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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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2B: Glasgow,,House Stamped Linens We have just received another lot of new de- signs in stamped Centrepieces, Doylies, Lunch Cloths, Towels, Cushion Tops, etc. THE NEW /PUNCH WORK IS SHOWN IN ALL THESE. OF EMBROIDERY SILK AND COTTONS. The Glasgow House soMOLUINGER AGENCY HAVE THE CLOSEST, BEST AND CHEAP- EST ACREAGE PROPOSITION on THE MARKET. (47 acres of the south-west Quarter of 35, Township 2) Range 6, at- 700.00 per acre. Easy terms. This is right next to Riverdale, which is selling at from i 200.00 to 250.00 per lot. See us if you want to make a big pile quickly. We want your Listings. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA This Bank offers to its clients the services of a thor- oughly up-to-date Banking organization. MEDICINE HAT BRANCH C, H, MeDUNNOUGH, Manager. FOURTH AVENUE. Amperial Bank of Canada : Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund ..:: 4 GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVING? BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES, RG. WILKINSON, Manager, Medicine Hat Branch. a CESSES EOSOEOD THE MERCHANTS BANK THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. Capital Pala Up, Total Assets (Nov. 80th. 1911) over 51,000,000. A general Banking Business Transacted. Savings Accounts, .-. 6,460,000 .. 6,460,000 Established 1864, 180 Branches in Canada. 6,000,000, Special attention to W.0. JOY, Manager + Medleine Hat Branch CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY SPECIAL THROUGH TOURIST CARS IN CONNECTION WITH TRANS-ATLANTIC SAILINGS. FROM MEDICINE HAT. Destination, Quebec. Empress of Ireland. *Victorian. Empress of Britain. Empress of Britain. Tunisian. Virginian. . St. John. Empress of Ireland. Corsican. For Sleeping Car and Steamship Reservations, and Tickets, call on of write Steamer. Salling. Oct. 28. s Nov. 3. Montreal. Nov. 11. - Quebec, Nov. 17, No. 14. Nov. 21. No. 14. Montreal. L. A. DOBBIN, Ticket Agent, Medicine Hat, Alta. R. G. MeNEILLIE, Dist. Passenger Agent, Calgary, Alta. K.Nov.20 PHONE Tasker Transfer Co. LIGHT and HEAVY , DRAYING W864 4 Toronto Street. Piano Moving able C. P. R, PASSENGER SERVICE. WINTER 1912-13. FEFECTIVE OCT, 27, 1912, Eastbound. No, Arrive Leave Train and Terminal. 2 8.00 8.20 Imp, Ltd, Vancouver to. Montreal. Portland. to St, Paul. 518-511 11.15 Local for Cranbrook. 512-519 19.25 Local trom Cranbrook. 520-513 23.18 Express for Kootenay Landing. 514-617 4.30 Express from Kootenay Landing. east, shown. A. J, .N: TERRILL, Etttor. Baltorial, DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES ,1 month, delivered....35 old ad ressee st ba given. WEERLY NEWS. contains a eummay of the news of the week, local and district. 6 months, In advance Zoe 3 months, in advance. .f0e year in advance.... 1.50 Wednesday, October 30th, 1912. THE STREET RAILWAY. Globe says: beyond the limits of the city of 1891 franchise did not compel it to do so is an illustration of the perils of fran- chise drafting. Toronto had the best lawyers that money could hire, and everybody supposed that as the city s boundaries were extended the street railway tracks would be extended also. The joker was there, how: ever, and thousands of suburban residents walk long distances every day to and from the end of the car lines because it has been found that lawyers cannot make a contract the spirit of which other lawyets may not break by an-appeal to the letter. Before the people of Medicine Hat decide to tie up to a street rail- way company let them send a deputa- tion down east to see what Toronto suffers under private operation of the ity s chief public utility. a eee STAND UP, MR. MAYOR AT a Couneil meeting recently, the Mayor and a number of the aldermen took oc- casion to criticize the News for not giving the City Fathers due credit for work accom- plished during the present year. In answer to the charge the News made the statement that representatives of this paper saw the Mayor every day and that if he did not choose to unbosom himself of information, the fault could not be attributed to us. If the News in its issue of yesterday did not give publicity to the fact that the Canada Cement Company had selected a site for its Medicine Hat plant, it is the Mayor who is to blame for the fact. He received a tele- gram apprising him of the fact, acquainted the Times with the particulars, but-tepress- ed the information so far as the News was concerned, Is the Mayor acting in the in Medicine Hat by following such action? . Because the News differs with him of eertatn ppolicy 45 it soins pet om hols, r am iser igh office to Satis eo MEDICINE HAT DAILY 4 20.05 20.80 Toronto Exp., Vancouver to Toronto 4 415 4.40 Seattle-St. Paul Exp, Seattle to St.P, s16 23.00 Local from Calgary, Westbound. No. Arrive Leave Train and Terminal. 1-20.20 20.40 Imp. Ltd., Montreal to Vancouver. 3 12.00 12.25 Van. Exp, Toronto to Vancouver. 13 22.40 28.10 St. Paul-Seattle Exp. St. P. to Seattle. ot 8.30 Local for Calgary. CROW TRAINS. No, Arrive Leave Train and Terminal. intervene and prevent Medicine Hat from us 240 2.55 Soo-Spokane-Portland Ltd., St. Paul 22 * 945 9.65 Soo-Spokane-Portland Eta, Portland Note Trains 1 and 2 carry sleeping cars only between Winntpe and Revelstoke. No. 11 and 12 do not come Into Medicine Hat passing time at Dunmore, miles Medicine Nat Dews Pablished by the Medicine Hat News Co, Lid, every awful evening at its office, Main Stree. Wedicine Hat, Alta. PUONE: lt;HONE: Advertising Circulation and Job Depts. RING TQ 1 y.m, delivered....84.90 1 year by mall... .33.00 months, -livered..8200 6 months, by mall.... 1.50 3 months, delivored.. 1.00 months, by maf. ..76 Addresses chaiiged as often aa d sired, but bota paw and Publishec every Thursday tn sixteen -or more paces, and IN referring to the street railway franchise which the City Council is prepared to hand over to Sir Max Aitken, the Toronto a-century. During the period when Sir Frank Smith had control of the system there was some attempt to keep pace with the growth of the city.. Under the present franchise, which was granted in-1891, there has been constant friction: between the citizens and the company because of the deliberate adoption by the com- pany of the principle of giving the people cold justi e. ? The refusal of the company to extend its lines on the ground that the letter of the signifies can b8-fained from the fact that when the gilvie s. decided to locate in Medicine Hat, the information which was sentfrom Medieing Hat by the Associated Press correspondent was cabled to England and elicited a score of inquiries of the Ogil- vie company, as to the reason which decid- ed fhe concern to piek upon this city as its Western headquarters. Without a doubt a similar item would have been cabled across to the Old Gountry regarding the Canada Cement Company s selection of a site, had the Mayor not allowed his narrowness to receiving this splendid advertisement free gratis. 4 SHOULD BE GENEROUS. MANY citizens would like to see the Couneil reconsider its determination not to grant 500 to the Board of Trade this year. The Board of Trade and the Council may not have pulled together as well as they might haye done, but a City Council should be big enough to overlook things of this sort. Of this 500, which the Board asked, 250 was needed to defray the expense of an advertisement in the Dry Farming Record the only advertisement which Medicine Hat enjoyed at the Congress, It is not well to repudiate debts of this nature. The Council should have been tickled to death to learn that there was some organization which took enough interest in the city to see that Medicine Hat was not entirely cut of the running at Lethbridge. The News knows that the city has:many and multifarious. calls upon-its exchequer and that if every request for assistance was acceded to there would be little left in the strong box, yet this Board of Trade request is one which demanded better treatment. The News is also informed that the Indus- trial Bureau has not yet. been reimbursed for its outlay at the Chicago Clay Products Exhibition. This is another item which the ; Council might well take into its considera- tion. Se ee SASKATOON Phoenix. There is every reason-to believe that Mr. Haultain ts wilt adorn the bench to which he is soon to Toronto has had a privately own- ed street railway for a little over half long experience as a practicing barrister, who has a judicial mind with a marked faculty for getting at the root of things, is S jeminently free from rancor and prejudice and perhaps throughout the entire province there is no man so well fitted for the ap- be appointed. He is a man who has had pointment which is shortly to be announced Saskatchewan. Se Ye TT seems.almost incredible that Manitoba should be storm swept while this par- ticular portion of Sunny Alberta is enjoy- ing ideal weather conditions. In fact the temperature is more strongly reminiscent of early September in the East than of late October. When it comes to climate Medi- cine Hat has them all beaten. eS THE Dry Farming Congress was a big thing for-Lethbridge, but it was yet a bigger thing for the whole Canadian West, exhibits from which were viewed by people whose attention could not otherwise ns at- tracted: o THE Council takes the attitude that the News does not inform the public of the good work which has been done by the members this year: If this is a fact, the Council has itself to blame. The News teporters call upon the Mayor every day. Any information of which he unbosoms himself duly appears in the columns of the News. If the Council chooses to hid . its light under a bushel, the fault cannot in fairness be laid at the door-of this-paper. o . HALF the world doesn t know whom the other-half loves. eg Ce THIS DATE IN HISTORY. October 30. 1781 Benjamin Lincoln appointed Secre- tary of War by Congress, 1829 Roscoe Conkling, American states- man, born. Died April 18, 1888. 1858 President Buchanan issued a pro- clamation pepecking an apprehended invasion of Nicaragua. 1899 First contingent of Canadian troops for South Africa sailed from Quebec. 1911 The Chinese throne acceded to the demand of the National Assembly for ment. 3 pels Soe eae: CONGRATULATIONS TO: Rt. Rev. Cortlandt Whitehead, P. E. bish- of op of Pittsburgh, 70 years old today. Sir Wiliam Mackenzie, the eminent shis Canadian railroad builder, 63 years old to- Edward P. Ripley, president of the Atch- se duiestion f h te comet nly has ison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad, 67 H : years old today. Lord Desborough, one of the most notable ha patrons of British sport and athletics, 57 Years old today. L For Sale 4 lots on Highland st. in Her- Price 1,000 pair. Lot 14, Block 4, Central Park, Terms. DON T PAY MORE Pingle s Drug and Book Store 4 6 roomed Cottage, High School 8,000. Good terms. Small cash payment. Annex. The Housemen Phone. 818. Room 8, Imperial Bank Bldg. Wear Made To Order Shirts MADE BY F. SASTIMO Room 8, News Block, We guar- antee satisfaction with every: We carry all the new- est and up-to-date styles and A trial order-ia all patterns, we ask. Prices 1.25 6,50. ROOM 3, NEWS BLOCK R. B. Taylor's Transfer Light and Heary Draying. Promp Attention to all orders. Piano Moving with Plano Yas a Spectallty. Parcels Dellrorea. *+HONE NN. 349. Heb icebieeeiieieieieieinintel s a Good Joke on your friends to have them figuring out how you can be so well dressd, but it s not hard to figure if you'll consider us in making your appearance pre- Qur cleaning and pressing work adds dollars to your savings and days to the wear of your garments. it worth considering on- those grounds. THE GLOBE CLEAN- ING PRESSING CO. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave. sentable. CitySaleStables Heary Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sale. LIGHT AND HEAVY DBAYING. Hay for Sale, FRED McCLAIN PROPRIETOR placing F. W. G. Hauitain in the position of S Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Saomerenre omg e Point With pride to all work. done at the Medicine Hat Steam Laundry, every time for we are Johnny on the spot, always on time. We will not prom- ise work that we cannot make good, for we keep our word and always make good. This helps us to earn a better lylihood. PHONE 8 . Phone 569, Bex 804, CROSSLEY BROS. Builders. Contractors. 729 Lockwood St. Fall is Here AND 80 IS HOUSE CLEANING x. Houses for Sale HAVE YOUR CLEANING DONE BY THE NEW VACUUM PRO. CESS. COSTS LESS THAN THE OLD WAY AND IS FAR BETTER WE CLEAN THE CARPETS ON THE FLOOR AND TAKE OUT ALL GERMS WITHOUT WEAR OR TEAR TO CARPETS. Gas City Vaouum Cleaning Co. Phone 707 O.11-1m J, C. LARSON, Manager, OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHOXD 402 788 THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co.: 108 TORONTO ST. Heavy Teaming. Sand, Coal Graves Excavating a Specialty, ivy Horses fer sale ag All Times, F. S. LYON CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale, F 0. Box se 1 OS House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. J.J. LAIT 116 MONTREAL STREET Phone 260. NO, 868, Bulgaria Light and He E. M. CAWKER, Phm. B. . Druggist Com stock of Toilet apenenanasre scriptions 204 South Rv. St. of Physicians Pre- Phone 75- Yuill Street. SINGER SEWING MACHINE AGENCY Machines for Sale and Rent. 881 North Raflway Street. P.0. Box 184, a complete constitutional govern- Phone 496. Lore 1s biind especially if the wo- man in the case has more dollars than sense, Most old bachelors are misunder- stood by women for whico tey should be thankful. T. F. Reynolds It's easier to make enemies than it is to shake them. PAINTER, Latest samples in Wall Paper. ETc, It tsn t every chauffeur who could write his auto-blography. 190 Eighth Ave. Phone 609, il Col Mill ing Is Con: acco IMN YE can. PASTE. YOUR I Facts and Turkey Warr Rulers and Coneer' ' Something portant ie ed in Turkish, ( and els With the ai contained in t fs will be ena the naval and population, the states concern kan crisis. The Rival Total .. None of navy of any Destroyers Torpedo-boat Personnel ( 39,000. The Armored cru built 1910, two built 1889 Destroyers Torpedo-boat less, Personnel 4 The Ra Protected er: Gunboats s Destroyers
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Image 786 (1912-10-30), from microfilm reel 786, (CU1740058). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.