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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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1 cherrybark. Ot these Dr. bien favorably. known for very, the stomach and the entire Ider and tonic you require jo matter how strong the At times; in consequence ory for the. cogstant manus Y strengthens the stomach b blood helps the liver and the body. The weak, nerv tion which so many people ear is usually the ellect of dicated by pimples o boils aes thin you feel ** blue. as suffering with an awful t, and body, writes Mn. S. K,, Washington, D. C- Dneumontas Iwas advised r Golden Medical Discov ne so much good that I feel and best medicine that L better than -it was befare I you claim for it and 1s ato Us We never saerifice ) know HOW and avold selling on de- notte: eo s Don t you believe e te you? identity of - your also assuring that tor every bushel the car. six or eight ounce our grain and we you its real value. oorest qualities can draw a good price if dled. We under- usiness thoroughly, re the points that us for market eed the BEST; ft bY to you. We are for very low prices season. censed and. bonded. ot mean low prices. 1 would be willing ow a fair legitimate eference :BANK OF DOS. at it. Winnipeg, Man, eg, Man. NITY Once rtuniy NEY estate city; money- and it will be fore-investing. why not you? 2 money made AREA FFICE. der sheds. est in the city, Co., Ltd. Phone 772, Pictures Pictures Pictures FRAMED they get torn or soiled. ap to 10 A. E. Marsha PACIFIC ANNUAL SPECIAL RAIL FARES Im connection with SOLD AND Have you any pretty pletures. It so hmve thom framed before it not, come and seo the biggest gmap over offered In plotures. Prices from 5c each Boom 8, Imperial Bank Bldg. Also agent for the Snider Rubber Stamps, All work guaranteed. 90-6 CANADIAN EASTERN EXGURSIONS TRANS-ATLANTIC TICKETS Round trip rate from Medicine Hat to Montreal, 61.25; to St. John 69.25. Dates of sale, Nov. 31, 1912. anaemia date of issue. - Dec. Return Iim t 5 months from Liberal extension privileges. For further information, rail and STEAMSHIP TICKETS, Ticket apply to L. A. Dobbin, Agent, or write to R, G, MeNelllle, Dist, Passenger Agent, Calgary, Alta, W. Sat, K. Oct. 31. Modern home, Box-1390, News offic: COAL and Blacksmith s Coal. Large or small shipped to any station. Storage: Esplanade. 8. TAYLOR CO. Room 17 Becker Block. P, O. Box 813. Cc.E.B.U. Civil Supplies - Street Gradings, Industrial Spur ways, Irrigation, ete. Subdivisions Layout of Parks, Designs and Houses, ete. eliffe, Alberta. six rooms and bath on hill 9 3-5 minutes walk from post office. 4200. 1000. cash, balance easy. Apply. Owner, TO HOMESTEADERS, ETC. COAL Smokeless Domestic, Engine quantities Steel Constructions Specifications OO. F. LANGE Engineer and Archi- tect. Municipal Engineer. Bewerage, Water and Gas Rail- for Motto: First-Class Responsible Ser- vice for Reasonable Prices, Office: Opposite Redeliff Hotel, Red- Loose beat System The News Jeb splying the most satisfactory. Department has every facility for sup- Women, asa They Live Longer and Are Able to Resist Disease Much the Best. Mere man s apt to regard woman from a pedestal of superiority. He has been taught to regard her as a. member of the weaker sex a frail, delicate creature, for and theltered. because, according to: his view, she is unfitted for the rough usages of lite. He refuses to recog- nize that she possesses any marked physical fitness, powers of endur- ance, or sustained mental capacity. That is The VieW Othe average man, and it is one whichis not only un- fair and unjust to women, but which cannot be supported by tacts. Indeed, there ts abundant proot of woman's physical wuperiority over man today, when tested by length of years, the power to endure suffering and resist disease, while one has only to study the modern achievements of women in literature, science, art and commerce to gather ample-testimony to her mental capabilities, Further- more, if women are so mentally feriot to men s some would have us delieve, why do we hear such bitter complaints on all sides from the lat- ter because the opposite sex are com- peting successfully in pursuits hith- erto deemed exclusive to man? Women Live Longer. Let us first see how women com- pare with men in regard to physical abliity and length of Mfe. It may at once be stated as an indisputable fact, that women live longer than men about five years, on an aver- age. This statement is at once substantiated When one examines the annuity tables of the various insur- ance companies. In every ease the annulty granted to a woman for every 500 pala is less by from 3 to 4 than that granted to a man. Various theorles have been advan- ced by medical men and scientists to account for this tenacity of life on the part of women. On two points they are practically -unanimous that woman possesses greater pow- ers of resisting disease, and that while, so far as physical strength is concerned, she Is not, of course, the equal of man, it Is the tendency to early protect her from the fatal crash which often com s to man from an over-exertion. In other words, wo- man heeds the warnings of fatigue owing to her peculiar psycho-physical organization, and, consequently, BVolds the fll-effects of over-exertion; but man, with his iron will, often, af- ter complete exhaustion, resolves to take. another step if he dies in the at- tempt, :The consequences is that wo- man accumulates energy because she Rule, Sturdier and Healthier Than Mere Men expends it moderately, while man ex- pends more energy than he accumu- 1 They have the MOST. DOUBLE THE WEAR. four horse power. RAPID-EASY GRAIN GRINDERS RAPID EASY GRINDERS do MORE WORK with the SAME POWER than OTHER plate Grinders. PLATES in use and being REVERSIBLE give We also have compined power and grinder two or JAMES RAE As one authority: has put It, If one thousand able-bodied meh and one thousand able-bodied women be uni- formed, armed and equipped for bat- tle, and ordered on a long and weary march to the front, more mien would Probably reach their destination, while more, women would be found exhausted, but more men would be found dead on the roadside, With regard to woman's power of: reulsting disease, some , remarkable) facts are put. forward by scientists. It appears that whooping cough: and diphtheria are thesonly two eom- plaints which appear to be more fa- tal in females than in males, Whether correctly or uot, this has been at- tributed to the smaller size of the, throat in females. During ebildhood there appears to be a little difference in the susceptibility of the sexes In Tegard to cholera, smallpox and in- fluenza; yet, while adult females ap pear to be more susceptible to all, and especially the. first two, all are believed to be more fatal in adult males, Again, cancer was said to be the only disease common to both sex s from which adult females. suf- fer more than adult males; but the rate of increase in cancer fs now much greater in men thin in women. Insanity of Sexes. With regard to insanity, women by reason of their. neurotle tempera- ment, suffer more from emotional in- sanity than men but they, recover more often, for men suffer more from serious brain lesions and from paralysis of the brain, and, as con- sequence, offers less hope of recov- ery. The special susceptibility of wo- men that renders them more Ilable to attacks of hysteria, neurasthenla, em- otional states, and the milder forms of insanity, appearg to serve as a distinct advantage, for it would seem to act somewhat as a barrier against attacks of the more fatal forms of mental affections. We are accustomed to think that a far greater number of females than males are born every year. But a8 a matter of fact, taking the average birth rate of the principle European countries, it appeats that for every hundred girls born there are slightly moe than a hundred and five boys born, The predominance of. females in later life is accounted for by. the greater tenacity of life in women. Af- ter the third year there does not ap- pear to be any special difference in the mortality of the sexes until after thirty or thirty-five, when the ratio turns in favor of the women, and continues in their favor until about seventy, when ther appears to be but little. difference until eighty-five, af. ter which the diffe-ence is more marked the farther we go towards extreme old age. When Women Exeel. DURABLE GRINDING We have all sizes in stock. nae) THE Bed tne Ship your grain to us and make Bills of Lading read: care of Gibbs Commission Company, Winnipeg. Then you will realize the advantages of employing thoroughly equipped, wide-awake and up-to-date Grain Commission Merchants; highest prices, liberal advances on Bills of Lad- ing prompt notification of weight claims for car shortages. shipments. Licensed. Your grain is sold by us PERSONALLY not by paid employees. Thirty Years experience in selling-grain ineans TOP PRICE for, your Send us your name for Mailing list. We are in close touch with the grain markets of the world and will keep you thoroughly posted; IT MEANS MONEY IN YOUR POCKET, even it you don't ship to us, Gibbs Commission Co. (Successors to Gibbs Robinson) Grain Commission Merchants WINNIPEG, MANITOBA. Members Winnipeg Grain Produce Exchange; Exchange; Montreal Board of Trade; Calgary Grain Exchange. settlements, inspections, prompt Bonded. New York Produce a DIC mon is that at one period of their lives they excel men in regard to weight and helett. At birth boys are slightly larger, both in height and weight; and continue in the lead un- tit twelve, then girls pass them, both in height. and weight, for about two years, when the boys again take the lead, and compl te their growth at about . twenty-three or twenty-four, while. girls complete their growth at nineteert of twenty. With this brief exception, males excel in height and weight throughout lite Among. other mazing facts. about woman, it might be mentioned that Mogenorate changes in the blood ves sels. and origldity of the thorax, both characteristios of senile decay, are found much arlier in men than in women. Then, fain, men die sud- denly much oftener than women, and men suffer from baldness much more often than women, Women have, too, the greater ca- pacity to endure Beat on account of the fact that they excrete less car- bonic acid, and, therefore, are in less need of . This fg thought also to be Om of the reasons why women experfen s less discomfort than men in breathing the rarefied air of high altitudes, and why, too, women suffer less from chloroform anaesthetics, To sum up, a moted Enstish statist cian has calculated that, of two, chil- dren, a boy and girl, born on the same day, the boy will have only Seventeen chamtes against eleyen of living one year, while the girl will have twenty-one chances against eleven. From fiveito fifteen there ap- pears to be put little difference, but from fifteen to nineteen, the critical period in the Hfe of the female, the boy will have 269 chances and the girl 277 chances of living against one of death. SECRET OF LIFE SIR A. MAXIM'S VIEW He Recalls Discussions of Men of Science Forty Years Ago. Germ Cells That May Have Strayed From Other Worlds. The recent address of the president of the British Association regarding the possibility of (producing low oz- ders of life artifleally is very inter- esting, and recalls to my mind the eyents which .tdok piace forty-five years ago, when spontaneous gener- ation and Darwin's theary were being hotly discussed by the cleverest mien of science inthe world, who, curious- ly enough, at that time.were all Brit- ishers. Shall we ever see their like again? writes Sir Hiram. Maxim, m mber of the British. Associatjon for the Advancement of Science, in the London Daily Express. I am familar with the experiments of. Profesor Tyndall and the contro- yersy relating to the origin of life which took place shortly after the Dundes meeting. It 1s quite possible that life, as we know it, and every living thing, was derived from 2 singl -g rm c ll pro- duced in a natural way on this plan- et, but Ido not think it ts probable. Flammarion tells, us that we are right in. the centre of the starry uni- verse; that if we should leave this planet nd travel in a straight line, with the velocity of light, 186,000 miles per second, and continue this speed for a million years, we should still be in the centre of the starry universe, In this million of years we should; however, have passed in- numerable suns and planetary sys- tems, many of them inhabited. Thousand Million Years. It-we think of a limit to space, we ask ourselves what the limit may be. What is it composed of How thick fs ft, and what is there beyond? How far does it extend? And so on, ad infinitum. Flammarion might have gone still further with-hs reasoning. He might have sald: Let us go back-s thous- and millions of years, we should still be in the centre of the starry uni- Verse, and the state of affairs would be the same as now. Still further, he might have said: Let us go for- ward; Iet us advance into the fut- ure thousand millions of years. What shall we find then? Exactly the same thing. There is absolutely Ro space to limit nd mo space to the number of suns that are the centres of planetary systems. The telescope reveals at least a hundred millions of suns, and this, of course, is not even an fnifinitestimal fraction of the, number that actually exist. They are infinite, Matter and space have always ex- sted; there was no beginning and there will be no end, But ft fs not altogether a material universe. There 1s a certain, fmpon- derable power or force, sufficient strong to mold the dext-0 fais into form. We might calls life, the soul, the mind, or of the unfyerse, It in Immaterial force that overs a controls the material universe and the author.6f'all the phenom which * : p with also with consciousn tis: tous as the attraction Ai oui each other; that ts; the + gravitation; eS Matter and Poree, Nothing can be more Certain) NE HAT DAILY NEWS. that matter of gravity which is the soul of matter have always existed and from- these premises should we not predicat that life also has al- ways existed and always will exist? We know that the most compli- cated forms of life have been derived from very simple forms. The lowest orders of life that we have any know- ledge of are extremely smatt, 807 small, indeed, that the attraction of gravitation has had very little effect upon them. Many years ago it occurred to me that life on this planet might have deen introduced by some little living germ that had come to us in the samo manner as meteoric dust. It ia known that these little germs may exist In. dormant state for ages, and be brought to life and activity whenever the conditions are favor- able warmth, light and moisture. But could these germs exist in the intense cold of intersteller space? This was the question that was my stumbling-block. When, however, the process of thaking liquid air was discovered, experiments were made, and-It was found that the germ of the lowest fortis of life were not des- troyed by intense cold. Therefore, I think that the Chances are much greater that the origin of life on this planet was due to some germ or g rms (and there might have been a vast number Of them of various kinda), received trom older worlds, We have just unloaded our first car load of sleighs. We have all sizes in steel and cast shoeing also. deli- very sleighs in various sizes. 3 A sinall want ad in Tho Daily News Classified Column will bring results. One Night Or: ; OPERA HOUSE THURSDAY OCT., 3ls A Two-Act Musical Comedy Farce with little Comedi JUANITA R in the Title Role. AN ALL-STAR COMPANY. . LOTS OF LAUGHS . - LOTS OF Special Four-piece Ladiets Orchestra. the cle The JOHNSON-RICUARDSON GO. Lieited, Broneeat Cxomdas Oo THE PERMANENT. SUCCESS OF OUR BUSINESS DEPENDS ON. OUR CUSTOMERS CONTINUED SATISFACTION. * FARMERS a Consign Your Grain to: Us For Best Results , Personal attention given to all ears. Liberal advances made. Write us for Daily Market Letter and Sample Bags. Central Grain Company Ltd. 422, Main St. Phone 261 .Ladies Silk Dresses, Waists, Gloves, Feath- ers, Ete,, Gents Suits, Dry Cleaned Pald-up Capital, 150,000, Particular attention paid to Licensed. 705 L. Grain Exchange. Bonded. travellers work, suits pressed WINNIPEG, MAN. up on short notice. References: Any Bank or Commercial Agency. IF YOUCAN SOLVE This PROBLEM As an advertisem nt-we will give these awards absolutely and unconditionally free to sons sending in the nearest correct solution of the TWENTY.. ONE /BLEM. There is positively no lot or chance connected with the so- lution of this problem. It isa contest of skill. The neatest correct solution .of the problem will be awarded the Piano, and the other awards will be distributed in the order of merit. Everybody who sends in a correct solution will be awarded a prize. FIRST AWARD FOURTH AWARD A beautiful Doherty Upright A beautiful Violin, complete Piano with case, VALUE 425. 7 FIFTH AWARD SECOND AWARD A Handsome Guitar complete A 375 Upright Piano for with case. w125. And 88 additional awards to the next 88 neatest cor- rect solutions. S SRR ars DIRECTIONS: Take the numbers from 8 to 11 inclusive, and place them In the squares so that when added together vertically, horizontally and diagonally, the total will be TWENTY-ONE, No number can be used twice, Use this or a separate piece of paper or material, gentlemen who have consented to uct as Judges are a guarantee that the awards will be distributed te s60 WhO are entitled to them. ME Ol a Ue, the Judges being unable to decide between any two solutions, each will receive equal awards. ANSWER QUICK, YOU MAY GET THIS BEAUTIFUL PIANG - must be four store on or before Thursday, November 14th, 1912. My THIRD AWARD A 375 Upright Piano for 150, or Pring your solution to DEPARTMENT 20. s Organ Co., Lt 3 x lt;a
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Image 799 (1912-10-31), from microfilm reel 799, (CU1740035). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.