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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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poe ae 18 Puceday, August 20 6,/1012. : a D TO. BUX 7 i : s Giants Go Up One S P OR R F N E ws Leafs Sell a Winning 9 oo om to rent close in. etededp te tececese cece deeded nppepeptpepetea a. 720 Fourth Rredocgoatretonteateetestentptecteatesteeteetitees Resto etotteatoctosteatoete Go eioet ro oake toto estrseodioate odin sto odip soe Gesee este see ie oe ae ese He eie He tie See Noe coceekescalll re our 35-8 z a UY Bullding lots ferald or Central terms, etc, to P, 0. : only need apply. 38-30 4 tee te ots 2 goa . goer TO RENT, xs; murmur aor ee ol Coste Afraid to Quit. Ian ane, ot Piper Star as massing showing. He I trafning his little Faculty of Getting Himself ree hous batevee ae ie Baseball Because He's athe heatsal going to bat Talked About All The Time conte canola Tuned Up to Strain aici catiwa. whe started of badly, losing Gregory who only seor : EREEEE EEE TEESE ee MfasQrney then joined: Kelle- ENE ices over Foster's ply McGregor and 36-tf, ) large front bed- suitable for one or Apply 125 Batmorat I would be afraid to quit baseball, yesterday and today only five hours w, ae-3t . New York, Ang 19.m The history of batten, an socident that Ye to A/F et ea cyeye attr to yoara in I ald Play, bee boon possible. The -Aus- rte pein atoppel, slay, RallaWar aay tack ote : baseball discloses no ie a tomra, + SCORES op Clark acne were Nations : ee tralian fielding was superb. having-7-to-hia credit and MacArmey modern house, two been ithe: H ro;ot mone Seno The strike nearly caused a general 4, the Mack of mental and physical ex- Iaividval-seores: having failed so. far to soore, b y hall, Phone 182. news dispatches than Ty Cobb. Since watkout ont the part of the Daversa ask ooo eo z eitement end strain would mate, 81 arate Surrey Ee at ae - 34-8t his advent into the national game as of the entire organization and ult - r Gulch end-of meet wutter Tom Tal cdee, Yorkshire 49 Fights Sehedaled. for Tonight a a member of the Detroit American mately led the organization of a AMERICAN LEAGUE Macey nond docing Tam couvineca Rs Spooner, Lancashire 1 Joe Jeanette vs. pele ite, TED for vacant store bs 4 League Club th Georgia star has Players Protective League under the Detroit .. - 8 9 aft Sroatd te caatis so otand it ( : B. Fry (Capt.) Hampshire 5 rounds, at Newark, Es ase st of Montreal Street Anticipation boon heralded as the best all-around head of Dave Fultz, which may yet Boston... ... .1. s+ +) 4 8 2 Wolley, Kent 2 Fre ie Waleh ea ase ne loeation for any ball player; has been a1 lead to the formation of a union. Willett and Stanage. Griff, both as player and manager, Fearn (J, W.) Middlesex. y Tounds at pes, . onable rent. Living charge of assaulting a citizen in Cobb joined the Detroit Club In Bedient and Carrigan. has been one of the most active and J wT, Douglas, Hssex.. 18 - Immediate posses- The man who buys Weft- creveiana and fined 10; he has rac- 1905, coming from the south, where * successful men in the game. He was fp Roster, Warwickshire .. 19 Preserving Pears, Bartlett, 2.50 ad overhauling will be ver Shoes never anticipates ed an automobile and won another for he was a contemporary of Nap Ruc- NATIONAL alwaye fighting, whether his club was Smith (P, J.), Warwickshire. 4 per case. H. Morrow, Nowth Rail- G. G. MacBean Co. pates) ving the best all-around player in Ker, Brooklyn's star southpaw pitch- New York . 61 1 up or down, and there sa strong Foe, Stafomdshire .... 7. twa. uilding. 1oatt anything but comfort and) tne american league, and was sus- er. Cobb is again leading the Amer- st. Louis 9 7 probability that after almost 2 record n eS . : F ee ded for assaulting w spectator at can League batsmen with an aver- Crandall and Mex connection with the game, he still WANTED satisfaction. He knows fenae Mican League park in Man-lage of 42 Salee and Wingo, could wiggle through a game in the REFERRER EERE EEE EPP PPP EES a ner aet i ii a pitcher's box. ial ite oe a a either: rods bie gyn or, from amenrcay assoctiition ai aunotes aro affected the same BOSTON 18 THE FAVORITE ie B, Brooks, 810 Brae the experience of other Ma Marshall, Great Chess Sharp, Columbus . 8 8 8 way, he continued. Take Ty Cobb. js + a that, When Wak-Guers g0 si 3 10 1 He works so intensely ,and each sea- Jofefatuieiniobeiniebinei--b bbb herbi don gots Bo Tinely-drawn-that-I-doubt. Wilt Be-35-Fomorrow Pause ie on, shoe. troubles-will go off. Dauss and Matshall. very much if he could stand inactiv- Here is how the manggere of the big T sgite teums-view the-fight-for.. .. Furnished. Immed- 0 aye ean 2 poe tee a -stand teat ri Folin oralsbety ater i ne Indianapolis 2 ity. er players, who do not work the pennant in merican : will like their finisl Frank J. Marshall, the American mission to the masters section of the , : see: You like their high he Pobre who has-recently been international tournament, He won * 88s Clty -.. : 2 10 3) as hatd and sans ner 80 0 Postestly Manager and Club. TO LOAN playing in the international tourna- thefirst prize in the minor tourna- Sane ant trained, wie Saye et iow tased thats Jacoe Sat. Hed Box. f JOAN Private money T U R P I N B ROS. ment of chess. masters at Breslau, s ment, losing only one game. Re- oaleviile ees sfar a unk i papaya es aoe dential property. Ap- 7 still a young man, as chess experts turning to America, he captured the siiwaukee ie calor G iis walkin jomnie Mack, Bs 85 Juke 35-3 THE MEN'S STORE go, since the great indoor sport is championships of the Manhattan 47.0 ae Scbiici. ee eatg ol Se Nite eis : Where you get the Big Dollar's Worth isrgeiy played by greybeards. aa ina Club saa the New York satel Ca sine cuales sve, foeeing. ill totes fe Hine Jepass Oe Bee ae a 1 S awe hall Will he thirty-five years old to- Chess Association. In e again Commin erton, Highl: Sox in tee as he was born in New York crossed the Atlantic to take part in an INTERNATIONAL patentee eae ne si ee Ge. ee ae Louis Browns. an't be o' verbauled. hen in need of mater- on August 21, 1877. He gained-his international meet of the masters in sorsey City . i 2 ee ee ee ee eee bees ene at 808 Balmoral St. 33-8t T. F. Reynolds PAINTER, ETC. Late of firm of Reynolds Stewart 120 Eighth Ave. 33tf first fame as a chess player in Mon- Paris, where his playing created liporonto ... a: 13 eat awet ne anus nentin teainihg or Sai tigate treal, his parents having moved to sensation. He was the only man in poegcher. Schaffly, McHale and Sica the aemsoa te at dts weight cHank O'bey Brookly: at : the Canadian metropolis when Frank the tournament to win a contest Rondeau, a Oban Ce was a mere lad, At twelve he was from Dr. Lasker, the champion of the) Kent and Bemis. ee ake Be Z ey able to put up game that baffled world, and he also took a game form providence ... 65 CRIOKET. Saarieg many, good players four or five times Pillsbury, who finished second. At Montreal ... 1. Dooin, Philies his age, and at sixteen he was the the conclusion of the tournament he Young and Schmigt 46--A- Pr Gable )SE Trained Nurse. . Phone 747, 35-12t HER WANTED CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS champion of the Montreal Chess was coupled with G. Maroozy, the McTigue and Burns. London, Aug. 19. The start of the au a ANTE Foe Powell A HENDERSON CO. chartered Club, and one of. the best players in Hungarian champion, for third and eae second day's play in the ninth and, POET Bresnahan, Cardin: es frat or-aggomd class: accountants and auditors, (estab- Canada, Marsball was etghteen when fourth prizes. Marshall has since CENTRAL PETRRYATIONAL last test match of the triangular PRESENT ODDS TO a PENNANT woes a itestant. Apply, stat- Ushed 1882), auditors, city of Medicine his family returned to the Untted been among the lesders in the chess Winnipeg ... 7 2 tournament was again delayed ow - WIN THE PENNANS oie AMBRI LEAGUE. 30 usually paid. A. EL Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, beth- States, settling in Brooklyn, where world. He finished first at Cambridge Superior ... je. e2+ ++, 5 6 5)ing to rain, Smith (J.) who was Club. e3 bal tary, Bowell, Alta. S1tf bridge. A. E. Gibson, CA, resident the future American champion joined Springs, and at St. Louis, Schevinin-) Seaton and. Hasty. not overnight, went to the wicket Boston . Boston . : partner. Phone 198, Burns Block the Brooklyn Chess Club. At twenty gen, Dusseldorf, and Nuremburg. He Rhodes. and Ford. and when play was resumed today Washington .. a AND FOUND a7sati he won the junior championship of was defeated last year by Jose R. Grand, Forks 8 2 with Barnes, but with only twelve Philadelphi Philadelphia ge the New York State Chess Club As- Capeblanca, the Cuban champion; who Duluth... ... 28,5 rane added in twenty minutes ng Cricaro 2 Chicago a papers: th coanepte lation. His first. appeatance captured the international tourna- Wilson and Edmunds. land's last two wickets mi pi Detroit . rtgage, also notes pay- nt Se nee lea abroad was jn London in 1899, He ment at San Sebastian, Spain, ig y,Johnson, Warman and Hargrave. ontributing 4, Barnes 7, making Cleveland 20 1 Cleveland .. F'Gooper,, -' Alisutt have accomplished it at Hollinger was then only twenty-one, and on 1911, Marshall has participited f ee Bigland's total245. ew York .. r return of papers to Agenc sett account of his youth was denied ad- about twenty-five chess tournamenth Kalser s Old Timer 10c Cigar. With rain in the early hot Loui fedicine Hat. B4-8t TRAYED E LR epeeeed geatetoatp ate foatestentersesteeGosiretoetr eter sorte ssensoeearet e mn July 26th from the . 4, T. 12, R. 6, one bay 9d, branded C7 on right white hind feet, fet- weighing about 1050 her halter and shank. EVERYBODY S DOING IT.. WHAT? hy visiting HEWITT ARMSTRONG S STORE: he rated te 5 so es *o be ai for delivery to owner. on SW. 1-4 8. 24, T. oe eine ee + AND PARTIC PATING IN THE D The above will be + information that will ecovery of one brown 4 white stripe on nose, . weight about 1300 Ibs. od MOOSE BRAND COMPETITION IT SURE HAS TAKEN US COMPLETELY BY SURPRISE, SUCH A PHENOM- Purchase ENAL SUCCESS SINCE THIS COMPETITION WAS INAUGURATED. OUR an a F WHOLE STAFF HAS BEEN TAXED TO-THEIR UTMOST, WAITING ON THE LADIES AND GENTS S iN EOPLE WHO VISIT OUR STORE DAILY IN THEIR EAGER. nuns MooseBrandGoods gt;*:*oF* ; musical astrume NESS TO PURCHASE MOOSE BRAND GOODS. IT S AMUSING, TOO, THE , nt g 5 a na ve FUN SOME PEOPLE HAVE AND THE DIFFERENCE IN THEIR GUESSES. ry hace oad 'teca noes to the value of 25C. WHISPER ''THERE ARE NEARLY 4 LBS. OF COFFEE BEANS IN THE to the Harvard Talloring GLASS DOMES. NOWISITEASIER TOGUESS? OF COURSE THERE to the Harvard Tatloring heatre, P.O. bor 38, - and have a Guess WOULD BE NO FUN IF WE TOLD YOU EXACTLY. DON T FORGET; DEPOS- alerted IT YOUR GUESS IN SEALED BALLOT BOX. Someone and why not you For NEAREST GUESS to Number aoe apill Des pnze of Coffee Beans in Glass Domes rae ae PRIZES OFFERED ARE: NK CO. The above have UCTIONEERS 7 ss Winners of the First Three 1. rrez TRIP TO CALGARY STAMFEDE AND ALL EXPENSES. mogram on left should- : gelding weighing about ded ) on left thigh. Boy were ) tast seen at 4 n the 13th of May. R. E. 3 ine Hat. 16att nes - CELLANEOUS ve Soatest ACKSMITH SHOP just ridge St. East of Elm forse shoeing and gener- ranteed, H. Galbraith. 30-6 te * ee Moose Brand Teas Coffees i Spices . s Jelly Powders Canned Fruits Canned Vegetables. Quality is Right Prices are Right Allin Big Demand, --- And Why Not Sure, a cup of Tea or Coffee Moose te fo soatees Re hooked * best selection of Second in the clty.. We carry toves and Bedding, new hand Clothing, Clocks, welry, Rifles, Guns, Re- ons, Buggies, Harness, new line of winter goods, Sealetesteatoateo goat See sto sdo-ote RS teens Soetega toed Furniture sale a spec- es right. Call or write, ets ame Bt att: Prizes in this big Moose Brand ond FREE TRIP TO CALGARY STAMPEDE AND HALF EXPENSES. see er oi e 8 Os Cc ompetition have option of 3ra TRANSPORTATION TO CALGARY a NO EXPENSES. rand of Course is simply delicious. ck Sales overs Pelay buying from any Local Mer- 4tn 20 LBS. OF MOOSE BRAND TEA OR ae EE, di OMPERITION cLoses. Ox EVENING oF moe fursiture ssioe anes + chant goods amounting to the sth 10uS oF MOOSE BRAND TEA 08 Oe BEANS COUNTED BY STAFF OF CANADIAN Bare: Coumlt i, em value of the prize ; 6th 5 LBS. OF MOOSE BRAND TEA OR COFFEE. BANK OF COMMERCE. Browne Co,, 519 To- 1s2att oer tp tester PLO er oso esr seston Restestotnatecetesanertestetentedoete dearer POOH re PO
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Image 323 (1912-08-20), from microfilm reel 323, (CU1739605). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.