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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Net reer eer The man who puts Qual- ity and Style first and price second and buys Invictus Shoes obtains the best results from every standpoint. They wear longer, they look better, they cost less in the end, for two pairs of Invictus Shoes wilt outwear any three pairs of ordinary: Shoes. Nothing but the best of seasoned leather; That makes them keep their chape. 3 You pay for a good shoe. SHOE. H. S. Ireland, *s8,2 Invictus gives you THE BEST GOOD BURNING OF CAS NIGHT AND. DAY IS UNIOUE FEATURE British Capitalists Touring West Arrived in the City Last Night. TOURED WHOLE DISTRICT AND ARE-MUCH PLEASED Majority of Members Left for Edmonton This Morn- ing Others to Banff. The members of the British party touring: Canada and who have. been looking over the immense irrigation works of the Southern Alberta Land LEONARD FLANNIGAN Crawford Peaches and t : Italian Prune Plums 1.1 Per Case High-class Groceries, Dry Goods and Ladies Wear. LEONARD FLANAGAN, PROPS. Th preference to all other Pianos BECAUSE The Gourlay isnot swinging on a pedestal so to speak,. or in. other words, trading on the good work of a past generation iT IS BUILDING IT S REPUTATION Now. BECAUSE The Gourlay is the only Ganadian- made instrument using the White and Wil- cox player patents, which have cost their in- ventors many thousands of dollars to protect they have invested their i i Gour- lay. 2 BECAUSE We want to put our mcney into the E best line of pianos obtainable We have sel- ected the cream of the market under which to Place our firm name. WE HAVE INVESTED OUR BEST IN THE GOURLAY. WHY NOT YOU? The Medicine Hat Music Co. South Railway St. Under the Big Fiddle. EVERYBODY KNOWS that the wealthy men of today are those who wisely invested a small saving a few years ago, while the knockers of today are those who stood by and now envy the-other fellow. Let us show you some Bood prospects that will appeal to the most conservative buyers. Now is your opportunity Don t be knocker. BUY A HOME INVESTIGATE on Balmoral St, a 6 roomed house well built and well paint- Werslso have one of the Dest Acreage tracts close to Indus- ed om a large lot 50x150 ft., for . only 2650, trial sites. WRIGHT DAY Phone 790. Main St. RENTAL AGENTS for Stores, Offices and Suites of rooms in the new Hull Block. FALL 1912 - .MEes, a ARRIVED , COME WITH THE CROWD AND GET AN UP. TO-DATE SUIT AND OVERCOAT. THREE HUNDRRED SAMELES TO CHOOSE ROM. Repairing, Cleaning and Pressing. FUR COATS REPAIRED. GEO. CAMPBELL 881 NORTH RatEWay. OPP. C. P. KR. DEPOT 3 : FIND OUT HOW MUCH YoU ARE MISSING. e THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY, MOTHER'S BREAD HOOK FOR THE LABEL, 7 PHONE 256 The Fair ee Company, arrived in the ofty late last night, The majority of the party left early this morning on the local for Edmonton. A few of the Party left at noon for Banff, while the balance will go East this even- ing. gt; Messrs, Genfell, Buekley and Sir Ronald Lane, the leading lghts of the party, went to Edmonton. Speaking to one of the members of they were much taken with Western Canada, more 90 than the East. The tremendous undertaking which the Southern Alberta Land Co. is rapidly bringing fo an end proved a revela tion to the majority of them. A dig share of the party are stockholders or directors of the Land Co., but many of them have never before vis- ited the works, They toured pract- jeally the whole district of Medicine Hat and the promising outlook for a bumper crop impressed them most favorably. The natural gas proved startler, many of them having never heard of the like; while as to leaving the lights of the clty burning night and day they thought it one of the unique features of the west. HOMERTEADERS MAY LEAVE THE'R LAND TO GO HARVESTING Commissioner Has Issued Fee to That Ef- ect. All homesteaders who wish to leave their land to go harvesting may do 80, The Commissioner of Dominion Lands has issued instructions to this effect. Many of the homesteadera who have no crop often wish to leave thelr land for a short time, but the fear that they would be cancell- ed has always prevented them. In the past only men who wished to take up railroad construction work tn the winter Were grented this privilege. It will be necessary, however, that a homesteader going harvesting shoulA notify the department directly or the local land officials so that no cancellation will be accepted against their property. Incase It is can- celled, however, homesteaders in their defence of the cancellation can easily prove that they were harvest- ing. The ending of the harvesting operations, however, end thelr pro- tection and they must then go back to their land. BARTLETT ABBOTT. A quiet wedding was. solmenized in St. John s church Saturday evening, Sept. Tth, by Rev. J. W. Morrow, when Mr. Thos. Bartlett of Hbura, B. C., was united in the bonds of, holy-matrinfony to Miss Mae Alot of New Hampshire, U.S.A. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. James Bruce, 722 Princess. Avenue, a son. The Woman's Mission Circle of the Baptist church will hold the regular they ae nam acains. be cald that THE MARKET REPORTS MESIOIE HA'T DAILY News. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs, Hamm and little daughter, who have been spending the summer with Mrs. Woodland, left yesterday for thelr home in Boston. Mrs. Hamm's brother, Mr. Crosby, accom- panied them as far ax Regina. Superintendent Crow and wifesof Calgary spent the day in Hat the guest of Mr. und Mra Pham. McKay, Main St, wre The first of several social events which are to be held this fall and winter by the choir of the Methodist Chureh; took place last evening in the basement of the church. The choir, which now numbers thirty five, entertained the friends of + its mombers, the total number present, being over sixty-five. The evening was spent pleasantly with games and music. A duet by Mrs. A. Point er and Allen Golding and a baritone, solo by Mr. Golding were well re ceived. Refreshments were served. Mrs. R. C. Beeker and little daugh ter left last night for Winnipeg. Miss Alotta MeNecley left for To ronto last night. The G. 1A. to the B. of L. B. will hold thelr regular meeting Wednes- day evening, Sept. 11th, at p. m. Wonipeg, Sept. 10. Wheat op- ean exchanges, opened higher and the wheat market generally assumed a stronger tone. Business was active at the opening but very quiet. during the last hour. There is a good de- mand in Liverpool for both Wheat and oats, but Canadian exporters are being forestalled by heavy United States shipments,the United States exporters are extremely busy. just now. There is a good cash demand for all under No. 2 Northern, but business in top grades is hard to get. Canadian millers are holding off for the present. There was some improvement in receipts which in- cluded twenty cars of new wheat. The totaf cars inspected were 96, and in sight there were 15. Cables clos- ed to higher. The weather is cloudy in eastern Manitoba, but clear and calm gen- erally over the west. Wheat, Oct.,- opened, 88 , clos- ed 88 ; Dec, 854, 83; May, 893, 903. Oats, Oct., 363, 361; Dec., 33 , 328. Flax, Oct, 151 , 1514. CASH PRICES. No. 2 Nor.) 97; No. 3 Nor:, 90; No. 4 Nor. 88; No. 5 Nor., 804 No. 6 Nor., 62. Feed, 59. Oats, No. 2 G.W., 434; No. 3 C.W., 41. Ex. No. 1 Feed, 42; No. 1 Feed, 414: No. 2. Feed, 37. Barley, No. 3, 53; No. 4, 47. Flax, rejected. 150; condemned, 1203. AMERICAN MARKETS. Chicago, Sept. 10. Sept., 903, 914; Dec., 903, 903; May, 843, 954. Minneapolis, Sept. 10. Sept., 853, 858; Dec., 894, 888; May, 923, 933. Chicago, Ill., Sept. 10. Bullish ca- bles today caused the wheat market to take an upturn. Opening p-ices were 2 to higher. December start- fed at 904 to 908 and. advanced at gt; to to split. Oats held steady. December start- ed a sixteenth off to like amount up. at 323 to 32 and hardened to 328 split down. Liverpool, Sept. 10. Closing wheat: Spot, steady; No. 1 Mani- toba, nominal; No. 2 Manitoba, 6s. 6d.; No. 3 Manitoba, 8s. 244.5 fo- tures strong; Oct., 7s. Tid; Dec., Te. 5ad. Corset Sale, all sizes and styles, worth up to 1.50, om sale Wodnes- day and Thursday 85 cents pair. See window display. Goods Co. poets tee eee ee s A GOOD WANT AD. + + tions. both in Winnipeg and Ameri - THE REASON We sell so much prop rty Is be: cause we always make our cUents large, sure and quick return, . Specially Selected Unbeatable Snaps HERALD Block 17 Splendid corner, tac- ing Ottawa St. only 750. Usual terms. Block 17 Inside lots, facing Ottawa St, only 735 per pair. Usual terms. Block 2 Magniticent view of the river and city, only 700 per pair, Usual terms. RIVERSIDE Block 18 50 feet on the boule- vard, commanding magnifi- cent view of the river and city, 785. Easy terms, Block 15. Only 600 per pair, Usual terms. COUSINS AND SISSONS Block 20 Prectically . facing new school site, 735. per pair cash, or 300. usual terms. Block 19 700 per pair. Usual terms. Block 24, 600 per ie T. F. DAWSON Co. REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND MORTGAGE BROKERS. Phone 586, Toronto St, Box 262, REAL ESTATE ALTAWANA Block 10, Lots 3-4, 1,000, cash. Block 4, Lots 25-30, 1260 a pr, terms. RIVERSIDE Block 13, Lots 11-16, 735 a pr., terms. Block 15, Lots 36-40, 600 a pr., terms. HERALD Block 5, Lots 28-29, 1600 a pr., terms. Block 3, Lots 8-11, 950 a pr, terms. Block 7, Lot 16, 600. Terms. Block 17, Lots 39-40, 750 a pr., terms. CENTRAL PARK Block 29, Lots 1-2, 785. Terms BIk. 5, 37 ft, 875, terms. Block 27, Lots 81-32, 575, terms. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Block 27, Lot 32, 525, cash, Block 21, Lots 29-30, 1100 a pair. Terms. Gs ily Realy i Fire, Life, Accident, Hail and Plate Glass Insurance. 410 Main St. P. 0. Box 316, * + their * effect. Houses 24 of various kinds under construction, some nearing comple- tion. Fully modern. Apply to WH. ROSEWARNE- Builder and Owner. h Is, of course, one which will + monthly meeting on Tuesday after- noor: at 3,30 p. m. in the Class Room gt;ring the greatest number of - + of the church, At the close a social * Tepes or answers. It is a half will be spent. All the ladies of ** Jaw that increased demand the church and congregation are cor- ** makes certain the quicker f+ dially invited. 51-2 * sale, + as + The Want Ad. is the brief- of SCARCITY OF HOUSES FORCES ** est kind of an Ad, that is ever of PEOPLE TO BUY. List your houses written, and hence in its brev- +f with THE HOUSE. MEN, We have *f ity there must be wit-wisdom. enquiries daily. Medicine Hat Real The Want Ad. can only inter- Estate Exchange, Room 8, Imperial *f est the reader on the basis of +f Bank Building. . wt -F hls interest. Each vader is * interested in each and all of +f 7 a the five essentials to every of Beautiful Pietare Frames, worth 50 to 75 cents each, on sale Wednes- F Want Ad. These essentials, of day and Thursday for 25 cente each mee et ee eee * in jour basement. See window dis- F guce, are, Arm nla ever oe play. The Imperial Dry Goods Co. eee A basket social will be held on Thursday evening at the residence of the Misses Lalonde, 115 Ottawa St, under the auspices of the young lad- fes of St. Patrick's churc 523 The Woman's Auxillary of st. Bar- nabas church will hold a donation tea on Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 10th, at the home of Mrs, F. W. Mills, Main Street. 49-4 Corset Sale, all sizes and styles worth up to 1.50, on sale Wednes day and Thursday 85 cents window display. The Imperial Dry Goods. Co. ed; second the quality of the of artic e or the kind of thing fh advertised; third the price of -sf the article or thing advertis- of ed; fourth, the address, of (phone, or street number) of the advertiser, and, fifth, the - name of the advertiser, + When the above essentials + are fully and truthfu E ed in the Want Ad, the best results are obtained; but in f Proportion to the pumber of sf these essentials ommitted 4f from the Ad., does the advert- ser curtail the results to his + Ad. Each Want Ad. an * Kaiser's Old Timer 100 Cigar. Sb obeele checked cob peo heehee ohoh ee teepe tbh t eee, Seq Shportunity; look for them in +f. Phone 800. HOUSE FOR At a Bargain. New, fully modern, at 2600; 800 cash; easy terms, Small House and Lot, Ottawa St.'S., 1900, 7. 1050 Lot 18, Block 2100 Corner on Ave. 3500 Lot 4, Block 11, Main St. N, 900 pr., Lots 3-4, Block 81, H. S. Annex, with water, B. F, SOUGH, Piua, B. Columbia The News, 'Phona 13, DRUG STORE, TORONTO ST. OB Re oho Es fe oko fe oho fe of obs oe of ob + se *NOTICETO + + + ADVERTISERS + + + Patrons of the News + who desire to change + advertisements, * + will hereafter have to + * leave the copy for the t + same in the business office the day before * *+ the issue in which they + + wish the change to take eo * SEPP Eee eee eae The Imperial Dry prepared. Below is a Hsting form, Perry, Sewell Perry. to usval handling commission: Sub-Division . Price .. Improvements Great opportunities only make you feel ridiew leas you are prepared for them. A man without funds, one who cannot buy Medicine Hat Real Estate, fs less to be pitied than the man who has the goods but lacks the uerve to invest, Houses for sale and inal parts of the eltp. Big Investment Opportunities In Cousin, Get prepared for 1918's boom by buying now, aaa eee ee please fill in this blank form and mail to us, Medicine Hat, Sept. . I hereby list following property for sale with you, subject ee Neither are nd Sissons. If you have property to. sell seees W912, Block-vexs ARKANSAS COTTON MEN ORGANIZE (Special to the News.) Little Rock, Ark., Sept, 10. Repre- Sentatives of the cotton tndustry in Arkansas met here today to organize 4 State association for the protection of their mutual interests: One of the Principal aims of the association will be to bring about the repeal of the anti-future dealing law, which is de- clared to be seriously interfering with the cotton business in Arkansas and subjecting the planters-and buyers to an unnecessary loss of both time and money. To fasten two pieces of wood to- gether, end to end, is one use for a new nail with a point on each end that eomes from Europe, Aki electric bell designed. by its English inventor to make an espec- ially loud sound is rung by a motor instead of the usual magnet, A Nebraska man has invented a. rubber vacuum cap to be worn on the hand which he claims will en able any person to curve a baseball. To rebuild the pyramid of Cheops under modern conditions would cost 10,000,000 in money and the labor of 40,000 men for two years.. Loyal Order Of Moose Medicine fat Lodge No: 1073 . Meeting of Lodge to be held in Becker Block on ONCE to the Secretary, Wednesday at 8 p. m., prompt Dues to 30th September should be paid AT Mr, H. E. Howard, Im-* perial Bank, Medicine Hat, or at Lodge meeting. 51-2t Bd Phone 105 atcauals any that Mother used to bake. It's 80 good that once you try it, you'll see the folly of. bothering with home baking any longer. Suppose you take a rest for week and have us supply the bread? We think you'll - Itke our Butter Nut Bread as well 8 your own, perhaps better. Try it anyway, J. B. RICHARDSON, MER, ed in perfection. to taste. ed) it ts delicious. Main Street. CAMP - Coffee With Chicory is a highly concentrated essence made from carefully selected and blended coffees of the highest quality with a suitable proportion of Bruges chicory and pure cane sugar. It is manufactured by a special process whereby the full flavor and delicious aroma of freshly roasted coffee beans are retain- For each cupful use one teaspoonful of the -essenie, add boiling water, cream and sugar Made with heated milk (not poi ES 2 SS ED H.W. Ireiand Co. Phone 54. PPR RRA Eb hienieteiintelebieleietaitites Head of Exone Follov of Chi inist HE DID Bye-elec Divisic shire LABOR pops ohbifeobok ob teobeobek bet at Otta the has - +i obtain an exp Mother ranging of the ed. Sir ( ray, K. vate si stone a berry. permar treasur + Ohh oFe of fe fo ode ofe fe ole ofe ofe fe ole fe fe ode fe obs + +
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Image 449 (1912-09-10), from microfilm reel 449, (CU1739761). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.