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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Present Dally Average 1606 Ooples. Advertisers in Detly got the benetit the Weekly. country circulation. No extra charge. Books open to ad vertisors, VOL. 3.NO. 70 lt;p. AAT 10 BEN MEDICINE HAT NEWS MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 1, 1912 OLIS OF CANAL DAILY EDITION ars x A AGREEMENTS CLOSED FOR TWO 3,000 BARREL FLOUR MILLS TO COME HERE Ald. Brown Wires Information That He is Returning Hon Home With Signed eed erst: wight Be Bie outcome ot a war With Maple Leaf Flour Mill Co., and Manitoba and Ontario Flour Mill Com- pany For Each to Erect Their Western Mills Here. WILL MAKE FOUR FLOUR MILLS IN THE CITY AND ESTABLISH MEDICINE HAT AS THE MILLING CENTRE OF WESTERN GANADA MEDICINE HAT S FUTURE AS THE MILLING CENTRE OF WEST- ERN CANADA IS ASSURED. MAYOR SPENCER RECEIVED A TELE- GRAM FROM ALD. M. A. BROWN THIS MORNING ANNOUNCING THAT HE HAD CLOSED AGREEMENTS WITH TWO-OF THE BIGGEST MILLING CONCERNS EIN CANADA TO: ERECT A THREE THOUSAND BARREL MILL EACH IN MEDICINE HAT. THE CONCERNS ARE: THE MAPLE LEAF FLOUR COMPANY, LIMITED. MESSRS. FRASER AND NESS, OTTAWA, (MANITOBA AND ON- TARIO FLOUR MILL COMPANY.) THE ABOVE TWO MILLS WITH THE OGILVIE MILL OF 4,000 BARRELS, AND THE MEDIOINE HAT MILLING CO., WITH A 750 BAR- REL MILL, WITH PROVISION MADE TO INCREASE IT TO 2,000 BAR- . RELS, GIVES THE CITY FOUR OF THE BIGGEST MILLS IN THE WEST: THE CITY HAS BEEN NEGOTIATING WITH THE ABOVE FIRMS FOR SOME TIME. MR. NESS, OF THE MANITOBA AND ONTARIO COMPANY VISITED THIS CITY AND LOOKED OVER THE GROUND, AS DID ALSO MR. SHAW OF TORONTO, REPRESENTING THE MAPLE LEAF COMPANY. THEY THEN RETURNED HOME AND LATER THE AGREEMENTS, AFTER BEING DRAWN UP BY THE COUNCIL, WERE SENT EAST TO BE SIGNED. ALD. BROWN S TELEGRAM IS AS FOLLOWS: HAVE CONCLUDED CONTRACTS TODAY WITH THE MAPLE LEAF FLOUR MILL COMPANY, LIMITED FOR 3,000 BARREL MILL AT MEDICINE HAT ; ALSO-HAVE CONTRACT WITH FRASER AND. NESS OF OTTAWA FOR FLOUR MILL OF SAME CAPACITY. WILL BE HOME WITH CONTRACT FOR FIRST COUNCIL MEETING OCTO- BER 7TH. PEERS Sh he Eh he ee oe Southern Europe Is on Verge of Huge War Situation Becomes So Complex That Minor Difficulty May Precipitate Conflict In- volving Several States at Any Moment Armies of Bulgaria, Servia and Montenegro All Ordered Mobilized Hopes Entertained That Persuasion of Great Powers May Prevent Hostilities. bbb beh bob heb bb stantly and men liable to serve must hh beh oe be oe bee ee + J ioin the colors within 24 hours. The + + THE CRISIS IN BRIEF +bJorders also apply to subjects living ++ TURKEY NOT ALARMED +E + : +h abroad. + * + 'Mhe States involved Ser- - + (6. A. P. Cable) + * via Bulgaria and Monte- + London, Oct. 1. The Balkan diffi- +f Constantinople, Oct. 1 + negro. + culties have developed with alarming - The decision of the Bulgar- + hk Canse: Desire: to selze op- - rapidity to a point where only ale ian and Sergian governments + *b portane moment to force spark is needed to set the whole of + tofroceed with the mobiliza- *k Turkey to grant autonomy. - - south-eastern Europe aflame. tion of their armies has caus- -f *k Powers attempting to main- -+ Some of the Balkan states by com- +f ed very little comment here. f ch tain peace: Great Britain, +- mon consent have ordered the sim- .f- The Yeni Gazette says: We sk France and Russia, kuown as - - ultaneous mobilization of their have no bellef in the. Ikll- + - Triple Entente; Germany, - - armies and are making every pre- + hood of war, but should it ch Austria and Italy, known as - - Paration for immediate hostilities: - break out the responsibility + Triple Allianes, + Two possible objectuons are offered, will Me with Bulgaria. Tur- FP e that a Ses the ge + key will know how to Dre- + ok states exists for the purpose o serve her honor. Serra URES ing tag tee pele aid eae x (C. A. P. Cable) time to conclude peace with Italy, the grant of complete automony to the Macedonian provinces, and that fearing Turkey will seck an issue from difficulties at home and abroad in war, they are preparing them- selves for a possible attack. Everything now seemato depend on whether the great powers will be able to bring sufficient pressure to bear to prevent the outbreak of thos- tilities and preserve the status quo in the Balkans.. Yesterday's develop- ments appear fully to confirm the istence of a military understanding between Bulgaria, Servia, Greece and Monteaegro, directed against, Turkey. The approach of winter is held to be a factor in favor of peace. And in the European capital the hope is still cherished in diplomatic quarters that the powers will be successful. The Russian and British representa- tives at Constantinople are ener- xetieally urging upon the Porte the necessity of carrying into execution the promised reforms in Macedonia, and are applying pressure to induce Turkey to modify her provocative military preparations in the Ad- rianopolis. district. ACTIVITY IS GREAT London, Oct. 1. The armies of the Balkan. states are preparing for war with feverish activity. The mobill- zation order given out yesterday is being put into effect with all speed, according to despatches received her The various nations concerned pear to belleve that the longed-for moment has at last arrived when they will be calJ d upon to march against Turkey. There still remain but two points in regard to which diplomats car con- tinue to maintain optimlani. The first of these fs the fact winter Is a; proaching and will render active operations difficult, while the is that the European powers working In a cord and have wi the belligerant TittTe iiter-that What- of peace in the Balkans Have been mtaite to Sotia bythe Rus Sian Foreign Minister Gazorof. The other members-of the Triple Bntente, France and Great Britain, are like - wise using their good influence while the members of the Triple Alliance, Germany, Austria and Italy, are just 28 to preverit the out- break of hostilities. The powers have again brought be fore the Porte im the most friendly manner. the urgent necessity for the introduction of reforms in Macedon- ia, GREECE MOBILIZING ALSO, The:Greck Embassy here receive a telegram today from the Green Pre. mier and War Minister, Venezlas, stating that the Helenic Government bad decided to: mobilize its land and sea forces in concert with the other states. The mobilization orders of the four kingdoms go into force in- cS Italy and think fhe war in the Bal- kan states at the game time are anx- fous to get at thelr while she is involyed with one of th Breat powers, pears to be no reasdn why any of the European powers should become in- volved in the eyent of war breaking out, although it ie ecognized by the diplomats of every country that it would take vo-y Ilttle to draw them in once the trouble is started. forced to mobilize a few of her artay corps in Bosnia so as to-prevent the Servians from entering the Sanjat of Novi Bazar. Montenegro, today ordered the gen- eral mobilization of the Montenegro army, secording toa despatch re- ceived here from Cettinje. traims were leaving the capital night 161 near business houses been compelled to, of thelr employeesMfisving: been. or- dered to join in theirsregiments. The: street railway service also has been suspended as it worked largely army: reserves, tomobiles.. throughout been ordered to surrender them im- mediately to the military authorities. PEED DL LEE EEE bh be eee ee jurious with an order issued last July by the Board of Food and Drug Inspection the beverage country from this date. The order probibits its shipment or sale. At a speed of nearly 90 mites an hour today, the Fiat car, bearing Bruce Brown and his mechanician, Soudelari, overturned in a ditch after Tound the Hairpin turn, the north- western corner of the Vanderbilt Cup automobile zace track and seriously injured Brown and his mechanician. sails for Canada at the end of this month as director of the new Benedic tine college at Calgary, Alberta, When this venture is established the Eng- lish Benedictines will make a. fur- ther experiment at Vancouver. or will exchange for real estate. Ap- ply to Hotson and Leader. Rassia Getting Equipment Loaded on Traing for Pos- pared by Russia for service in garla and Seryia in the ev nt of war, ing of two field hospitals of 200 beds each and four ambulantory hospitals of fifty beds each with a full compli- ment of surgeozs and nurses to the front, ed on care today so as to be in im- mediate reaainess/ big neighbor At present there ap- Austria, it is belfeved here, will be MONTENEGO FOLLOWS Vienna, Oct. 1 King Nicholas, of HURRYING TO. FRONTIER Belgrade, Servia, Oct. 1. Troop all jong for Nishand other towns the Turkish frontier. Many this ,clty have lose on account even and: by mad The wners of au- Servia have and chui Mr. (Special to the News.) Washington, D. C.,,Octs 1. The Un- ited States today jolmed the list of nations that have placed a ban on absinthe on the ground that it is in- ott to health. In conformity is barred from the the importation, der- interstate AUTOMOBILE OVERTURNS QW. A. . Dispaten) ony: Milwaukee, Wis... Oct. 1. Running David COMING TO CALGARY (W, A. P. Cable.) London, Ot. 1 Father Clarkson Houses for sale on easy payments Bat an fer sible Use in Bulgaria and Servin. (C. A. P. Cable) St. Petersburg, Oct. 1 An exten- ent has been pre- Bul- icy The equipment ts being toad- MUST PREPARE MAP No Approval Yet for Al- berta, Peace River and Easterly Railway. DETAILS ARE REQUESTED Hon. Frank Cochrane Down. New Rule for Rail- way Promotions Ottawa, Oct. 1 Hon. Frank Co- chrane, railway route map hearing held iast route of the 16, th order 'to give the promoters ai opportunity to prepare a map of the Calgary-Edmonton. more details and indicating more clearly the location of other railway: lines until good surveys have been The company proposed to build a railway from the International boun- dary to Calgary, thence to Edmonton hearing, stated that he did not pro- Pose to approve once, as could be constructed in the: course pany could come before him again. THANKSGIVING DAY OCTOBER 28, Ottawa, Oct. 1. At the meeting of as fixing Thanksgiving Day for Monday, October 28. be issued in the Canada Gazette to- ONLY SOLUTION 18 Sir Wilfrid Laurier De- clares Conservative Party Is Hopelessly Split. CANNOT FORM A POLICY Large Meeting at: Cornwall the cement up to the top of these tow- Opens Liberal Central Ontario paign. Cornwall, Ont, Oct. 1 In the vies totia skating rink last night before people, gathered from Stormont and contiguous ridings, Sir Wilfrid Laur- 2. claimed that the conserving Party is torn by dissensions, which pre- vents its coming to an ffective pol- other burning questions now fronting the Canadian people. He claimed that the only solution of the present situation is a election and he concluded dress with what he said would be the FORMER CHAPLAIN DEAD. Dublini, Oct. who was chaplain to the forces : oe. TO Ww I a me t . SHUN MISS WYLIE. x ur e co e 0 * (W, AL P. Despatch) re *f Toronto, Oct, 1, Miss Wy- G 1 ieee ee overnor suffragettes in the Old Land, te go te receiving lt; some bard + uote oa: in a i Sey yout te ppnow anon 2aees oe eet ETO ie ls Aes een Address to Be tion gt Macedonian aghnowledge her. Rumors +) At Gity Hall Corner Instead of in.the F WAY DRAW POWERS IN of a big reception for her + Everything adcording to the, des- St RAve been dispelled by those ? sane me patches from the disturbed centres, * B Authority claiming they -+) The committee which has been ap- four members of seems ripe for the long expected con- * SF Against the methods she -f/pcinted by the Couneil . to arrange The platiorm, thet rma flagration. The Turkish Government, * PFOPO8 S to adopt. + the details of the reception, which is feeption takes place, will be en e diplomatists assert; would like to F Flto be tendered His Ex the/at the at the City) Hall find an easy way out of the war with of + +f be sk of oe of fe ob fe ole se 4+ Duke of Connaught inthis city on stead of the Park. the ith ingt., met last evening in Burlyea and five a presiding. Tho mem- Spencer, W. H. Tarpin, Walter Huekvale, Supt. Wilson, OF PROPOSED, LINE Ireland, secretary, Tt was stated that the special train would arrive in Medicine Hat at two i o' logk in the morning and that the part would be prepared to leave -it fat aout 10.30. lt;A space ten feet wide will be ropgd across the sta- tion platform at the east end station, from a poaint at whic rear end of tho train will stop, Car pet wil be spread in this Space to steps on the opposite side of the plattorm, wher the Goveriior Gener- al's carriage and. autos will be in waiting. The Duke and, Duchess, ac- companied by Princess Patrica, will occupy fhe carriage. Three autos will be pravided for the accommodation of the other members -of the party and these will precede the carriage, the Tatter being surrounded by mounted escort. composed) of twenty- IMMENSE GRAN TANKS FR OGILVIE'S ARE COMPLETED This Morning at 7 O clock They. Reached the. Desired Height of 89 , Feet Cement Work on Mili and Engine Room Was Started Polar eS, and Day Gangs. Employed. Lays (QW. AP. Dispatch.) Minister of Railway, at a ing, withheld his approval of the Alberta; Peace River Easterly Railway until October section, giving ie. on to the Peace River and Port rehill, a distance of 1,535. miles. Cochrane, in the course of the the whole line at He. would approve as much wo years and later on the com- This morning at 7 o'clock, after ex- actly twenty days work, the 24 big grain tanks for the Ogilvie Mill were completed. Just at that hour they reached the desired height, namely, 89 feet 9 inches. It was on September 10th when the first of the cement was poured into these immense tanks, which are to (W. A. P. Dispatch) Cabinet Council yesterday an or- fn-council was passed definitely Midland. Today the pouring in cement on tlie first floor of the big six-storey mill and of the power house started. The proclamation will since that time there has been a con- tinuous stream of cement, day and night, every minute, until this morn- mg. These tanks are all joined to- gether ,thre deep and eight across, taking up a space of 52x149 feet. At- busy preparing the tural work and they have it up to about the top of the first floor. stall is to de 182 by 52 and the engine room 115 by 72. Mr. Metz says that he expects to bav the big infil up to. the same tached in front of them s a little car height as the towers by the first weelc shed, and this is. the only break in in November. The foundation of the: the round smooth appearance f the wi has also Been completed. tanks. The cement work on the It is re-inforced concrete, As the tanks is without doubt the best that balance of it is to be brick and frame hag been seen in this city. It is clear the ompletion of oft and white, with marble-like appear- the winter and th ement construc- ance, It is no small feat to raise tion on the other Works completed. Over 300 men arg employed on the Work at the present time. I have foand-the labor market here the Worst in my W stated the superintendent. You cannot get skill- ed workmen for loye.or money, I have over 410 Carpenters at work here and there jen t 20 carpenters in the bunel. A FRESH ELECTION Leader s ers. yet despite this fact, and so Cam-j* oothly did the work progress that the last nine inches were laid In their plate just as fast as the first. All that now remains to do to the towers to place the roof on and they will De ready for the machinery for the elevating of the grai De Y Orcauah v.W. CA. MEETING HELD YESTERDAY ED AT WORK THIS M QUARTERS TILL NEW, (W. A. P, Dispatch) audience of some two thousand Inaugurated his central Ontario D with regard to the navy, or any con- N COMMITTEE APPOINT- WILL OPEX TEMPORARY DING IS READY. new his ad- The mobolization department of the motto of thelr campaign: Please At a meeting of the fs of the ed a most interesting and instructive Russian Red Cross Society, under the don't cry; don't whine: don t des- city who are interested J the pro-jone. Later she went Into the details Presidency of Alexander Gutchkoff, pair; but prepare at once for the Dosed . W. C. A. held y sterday af- of organization work and outlined P has made arrangements for the sep- new. fight. ternoon in the city it was de- the steps that it will be necessary for the local ladi s to take, A committee waa. appolnted by the, meeting and alrendy they care busy. A meeting of the committee was held out the various committees, Just who thie morning and they have picked (Continued on page 8.) cided to organize at once. Miss Lane of Torente;-organizer for the Y. W. C. A. in Canada, wrs present at the meeting, and addressed the ladies on the work -of the . W. C. A, outlin- ing. in detail the different works wach they arty on. Her fait proy- A. P, Dispatch) 1. Rev. Dr. -William: cw.
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Image 577 (1912-10-01), from microfilm reel 577, (CU1739798). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.