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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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bride, he and two taings have struck me forcibly on my second visit. The first is the wonderful, giyie improvements that have beet made in an incredibly short period, and the second your backwardness so fay as obtaining industries is concerned. C. P. R. PASSENGER SERVICE. WINTER 1912-18, PRFECTIVE OCT, 27, 1912, Eastbound, Train and Terminal. Imp. Lta., Vancouver to Momeal, Arrive, Leave 8,9QH) 3.20 20.30,. Toronto, Exp... Vaneourer to Toronto 428 440. Seattle-Bt. Paal Exp. oan to BP: Continuing, hesaid Be did ot s e any rea- 23.00 Local from Calgary, son why Lethbridge'should: dwnot tain them Westhound. 4 ie ve Train and Terminal. sade aa ia Yip, Tad, Montreal to Vancouver, i: 13.00. 1225 Van. Exp, Toronto to Vanvouver. 18 22.40 23.10 St. Paul-Seattle Exp. St. P. to Seattle, 516 630 Local for: Calgary, gt; ROW TRAINS. Our Three Days, Sale of ba Arrive Leave Train and Terminal, Dress Goods at B40 55 S00-Spokan -Portland Ltd... St. Paul HALF PRICE Portland, aved a lot of people a lot as her location was ideal every prospect of the place becoming alarge railroad centre, He compared th -city with Medicine Hat, and stated that beyond the fact of that town having an inexhaustible supply of Lethbridge had the advan- tage over the Hat with regard to location of the town and other assets. He saw in sev- eral papers that Lethbridge along with many other: western cities had fought ee the bonusing system. For that he ed them. Although he did not believe ere wag 12 * 945 9.55 Soo-Spokane-Portland Ltd, Portland to St Paul. 518-511. * 12-519 dead 520-518 ing actual cash to industrial concerns, of money. Best 439 1a cits guiainc Gleteare boreaag still he was strongly of the opinion that All this week we have No, 1 and 12 do not come/ Giving concessions had made Medicine Hat ante tear east, shown, Medicine Nat Dews Published by the 7 Hat News Cod Lid, lawful evening x3 its Main Stree, Wedi ine Hat, Alte. A. 3 , TERRILL, EAttor, . ing time at Dunmore, 8 miles hol she was today the industrial centre lof the west. It had added 3,000 to the Pte of that town in twelve months, how much had it cost them? practically nothing, for it was one of the lowest taxed towns of the west. In his opinion Medicine Hat was taking Hone: her first mistake in giving her street, rail- Advertising way franchise away, and he thought. the and/time would come when the civie officials : Depts./ would appreciate the awful blunder they 1 RING Se nce iveaee * 13 had made, and within a very few years they would regret it. Mr- MeBride left last clearing prices on these 50x150 ft., Dominion St 50x150 ft., Yuill St.... PHONE NEWS BLOOK, Opp. BUILDING. LOTS AtBargain Prices 50x180 ft., Queen St. ...-. 6.5 6.4 50x130 ft., Elm St. ... .-. -.. 50x150 ft, Balmoral St....-. lt;.., 1800.00 *.. 1000.00 100x130 ft. corner, Braemar St... 4000.00 50x145 ft- in Altawana ... ... ... 1250.00 25x20 ft., in Altawana, ../ ... lt; 475.00 50 ft., Block 29, Central Park. . .. 700.00 See us for bargains in City View. All these lots are money makers. for you. EDWARD J. FEWINGS. AGENCY 90. POST OFFICE. 1, delivered.... 4.00 3 year by mall. . .33.00 6 mouths, d-livered.. 3.00. months, ty mait..,.s150 night for Calgary. Eee SE 3 months, fetreens F000 53 (in Ae eet 1 mouth, celts oon 3 iaeaed banged as a ee desired) but bota oow aid UETHBRIDGE is so satisfied with its Old ad ressee 7st be given. * muni ipally owned street railway that ao WEELLE EWE Mayor Hatch, in again running for office, arery Thoceday 1 Uxteen oF more vaces. and lis doing so. on a platform which alls for the installation of a municipally owned radial electric line which will connect up all the contains a eumma-y of the news of the week. local and district. adjacent mines with the present city system. 6 months, tr advance Tse 8 months, tn advance. .50e year in advance.... 1.50 Monday, November 25th, 1912. eee eS aa THIS DATE IN HISTORY Ei ma November 25. - English occupied Fort Duques- ne, and ae the placed Pittsburgh in honor of William, Pitt, the prime A WORD OF ADVICE. Don t Pay Rent we wi Loan You. GO where you like, you hear the blessings ; of municipal ownership extolled. That it is a success and a benefit is an admitted fact the world over. Coming near to home, however, Calgary says so, Edmonton says minister. , Money . soy J Lethbridge says so, and Medicine Hat ae Pee. crpeaaied by the said so: a ish tri 6 To buy or Build Houses) paall Per Now the Medicine Hat Council, while Iqo Adolph E. Borie, a noted: Unionist To Pay Off Mortgages af Cent. admitting that the policy here has so far Supporter and for a time Secretary To Improve Real Estate been a great success both from the stand- of the Navy in Grant s cabinet, born in Philadelphia. Died there Febru- * ary 5, 1880. 187 -aany Anderson made her stage, de- but in Louisville. 1878 mis. of Lorne and * Princess Louise landed at Halifax. 1882 Robert .W. Barnwell, who, in the Montgomery convention, cast the yote which-elected Jefferson Davis president, died. Born in Beaufort, S. C., Ang: 10, 1801. point of economy and good service, pro- poses to cut off or do away with the policy Ps as it is beginning to creep, by giving street railway franchise to a private eompany. Since the proposal was broached there has been a Dominion wide protest against it. That people outside of Canada share the Same view is evidenced by a letter received by James Hamilton of Medicine Hat from his father in Bradford, Yorkshire, the woollenapolis of England. Mr. Hamilton is a big manufacturer of that place. He treats the matter as father to son, not as a critic, but more in a fatherly spirit, an ad- visory manner. His letter: My Dear Son: Youw have laid me un- a definite obligation by your last letter, n you ask for my opinion on a subject is vidently causing the people of i some trouble It is a raised some discussion days gone by, that is when the stre tramways, or railways as you call them, out there, were owned by a private We Guarantee the time when wots indebt- edness will be paid off. Office open. evenings. Write, phone 6r call. International Home Pur- chasing Contract Co.,Ltd. Medicine Hat Office 89: Main St, Phone 790. Over Astiifboia Music Store. leader of the Irish National Party. 1892 Sir John Thompson succeeded John Abbott as premier of anada. 1908 Steamer Sardinia buriide at Malta, with loss of 123 lives. THE ROYAL BAN OF CANADA This Bank offers to its clients the services of.a thor- oughly up-to-date Banking organization. MEDICINE HAT BRANCH POURTH AVENUE. C. H. MeDUNNOUGH, Manager. THIS IS MY 77th BIRTHDAY. Andrew. Carnegie. Andrew Carnegie, one of the most prom- inent men in the whole world today, was born in Dunfermline, Scotland, Noy. (25, 1835. When he was ten years old his father, a Weaver, in humble eireumstatices, emi- SI Sieeeroiosintye Cote te diesen oie ete soto eae Oe teen pent over Pe rao ty grated to:the United States and settled in ID . f company being held largely by men of sub- Pittsburgh, where Andrew rose from hav- Imperial Bank of Ganada inte dit intucnce inthe ity. A nmmber S ebare of 2 small stationary enging 0 ; being-the most extensive iron and Steel of them held seats in the City Council, na- turally these were anxious to retain the company s hold of this monopoly, which so far as dividends were concerned. was very Incrative, and on that aecount were mo: ult to convince that from a ratepayer of view the tramways ought to be ly owned and managed. How- he end, the latter beeamie an ac- fact, and now we have a system . cere to none, having a splendid jmanufacturer in the world.- In 1901 he threw his personal interests into the syn- icate known as the United States Steel Jorporation, arid he has since devoted much ie and money to great humanitarian pur- poses. A recent estimate places Mr. Car negie s total benefactions at about 200,- 000,000. He has donated money for the erection of 2,200 municipal:library build- ings. A few of his other notable gifts were 10,000,000 to the Carnegie Tnstitute, Pitts- burgh; 22,000,000 to the Carnegie Institu- Capital Paid Up . 6,460,000 Reserve Fund ; -- 6,460,000 A GENERAL BANG BUSINESS TRANSACTED. BAvIRRS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. RG WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch. 1890 Charles Stewart Parnell re-elect d . MEDICINE HAT STEAM LAUNDRY YOUR LIGHTWEIGHT OVERCOAT You'll soon be needing..Oh, yes, it will dofor another season if we renovate it. That's the beauty of our work; you cannot distin. guish an old suit or overcoa a new one after we get through with it. Our methods are individ- ual, distinctive, perfect. Try us on that last year THE GLOBE CLEAN- ING PRESSING CO. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Are: HARMONY My hair must be dressed in har- mony with my shirtwaist laun- dered iat the Medicine Hat Steam Laundry, for they are the most careful and do the best work have found; before I tried them, tried all others in town. They- send my waist back with all the buttons on, looking like new. 1 advise you to try them too. Phone 8 Fall is Here AND 80 IS HOUSE CLEANING TIME HAVE YOUR CLEANING DONE BY THE NEW VACUUM PRO. CESS. COSTS LESS THAN THE OLD WAY AND IS FAR BETTER WE CLEAN THE CARPETS ON THE FLOOR AND TAKE OUT ALL GERMS WITHOUT WEAR jj A aes ears, clean and comfortable, i driven and lighted, at less than tion) Wast ington; 10,000,000 Fe Scottish E universities; 000,000 to the Carnegie Established 1864, 180 Branches ee ae we travel deus phe ci es iano aan 1, 750, 000 for the Peace Temple Capital Pala Up, 96,000,000. ie and 15,000,000 for the gol- Total Assets (Nov. Seth. 1912) over 81,000,000. * * pension fund: 4 geeeen Banking Business Transacted. Speci Savings Accounts. OF CANADA THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CAN. charged by the old company. erick William Haultain, the new Chief Justice of Saskatchewan, 55 years old i ty age Louis V., Grand Duke of Hesse, 44 old today. ge Basil Haddon-Smith, the new T cares of the Bahamas, 51 years old to- day. x Paul Haupt, the noted Orientalist of ohn Hopkins University, 54 years old to- day. Bt. Rev. much in ex- fe old order of who ag large ERPLOYME NT AGENTS. ne Hatjwas y fora Charles Scadding, Episcopal hours last night, and Beating to a News bishop of Oregon, 51 years old - *. GIVE US.YOUR LISTINGS reporter he had quite alot of things to sav Cardinal Seraphinr Vannute b-Deanj regarding Lethbridge s tdustrial growth, of.the Sacred College, 78 years. today. or rather lack of industrial growth. Sir George W. Buchanan, di ambag- Tt is three years since 1 was in Leth-'sador at Si, Petersburg, 58 years old today. + CONGRATULATIONS TO: ;O OR TEAR TO CARPETS. Gas City Vacuum Cleaning Co. Phone 707 O.11-im J. . LARSON, Manager. F. LANGE C.E.B.U. Civil Engineer and Archi- tect. Municipal Sewerage, Water and Gas Supplies Street Gradings, Industrial Spur Rall- CitySale Stables Xmas Cards The Finest Assortment Ever - Show in the wd Ping le s Dr Drug and Book Store 2:3 Wear Made To Order Shirts MADE BY . F. LASTIMO Room 8, News Block. We guar- antee satisfaction with every Shirt We carry-all the new- est and up-to-date styles and patterns. A trial order is all we ask, Prices 1,25 6.50. ROOM 3, NEWS BLOCK 8-tt R. B. Taylor s Transfer Light and Heary Draying. Prompt Attention to all erders. Piano Moving with Piane Yan a Speciality, ) Parcels Delireree. PHONE NO, 349. Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sale LIGHT AND HEAYY DRAYING. Hay for Sale, FRED McCLAIN PHONE 85, PROPRIETOR . M. CAWKER, Phm. B. Drussist Drug jindries, Proprietary Medi- cines, ete, Poste ook aa Eton eo ess e prosgertertostostrate de hoatertertonteatortetoatoatoatetnete ete diratoctin Gealrleoatesteste stodtoatedtetieds : STOCK i WE Drama Nearing garians Out. London, 1 tween Austr satisfactory ince the bet This is th from Vienna . J. Dillon ent ot the D . Feports that that no dem put forward Hung ary, tt hag been se: the dual mor to all the cla affect- Austr On the ot Use B: Soap. for Bz for Y ways, Irrigation, ete. re eee Pre Al pear * Subdivisions Sg ecdii Rion. tions 38. : Layout of Parks. Steel Constructions Specifications for - i Houses, ete. T. F. Reynolds z Glass Responsible Ser- PAINTER, ETC. ; tor Reasonable Prices. Tatest samples in Wall Paper. * Reteiift Hotel, Red- 120 Eighth Ave. Phone 690, eR
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Image 984 (1912-11-25), from microfilm reel 984, (CU1740222). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.