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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Glasgow House CHILDREN S COATS REDUCED PRICES We have a numberof heavy warm Coats left in our Misses and Children s this season's styles. SPECIAL CLEARING PRICE THIS WEEK. All Winter Coats To Go. The Glasgow House The House of Fashionable Dressers *PHONE 433 HOLLINGER AGENG THE MARKET. We want your Listings. 384 MAIN ST HAVE THE CLOSEST, BEST AND CHEAP- EST ACREAGE PROPOSITION ON 147 acres of the south-west Quarter of 35, Township Range 6, at 700.00 per acre. Easy terms. This right next to Riverdale. which is selling at from - 200.00 to 250.00 per lot. * See us if you want to make'a big pile quickly. YES ' .-P- 8. PASSENGER SERVICE. WINTER 1912-13, FEFEOTIVE OCT, 27, 1912. Eastbound. No. Arrive Leave Train and Terminal. 1-20.20 20.40 Imp. Ltd, Montreal to Vancouyer, 8 12.00 1225 Van, Exp, Toronto to Vancouver, 13 22.40 23.10 St. Paul-Seattle Exp, St. P. to Seattle, 545 630 Local for Calgary. CROW TRAINS. No. Arrive Leave Train and Terminal: 11 * 2.40 8.65 Soo-Spokane-Portland Ltd, St. Paul Portland. 12. * 945 9,55 Soo-Spokane-Portland Ltd., Portland to St, Paul. 518-511 11.15 Local for Cranbrook: 512-519 19.25 Local from Cranbrook. 520-513 23.18 Express for Kootenay Landing. 514-517 4.30 Express from Kootenay Landing. Note Trains 1 and 2 carry sleeping cars only between Winnipeg and Revelstoke. No. 11 and 12 do not come into Medicine Hat passing time at Dunmore, 8, miles east, shown, Medicine Nat Dews Published by the Medicine Hat News Co, Lid, every lawfal evening a3 its office, Main Stree. Wedicine Hat, Alta. A. J, N, TERRILL, E ttor, PONE: HONE: Baltorlat, Advertising Reportoriul, and Ctrealation and News Dept Job Depts. 4? RING RING YQ DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 y.m, delivered....34.90 2 year by mall... . 3.00 6 months, d-livered.. 2.00 i months, by mail.... 1.50 3 months, delivered.. 1-00 3 months, ty maf, ..760 1 month, delivered. ...85 Addredses changed as otten as desired, but bota nsw and old al resser st ba given. WEEALY NEWS Publishec every Thursday m *ixteen or more pages, and contains a eummacy of tLe local and distric: months, tr advance 7se 3 months, in advance..50e year In advance. .:. 1.50 es Tuesday, October 29th, 1912. IS THERE A SAFEGUARD? 'THAT he was in favor 0 f granting a street. railway franchise to the corporation applying for one, provided an agreement which amply safeguarded the interests of the city could be obtained, was a statement made by the mayor to the citizens who at- tended the mass meeting held a short time ago in the City Hal . If belief that a given agreement could adequately protect the city s interests, and (THE This Bank offers to its clients the services of a thor- Ls oughly up-to-date Banking organization. FOURTH AVENUE. OF CANADA MEDICINE HAT BRANCH C. H, MeDUNNOUGH, Manager, ROYAL BANK BR. . WILKINSON, Manager. Imperial Bank of Canada. . Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund - A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. -. 6,460,000 -. 6,460,000 Medicine Hat Branch. etieehohedhe. Cotieeieeteatesteat toate atectooety lt; 3 7 + 00 OF write *PHONE 666 Established 1964, W. 0. JOY, Manager R sees CANADIAN PACIFIC Piano Moving A Speciatty Capital Pald Up, 6,000,000, Total Assets (Nov. 80th. 1911) over 81,000,000. A general Banking Business Transacted. Savings Accounts. SPECIAL THROUGH TOURIST CARS FROM MEDICINE HAT. Date. Train, Time, Destination. Steamer. . Oct. 28. No. 4. - 20.25k. Quebec, Empress of Ireland. Nov. 8 No. 4. 20.25x, Montreal Victorian. Empress of Britain. Noy, 11. No. 4. 20.25k. Quebec. Empress of Britain. Tunisian. Nov: 17, No. 14. 4.20k. Montreal. Virginian. Nov..25. No. 14. 4.20k, St. John, Empress of Ireland. Corsican. L, A. DOBBIN, Ticket Agent. FRAILWAY Be a THE MERCHANTS THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. 180 Branches In Canada. BANK Special attention to + Medicine Hat Branch IN CONNECTION WITH TRANS-ATLANTIC SAILINGS. Salling. Nov, 1. Nov, 6. Nov. 15. Nov, 21. Nov. 29. For Sleeping Car and Steamship Reservations, and Tickets, call Medicine Hat, Alta. B. G, MeNEILLIE, Dist. Passenger Agent, Calgary, Alta. apid easonable liable K.Nov.20 Tasker Transfer Co: LIGHT and HEAVY DRAYING 36494 Toromto Street, before the ;;the pact iad been beaten and hammered in- the competency of that agreement to do what it was believed it would do, were synonymous things, the present problem might be, readily settled. It. would be charmingly easy of solution. . --ButJet us-pause long ettough to discover been one and the same thing in the history of cities. Toronto has a street railway system which is operated by a private corporation. That company is beyond doubt the best hated institution in the big city. But it was not always thus. The Toronto Rail- way Company was at one time well thought of by the citizens. . That was for the first brief period after the citizens had given their. streets away under an agreement which all believed amply safeguarded the interests of the city. That agreement, as far as being prepared to protect adequately the city s future was concerned, was born amid rarely favorable circumstances. The Hon. 8. H. Blake, K.) C., a barrister of national repute, represent- ed in the negotiations. Before it was accepted the agreement was subjected to the consideration of the scores of thous- ands who then made up Toronto s popula- tion. When, according to general belief, to shape with infinite care, when it had been burnished and polished until no rough- ness could be found, it was accepted. How has this agreement, designed amply to safeguard Toronto s interests, operated? To the watching: hosts: the ludicrous spect- acle has been presented of a great city be- seeching the courts of justice clear up to the Privy Council for-an order compelling the railway company to extend its lines to serve some fifty thousand or seventy-five thousand people living in outlying parts of the municipality, and beseeching in wain With this agreement, which was believed by the citizens generally to safeguard the city s interests and which the leading Can- jadian lawyer of the day assured the people would protect them in their needs, the city has foregone its dignity and pride and gone to the corporation and begged it to do out of generosity what the law. could pel it todo. Failing in that mission; it has levelled threats at the company, fort to have imperative needs sat all has been without ayail. twenty-two years of struggle, MEDICINE HAT DAILY whether belief and reality haye always . : Missouri, 43 years old today. larded If it were only pos finger on a clause and sa. as strong as a band of steel; the people interests are as safe under this as 2 N00 820 imp, Lia Varnetee te eatreat, the Soldierin the heart of Gibralter, then 20.05 20.0 Toronto Exp., Vancouver to Toronta, tlie citizens might safely. trust. themselves uu 4.15 440 Seattle-St, Paul Exp, Seattle to stP./and their future to a hastily-prepared 516 23.00 Local from Calgary, eement. But such assurance is not hu- Westbound. nly possible. For twenty years Toronto shouted that fact to the very sky. Human foresight cannot pierce so far in- to the future as to discover what in any pact is a safeguard and what is a pitfall. The only way in which the city can guard against evil conditions in its transportation by keeping the system solely un- der its own control. en aoe IMPROVE EASTERN PLAN. RECENTLY the city of St. Thomas sold a piece of land on which a free civic skating rik had been maintained last win- ter. It was almost immediately pointed out to the Council that another site should be secured without delay as a substitute for the one disposed of. It was felt that there should be no interference with the rink system. Now the free rinks in St. Thomas are operated only for the use of the chil- dren. Tt is not intended that the money expended on them shall be laid out for the benefit of the grown-ups. Toronto has a similar system. At various points in the city open-air rinks are main- tained for the youngsters. Usually these are made on the grounds which, in summer, serve as municipal playgrounds. These plans are to be commended. They are admirable as far as they go, but they do not go far enough for Medicine Hat. We advocate free civic rinks for both old jand young. If we wish to spend funds on skating places, why should not every citizen have the privilege of frequenting them? Healthful outdoor-exercise is of sound ad- vantage to children, but is is no less so to older people. It is to be hoped that this city will assume an attitude toward this question even more advanced than that of Toronto and St. Thomas. The small sum invested in muni- the most popular-and also one of the most beneficial investments made by the city. oa eee present the city owns all its main-in- dustrial spur tracks. If these are con- neeted up with a municipal street. railway system, there should'be some work for an electric motor. The city might even lec- trify Ald. Ansley s spur out tc his mines. 3 THERE was a time when the natural gas franchise didn t look any more valu- able to some of the citizens than the rail- way franchise does at the present moment, yet what a terrible catastrophe it would have been had we let it slip away from us. ee gt ee THIS DATE IN HISTORY. October 28. 1728 Captain James Cook, the famous navigator, born. Died February 14, 1779. A 1776 American army under Washington defeated by the British under Howe at battle of White Plains, N. Y. 1844 The Royal Exchange, London, open- ed by Queen Victoria. AT 1886 Bartholdi s Statue of Liberty, in New York Harbor, dedicated by President Cleveland. se ae ea THIS IS MY 67th BIRTHDAY. Sir Nevill G. Lyttelton. General Hon. Sir Nevill G. Lyttelton, a famous officer of the British army, now retired, was born in Worcestershire, Octo- ber 28, 1845,a son of the fourth Baron Lyttelton. After completing his education at Eton he entered the Rifle Brigade in 15 Baa served with it in Canada, India and other parts of the empire, Beginning with the year 1868 he Raven as military secretary successively to the Viceroy of Treland, the Governor of Gibraltar and the Governor of Bombay. He served in the Fenian rebellion in Canada, in the Egyptian campaign of 1882 and in the Nile Expedi- tion of 1898, He distinguished himself in the last Boer war and later was made com- mander of the British forces in South Africa. From 1904 until his retirement from active service he was Chief of the General Staff of the British army and First Military Member of the Army Council. JS tee cll SCR CONGRATULATIONS TO: Joseph W. Folk, former Governor cipal rinks would be found to form one of . of corron coxsumerion OF WORLD INCREASING FORMA Fapldly, according to the annual sta- Uistics of cotton stocks and consump- ton tesued by the International Fed- eration of Master Cotton Spinners. The figures rose from 11,599,401 bales in 1910-11 to 18,967,830 in 1911-12. At the same time spinners stocks of American cotton have increased by Rearly a million bales. The report points out that as the world s spindles have only Increased tm this time from 137,278,762 to 187,- 693,108, it 1s clear that the season Just ended has been extraordinarily Book Si Der cotton crop in the United States, the Lancashire spinners are looking forward to a season of unprecedented 88:tf Light and Heary ame? It s a Good Joke on your friends to have them figuring out how you can be so well dressd, but it s not hard to figure if you'll consider us in making your appearance pre- sentable. Our cleaning and pressing work adds dollars to your savings and days to the wear of your garments. Isn't it worth considering on those grounds. THE GLOBE CLEAN; ING PRESSING- CO. Rear-of Post Olfice on Fourth Ave. a Speciality. TO HOMESTEADERS, ETC. COAL Horses for and Blacksm th s Coal. Large or small quantities shipped to any station. Storage: Esplanade. 8. TAYLOR CO. Room 17 Becker Block. P. O. Box 813. Phone 569. CROSSLEY Fall is Here AND SO IS HOUSE CLEANING TIME HAVE YOUR CLEANING DONE THE FLOOR AND TAKE OUT ALL GERMS WITHOUT WEAR OR TEAR TO CARPETS. Gas City Vacuum Cleaning. Co. Phone 707 . Oll-im J. C. LARSON, Manager, POSES O FSO FS 1505506008, Master Cotton Spinners Report Shows Big In- crease. FOR SMUT London, Oct. 26. The world s con- 50c... Quart sumption of cotton is increasing 25c.... Pint DON'T PAY MORE Pingle s Drag and fore 3 33 Wear Made To free from short time and labor ais- putes involving long and expensive Order Shirts stoppages, MADE BY Depending upon reports of a bum- F. SASTIMO Koom 3, News. Block. We guar antee satisfaction with every Shirt. We carry all the new- Prosperity. eat and up-to-date styles and ee tterns, t Subscribe now for 'The Dally, News. at ask, 2 fn antec Prices 1.25 6,50, ROOM 8, NEWS BLOCK R. B. Taylor s Transfer Draying. Prompt Atte te orders. Pime. Moving with Blane Van Parcels Delirerea. *w HONE NN, 349. Seleifnielelelntetetntelnfefafeteteted CitySaleStables leavy. Teams, Drivers, Saddle LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING. Hay for Sale. OAL FRED McCLAIN PHONE 8. PROPRIETOR Builders. Contractors. 729 Lockwood St. Houses for LING H. B. CURTIS Sale. Box 804, BROS. Sale. BY THE NEW VACUUM Puo. OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONE CESS. COSTS LESS THAN THE NO. 868, 402 736. OLD WAY AND IS FAR BETTER WE CLEAN THE carpets ox THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST. Heavy Teaming. Sand, Coal Graves Excavating a Specialty. Light and Heavy Horses fer sale at All Times. F. S. LYON E. M: CAWKER, D a CONTRACTS FOR ruggist HEAVY TEAMING Com stock of Toilet Articles Drag Sandties, Proprietary Medi- GRADING AND EXCAVATING Dispensing of Physicians Pre- Gravel and Sand for Sale, seri specialty. 206SouthRv.5t. Phone 73. 9 Yuill pareee One ae Steam Laundry Modern and sanitary in every Fespect and the machinery is the best that money can buy. All white help employed. SAND FOR CONCRETE p eyes of Caadian the City of Toronto,is itstie baildine the fines which it was fondly believed the eom- pany would build under- the agreement whieh guarded the Gity?s interests, -Amply-sa fepaarded Pie only thing the Tetonto agreement. has safeguarded be. yond preadventure aus been the Yailway company s profits. a noted Col. Sir Henry E. McCallum, years old British colonial administrator, 60 today Dr. Bashford Dean,Professor of Zoology in Columbia University, 45 years old today. William H. Hartshorn, President of the International Sunday School Association, 69 years old today. ectacle Rt. Rev. Paul Laroeque, R.-C. Bishop of PHONE NO. 8. valitics: Sherbrooke, Qu ., 66 years old today. Gee cot saree, will call tor 138 MONTERAL and return the goods. SINGER SEWING MACHINE AGENCY Machines for Sale and Rent, 881 North Railway Street, P.O, Box 184, tt Phone 486, PAINTER, Latest samples in 120 Eighth Ave, House Mover SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING WORE. Ri STREET *Phone 260. T. F. Reynolds ETc. Wall Paper. Phone 690, i DKANAG CLOG Hundreds Peaches the Orc CARLOAD: Ne Orehardis Grow I More V Vernon, 0 prolific crop laden the p the Okanaga than last system of t down. Hund Ue rotting tons of apy user, carlox at all Th red now, std athons and Wegenee ong sBport th with the play in 1 skeptical this invention gt; sends a stream nerves, organs time you are rheumatism, Ww stomack, Dr. Metzger Dry is a high-grade charging with v per cent easci * per cent greate N at a low price for fancy book full particulars THE METZ BAT Rohl Block, Co 8 TuTbSa Calg
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Image 778 (1912-10-29), from microfilm reel 778, (CU1740055). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.