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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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23, 1500. on Highland St. 1650. and 22, Block 10, 1000. ff in Block 31, 450 each. Block 14, 1200. Terms. 00 ft. in Block 3, 4000. Terms ft. In Block 8, 3200. Terms. ct , TOWNSITE Sai te station, 23.0 160 acres of nice level jear Redoliff at a bar- Call and see me about Property in all parts ot: Donald Currie Phone 776, Piardwood Flooring fm your house will give you floor that will last a lfe- time. We can supply you with Oak, Maple, and Birch flooring at very little more cost to you than the common kina. We handle the cele- brated. BEAVER BOARD For inside finish. Ask for samples. The Gas Gity Lumber Co y Office and Yard opp. Flour Mill whether to give a suit of old clothes away or have it re- Revated, decide on the renovat- ing and bring it to us yonu'll be mighty glad you did, be eatise we Will probably save wuion..the..cost of new clothing. Qur metiiods of cleansing are selentific and right up to: date. Give us your work. 2 THE GLOBE CLEAN- ING PRESSING CO. Rear of Post Offiee on Fourth Ave. Canadian Pacific NELSON FRUIT FAIR NELSON, B. C. Sept. 23rd-28th, 1912. SINGLE FARE *For the Round Trip. Going Dates Sept. 22-27. Re- fara Hmit, October 2, 1912. apply to Local Agent. B. G, McNEILLIE, Dist. Pasenger Agent, L.A. Dobbin, Tleket Agent, Medicine Hat. Phone 201 b2-13t For tickets Loose Lest System The News, Job Department bas every facility. satisfactory: d 9, HOW for Thi Dally Mer om Tit Dal m 1, Becker Block. -. Fernie, Sept. 23. New interest nas mi t ation of thia inter- Demands Release of an American From Prison In Mexico. MAY. LAND MARINES Says Treatment Accorded to W. G. Nichols at Tam- pico is-Persecution. Mexico City, Sept. 23. Ignoring the usual channels of diplomatic in- tereoutse, the American ambassador, Hen: e Will emptory demand on Governor Matias Guerra, of the state of Tamaulipas, for the immediate release from the jail at Tampico of W. G. Nichols, an American frit grower. Nicholas was arrested six months igo on a charge of having killed a bandit, Caballos, whose apprehension the authorities had attempted for many months. MAY LAND MARINES. The embassy was authorized by the sdministration-at Washington to em- ploy whatever means were considered necessary to bring out an ameliora- tion of Nicholas condition. Ambassador Wilson declares he will secure his release even if it should become necessary to land marines from the United States cruiser Des Moines which is now in port at Tam- pico, with 280 marines aboard. PEREMPTORY TOME AUUPTED- - BY AMBASSADOR WILSON) cece te the treatment accorded Nichols the Mexican tion, and has being the slayer of Caballos. confession The American ambassador regards authorities as persecu- so stated in bis mes- sage to the governor. In support of this beliet he points to the fact that a Mexican has confessed im court to This was disregarded by the court, which declared. it was prompt- per- tinued on an appeal from the sem-) ed by beliet on the part of the wit- ness that a reward had been offered for Caballos, dead or alive. The Mexican was not arrested and the process against Nicholas was con: tence of eight years imprisonment imposed. upon Nicholas by the Tam- pico court. The appeal is being heard before the court at Ciudad Victoria, the state capital. In his note to the governor th am- passador reminded him that his mes- sage was not official, but that it-was to- be considered none the less ait - thorative. NICHOLS ARRESTED. CABALLOS The killing of Caballo ocourred near Tampico. Nichols had been vested with authority to arrest the desperado, witch he succeeded in do- ing. He was taking him to Tampico on a train wheni in the confusion at the crowded station, the captive s- eaped. Nichols and a big crowd pur- sued him, Nicols. admits firing, but the evi- ence showed that he fired in the OWNERSHIP THE PROVINCES PARTICIPATE Head of Syndicate Which Would Pipe Gas From Medi- cine Hat to Winnipeg Gives His Opinion As to Plac- ing Embargo op the Enterprise. The Calgary Albertan say: The sale of natural gas, having its origin in this province, to cities of another provinee, cannot be pre- vented. It is a resouree that be- longs to the whole Dominion of Can- ada. The people of British Columbia might as well attempt to stop the sale of coal, mined in their, province, to the people of Alberta. That is the way Mr. William Georgeson, head. of the syndicate which would engage in the big under- taking of piping the natural gas of Medicine Hat to Winnipeg, dismisses the suggestion of. a local newspaper line aemthing in the nature of an embargo be put on the enterprise. Further than this statement, and with reference to this particular phase of his project Mr. Georgeson is 3 smiling sphinx, and sayeth naught, The ouly statement that I have to make in connection with what we purpose doing, said Mr. Georgeson, s that we have our project financ- discussion but finally dropped. TRANCE 1S OUND TO LOWER RECIONS Funnel Shaped Pit is Dis- covered by Travellers on Mount Fernie. THE DEPTHS UNKNOWN Further Investigation ,Will GEORGESON SAYS NATURAL GAS IS A RESOURCE IN THE OF WHICH ALL ed, and I believe the authorities of Winnipeg look with favor on our pro- position. * The undertaking is one of magni- tude. It will necessitate the laying of trunk mains from Modicine Hat to Winnipeg, a distance as the ctow flies, of 650 miles, but with the meandering of a pipe line, in order to supply many prosperous cities be tween the two points, a considerably greater distance, but as had been re- peatedly demonstrated in enterprises of this character, easily feasible. The enterprise would necessitate the outlay of many millions of dol- lars, one estimate being as high as 20,000,000. Associated with Mr. Georgeson are a number of local capitalists. Mr. Georgeson returned from Winnipeg Saturday evening. This question was brought up by Ald. Ainsley at the last, meeting of the City Council and treated to vome esting find will be made within a few days by a large party armed with ropes, torehes and cameras. eras ee What Geordie. Praticy Made of Hie sExpertment work, and half boldly offered to.chauxe placgs with his wife on the following day. Net PRYing he was roused from sweet a by the prod.of sbarp elbow in his ribs. Haltpast six, said the votce of his wite by Wellag what of t? be mumbled. dofiPhave to go to work this morn- 'No, aald shie; but I'm going out myself the time you generally do; so hurry ap and dress yourself, and got the fire lit: I want my cup of tem and round of toast. z He stared at-her moodily; but, re membering their compact, began to nddle on his clothes. Fifteen min tes pasked. during which time Mrs: y Iny listening intently. Am I to wait all the morning for that tear she called out. There was no answer; but the nolse 4 the Kitchen had awakened the elght ehildren who-slept in the adjoining apartment. Tm 20 firety, please, shrill volce qeavered nut; ' I fink I shall crack soon It you don't go to sleep again. roared Mr. Pratley, you'll wish you'd never woke up ai all He burst in on his wife with hideously blackened face and hands. I believe I've caught the chimney alight, he announced huskily. I put drop of paraffin on, and the Same all went T ean't--help your he tly, speaking os he would have spoken had their positions been reversed. He glowered at her, then turned on his heel, muttering, and withdrew once more. She got up, laughing silently, and Washed and dressed. When she aroused the infant sleeping 1 the cot Deside the bed. and washed and dres- ed him, too. By this time, the other children seemed to have declared in body for red anarchy. It was diff- cult, hearing. their uproar, to believe that there were only eight of them. Left to His Fat Well, good-bye, George, crooned Mrs. Pratley, veeping into the kitchen where her husband crouched over a desolate black grate. I'm off now You'll-have to do with bread-and- scrape and 4 drink of water, said Mr. Pratley to the children later, as he sawed away at a loaf. Then the knife slipped. Here, Amy. he sald, when he had pound up the wound, bread-and-dripping for em. So Amy did as she was bid, with proud dexterity. And the children condoned the unsatisfactory repast for the sake of the attendant excitement as childten will. And whet are we going to do next, father? asked James, the eldest son, aged eleven, who had somehow got it iiito his head that all this was a new sort of. game. aint we Boing to nave any tee to drink? whimpered Myrtle, the yourgest but three. Out of His Misery Flow can you have tea when the fire won't light? exclaimed Mr. Prat- ley. Do have some sense about you And now, out you go We'd rather. stop and watch you, father, please, yentured James. watch me What for, Sis s0 funny the boy aiswered ual. ain't half 0 funny as feel MI bave any more of your Ip, my sont cried his . outraged parent. Now am to tell you all again? And then, just at the breaking-strain f th crisis, he heard the kitchen open softly behind him He ed, and rose quickly. Well, George, and how are you get- Hie Hold om Fame, Brant siok r, tbe blow. rapber or the iste Sir Henry trving, telin a story illustrative of-tis distio- ulahed patron's well khown aversion to-having a,couater attraction sharing the attention at a theater during any ir Heury s pertormancer. ' Sir Heoty wan piaying bts osuat London engagement ones when. Nan- seb, then io the belght of kis fame as an arctic explorer, came back. from an expedition to search of the north pole, Tho cortaln was Just about to rise one evening when Stoker came be: bind the scenes with, the vews that Nansen was sitting tp. the royal box, Irving received the news in silence. A few minutes later one of the mem bers of the company bastled mp to the star to tell him the same thing, Irv ing merely rupted. And right on the heels of this upcame a Sottering wo Fo i tt if I f f a S258 fi 4 i 5 4 i iit Fe iil ite ont was his wife. Never before had MBe sesmed so beautiful, even in their courting days. I thought you might hay got into yble enough by now, sald she, so Mr. Thornburn, of this party of dis- coverers, is a resident of Bakersfield, Cal., and hes been-spending a few days visiting with Rev. Mr, Dim- muck, The Californian is greatly pleased with the country and the fine scenery in this district, and is. ull of curiosity to know just how big the. hole in Mt. Fernie discovered by his party will prove to be, Visions of stalagmites, stalactites, icicles, blind bats and sightless fishes Be Made to. Ascertain Ex- tent of Hole. been awakened in mountain climbing hete by the discovery of what may prove to be a great attraction near the summit of Mount Fernie. UNKNOWN DEPTH. Rev. J. R. Dimmock, Thomas Rob- to be seen from the top of the moun- tain aday or two ago, when one of the party, exploring the basin whith Hies just over the Fernic face of the mountain, - discovered that at the funnel-shaped pit, in which rocks and logs had gathered, there was a cavity almost entirely hidden from view. Removing a large stone from the place a hole of unknown depth was exposed to view. Stones of all sizes, from a gnose- egg to the s2 of a peck measure were dropped into, the cavity and it was found that these rocks descended to great depths, sending back rever- berations from their contact with the sides of the savern until the sounds became almost inaudible, finally dy- ing away into silence. The loose rocks and timbers had covered the opening in this cavity in the mountain and the party of dis- coverers were fearful os loosening up these rocks in such a was as to cause a sudden descent of the whole col lection into what seemed to them might be a large opening, and they refrained from further research until better means could be secured to re- move the stopper from the neck of are floating through the mists of im- agination now belogging the minis of the party. S TS INVESTIGATING CHINESE OucSTiON Rey. Dr. Moore Thinks the yyment of White i is a (W. A. P. Dispatch) Toronto, Sept. 24 Rev. T. Albert Moore, secretary of the Methodist Department of Moral and Social Re- form, s conducting an extensive in- vestigation into the question of whether Chinese restaurant keepers and laundrymen should be allowed to employ white women. Dr. Moore considera the question . one of the: most vital on s before the country, No definite action has been taken by the legislative bodies-of the Domin- fon regarding the question, with the exception of the Province of Saskat- chewan, where it is a criminal of- fence for a Chinaman to employ white girls. WASHINGTON STATE FAIR (Special to the News.) North Yakima, Wash., Sept. 23. The annual exhfbition of the Wash- ington State Fair Association opened here today with a busy week in pros- pect. The exhibits of live stock, horses, poultry, fruit and agricultur- al products are the best that have ever been seen here, and everything Do you think you could Baby a minute? The fashionable side effect is appar wot both im the reveres and the em velope akirt. ANTIETAM CAMMEMORATED New York, Sept. 21 Tho fttieth anniversay of the battle of Antietam was celebrated today in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, under, the auspices of the War Veterans and Sons As- sociation, Preceding the literary ex- which surviving veterans of the fifty- three New York regiments that fought at Antietam took: the leading part, points to most successful fair. SSSSSHSSSSSSS SSS SHS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSRS SSS SSS SSHSs SS ercises there was a large parade in ep. map, super Ob, Sir Henry, did you know the great Nansen was ont tn front? Nansen? Nansen? said Irving an though be were trying to remember od sald: who this person Nansen might be, Oh, yes. The chap wh welll Saturday Evening Post, One Each In Imagination. Don't you think it absurd, Herr Bolimann, to go about always tp ao automobile suit when you have oo auto? : Oh, 1 haven't one, to be sure, but the b ro of the-novel that 1 am writ- ing bas two Lustige Biatter. ERR REE REPRE EEEEE EE Consistency. A man will stick around a sa- Joon for two hours aod get Into four Oghts arguing about base ball. Then be will go bome and cuss his wife for gossiping witb. the woman next door Cincin- nati Enquirer. - Subscribe now for the Daily News. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESSSSSSSS S SSSSSSSSSSS Say, Mr. Investor don t wake up to find that Winnipeg people have bought up all the lots in ROSEMONT tands the cold o rf hy We are in a position to offer to the citizens of Medicine Hat guar- anteed absolutely pure milk, Now 18 the time to make sure of your winter supply of milk and we are now taking in our winter customers. The Dairy is up-to-date in every resp ct now, having gone toa great expense in fitting the Dairy with the most up-to-date machinery re quired in the Dairy business. OUR SPECIALS: Guaranteed certified Milk for Infants and Invallds, taken from Jor- sey Cows which have passed the Government Tubercular Test. CREAM: : We also offer table Cream testing 18 per cent. butter fat and whip Cream testing 26 per cent. buiter fat, ; PHONES: RURAL, 205; CITY, 198. Tu-Sat. er OhOOfO-FO--OF0b0LOLOLeTeLeteHe FOLe-herer+om TRE REVELSTONE SAM, G0. UID We carry in stock a full line of Building Material Lumber, Lath, Cement, Plaster, c., Fir Finish and Flooring a Specialty: Yard, North Railway Street. i 3 Phone 59 3 : FOF 0-000 0-0-0 0-O-18-F 0-04 0-L0--8-+0 OF-6--019+0+0 OPO 04-0 rp COLE Or Ot OL OO SALOPMLOLOL LOLOL OLAboboked, ROSEMONT Is far enough away from the nois caused by the shunting of trains to be a most desirable residential district. You can buy Rosemont lots at Price of Lots 200 up. interest ONLY 6 per cent. These lots will double in price while you are paying for them. Kennedy Pool PHONE 428. subective aiwiantne batty owe GIS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS - ROSEMONT Is only one mile from the centre of Medicine Hat, so it should be immed- do near this property. ROSEMONT Lots will make more money for you than any other lots in Medicine Hat. ROSEMONT Which is the most suitable property for building the homes of the Canad- ian Northern Railway employees, joining as it does the quarter section recently purchased by the C. N. R. for their shops, roundhouse and yards iately supplied withe Gas, Water, etc. ground floor prices on terms of 25.00 CASH 25.00. - Every 2 Months S SSSSHESSSSSSSSSSSHSS SSSSSSHESSSSSSSSSSSSHSHHSSSS HES SS SSSSSSSSS SESS ss sea 617 THIRD AVENUE. This ts 1 Society at Held every WILL Our Motto:. J. A. Ca 711 Phone 626. Houses for vonstruction Annex, Blo Hav sever eive it prox cording to tawa St, f One on Hi which I cai or job work EXc, HEAVY CONCRI J.J. 116 MON Ph MEDICINE HA Horse Rear 812 Fou Dream Beg to announc pleted arrangen the business of General Feed double outfits: sale or hire. The Company tions of express automobile. Enquiries soli Pl
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Image 535 (1912-09-24), from microfilm reel 535, (CU1739751). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.