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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Nik Special se You have been greatly pleased with the SPEC- Our i SNAPS we have been giving this Fall. RESS GOODS SPECIAL was very popular. THIS TIME IT IS SILK OUR REGULAR 1.00 QUALITY, Only 50 Cts. NE JUST OPENED 'W SILK AND NET BLOUSES he Glasgow House NORTH YUILL Block 7; 60 ft. corner, te GOOD BUYS Block 4, 75 ft, 1575 all, terms. Block 3, 50. ft corner, 1050, terms. Block 17, 50 ft, 735, terms. Block 14, 50 ft, 1200, terms. Block 22, 50 ft corner, 1200. TOWNSITE Block 86, 50 ft, 1450, terms. Block 86, 50 ft corner, 1800, Block 10, 50 ft. Inside, terms. RIVERSIDE BENDING Block 24, half Block, terms, terms. Block 85, 50 ft. inside, 1500, terms. CENTRAL PARK Block 17, 50 ft, 875, terms. terms. Block 5, 50 ft, 1350, torma, Block 13, 200 Block 7, 50 ft, 1100, terms. terms. is These times for the investor. mils ly. Are you getting your share? SOUTH YUILL terms. Block If, 50 ft. inside, 1050, Block: 9, 50 ft. inside, 850, terms 800, Block , 50 ft, 1500, terms. 4000, This is a good buy. Block 11, 50 ft. corner, 1250, 31200, tt, * 5000 ant, Property is moving rapid- Jarge am anecount. as i ONE DOLLAE will open an account in our Savings Department and your account will be MEDICINE HAT BRANCH / Fourth Avenue : : C. H. McDunnough, Manager LODO OP EERE POE eererg Imperial Bank of Ganada Capital Paid Up ... - - 6,460,000 Reserve Fund ... .- 6,460,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS: TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES, B, WILKINSON, Mamager. Medicine Hat Branch. ta Seeee Stedegerdrdeed LOSrrereerdoaodedey THE MERCHANTS BANK THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA, Established 1864. oo Capital Paid Up, 6,000,000. Total Assets (Nov. 80th. 1911) over 81,000,000. A general Banking Business Transacted. Savings Accounts, + Medicine Hat Branch W. 0. JOY, Manager to ts FALL 1912- 180 Branches in Canada. Speelal attention to SAMPLES ARRIVED COME WITH THE CROWD AND GET AN UP- TO-DATE SUIT AND OVERCOAT. THREE HUNDRRED SAMPLES TO CHOOSE FROM. epairing, and Pressing. FUR COATS REPAIRED. GEO. 381 NORTH RAILWAY. PHONE Tasker 666 apid LIGHT and HEAVY Piano Moving Deasonable DRAYING A Speciaity liable 864 Toronto Street CAMPBELL OPP. C, P, B. DEPOT Transfer Co. C. P. R. PASSENGER SERVICE. Effedtive June tnd, 1912, 9.40 9.50 S00, Ltd., Port.-St. Paul. Nos. 11 and 12 do not come into Medicine Hat, time at Dunmore shown. Medicine Nat Dews Published by the Medicine Hat News Co, Ltd, every lawtal evening at Its office, Main Street, Wedicine Hat, Alta, A. J. N. TERRILL, B tor, Passing Job Dopts. RING 7Q DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 y-ar, delivered....34.00 2 year by mall... 6 months, dlivered.. 00 months, by mall.... 1.50 3 months, by maf. ..t8e J month, delivered. ...380 Addresees changed as often as destred, but both ow and old ad resser nat be gtren. WEELLY NEWS. Published every Thursday in sixteen or more pages, and contains a eummay of the news of the week, local and district. months, tn advance 75e year in adyance.... 1.50 3 months, in advance. .f0e Tuesday, September 24th, 1912. , ALBERTA UNIVERSITY. . , 'THE University of Alberta will soon be in full swing again, and the industrious staff of twenty-four men busy with the pro- cess of developing matriculants into full- fledged graduates entitled to degrees. About 100 students began writing Friday morning at 9.30 on the examinations which are now being held. About 55 are writing on the medical examination, 10 are writing on the dental examination, 4 are architects, about 15 are writing on the University ma- triculation and the rest are students of the University of Alberta who are writing on the supplementary. examinations in order to pass on the which they were deficient last spring- st ey Thursday, September 26th, will be regis- tration day, and the corridors of the Uni- versity will present a busy scene. The staff of twenty-four professors are well qualified for their tasks and have been selected with care. This summer the staff has been strengthened by the addition of men selected by the President, Dr. Tory, when he was attending the Congress of Universities of the British Empire. About 250 students are expected to at- tend .the University of Alberta this winter. Seah is SA RECIPROCITY QUESTION. THAT Sir Wilfrid Laurier does not con- , Sider the reciprocity question a dead one is exemplified by his recent speech at Haileybury, Ontario. In the course of his address the Liberal leader stated that his attention had been directed to an article in the Montreal Star, criticizing his references to reciprocity in the Northern Ontario visit. The Star tells me, he said, that the people of Canada, in September last, pro- nounced against it, the debate was closed and I should no more speak of it. Tf this be true, if the debate be closed and plosed forever, then it would be ver: impolitie if nothing more; if I should con- iinue it:, Nay, though the remedy which we proposed was rejected by the Canadian people, the problem still exists and must be dealt with. I bow to the declaration that the people have rejected the remedy which we proposed, but fellow Canadians of On- tario for the sake of your country, face the problem. If you will not give the West re- ciprocity, find them a substitute, and give them the remedy they rightly seek at your hands. You can not leave the three prairie provinces in a state of discontent, if you are to have a united, contented and pros- perous Canada. If God spares me and keeps me in the spiendid health in which he is keeping me, I hope within the next few years to go ing everywhere I gan get an opportunity to go and ask the people as true Canadians, loyal to the best interests of the whole country, to look into the whole matter with me and consider the problem of the West: I want to win and I intend to do my best, but if I fail I will not whine. I will take my defeat like a man. So I say to the Montreal Star and those it represents, We shall not allow you to remain idle. You must deal with this prob- lem, because the interests of the whole of our country, the interests of the Canadian i e s6 cee 8 nation demand it and I am ready to go to 3 . ail the West and tell the people there the dis . 5 7 -yers interests of the East. Arrive, Leave. 20.20 20.45 Imp. Ltd, Montreal to Yanvouver 8.05 8.80 Imp. Ltd, Vancouver to Montreal. 11.15 1135 Vancouver Exp. Toronto to Van. 20.00 20.25 Toronto Exp., Vancouver to Tor. 21.50 22.15 St. Paul-Seattle Express. 4.00 420 Seattle-St. Paul Expresa. 2125 21.50 Prairie Exp., Winnipeg to Calgary. 625 .60 Prairie Exp., Calgary to Winnipeg, 514-517 6.05 Express from Kootenay Landing. 512-519 19.00 Local from Cranbrook. 23.00 Local from Calgary. 518-511 10.30 Local for Cranbrook. 520-518, 28.00 Express for Kootenay Landing. 630 Local for Calgary. 230 240 Soo, Ltd, St. Paul-Port, vertiping WAS concerned, the train which arrived. at Half a Million ys.00 avISen: Y 25,100; Telephone sub-station, 21,900. through the whole Province of Ontario, go- GIVES A LEG TO SAVE GIRL Newsboy to Permit Ampv- tation of Crippled Limb. Skin Therefrom Will be Grafted Over Wounds Caused by Burning THE CHIEF DESPATCHER. THE NEWS in its issue of last eyening found occasion to criticize the O. P. R. Chief Despatcher. The cirgumstances whieh gave rise to the criticismlay in the fact-that information con Saturday, was apparently withheld from a local business man, whose family left To- ronto on the train in question, but were not aboard when it reached Medicine Hat at 11.15. During the afternoon it was learned from train passengers that No. 3 was delayed to such an extent before reach- ing Winnipeg that a train was made up in that city and sent off on No. 3 s time to accommodate the passenger traffic further West. The original No. 3 came on through to Medicine Hat ten hours later, as the second section of No. 1. -The Chief Despatcher assures the News that his records will show this fact-was not made known to him from Moose Jaw and that, as far as the local despatching staff Gary, Ind., Sept. 4. William Rugh newsboy, will permit the amputa- tion of his crippled leg inca few daya so that its skin may be grafted on the body of Miss Ethel Smith, girl he has never seen. Miss Smith has been confined to bed for four weeks-as a result of se- vere burns and the attending physi- clans say that the only hope of her recovery is to graft enongh skin on her body to cover the wounds, When Rugh was appealed to he Promptly consented to make the sac- rifice. My leg is no good to me the way it Is, because I have never been able to walk or stand on it since I was child, he said. If it will eave that poor gir s life, she cam/have it. 11.15 was the o7 May Cease Work Socialists of Belgium Plan Huge Strike in Support of Universal Suffrage. (C. A. P. Cable) Brussels, Belgium, Sept, 24. A great genera) strike is projected by the Socialists of Belgium in support of the universal suffrage amendment to the constitution. Hostilities against the Government, which has) resolutely set its face against the: desir d legislation, will begin in No- Yember. Half a million workers, it ia calculated, wil be involved in the strike Which it is proposed shall last ; six weeks at a cost to their fund: estimated: at ten million dollars. The railways, the postal telephone servi- ces, mines, docks, arsenals, factories and workshops of all kinds are to be involved in what the promoters con- tend will be a bloodless campaign. position to relieve any anxiety which had The Chief further says that there was no intention of showing discourtesy on his: part, but that he simply regarded the interview at an end, when he stated that he had no information to impart. He did not hear any additional questions whieh were addressed to him on the subject. The Chief feels that he has a grievance against the News for subjecting him to the first eriticism of the kind which he has re- ceived since being in the O. P. R. service. The News regrets being placed in the posi- tion of having had to take the initiative in a matter of this nature and did so only with the object of Serving the public and the Company. Mr. Sutherland, as a busy man entrusted with a great responsibility and supposed to be inaccessible to the pub- li during the hours of duty, takes the stand that he discharged his full obligation in the short interview which was held. ett ee LESS WHISKEY. THE annual report of the Inland Revenue Department issued on Saturday con- tains revised figures of the liquor and tobac- co production of the Dominion of Canada for the last fiseal year. The quantity of spirits produced was 4,784,396 proof gal- lons, or nearly half a million gallons less than the production of 1911. The demand for Canadian whiskey abroad, larger than last year, shows a gradual diminution from the average of the last four years. In1908 Canada exported distillery products to the quantity of 412,859 gallons. In 1911 the export had fallen to 273,963 gallons. In 1912 the export was 298,769 gallons. The number of gallons of liquor manufactured in Canada during the fiscal year 1912 was 42,518,647, which -may be taken as the year s consumption in this country of dom- stic ale, and porter and beer. Very little is exported. Of this quantity Ontario brew- eries produced 22,900,301 gallons; Quebec, 11,119,888; New Brunswick, 505,205; Nova Scotia, 933,917; Manitoba, 4,108,884; Sas- katchewan, 849,193; Alberta, 2,677,481; British Columbia, 4,391,344; and the Yukon, 33,243, gallons. Sone ees EXPECT TO STRIKE IT. MEN, COME AND SEE FOR YOUR- SELF. The specialist can not give you one-third the benefits one de- rives from the use of Dr. Met- ager's Vitalizer Battery. The mild, galvanic current as ap- and life of the organs of the body; it quickly puts new life, vim and vigor into weak, worn-out, run-down systems. Cures Rheumatism, Weak Back, Stomach and Kidney trouble and Varicocele. No other body bat- LAST week Edmonton voted on six money bylaws aggregating 1,084,386.67. The money was to be donated to the following civic improvements: i Civic gas plant, 770,880; For park Jands, 150,380; Stores sit, south side, 66,000; Car barns site, 50,126; Bridges 42nd Street, ing; always ready for use, any Use, anywhere. A booklet with full par- ticulars mailed free;.sealed. * THE METZGER VITALIZER BATTERY C0. Rohl Block, Cor. 7th Ave. and 3rd St, Bast. x TuThSa- Calgary, Alta. Public Auction ON MARKET SQUARE SEPT 27, 1912. Commencing at one o'clock sharp. These sales will be held every Friday. Will sell Stock, Furniture or any- thing you have to sell. List. what you have to sell with the auctioneer or Mr. Calfirn. Watch for the ad. Thursday night. G, SATTERLEE, Auctioneer 62-2 NOTICE. We have purchased the Alberta IN VIEW of the fact that Medicine Hat Cafe. tormerty conducted by James claims to be able to generate the cheap- Sunred. and. Seer at tous, est electricity in Canada through the use 0f Gomer Montecal ana Noon Railway, natural gas, the cost of installing a street opposite depot. We solicit your pa- railway system in this city should not be tronaee. All the bylaws were carried with the ex- ception of the one calling for the expen ture of 770,880'for the installation of a municipal artificial gas plant. The defeat of this bylaw is attributed to the fact that Edmonton has hopes of striking natural gas. - z The franchise is arranged on a sliding seale in the capital. The number of votes each individual gets depends upon the value of his assessed pro . Those who own property valued from 200 to 2,000 have one vote; from 2,000 to 5,000, two votes; from 5,000 to 8,000 three votes; and all over 8,000 four votes. very great. The News will shortly be in a * pn aed position to farnish the voters with some in- QUAN SING. teresting figures in this connection. o SAYS the Ottawa Citizen: Medicine Hat, Alberta has just passed a bylaw for the installation of a new water system and fil- tration plant. To its eternal credit be it said that only nine votes were cast against it. Ottawa had bettersend and get some of its medicine, if it is as conducive to har- mony a8 that. E. Bartlett. Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyo: Industrial Spur Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation Plans, Etc. Room 14, Imperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat Phone 42 Subscribe NOW for The Daily News, Yuill Street. When you build, consider QUALITY fire. Don't be rex suaded to buy CHEAP LUM- BER because it's cheap uae the Very best. We have it, and er erything the Builder requires, FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PEOPLE BP. 0. BOX 29, PHONE 57 FORMALIN FOR SMUT 50c....Quart 25c....Pint DON T PAY MORE Pingle s Drug and Book Store : : 2 H. B. CURTIS CitySaleStables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sale. LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING. Hay for Sale. FRED McCLAIN PHONE 83. PROPRIETOR CROSSLEY BROS. 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 P. O. -Box 304, Estimates Free. Plans Prepared. OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONE NO. 868, 102 728 THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST. Heavy Teaming. Sand, Coal Gravel * Exeavating a Specialty. Light and Weary Horses for sale 23 All Times. F.S. LYON CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale, Phone No. 416 P. 0. Box 31, T. F. Reynolds PAINTER, ETC. Latest samples in Wall Paper. 120 Bighth Ave. Phone 600, trom Bruder ward via Ver ward througt icine Hat boundary. Build 2 The clearin has: been beg will proceed of the line. engineer of Railway, sta will be put o a considerable be put up thi mains fairly middle of grade. will be WOR 600 Deleg: Gathe Boston, Ma: opening sessi national. Con Commerce ar mercial orgat order here tt S. Smith, the Congress, the Copley Plaza utmost capa hundered dele mercial bodie lized world. grand of Bru the presiding by Mr. Smit Nagel, Secre' Labor of the the delegates on bebalf of
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Image 531 (1912-09-24), from microfilm reel 531, (CU1739739). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.