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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Boy : feipal business, A more accurate deserip- tion would be that Council. sometimes interferes with departmental arrange- ments, The order paper and report of the Board of Control presented at each meeting vaight form a good catalogue for a jumble sale. This is a type of criticism to whieh the Medicine Hat Council is not called upon to submit. And yet the Toronto News is known from one end of Canada to the other and is one of the country s big up-to- date dailies. ; ili calmness TORONTO Star; Why should Canadian ham or bacon be ten or twelve cents dearer here than in England? d There is no use in making the excuse that labor is better paid in Canada than in England: The excuse is bad, because the bacon is produced by Canadian labor. The Englishman in England pays this cost-of produgtion, and also the cost of transpor- tation by vail and ocean. py ste ? ught-te get the bacon and jham for a good deal less than is paid in England, instead of ten or twelve cents al pound more. : Canada is a storehouse of food, pro- ducing more than it can consume, and help- ing to feed the rest of the world. Yet the price of food is far higher here than in England, which does not produce nearly enough food for its own needs. . The-very best of our own products are carried past our doors and sold in England for prices which would not buy the most inferior food in Canada. Why? 2 THE municipal elections are drawing near contains a eumma-y of the news of the week. but very little is heard yet of proposed local and district. candidates. . Dr. Boyd, it is understood, mouths tr advance Toy 4 months, tn edvancy.-80s' as, at the solicitation of a number of the ratepayeys, consented to allow his ame to be placed in nomination. Jt is also rumored that ex-Alderman Pe: le has had consid- jerable pressur brought to bear upon him to enter the field. -Mx. Penhale would un- doubtedly poll a yote on the 2. P. R. PASSENGER BERVICE. WINTER 1912-18, OCT, 27, 1912, asthound, Train and Terminal, B Glasgow House ... a li 20.05 2030 Toronto Exp, Vancouver to Toronto SS 4 4 516 23.00 440 Seattle-St. Paul Exp, Senttle to SEP, Locat from Calgary. : ie Arti Clearing Ou Ae esses Coats and Suits Westbound, Leave Train and Terminal, 12.00 12.26 Van, Exp, Toronto to Vatiouver. 22.40 23.10 St. Paul-Seattle Exp. St. P, to Seattio: HURSDAY, FRIDAY SATURDAY 5 . be days of opportunity for you in our OPPORTUNITY Knocks But Once Now Is Your Oppartuni by investing in real estate ALTAWANA Lots 85 and 86, Block 14, 81000, Palr Lots, Block 29, Central Park, 700, COUSINS AND SISSONS Lots between Park and Briar Ayes. 425 cach, ON BALMORAL ST. 5 room House, modern excent heat. Easy terms, bTrovghly modern HOUSE on Hill, rooms. 8500; 500 cash; balance as rent. . J Arrive Leave cee ae Lad., Montreal to Vancouver. 6.30 Local tor Calgary. CROW TRAINS, Arfive Leave Train and Terminal, 240 2.55 Soo-Spokane-Portland Ltd, St, Paul Portland, 9.55 Soo-Spokane-Portiand Ltd, Portland to St. Paul, 11.15 Local for Cranbrook. Local from Cranbrook, 520-518 23.18 Express for Kootenay Landing. 614-517, 4.30 Express from Kootenay Landing. Note Trains 1 and 2 carry sleeping Cars only between Winnipeg and Revelstoke. No. 11 and 12 a0 not-come into Medicine Hat passing time at Dunmore, 8 miles east, sho Medicine Nat News Published by the Medichue Hat News Co, Ltd, every lawful evening at its office, Main Steen Medicine Hat, Alin, A. J, N: TERBILE, BAtion, set No. n-: or 945 618-511 512-519 2800. 19,25 Other men are making money, why not you? ree is- more money wade 4 of these going at i. LESS THAN COST BP. Morgan- says:- 'There- in real estate than in Wall Street. Give us a call, EOWARD J. FEWINGS AGENCY NEWS BLOOK, Opp. POST OFFICE. FORMALING FOR SMUT 50c.... Quart 25c....Pint DON T PAY MORE ROONE: Editorial, Reportorhad, and News Dept 1 RING s. . DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 .ma, delivered. ...84.00 months, ditivered. . 2.00 8 months, by mail. months, delivered. . 1.00 8 months, by mai. 1 month, delivered....25 Addreasex chauged as otten as desired, but bota nsw aid old ad reases et bo given WEEaLY NEWS. Publishec every Thursday tn ixtesn or more pages, and 1.50 We Owing to the quantity of meat sold by us, we now offer Fresh Meats at 10, 1214, 15, 1714, 20, 221 cents a Ib., the best cuts being 2214. Fresh eggs from 40 to, 45 cents a dozen. The reason we raised 234 a Ib. on the best cut was to regu- Inte the prices when we lowered the price of other cuts to 10 a lb. We wish to thank the citizens of Medicine Hat for their patronage, which has enabled us to sell at such low rates, a car load of beef being disposed of . last week. t z ) Rigs will call evor morning at any part of the city. A trial is all we ask. The Medicine Hat Meat Market 515 Third Ave. Phone 873. Position open for delivery boy. pe WHERE OUR DUTY LIEs. TRANSPORTATION is a: true municipal very heavy function and an agency of social Ser-/north side of the track. vice for the improvement of civic comfort and life. The Council should not overlook THE Toronto Globe sz the true nature of the trust imposed in) 4g threatened with orporation managed them by the people with respect to the prob- treet Th a4 thr ce em of transportation. One of the -conten- 1 hes MeHCrag pe sea iteater - tions on behalf of the street railway agree- NS Sa ment is that the city has exhausted itself THIS HIS in inducing, new industries and workers to : Dare ia TOR November 14. settle within its boundaries. The duty of it sy i? 1635 Thomas Parr, known as Old Parr, Pingle s Drag and: fe Store : tf Wear Made To Order Shirts MADE BY F. LASTIMO Room 8, News Block. We guar- It sa Good Joke -en-your-friends to have them figuring out bow you can be so well dress, but t s not hard to figure if you'll consider us in making your appearance pre- sentable, Our cleaning and pressing Work adds tollars to your savings and days to the wear of your garments, Isn't it worth considering on those grounds. Medicine Hat TI the city does not remain there. honor bound to give every man induc Ser deteteteete dete CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY SPECIAL THROUGH TOURIST. CARS IN CONNECTION WITH TRANS-ATLANTIC SAILINGS. 4 -FROM MEDICINE HAT. Date. Train. Time. Destination. Steamer, Sailing. Oct. 28, Nor 4: 20.25k. Quebec. Empress of Ireland, Nov. 1. Nov. 3. No. 4. 20.25k. Montreal. Victorian. Noy. 6. Empress of Britain. Empress of Britain. Tunisian. 4.20k. Montreal. Virginian. 4.20k. St. John. Empress of Ireland. Corsican. For Sieeping Car and Steamship Reservations, and Tickets, call om or write No, 4. 20:25k. Quebec, Now. 15. No. I. No. 14. Nov. 17. Nov, 25. Nov. 21, Nov. 29. 1, A. DOBBIN, Ticket Agent, raise his social condition. is vitally associated with congestion of population, -stim conditior tenements, parks and recreation facilities for the people. The social service idea is impera- tive and outweighs all other considerations. The cities of the west are trying to evade the errors of the older cities of the contin- ent. To do this they must retain control of every utility that touches their communal life. The corporation exists solely for the expectation of profit, the municipality for ato live within it a squire-deal ani hese sy and said to be 152 years .old, . died near Shrewsbury, England. Transportation y79 Beginning of the three days battle at Arcola, Lombardy, in which - the defeat of the Austrians made Bona- parte the master of Italy. 1846 Tampico, Mexico, surrendered to Commodore Connor of the American navy- 1856 Solomon Juneau, one of the founders of Milwaukee, died at Shawano, Wis. Born in Canada in 1793. 1881 Trial of Charles J. Guiteau for the THE. GLOBE. CLEAN- ING PRESSING CO. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave, antee satisfaction with every Shirt. We carry all the new- est and up-to-date styles and patterns. A trial order is all we ask. Prices 1.25 6.50. ROOM 8, NEWS BLOCK 88-tf prithireeiehieieieeieeick R. B. Taylor s i a eA SHOT Prisoner Called the Shooting Strain He A Transfer ht and Heavy Draying. Eee aie to all orders, Piano. Moving with Piano Van Speciality, Parcels Delirerea, HONE NO, 349. Medicine Hat, Alta. murder of President Garfield began in Washington. . 1885 Bulgaria invaded by a Servian army. 1905 Prince Charles of Denmark was chosen King of Norway- BEST: a ire Ieee THIS IS MY 50th BIRTHDAY. vice Under municipal ownership the high salaries, shareholders profits, cam- paign funds will be returned to the service for its expansion and betterment. Philan- thropy or-social reform has not yet become a function of corporation management, In most cases the true purpose of street rail- Way corporations to exploit a franchise is not investment but speculation. The fact that money is behind a scheme doesnot dis- pose of this objection. The public must get to the faets. * A city must not expect to make money out of its industr: It must expect one to make them self-supporting. It may be that private corporations may pay into the city tre ry more money in the form of taxes than the municipally condueted indi try will pay in the form of profits. The divid- ends the city reap are in the form of 3 betterment, lower death rate and improved social conditions. It will pay fairer wages; procure better hours of employment and BG. MeNEILLE, s Dist. Passenger Agent, Calgary, Alta. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA This Bank offers to its clients the services of a thor- oughly up-to-date Banking organization. : MEDICINE HAT BRANCH FOURTH AVENUE. C, H. MeDUNNOUGH, Manager. journ for Ty E.Nov.20 The trial of Mike FE qurder of William Vs Father startling turn 3 noon when the prison lapsed under the exc short adjournment of Satisfaction s Spell About Laundry work satistac- tion we are most anxious for you to tell, for. satisfaction is thine when you use Medicine Hat Steam Laundry. We are prompt, afternoon session, was we deliver on time. If yon try Davidson as the frst ue-once, you will find it the best,; S Sislanes, ihe prosecits then you will quit the rest. -tstiea berore luneh. MEDICINE HAT STEAM LAUNDRY The prisoner had bee ASS, for some time when Phone 8. * + seemed to grow faint, 2 Count von Bernstorff. Count Johann Heinrich von Bernstorfi, the German ambassador to the United States, was born in London, England, Nov. 14, 1862, the son of Count Albrecht, yon Bernstorff, who also was prominent-in the German diplomatic service. The son was educated at Dresden and Ratzeburg. He entered upon a thilitaky career at the age of nineteen and for eight years served as an officer of the First Regiment of Artillery Guards at Berlin. His career in the diplo- mati : service dates from 1889, in which year he was appointed attache of the Ger- en embassy at Constantinople. From as : to 1892 he served i rei i will give to the public rates as low as POS-lin Berlin and pees ered ie sible. The profits that would have gone in- to the German legatiors or embassies in aa fhe meek of papitales aI Dresden, St. Petersburg and London. In distributed ments or speculsey 4896 he was promoted to the post of minis- ustributed among the employees ii: er at Cairo, where he remained until Jahor conditions, and. among the lected two years later to fill the important public in better accommodation. - ition of ambassador to the United Tt is of the nature of disho, tes. On his twenty-fifth birthday Count any one oF a corporation to n-Bernstorff-was marFied to Miss Jeanne Luckemeyer of New York city. greta ett Tse CONGRATULATIONS TO: The prisoner, at the H. B. CURTIS ; vaeo* SF PPD e to tiotin siete eto ImperialBank of Ganada 6,460,000 z Falii is Here AND SO IS HOUSR CLEANING 7DtE HAVE YOUR CLEANING DONE BY THE NEW ;VACUUM PRO. CESS. COSTS LESS THAN THE OLD WAY AND IS FAR BETTER WE CLEAN THE CARPETS ON THE FLOOR AND TAKE OUT ALL GERMS WITHOUT WEAR OR TEAR TO CARPETS. Gas Gity Vacuum Cleaning Co. Phone 707 O.i-Im J. C, LARSON, Manager. , Seats x re ef Safe 2, ooo CitySale Stables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sale, TIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING. Hay for Sale. FRED McCLAIN PHONE 8. Se-e eS oS oats PAD totee Celedeteaeelediodoale detest SXSXSXSXSXSYNaJa THE MERCHANTS BAN OF CANADA HE PIONEER, BANK OF WESTERN CANADA, Established 1564, cs 180 Branches in Canadaie ; Capital Pald Cp, 6,000,000. Hat Branch. Oo eet O. F. LANGE C.E.B.U. portation, 0 not treat the railway tailor, If the se 2OOOOF6900000500000008 E. M. CAWKER, Ae u groeer or, 7 does not suit him Total Assets (Nov. 0th. 1911) over 91,000,000. Hmess Transacted. Special attention to Savings Accounts. A W. 0, JOY, Manageko? 96 PHONES OFFIE .. RESIDENCE 211 Piano Moving A Speciaity Transfer Co. apid LIGHT and HEAVY easonable DRAYING liable Mo'n St, next City jhas no alternative. anny of monopol nd free citizens v it contentedly under a gonditi xpt: fromy Nevsjof Novenber. nae criticism to which the City: Counci of Oronto is exposed, week in and week out Tt can hardly be said that Council spires or directs the management of muni : He eannot change hit ilway as he does his butcher. Such is the George W. Vanderbilt, one of the family of famous financiers, 50 years old today. 5 Bishop Luther B, Wilson, of the Metho- lV dist Episcopal Church, 52 years old today: one Claude Monet, distinguished French artist, 72 years old today. Sir Andrew Fraser, a distinguished vet- eran of the British civil service in India, 64 years old today. Rt. Rev. D. J. Seollard, bishop of Sault : Ste Marie, 50 years old today. Rev. Jenkin Lloyd Jones, noted Chieago : elergyman who organized the World s Par- liament of Religions in 1892, 69 years old - today. ' e ir Civil Engineer and Archi- tect. Municipal Engineer. Sewerage, Water and Gas Supplies Street Gradings, Industrial Spur Rall- ways, Irrigation, ete. Subdivisions Layout of Parks, Steel Constructions Designs and Specifications Houses, ete. Motto: First-Class Responsible Ser- viee for Reasonable Prices. Office: Opposite Redelift Hotel, Red- for Phm. B. Druggist Somplete stock of Toilet Articles Drug Sundries, Proprietary Medi- cines, etc. Dispensing of Physicians Pre- vcriptions a specialty 204 South Ry T. F. Reynolds PAINTER, ETC. Latest samples in Wall Paper. 120. Eighth Ave, Phone 690, eliffe, Alberta,
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Image 902 (1912-11-14), from microfilm reel 902, (CU1740041). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.