISE our sales as a rule, but we want to let -the public know that we can handle your business and make you money. This is what we have scld the last five days. Lots 17-20, Block 25, for 18,- 000. Lots 19 and 20, Block 19, for 800, Cousins and Sissons. Lot 18, Block 51, for 9500 cash, Lot 6, Block 21, for 20,000. 8. B, Quarter of 20 for 9600. We have buyers from it, to coast, and we it your listings, no matter where they are. NACBEAN 60 RIOT AT SUPERIOR Five Thousand Attacked Provincial Street Car Lines and Furious Fight Ensued, (W. A. P. Dispatch) - Superior, Wis., Sept. 20. A mob of five thousand strikers and sympa- thizers last night attacked the Pro- vineial street car lines in Superior, wreeking six cars and beating the crews and guards. , There was furious fighting and more than thirty per- sons were injured. None, it is thought, fatally. The police fought desperately and rescued the car crews. Manned by strike breakers and guarded by police, street cars . are again. running this morning. Broken glass, strewn. along the city s main thoroughfares, and a col- lection of bricks, stones and other missiles, marked the principle points of last night s disorders, but other- wise the city is in its normal estate and order prevails.- A recurrence of the rioting will not be permitted, ac- cording to Sheriff McKinnon. SNAPS SOUTH YUL 1050 50 ft. lot and new shack rented at 10. 5000 100 ft. corner, Columbia Ave. 1200 50 ft, Columbia Ave, CENTRAL PARK pr Lots 1-4, Block. 30, corner. Water and gas available. 900 pr 25-26, Block 21, wat- er and gas, OLD, TOWNSITE 1350 Lot 14, Block 80. 3500 For 207 ft. on Macleod Trail. Easily worth 5000. 22000 100x65 ft, Toronto St. and 6th Aye. 11000 Lot ronto St. COUSINS AND SISSONS 3900 pr. 31-32, Block I. 840 pr. 24-35, Block 2. HERALD 735 pr 35-36, Block 17. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX 840 pr 24-26, Block 28. 1100 pr. t-6, Block 20. 3909 pr. t-4, Block 81. F HOUSE 2900 Modern House on Breeder Bt, Riverside. Kalser s o1a Timer-10 Cigar, Grent opportunities only make You feel ridiculous was Jess you are prepared for them, , A man without funds, one whe cannot buy Medicine Hat Real Estate, fs less to be pitied than the man whe has the goods but lacks the merve to Invest. Neither are prepared. f- Houses for sale and to rent fm all parts of the eltp, Big Investment Opportunities In Cousins and Sissons. Get prepared for, 1918's boom by buying now, Below is a isting form. If you ave property to sell please fill in this blank form and mall to us, Medicine Hat, Sept. ....., Perry, Sewell Perry. I hereby list following property for sale with you, to usual handling commission: Sub-Division .... Improvements (Signature)... Ministers Will Adopt New Policy Toronto Evangelieal Alliance is Se- curing Legal Advice Regard- Ing Ne Temere. be submitted at a. meeting of the Byangelical Alliance the latter part of the month. At the session of the Alliance, the matter will likely be threshed out and a definite policy Igid down for action. One recommentiation which may be submitted. for consideration. is that the Federal Goverament change the crimmal code, making the: application of the marriage law the same in Canada-as it is in, Italy. It has. also been suggested that the British North American Act be al- tered that it will affect the other provinces of the Dominion and not in any way Interfere with Quebec. (CW. A. P. Dispatch) Toronto, Sept. 20 'Total dissatis- faction reigns in the minds of those opposing the existence of the Ne Te- mere mixed marriage decree in Can- ada, and from present appearance the combat will be refought entire- ly. Legal advice is being secured to in Groceries, Fruit, etc. AT THE FAIR STORE Phone 81. Cor. Ottawa St. and 3rd Ave, Phone 81. 20 Ib. sacks of B.C. Sugar. Regular 1.50, for 1.36. One Pint Sealers, Imp. Gem Regular 1.00 per doz., for 90c. Ammonia, large pkts. Regular 200., at 2 for 35c. Baking Powder, best brands. Regular 25c per Ib. for 20c. Baking Powder, best brands. Regular 1.25 per 5 Ibs., for 7c. Bathbricks. Regular 20 each, Today 12 Tomatoes, Moose brand. Regular 174 ; 6 for 1.00 or Blue Ribbon Tea. Regular 40c per II Ibs. for 95 . Red Rose Tea. Regular 1.20 per tin; today 1.10 eah. Cocoanut. Regular 80c per Ib. Today 2ic. Coffee. Regular 40c per Ib;; today 35 . Cream, Regular 12 4 each; today 1.35 per dozen. Jam, new Strawberry (pure). Re gular -1.00; today 90c each. Pickles, one gallon Sour and Chow Chow. Regular 1.00 for 900. Pickles, Sweet. Regular 1.15, for 1.00 each. Oranges, Sunkist . Regular 30 per dozen; today 25 . Italian Plums. Today 90c. Freestone Peaches. Today 95c. No. 1 Potatoes. 80c per bushel, or 3.75 in 5 bushel lots. We will deliver these goods to any part of the city. All goods will be sent C. 0. D., as the above quotations are for. CASH ONLY, Cut this ad. out and bring it with you, Call and-see our Fall and Winter stock of Dry Goods. - We have just opened a large shipment of Blankets, Comforters, and Ladies*: Underwear, - Another shipment of Aviation Caps just arrived. SSTHE FAIR??. LEONARD FLANAGAN, PROPS, Barrington Hall THE STEEL CUT COFFEE Rich in coffeol, that essential oil of coffee whigh Deliciously smooth and fragrant. gives it flavor and aroma. H.W. Ireiand Co. Main Street. Phone 54. Frvaaeriviogevseereeteet Vancout the some the first 1 Governor- Connaugh here, yest night at J motors an The firs programm Ball Single fers t Navy HOME Conditio ness , cow P. ( London, official sta is announce heard with that one 6 nance firm: ply the 4 ments of tl the way o tiles and 5 fourteen in: firm was more than quirements long delays, The Adm: whether the contract or FIRE? (Cc. Brussels, tently report is on the pc demands of t troduction in Providing for measure it-is right to vote man when th and a double families. No the report is VOTE: Writ Call tion in toba, Hi Ottawa, Sey McDonald Mai tion, made ne ment of W. D Commission, day evening. Place on Satu polling on Sa
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Image 509 (1912-09-20), from microfilm reel 509, (CU1739760). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.