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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. WHEN YOU COME OUT TO-NIGHT Look at the FRENCH COLLAR AND CUFF Shirts in our corner-window, As nice a display as you ve secn in Medicine Hat at 1.25 and 1.50. NOTE The 1.50 Shirts are a few odd sizes of lities worth 2.00 and 15, 15 ,. See if you can t pick a good one at 1.50. oP ee H. S. Ireland THE FAIR Sens Leonard Flanagan Phone a. Groceries and Dry Goods We have just operied up full-shipment.of Red Rose Tea and Coffee 3 lb, tins Red Rose Tea, black, .. .. .. ++ 1.20 per tin. 1 DB. Blue Label Red Rose Tea, black, +. 50 Ib, 1 Ib, Green Label Red Rose Tea, black ... 0c per Ib, 1 Ib. Green Label Red Rose Tea, green 40 per Ib, 1 Ih, Red Rose Coffee, . 50 per Ib. RED ROSE TEA I8 o0oD TEA bs aroun TRY A POUND, THE FAIR ? LEONARD FLANAGAN. HIGH-CLASS GROCERIES, DRY GOODS AND LADIES WEAR. COUNCIL BAS BUMPED, JOLTED, AND NOW WANT TO JUGGLE OFFICIAL Sanitary Inspector is the Latest Civic Servant to Get His. During the last month the city counct have bumped the dog cat- cher, Jolted the medical officer, and last night Ald. McClellah thought the sanitary Inspector should be jiggled up a bit, Ald, Evans There are a lot of men ed up. Mayor I believe the sanitary in- Spector is doing good work Ald, Johnston thought the inspec- tor Was a good man; but had 2 conscl- entious objection to summoning any one for a breach of the by-law. Mr, Mahaffy Tell him if he doesn't summon someone, you'll fire him. LILLIPUTIANS MADE SOME EXCELLENT CHORUS WO SHOW, THE SHRINE SINGING AND The Lilliputians in Billy Taylor at the Opera House made a great hit last might. They gave an ox- cellent production, S me of their songs and one duet in particular proved excellent. Miss Pearl Car- lyle, as (Phoebe) has a most strik - ing voice being very strong and distinct of tone. Master Charlie Cooper also made a. hit as Ben Barnacle. All the other artists are Voices: makng the chorus work a treat. The cast of characters : Reputation OF THE ian ourlay Piano IS DUE ENTIRELY TO THE CHARACTER OF THE GOURLAY PIANO AS AT PRE- SENT MANUFACTURED. al It does not rest upon the work. of an earlier genera- tion or depend upon the character of instruments made twenty-five or more years ago. Captain The Hon. Felix Flapper, Amel.a Murphy Sir MincingLane, Knight Louis Condon, Dorothy Coburn, Violet Barry, Emily Browne, Molson, Chorus of Peasants, Sailors.. Soldiers and R.N.W, M. P. FOR THE STAMPEDE. The Sergt. Mayor and Inspector of R. N. W. M. P: and twenty men and three carloads of horses pasaed through the city this morning om their way to the Stampede to be held: at Calgary. THE MEDICINE HAT. MUSIC C6, South Railway St. Under the Big Fiddle. Phone 105 -MeKinoon s Ltd. Our Bread is on a - Pedistal of its own The public demands good bread and we supply it. There is a certain satisfaction about getting good bread that only those who have tried our But- ternut bread can appreciate. It is uniformly the saa quality. Try it once and you will eat no . B. McKINNON, President. J. B. RICHARDSON, Gen. Mgr. Notice of Removal GEO. CAMPBELL, - Tailor has removed his Tailoring business from Toronto St. to 331 North Railway St. its. made to order as usual. Eadies and Gents Clothing Repaired, Cleaned and Pressed by expert hands. Work called for and delivered. PHONE 456, YOU CAN TEACH A PARROT TO SAY: JUST AS GOOD . BUT HE WON'T KNOW WHAT HE 18 TALKING ABOUT. other S Bread Phone 256. TASSIE BROS. ' Houses A meeting of tie Mresttieal Board of Examiners will be held Monday night. REAL ESTATE ALTAWANA Block 10, Lots 3-4,- 1,000, cash. Block 4, Lots 25-80, 1260.a prs terms, RIVERSIDE Block 13, Lots 3-6, 700 a pr., terms. Block 18, Lots 11-16, 735 a pr., terms, Block 15, Lots 36-40, 600 a-pr., terms. HERALD Block 5, Lots 28-29, 1600 a pr., around this'city that should be liyen- QUITE A HIT HERE capable and possessed of excellent At a meeting of the City Council) last night a letter was read from the pub- Ushers of the Financial Post. They were getting out a special number, the letter stated, in which would be soaie- eo efoat ted Ss e Ss S ete rae ood sos Me 4 You Now Headquarters: What it Costs 5.00 COME IN NOW i sy) E ct 3 lt; oO Oo qe a KS B B ct qs 5 to charter member. After Friday, Aug. 30th, initiation fee will positively be 25.00 The Loyal Order of Moose announce the close of their Charter on FRIDAY EVEN- ING, AUGUST 30th, with the meeting to be held in the OPERA HOUSE at 8 o'clock. Those who have not been examined should call at headquarters and arrange for Medical Examination. Kindly tell your friends who ought to be a Moose and tell them this is their last opportunity tojoin as.a Charter Member. of physician. W. C. SMITH, PHONE 110. OFFICE OPEN UNTIL 8.30 p, m. findiiber Friday, 30th, is the Last Day Saturday, August 24, 1912. What You Get 7.00 per week in sick- ness or accident;. service A HOME, SWIMMING POOL, GYM. SS 600 Moose and a Home for Them 21 BECKER BLOCK. Organizer. Present Dally Aver Advertisers in Dail; of the Weekly cou No extra charge, Bi Medicine Hat s bi morrow and the lar ed to attend is alr the city. The prog cellent one and jt ANOTHER N Bank of Hamil As it Was Of Shootin, Vancouver, B. Bank of Hamilton's from the centre of scene of.a boldly. p executed robbery Sa Bing o'clock. The d and masked, numbe least are believed tc more than four hun the amount of their being taken from t Manager T. H. Rh an opportunity to 1 stalled fire alarm for their own safet; bandits from rushin mediately they back bank building shoot on the street. One of the bandit but his companions a waiting automobil Most or the bullet the air or into the eooesoooooroeoososoooseressooeosooneosecooseseees rid Be 9 is 9 sagen Ms canes a eee eatetoateat BUSY MEETING AT TRADES AND LABOR COUNCIL Labor Day sports came in for much taken by delegates to the announce- Mr. J. Thompson, W. Grover or T. Riley by Saturday next, but the counnittee was upheld by the coun - cil The Council decided to call on all members of labor to attend di- tine-serviee Sunday, Sept. 1 (Labor Sunday). Further announcement will be made next week. The Council decided on affiliating with the Alberta Federation of La- bor and the afiliation fee will be forwarded. ne Arrangements were made for a meeting to be held this evening by. the Council to which non-union men will be heartily welcomed, in fact all laboring men. The organizer of the Trades end Labor Congress will ad- dress site gathering. WANT AN AD. terms. Block 3, Lots 8-11, 950 a pr, terms. Block 7, Lot 16, 600. Terms. Block 17, Lots 39-40, 750 a pr, terms, CENTRAL PARK Block 29, Lots 1-2, 735. Terms Bik. 5, 37 ft, 875, terms. Block 27, Lots 81-33, 575, terms. . HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Block 27, Lot 92, 525, cash, Block 21, Lets 29-30, 1100 a pair. Terms. Gs Gly Rely Co Fire, Life, Accident, Hail and Plate Glass Insurance, 410 Main St. P.O. Box 816. 24 of various kinds under construction, some nearing comple- tion. Fully modern. Apply to W. Hl ROSEWARNE Builder and Owner. Phone 800, fully dealt with the British manufac- turers visit to Canada. This visit, the letter stated, had made every member a missionary for the welfare of Canada. They enclosed advertis- ing rates and pointed out the good results that would accrue from the city advertising in it. the exhibition grounds on Monday for the fall fair. All boys must be at No. 1 headquarters at 1 o'clock sharp. with full outfit for camp. the News Job Department. Give us a trial. The Trades and Labor Council had Women's Missionary Soc ety of the very busy session last night. The Century Methodist Church, was held discussion. - Some objection was Tuesday afternoon. A very pleasant ment by the committee that all lo- after which the hostell, assisted by cal entries must be in the hands of Mrs. Patterson, served a beautiful The regular monthly meeting of the at the home of Mrs. J. Tumble on hour was spent in appropriate topics, lunch, which was very mhch enjoyed. The Tennis Club are holding a dance on August 27th in Becker's Hall. Mr. Maxwell, consulting engineer on the city s power plant, is in the city. F. G. Forster s in the city. BABYS GREAT DANGER More little ones die during the hot weather than at any other time of the-year. Diarrhoea, dysentry, chol- era infantum and stomach disorders: to give short delay too fre- SOCIAL AND PERSONAL anorTHer NEW conTRACTING FIRM FOR ROIS HAT. Sra ing, 4th Avenue. The Perry Blectric Supply Co. have opened up in this city, carry- ing a full lime of electrical fixtures OM who can keep books and ran and supplies and announce that. they typewriter. are now prepared to undertake quently means that the child has Passed beyond aid. Baby's Own Tab- lets should always be kept in the home where there are young child - ren. An occasional dose of the Tab- lets will prevent stomach and bowel troubles, or if the-trouble comes sud- denly the prompt use of the Tablets will cure the baby. Mrs. Adelore Juillette, St. Bruno, Que., writes: My baby was troubles with his bowels, but Baby's Own Tablets soon The matter was referred to the In- lustrial Committee with power to act. The Boy Scouts go into camp at No order too large or too small for are sold by modicine dealers or by classes of electrical work. This firm a is located in the Royal Bank build This is Not Merely an Advertisement but rather a reminder to those interested in Quality Lumber Quick Service Fair Prices That our Phone Number is LIMITED mail at 25 cents a box from The. Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. . HIGGINS INFANT BURRIED. The infant son of Mr. and Mra. William Huggins-Es Ave., died Thursday, aged 7 months. The re- mains were interred yesterday after- noon to Hillside cemetery. Rev. C. J. Wilson took the service. AN EXCEPTIONALLY 00D FARM with 80 acres under ultivation. Every foot can be plowed and cropped. All new buildings. Good well with plenty of water. The 160 acres completely fenced. For sale at a very low prica Owne: retiring. baying. Arrange now for your store, office Hull Block. 0OME OVE WRIGHT DAY NO SPECULATION BUT SINE SOUND INVESTMENTS Choice lots and houses too numerous to advertise. Kalser s Old Timer 10 Cigar. - WHY PAY RENT? when you can buy a gaad home on Bal- moral street for 2800. Small first payment; balance easy. This house is fully modern on a choice lot 50x150. HIGHLAND ST A beautiful home, new, seven room house with concrete basem: modern conveniences, for only 4500. See us defore or sulte of rooms In the new R ASSINIBOIA MUSIC STORE. MAIN ST. Wanted First-class office man. 166 And our Yards, Sheds, and Sash and Door Ware- houses at Factory and South Railway Sts. BEAVER LUMBER CO. E. W. STACEY, Mer. Apply 8. E. McClellan, all Assiniboia Music Store. ti Sent to Congr - That Govern Of the Tre: Washington, Aug Tait signed the P at 7.15 o'clock to: this he sent to Cc andum suggesting tl the passage of ar would declare that not cons dered by t violation of the tre the exempti shipping from the pi for the use of th says the irresistible drawn from it an the United States 0 has paid for the stricted by treaty own commerce in t the other nations of freely do. cw. ALP. London, Aug, 24 - nal Bill is charact ing as practically SS remont Grape Juice Absolutely pure and unadulterated. Made from finest Concord Grapes. water, half and half, makes an ideal sum- mer drink. Nature s own tohic. .Price per bottle, 15 , 25c, 40c and 75c. WELCH S AND WALKER S GRAPE JUICE ALSO IN STOCK. Diluted with SLAU The No ments mad ary condit house, whit knowledge Mr. Ri charges ma slaughter work at his killing a yo whose duty clean. *Y chell, and these floor er that the This does The N Police, call found the ; everything Mr. M kept as cle odor arise distance fr to the lack installed. TEPER EEE ofelede fe ole ode ole ole oe oe oho tee oe ode oe oh bob ob ob he oh bye be
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Image 357 (1912-08-24), from microfilm reel 357, (CU1739623). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.