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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Nner only need apply. sea oe BBott, N COTTON RAGS. - ade, 62-te REND TED for vacant store ier of Montreal Street Fine location for any sonable. rent, Living . immedinte possea nd overhauling will be G, G, MacBean Co. Puilding. doate DUSE, FULLY MOD- in: good* reualr, Wit of the month. Apply 408 First Ave. 4-3 AND FOUND VEEN REVESTEY'S MIL St. pocketbook um of. money. Finder gt; Revestey s store and 65-3 ND LOCKBT, WITH W.H.D. on face of it, photo inside, Finder ame at News office ward, 63-3 OTE-BOOK DATED pt. to 21, A reward given for return of jews. 63-3 CATIONAL ae JA FULTON, NEW berlin Conservatories. e. Pupils after school 3 Charles St, or ad- 65-3 'D ACCOUNTANTS. RSON CO., chartered and auditors, (estab- ditors, city of Medicine Medicine Hat, Leth- Gibson, C.A., resident e 198. Burns Block. 2Tbatt SETIERRE rsets mate to meas- for one year against sting. At office. in fain street, from 2 p. Office phone 594. At Avenue, opposite east School, in evening. 9 ; or write P.O. Box ws. Au 22-3m, TIONEERS, NE CO,, Live Stock I Auctioneers, 519 Tor- k Sales every Friday ure at 1 o'clock. Raneb sales conducted any- furniture sales don- e. Consult us, our ex disposal free. Phone owne Co, 619 To isaate NE HAT HIDE, FUR CO; The above have. sat selection of Secon the elty, We carry yes and Bedding, new nd Clothing, Clocks, Iry, Rifles, Guns, Re- ns, Buggies, Harness, r line of winter goods. hing mertioned above st prices, Call at 50s St or Phone 587. PROCESSION Unionists. Also CANDIDATE WON. - . P. Dispatch) I, Sept. 26,. The lo- vote cast in New cing tabulated but the ughes, the Wilson can- d States Senator was unning between 20,009 D.C, . Sept. 25 A nerican marines under ; will sail from Phil- ay on the transport 1 Domingo, to be pres- ening of the Dominion s-along the border of re closed by revolu- SEE GOVERNMENT that 20,000 more freight cars will be Narrow Shoulders OF course you know the style tendency i is all to- wards the narrow, unpadd- ed-shoulders, high cut vest and narrow trousers: Some men, particularly young men of athletic figure, do not propose te be martyrs to style. They insist on wide-shouldered coats, with snug waist and wide-hipped trousers. Here s the cor- rect, style for them TURPIN BROS. THE MEN S STORE gt; Where you get the Big Dollar s Worth REGARDING LEASE Grand Trunk Of Officials Se k - 7B Way of Taking over Part of Line. CW. A. P. Dispatch) Ottawa, - Sept. 25. Chairman Smithers. and Vice-President Wain- wright, of the Grand Trunk, are here today and President Chamberlain will arrive tonight to resume, negotiations with the Government respecting the ease of the Winnipeg and Superior Junction section of - the Transcon- tinental Railway, So far no agree- ment Has. been reached. OPPOSES INCREASE OF FREIGHT RATES Canadian Manufacturers Association also Con- demns Present System of Immigration. (W. A. P. Dispatch) ' Ottawa, Sept. 25. In their pre- sent form: the immigration regula tion-constitute a series of class legislation, unjust, inequitable and economically detrimental to tel ol the temporary expedience can justi- fy, said a report presented to the Canadian Manufacturers Association today, which alleged that immigra- tion is dominated largely by ertain labor organizations. The report of the railway and transportation committee anticipates built this year, with 400 locomotives, at a total cost of 4,000,000, while terminal faoulties will be extended. The efforts. of the railways to m- etease the express rates is eondemn- ed, This evening the en a theatre party. R. 8. Gourlay, of Toronto, will, tt ig expected, be the next president of the Canadian Manufacturers Associa tion. The extra Provincial license exact- ed by the Provinces of the Dominion from companies operating under Do- minion charters, was dealt with in a report. A test case is to be heard next month in the supreme court whether or not the Provinces have dies will be giv- the right to charge the extra fees, as St. Louis : 2 this means virtually reincorpora Benr-aid Tane; Hamilton and Al- Thanksgiving Oct. 28 Ottawa, Sept. 25 The date of Thanksgiving Day will be fixed this week, Monday, October 28, Is the probable date. A small want ad in The Daily News Sehostecfeete dents foes eee The Bosfon Red Sox and New York Giants, who will oppose each other in the series for the world s baseball champlonship ferles at the end of the 1009 campaign and the American Jeaguers beat Muggsy MeGraw s crowd four games in five. New York won the first game, but thereafter there was nothing to it but Boston.. Christy Mathewson wlayed a post-season game 9 t, HOW THE RED SOX BEAT THE GIANTS . IN THE 1909 SERIES outpitehed Joe Wood in the first sume, allowing 6 hits to 11.. Phe final score was 4 to 2, each team making two errors. Cleotte downed the Sania fn the second fe allow its, while Ames, Marquard und Crandall were found for 14 safe tles. The Red Sox made er- rors, while the Giants played errorless ball In the third Same the Red Sox won 5 to 4, making 10 hits to 7 and 2 er- rors to 6. Hall was Boston s piteher, while Ames and Crandall worked for the Giants. Mathewson tried to come back in the fourth game, He was oppos- ed by Ray Colints aa the lants were boys making Bits fo 8 and 1 error to for Boston. in the fifth and last game the Red Sox wony's to 4, makhig 9 hits to 10 1 error fo Pape, Wol- tery Mathews and Hall pitched for Boston and Crandall for New New. TO Cub Shortstop Thinks Tes- reau Will Be McGraw s One Best Bet, With Mat. ty Second New Work, Sept. 25 Joe Tinker, shortstop and acting manager of the Cubs. made some Interesting com- ment regarding the Ginats chances with the Red Sox. Luck may cut a big figure in those games, said- Tinker, and if Mc- Graw has a fair share of it or a shade the Giants may turn the trick. But they will have to play steadier and more aggressive ball than they have shown against the Cubs this year. T haven't seen the Red Sox, conse- much about them, but it s practically a sure thing that their pitchers, espe- the Giants a whole. lot. Tesreau will be the Giants king- pin. You can bet on that White Sox im physique, courage and quently Iam not in a position to say Graw about this defect elally Joe Wood, are going to bother ever, got the hang of Mrquard just He's a his fast ball. reproduction of Ed Walsh of the .son for it, but it Is true nevertheless delivery, though of course he lacks it. t oo JOE TINKER PICKS RED SOX WIN SER walsh s confidence But Tesreau s spitball s a wonder, for you can t hit it even when you think you know just how it is going to cross the plate. Speed is everything and when coupled with the moist-fling you are up against it. It wouldn't sur- prise me a bit to see Matty at his best. The veteran always seems to be there in a pinch. He s got the head and the nerve, also the know- ledge, even if he doesn t possess the great speed of former years. Marquard has a weakness he can't overcome. He cannot hide his delivery. By that I mean that it is possible to tell by the way he holds the ball whether he Intends to use a curve or a fast shoot. I told) Mc- before the world series last year, but Mac said it didn t matter. The Athletics, how- which because they watched him narrowly. The Rube also has lost the jump on I don t know the rea- and he'll be handicapped because, ot and experience. In the games We have played against the Giants this week some of us have come to the conelusion that Arthur Wilson Js a better catcher a better man for inside team wark than Chief Meyers, Wilson has more ginger and fight in him than the Indian and looms up like one of the best catchers in the profession. There's another fhing about the Giants that we have noticed. They seem o stand still too much, That is to say, they don t pull . together enough when the pace is hot. We have won the series from them just because we haye excelled them in this respect. We-are going to pull for the Giants againgt the Red Sox because we are National leaguers, heart and soul, but McGraw's: men, we fear, miay not be able to make enough runs to help out their pitching staff. Still the series doesn't look like a sure thing for either team, and as I safa before, if McGraw gets a few good breaks inthe Juck New York my Prove victorious. Let us hope so, any- way, BUT THREE BIG SERIES Giants-Red Sox, Cubs- White Sox -and Cards and Browns to Play. Chicago, Sept. 25 President Ban Johnson, of the American Leagu , re- turned to Chicago last night from Cincinnati with the announcement that there would be only three post season series between league teams. The one of greatest interest prob- ably will be the series between the Boston Americans and the New York Nationals for the world s champion- ship. The other series will be be- tween.the two St: Louis league tems, and the two Chicago teams, In making the announcement Pres- ident Johnson made the provision that these games would take place in the event that the Cube failed to win the national pennant. Johnson said it was evident that BASEBALL NOTES, Maranville, the Boston Braves new shortstop, looks like a genuine find. His playing has made a big hit with the Hub fans. Manager Clark Griffith proposes to Ax up'a Uttle bonus for his Wash- ington players for the good work they have done this season. President Gaffney, of the Boston Nationals, has put a taboo on all ex hibition games. Wonder what town it was that wanted to see the Braves. The Cleveland Naps have been play- ing like a house afire of. late. It s the same old story. After some team has cinched the. pennant each season, the Naps start in and play their heads off. According to past performances, Jeff Tesreau, of the Giants, is only running to form these day: Last half the Eastern League race had been run, and then he came to the front with full speed on. The Chicago Cubs had it on the Giants this season to the tune of thir- teen games to nine. year he won an in-and-oufer until year ke won an in-and-outer until watte Meintyre would iikete ar Barrieau May Fight Scaler at at Edmonton MeIntyre Wired Terms He Will Accept Last Night The Bayley Bout Off. Vancotiver, Sept. 25 Now that it has become definitely known that Joe Bayley will not cohsider any- thing short of simall fortune to into a aquared-circle with Er- Barrleau, the Jocal amateur champion, Chester McIntyre who is looking after the int rests of the V. A.C. boy, has turned his thoughts to other fields. Yesterday McIntyre Teceived wire from an Edmonton Promoter, asking what terms he would accept for a bout with Kia Sealer at Edmonton. Tange a match with Bayley, the chances for such a bout have become so slim owing to Bayley s reticence in coming to terms, he last night wired Edmonton the conditions he would accept for a match with*the Pittsburgh did not want to meet either the Philadelphia or Washington Am- ericans and that there was no pros- pect of a meeting between the Cin- cinnati and Cleveland teams. Sb bee hehe eh eb hee BiG LEAGUE SCORES The Kalamazoo Southern Michigan League team, last season's cham- pions, finished last in this year's race, Charley Schmidt, the former De- troit catcher, is leading-the--Provi- dence team in batting with an ayer- plage of 346. In thelr last game of the seasou at Brooklyn the Pittsburgh Pirates FREE EEE EEE EEE New York ... Boston... 5. . Caldwell and Williams and Thomas. . Clevetand ...... ... Detroit ... son, Osler and: Cocher, Ist game Chicago ELH, careetnede 2 2G St. Louis... . 2 9.3 Walsh snd Sullivan; Allison, Pow- eli and Crossen. 2nd game Chicago 241.43 6 3 exander. Jeff Clarke, the fighting ghost, who bested Joe Jeanette in a six-round Dont, is after matches with the boxers in the middleweight class. The New York Highlanders have used 17 men, but the Dodgers copped the game 7 to 3. Smiling Al ? Orth has made a hit as an umpire, and will no doubt be retained on the National League staff of arbiters. The Three-I League Clubs com- plain of poor attendance this season, Davenport being the only club to finish on the right side of the ledger. Bill McKechnie, the former Pirate, 1s to get another trial in the big show, having been drafted fram St Paul by the Boston Nationals. The New Hngland teams pulled a Pbaseball straight recently, the scores: being as follows: Lawrence 1, Worcester 0; New Bedfore 3, Lymn 2; Lowell 5, Haverhill 4; Fell River 7, Brockton 6. New York fans figure that Big Jeff Tesreau will be able to stop the Red Sox, while Boston fans are willing to trock the green bag and gobbles in order to get a bet down on Smoky Jos Wood. - The Lincoln team, of the Western League, has been making. a great showing of late. After losing the first fifteen games of the season, and resting in the collar the first half of the year, the team took a brace and has landed in the first division. Dalton, Graham, Bradley, Jordan; Holly, Bemis, Kent, Drucke, Strick- lett and Manager Joe Kelley, who picked up a great performer in Heine Schulte, who pitched for. the Savan- Classified Column will bring results, nah team during the past season. have placed Toronto on the basabidl map, ave well-known form leaguers. northern boxer. The idea of putting Barrieau against a veteran like Kid Scaler Would not seem wise to several fight critics, for Scaler Is considered to be much tougher proposition than Bayley, but Mcintyre thinks that a bout Ike the proposed one would give his protege a world of experi- ence and if the terms are accepted, the bout will be staged. Barriean s training dally and is in the best of condition right now, to Step over a limited distance. RACE ONOCT. 14 Barry and Durnan to Row Between Putney . and Mortlake (C. A. P. Cable) London, Sept. 25. Ermest. Barry, world's champion souller, and Hadie Durnan, Canadian champion, have agretd to row their race on October wh, 7. from-Putuey-to- Mortiake-over the y's Varsity course. This is the same day on which Dan Cordery and G. J, Cobbett will race over the same course for A100 side. Dr, Fother- ington Smith will act as umpire for the chanfpionship race, Wddie Dur- nan was out twice yesterda; WITH THE BOXERS, In his recent bout. with Young SaylorJack Britton, the Chicago lightweight, showed Boston fans what speed really is. Manager Gil Boag says that bis Aightweigh, One Round Hogan was 4 in his recent bout with Frankie The Royal Train- LEAVES TORONTO BOOKS ARE SHOR Pari Mutual Op Operator For Ontario Jockey Club. Dis- appears From City. (W. A. P. Dispatch) Peooersecenesosrrsoeososoroeosoonses onsets gt; lt; The above lustration shows Their Royal Highnesses, the Duke of Connaught Patricia enjoying the voices of the world s greatest singers as reproduced on a Victrola furnished to tha C. by the Berliner Gram-o-phone Co, Limited, of Montreal, for use on the Royal Train on their trip to the coast. FOSS IS CANDIDATE. A a ee, (W. A. P. Dispatch) (Ww. ALP, Dispaten) Boston, Mass. Sept. 25 As a result Halifax, N. S, Sent. 26. A brilliant of yesterday's primaries Eugene N. military: wedding took place at All Foss will be the Democratic candi- Saints Cathedral at noon today whet date. for a third ter Go tl tere ee nn Tene ns a Fm as Governor of tor of Nira, Justice Graham, Was mat Massachusetts. Governor Foss ma- Jority over District Attorney Pellitier was- 26,614. On the Republican side, ship, the Bishop of Nova Scotia, per Jos. Walker, of Brooklyn, former fofmed the cefemony. thie Woodbine race track, disappeared from foronto Monday night with more than 5,000 belonging to the On- tarlo Jockey Club. Shortages in his accounts were detected about eight. o'clock Monday night, but Spencer had caught a train bound for across the line. THE MARKET REPORTS Chicago, Sept. 25. Snow and cold in.the northwest threatening to. im- Pair the quality of wheat and delay thresh ng had a bulling effect today on prices. In addition Liverpool re- ported: 2 good demand for cargoes. Offerings here were moderate with commission houses active on the buy- ing side. The market opemed at last night's level to 1B off. December started at. 918 to 91 the same change as the market taken al- together and rose to 91 to Oats showed firmness as a result of the upturn in corn. December start- ed 4 to dhigher at 32 to 322 and steadied around 324 and . was weak and declining but extreme- ly active, due to heavy offerings, More noticeable than the break in options was the sharp becline in cash wheat. The price has heretofore held up as there were certaim bottoms to fill the contracts when wheat was scarce. Now the crop is pouring in. shipping is unobtainable. Oats have held steady and flax is a little stronger. Receipts, 487 inspected; 300. in sight. Ost. wheat opened 69 , closed 883; Dec. opened 344, closed 348; May op- ened 903; closed 89 . Dec. opened 85 , closed 843; May op- Ovt. oats opened 39 , closed 394; ened 37 . closed 373. Get. flax opened 157, closed 158; Noy. opened 150, closed 154. CASH PRICES ; Winter wheat, No. 1, 913; Nov'2, 604; No 8, 86; No, 4, 81,, Oats No. 2 CW 46; No. 3CW 44, extra No. 1 feod 4 No. 2 feed 40. Bailey, No. 3 53; jected, 43. Feed, 43. AMERICAN MARKETS. Minneapolis, Sept. 25. Wheat, 3 Sept., opened 88 , closed 863; Dec., 908, 894; May, 95 , 94. Chicago, Sept. 2 opened 902, closed 89 908; May, 96 , 958. Sept. wheat Dec., 914, Sept. 25. Cl se seat Spot steady; No. 3 Manitoba, 344; futures steady; Oct., Ts. aid, Liverpool, 8 in San Francisco. December, Tx: Si, Magsh, Zo. 4a. Toronto, Sept. 25. Jack Spencer, aj speaker of the House, had a majority cashier on a pari-mutuel' machine at of 10,302 over Coleverett C. Benton. Loose Leaf We can supply you with, the latest improved Loose Leaf Systems at Bastern Prices, Keep the money at home. Get our prices before sending out of the city for these goods. We carry a full stock ot Binders , Indexes, Ledger Sheets, Account Forms, ete. for this work. We make a speciality of Loose Leaf Binders, in Cor- duroy and Leather, Canvass and Leather, Canvass ete., and can make them any size to order. Job Department Medicine Hat News, Lid: Subscribe NOW for The Daily News,
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Image 542 (1912-09-25), from microfilm reel 542, (CU1739741). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.