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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ill be cis increased in a ena spa time. This means money to the wide-awakeinvestor. Three Factories Secured in One Week and More to Follow. REDCLIFF 18 RAPIDLY BECOMING A BIG MANUFACTURING CENTRE AND POPULATION IS POURING IN. IMPO RTANT RAILWAY ANNOUNCEMENT: SOON TO BE oes 70; Pay Roll Pay Roll Pay Roll ae 9,000 5,000 800 Redeliff Realty Redeliff Hotel Com pany Stores, Bank, fone ard etc. 12: Pay McLean WEL tien Co. (CONTRACTORS) FACTORIES TO BE BUILT AT ONCE ARE: Redcliff now has industries and their pay roll is as follows Redcliff Brickand Coal Co. 150;-Pay Roll 12,500 Redcliff. Clay Products Co. Alberts evan ene Iron Co. 65: Redcliff Mill Elevator Co. 6; Pay Rol 10; Pay 15; Pay Roll THE DIAMOND FLINT GLASS CO., OF TORONTO, LARGEST GLASS FACTORY IN THE WEST. a4 ' THESE THREE NEW CONCERNS WILL EMPLOY FROM 500 TO 1,000 MEN. H. MUNDERLOH COMPANY, OF MONTREAL, LARGEST WINDOW GLASS FACTORY IN CARS ae: WALLOFF MOTOR COMPANY, LIMITED, CANADIAN FACTORY FOR WEST. Roll Roll 1,000: 1 900 800 1,200 NOW IS THE INVESTORS OPPORTUNITY TO GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR, BEFORE PRICES BEGIN TO SOAR. THINK WHAT THESE NEW FACOTRIES TO REDCLIFF S FUTURE AND THEN BUY ALL THE REDCLIFF PROPERTY YOU CAN HANDLE. eee eto eee ese So etease eosin Toronto Street, Medicine Hat MeeSeetetts eee thong atees Be-sheede eto ho skeateaboate eee sae soso steateeeate ate tSe-egs See the Stoner Ageney About i sesso ese ecto ee e so sleet Seat ateateste eee eeate a WILL CAMPERS 10 DE WELCOMED Lethbridge Preparing for the Sight of Dunnage Wagons Galore. FARMERS UR URGED T0 DRIVE IN. Special Arrangements Are Made fora Tented City Every Modern Conven- ience, Lehtbridge, Alta, Sept. 26 The Board of Control of the Internation- al Dry-Farming. Congress has ar- ranged for the care and corafort of large number of farmers from 100 miles or so distant from the city by setting apart a large tract of land adjacent to the exposition grounds as a tented city, Farmers who can do so are urged to come prepared to stay the entire week and to drive in and camp witirthe others, making a most congenial party. The racing stables at the xposi- tion grounds. will be set apart for those who drive in or who send in their dunnage wgons, andthe horses Cook wagons will be welcomed and as the threshing season will be over It fs anticipated that there will be serpentine trail of dunnage wagons and cook and camping outfits across the prairies of Southern Alberta, all making for the great farmers conven- tion, The city is arranging for the best sanitary camp ever constructed and there will be plenty of the best water for domestic purposes, good walks and drives, and. the tent clty will be lighted by electricity and policed most efficiently. Every farme?who contemplates at- tending the congress and exposition nd bringing his camping outSt will be Welcomed and every facility will be placed at his disposal. Tents will be obtainable only in a limited number, probably, but nearly every grain COUSIN IN TONS GIRL REWARDED She Tracked Retative by Gace Whom Police Wani FATHER COMPLAINANT Aceused is Also Charged With Theft of a Horse and Buggy. Windsor, Sept. 26 Miss V. Wag- ner, daughter of Thomas Wagner, of Cottam, has shown her ability as a sleuth and as a reward for her efforts, gtower is well supplied with tents Which led to the arrest of Charles H. and threshing outfits, The camp Doss, the young girl will receive halt fire stories of the venings will be of the Goverhmient reward for catch- one of the d lights of the eneamp- ing the: all ged lorse thief. Miss ment. Those who intend to take ad- Wagner recognized Doss-in a Detroit vantage of this offer should communt- hospital, where he and his young wife cate at their earliest with J. W. Mc- Were calling on a sick relative. Young Nicol, chairmn of the Mrs, Doss way formerly Miss Grace mittee, relative to the assignment of Dodge, of Leamington, and is a cou- space and the reservation of stable ac- in of Miss Wagner. commodations. Tn the last quarter, 2,629 applic- ants for membership in the Molders International Union were obligated, High Constable Campeau later ar- rested Doss in Detroit. Doss is also * waiited for the: theft of 102, from Ui Miss Wagner's father, The prisoner was brought across the river yester: day, examined in Police Court, and 3,187 suspended members reinstated and 39,921 was paid im benefits. The international union bas, since committed for trial on separate char- ges of horse stealing and robbery. will have the best of shelter and care. 1896, paid 2,111,100 in benefits. According to Wagner Doss called Choose a Gurl With To Get Loving Wife, Says Dentist Washington, Sept: 26. Girls with pink tinted teeth have a lov- ing disposition and will make good wives, said Dr Jacob S. Wells of Fareo, N. Dak, a delegate to the National Dentists Convention Yeung men would dowel if they would hnve thelr sweethearts? teeth examined before marrying them. Girls who have dull, chalky feet mr not prone to love and will not as a general thing make good ive Girls of wifely inclinations have the pink tint just below the an be readily seen if one would look closely. 3 some dentists state, in overhanging of the gums. It gon gt; onan nd not, t the beet curse for a young man to pursue cbort the sincerity of his aweetheart is to have T know one who did this. teeth and that ahe loved him for his facto, the formation of his teeth Gentict examine Ler teeth, nse he determined t white, clear teeth the iM, come to.distinetion In the world. at his home on several occasions in the early part of July. After one of these visits, Wagner says he found a tin box where he concealed his money broken open and the money, toge- ther with some jewelry; missing. A few days after the money was taken Doss married Miss Dodge: The second charge against the young man is for the alleged theft of a horse and buggy from Bll Bertrand, of Kings- aille. Pink Teeth e. A cottvention of the machinists em- ployed on the Northern Railway of Canada was held in Toronto, Ont last week. The chief subject of dis- enssion was a resolution to consoli- date the entire membership of that particular branch under one head. The color is He tound The cartage employes are the lat- lest at Toronto, Ontario, to make an effort to become part of the great army of labor. A special organizer is at work, trying to round up thr men with the intention of, forming a The disposition of person can If you see. person chsinces are he or she will have a CHURCHILL NOMENATED (W.- ..P. Dispateh) Concord, N. -H., Sept. 27. Winston Churchill, of Cornish, the well-known author, was)nominated for Governor by the Progressives here. yesterday, National issues, was adopted. Equal Suffrage and Easy Divorce Roa Cardinal Gibbong in Address Thinks it Wowld Enhance the Evil. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 26. Cardinal Gibbons told 550 men at tlie. City. Club Iuncheon here, that if. a dristor ian ever has cause to write the de- cline and fall of the American Re- wublic, t would-not be.due to an invading army, at to the. srimimal sloth and negligence and the politi- cal apostasy of our own citizens. * Before his address he said in an authorized interview: Wqual suffrage, in my opinion, would tend toward increasing di- , Which-is a socal blot on the States and is the greatest evil of the day. If women had equal political rights with men, there is a probability that. provocation she would Given such equality she step the bounds. Women sont conditions are too prone th: tie dtvomne courtas-atot: paula equality might make them more so. Tt might have the effect of turning their heads. Divorgs is now tod easy to get. If a husband leaves home for 2 cou- ple of weeks and his wife wants free- dom she is likely to use his absence as a pretext. Nowadays if a wo- man can not get a/divorce in her own state, she goes off to Nevada, where it is made easy. One of the worst featurts of the divoreo evil, is ite bad effect upon children. Whea parents separate, it means separation of ehikiren, of bro- thers and sisters. Qhildren thus be- reft of proper family influences are likely to go astray. Divorce is increasing in the Unit- ed States. The evil prevails,frere more generally than any other coun- try. We miust get back to the gos pel. The laws should be: made more strict, so that it would not be so easy to disrupt marriage on fimsy on the urrion. and a platform, largely confined to Copper- polored N Women Suc- STRANGE HUED HAIR. . which gives them cOpper-colored, CHANGING SKIN TO SUIT COSTUME ceeding the Pink-cheeked Beatuies in Paris. New Color a a Happy Find for Certain Types of Wo- men. Paris, Sept. 26 Parisian women are tommencing to resemble Oriental Princesses, .and what is more, are Powdering and painting and dyeing their hair after Oriental standards. Tho pink-cheeked beauty is no more seen, but .a copper-eqlored woman with highly strange hued hair has re- placed her. -With-her astuteness and sense of what is apropos the Paris - jan woman-is changing her skin to suit her costume. This is so true that the following paragraph has just sppeared in one of the fashionable Papers: Until recently women only dream- ed of a white and rose skin. Every- thing changes. A few vitra elegant worren have just made an innovation and are using a deep yellow powder (Moorish complexion. This now pow: der is the latest of our 0+ go quettes. One is thus talaga of the gener- al trend of fashion in complexions. It must be said that the new color of the skin if obtained artificially seems a happy find ie certain tenes of women. He Dared to Defy ' German Emperor Old Norwegian Pilot De- clined to Quit Bridge , When Ordered to Do So. Paris, Sept. 26 An amusing anec- dote concerning tthe Kaiser, said to have been told by a member of the German Wacht Club, Is published in Excelsior. One day as the Imperial yacht was entering Norweigian port, the Kal- ser, impatient at the slowness of the vessel's Speed, himself rang the bell indicating increase speed. To the pretexts. Kalser amazement . the Norwegian gt; f She is a great-grand-daughter pilot rushed to the telephorle and cried out to the engineroom to slow down and take no notice of the bell, The Kaiser looked at the man who dared to sffeak thus in his presnece Go and put yourself under arrest shall not leave this place, re plied the old man firmly. Phe ship is under my guidance, and I take or- ders from nobody, not even an Em- peror. The officers looked on in silence, for they, knew thatthe pilot had the nautical rights in his favor. Great was their surprise, however, when they saw the Kaiser quit the bridge, leav- ing the pilot alone. The next day the Kaiser, who had recovered his: good humor, decorated the old sailor, and named him his official pilot in Nor- wogian waters. Tewish Families: to Soon Be Alfied Baron Mayer von Roths- child and Miss* Clarice Montefiore to beMarried. London, Sept. 26. The two most famous and richest Israclitic families in the world are to be umited by marriage. Baron Alphonse Mayer yon Roth- schild, of Vienna, is to marry Miss Clarice Sebag-Montetiore, of London, is announced. of the late Sir Moses Montifiore, the distinguished philanthropist. Sir Moses, ha ing made a great fortune, retired from business in 1812. He elled far and wide, and, with with open purse, relieved the suffer- ing of his distressed co-religioniste. He was knighted in 1837, on the oc- casion of Queen Victorig s visit to the city of London, and was made a baronet later. Baron Alphonse Mayer Yon Roth- wchild is one of the six children of Baron Albert Salomow von Roth- schild, who married his cousin Bet - tina de Rothschild, of Paris. Baron Albort Salomon von Rothschild has the most acute anind of the family at the moment, according to rather envious financial experts. The building laborers and hod car- riers of Joplin, Mo., will hereafter get aminimum of 2 a day of cight hours-for the coming year. Previous to their organization their maximum wages were L26fa day of ten hours. ee Believe Christ Will Return Oct, 1914 Internatio Bible Stu- dents ? Declare Hope is Founded on the Bere tures. Omaha, Sept. 26. The second-com ing of Jesus Christ fs scheduled for Oct. 1, 1914 and 1000 men and wo- men in ifft rent portions. of the Une ited States and Canada are busily making preparations for the event, The members of the sect which has for ts principal tenet the end of the present world are holding weekly meetings in half the large cities of the country, but so unobtrusive are they that few outsiders have been made a quainted with the prediction that the time of the second coming of Christ is so near at hand, On Getober 1, 1914, it is declared, Abtaham, Isaac, Jacob and a host of old Jewish prophets, extending trom the time of Abraham down to and in- cluding John the Baptist, will appear in person in Jerusalem, where they will live for one thousand years or 80, of perhaps forever, The International Bible Students ig the nanie which the members of this sect call themselves. The, leader of the mbyement fn Omaha is John A. Gillespie, a resi- dent of this city for neecly half a century. Gillespie Was formerly sup- erintendent of the State School for the Deaf and is a hardheaded man of business affairs. Others in Omaha who belongs to the Students ineInde the head of a department of Harri lt; man Tailroads, several mail carriers, several professional men, street car motormen and conductors, business men and others of those classes, Pure Biblical teaching, every word of it, says Gillesple. All you haya to do to see that these things are coming is to read the Bible ingelli- gently, There was. the old world, which began with Eden and ended with the food. Then . started the present world, and this will end Oc- tober 1, 1914. After that there will be the world to come. What will Abralfim, Jacob, Isaac andthe prophets do when they come back to earth? wag asked They will rule a princes of the. entire earth. There wil be no king over them, Or, rather, they will take orders direct from Jentis Christ. Christ will be on earth; but only, im the spirit, whilevall the old apr wit9 here in person, M
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Image 555 (1912-09-27), from microfilm reel 555, (CU1739771). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.