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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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D BOARD WANTED JED COUPLE WANT m with private family. v6. fF AND FOUND / BRRIER BATH PUP, two tan brown spots, Good reward. J. F. B. 14 UMBRELLA WAS house some time ago. mit sum for ad when mbrella. Apply News, 1att IN ROLLING MILLS a Silver watch and .C. On ease. 5.00 re- given for rewurn of office. 112-6 OR SALE TS, 27 AND . 38, chool Annex, 1050 Avply owner, box 116-3, 8 115-6, ABOVE WILL: ormation that will lead y of one grey gelding, t 1300, branded either mon left shoulder, or thigh. This tiorse is ars old and has frim- . Starks, Medicine Hat. e9et RSIN ROWE, GRADUATE returned trom her va- ured to resume nure- anade: Phone 144.-114-6 ELLANEOUZ PITALIST WHO WILL class modern building t store on good busi- poly box 1482, News of- gt; 174 MILY TO KEEP BA- months old. Pay 20.00 ts care. Address Mrs, : 52,'Medicine Hat. 115-8 bree Se F WORK CONTRACT- ing, decorating, paper- clalty. Windows clean- aten, etc. Estimates urt Bros, 723 Third Fal delivery city post 118- f Se evweate INE HAT HIDE, FUR CO. The above have est sal ttion of Second n the city. We: carry ves and Bedding, new and Clothing, - Clocks. sIry, Rifles, Guns, Re- ms, Buggles, Harness; w line of winter goode thing mertioned abot est prices. Call at 50. / St. or Phone 587, 1 HERE THE RAW IS OPEN. Don't selt your raw hides til 87 or write P.O box, Hat. Our price is from 00. Don't forget it, ana pe ee tor the Dally News, PSPS NINOS ORES T HEE COREE PEER SS TODS So eteaseeteetoes SPO Sedleatedeatoaty Coats oes WILD BOB BURMAN TO MEET OLDFIELD: Well Known Speed Kings Burman has won the Remy Grand to Meet at San Francisco Brazerd and Thursday. Francisco, SeeSee hago PRESIDENT OF GIANTS 16 DEAD an Paleateetoateateaeatesoote sfosth-ote-stestesteetestetestae estes oHaeoeteehoteatoeteaeete ot MURPHY FOR FOG L's STORY (W. A. BeBisvaten) Chisago, Nov//26 Under the eap-/ the Story Fogel in, sporting'edi Evening Post in today charges m President of the ague Club, with of the story oars Winnipeg, Noy. 20-2The marke, Op- plained ab due to the th I ened 3:8 lower for December May. and though yHees hold ilkiy Mfr. Oliver ake wh steady the undertone was weak, wore weaker: Slax fell aliout one two cents, American markets, 5 erally declined, apd cables, with, exception of Antworpt, were on the down grade. Receipts show no. signi of tailing ae und today were spectos, und 1000 In sight. her conditions Sweater Coats Wo are showing the best bi The Stor ie Ieee Bethe Chicago: signed: statement Charles W. Mi Chicago Nati being the ins which enital HERES orees preferred lt;Mr. Forman is in New York j.epanedito testify before The Fogel President, Lynch Im recently trophy, the Cobe tro- phy, the trophy, the great G. J, mudh-sought Prest-o-lite trophy, B. trophy. Accompanying Wild Bob on his first trip here are such famous pilots s Joo Horan, formorly star of the Lozier team, and winner of a mum Ber of Heh clossigs, the 200 horsepower Jack Harkins of the Chadwick team, who: will -ate y. 26. Wild Bob Burman, who will race at Tan- foran, track on Thursday, November 28, has come directly from the east, Of the coast, with team and 1171 ears. values in the against Fogel to make a tour the largest racing powerful cars e er-assembled for an auromobile rave. Burman has came to the coast os- Burney. Oli Sweater Coats. who will drive are favorable Agta the. gore the Teagga Janetizy Mercedes: Oe meeting. * attacking and his: uniping ong of the big aes peared in-the Poste mette of Italy, Madrid and ates rop an road races, and Walter Do drive 9 bin pe a good high for the time of year, Liverpoob Int tong8f ty cen Paris 1-4 ta td ups) Berlin) 1-4 lower: Cables closed: S sthall a tensibly to whom he has heen trying-tomect match race for the last two years. Burman has the distinction of met and defeated practically driver of note, and of uever he ing ted in track race when ais cat was anywhere the same h ing as that of his . Forman, siya los W, Murphy 1 that: Mur ing the sto: m Fogel wroto it and si 4 Budapest, drove in the F atwerp, 8 up. Winnipeg Prices, authorized me The New York Watld publishes thy ad. suk following: On this re ing COUPE, haracq. Tommy Burs is what the reform term * a bran: ors. wight: and the famous No. h was runner up abfread j will also be seen 4 He sentiaeto Murphy wie from the burning. before T ever -enw it been defe: os the secorpanyin; to the peaceiul ax Indianapdlis, by had nde aiprored that et p hae der pub Ie is dou potitor: Barman s Vis mike ang track io th No. one noting Tomiay's mille Bote: would as Ohee famo: foroe with w iver a erackftige po greatest ed care at one tim a the rates with Burman, cont open to. al standing iele and Murphy hs V's own simply to Help Mucphy in tho National 16 25 avcond Battles jENTARY GIANTS IN ORATORIGAL GUEL WN COMME ess instinc veloped in b t tothe: Ries whines a hers who could n Burns beg of England cHampion of Tr I have the t SCRIU biny ath to, mag ar it ere it c We must have bloody Worthy sir, thot b oriole: t's the first (time that-cyer I heard Yreaking Of ribs was sport. , As You Like i Boston Transcript: : t the. subjects ana he Pill ja gets ho Philatetstin 1 eect eal fc Aga ee no bnted to hh a art of the Do- , thinion: in Paris Rorthwstern h6 proposed elght club 1 he knoe * Lang, champion of A world s: cham Intidentally ed 4 fortune, for his: keen -senise had enabled:him to make remarkably good BRESNAH, HANDED RELEASE - little: ere 2 id placcd hore in that repdrt, ets ake that there wit a prairic cireult flex season and that there will (Be eight clubs The existing four club plan is im- cricable and should he abandoned. mi Savage: takes a. vor; tic) view of affairsand looks for prosperous baseball season. in 1918. yond a doubt, Roger Bresna 1 quietiy and J do 1 wlth IE to wae wncc manager mf thr use Mrs. 1 T owner of th fe tried bara attorneys taday an application YT haye decided in) managers* and services any: lone have not tried h: The club hos as much money You' don't secin to est in the Bresnahan. The letter aiso Tones, of the club, the club earned Jones offered Bresnahan 2500. his contract, which cails for 10,000 annually and 10 por cent of the pro- fits. Jonts, however. the letter con- tinues, refused to pay Bresnalian his percentage of profits unless he would surrend his contrac yeurs to run. ronoge to honorahte ng. a. Ber in, thes west re that i aple of the candole with of September ed with hime: sor. the eountry. hiny that his concern is. quite ary, for the country 18 Let my honorable friend throw aside this gloom and depression, and Join with the rest of us in doing this country, some good, My friend s t rms for Britton, meeting: but. isthe: e: hts address interior he is i hem over the r Me is not he Says, 1 would susses optimis After Lang he- lt; fought Ja on in Australia, receiving 30) ash for-his share of the purse, though suff ring his first defeat: He knocked out. Bresnahan's ured to. submit BIG TRADE T MAJOR LE mike change lll nOt need your i feel that you during the past not made nearly it did in 1911. take: much inter gt; read letter to was not. stopped the bout when Burns was weak from the fect of two knockdowns, CLEARED 150,000 12 THAN A YEAR. In Jess than a year Tommy Burns over 150,000 in the ring md on the stage, This still stands asa world's record. Burns was one of the fiercest and most fearless fighters that ever held When he lost to The police in the 14th round John- tionals, New York, Noy.28. Man ny Evers, of tlic Chicago gt; a big. baseball will probally be made here today by which Chicago .will rece Phelan, Comiskey and another pliger ih return for Tinker, Player, Who Is slited to manage the Cincinnati team. Evers: talked President Hermann ot the Cincinnatl team, Tinker 8 expected here to- morrow. Corrigan, the third-baseman, bought by the Detroit Americans trom Kan- sas City, is sald to be the other play- er considered by Evers. To bring Such: a trade about Cincinnati have to sirike a bargain with De- troit, Hermann is sald to be prepar- d to offer the Detroit team Frank Chane in exchange for Corrigan, ac- cording to this report. Detroit would probably send Chance York Americans for one or more lo- al players and the managerial prob- lem of Frank Farrel of the New York tedm would then be solvod. Said yesterd Mitchell, cleared Be you want a pony ? thoroughbred E HORSE: Chicago. gives . President ' authority that this. year. courage s he begam his recent tour, k ep up, for at Sher- a championship. Jack Johnson he weighed just Pounds; the negro scaled 210. 5 Burns concluded that it would wise to leave the ring, He db champion or nothing and be ways fought under a t cap in weight and size, So turned to America, made h in Calgary, Canada, and business. His wife, who hash school teacher in California, ways wished for this chan didn t like boxing. ihe Liberals would but he hoped that they would. 6. co-operate in every way with pple of Canada in continuing that has been so We haye been in which has four the advancement marked in the past. J affice for m-little over a year and during that time wo haye fulfilled four times as much of our pledges as Our opponents did in the whole fit- teen years that they held: office. In juch matters as aid to agriculture, highways tmprovements, commission. terminal elevators, exten- sion of the provincial boundaries, the building of Hudson's equipment: of natton: ment of the waterways and reorgan- izing the public service, We haye kept we are prepafed to. meet my honorable friend on any comparison of pledges when we,next appeal to the people, and we doubt that the result will be: Ex-Minister of Interior. Frank Oliver opened 4peech in ariswer to Premier Borden, claiming the polley of fmproving the harbors revenues of which ithe 2 ernment had boasted, wan ori Yate government, when tnbers of the present adminti m had viewed it with alarm, He Rad twitted the government over the JOHN E. TURTON, Canadian Reprenentative,. Front Street E., eens: Cosy Roller 3 JUST ACROSS THE BRIDGE Walnut Hill farm will send all the San Francisco yearlings to the November sale at New York and the Moko and Walaut Hill eolts will be to the Newjheld until the midwinter sale when bebe + Bay Railway, ports, develop- EDDIE MORGAN AND KILBANE MATCHED. John T. Brush, president of the New York Nationals, died in his private car, Oceanic here early this morning. was on his way west for his He had suffered for years from locomotor ataxia. who was hur- ried from New York Sunday unconsciots, tween here and St. Louis-on his way to San His private car was detached from a Burlington train here and started back to St. Louis, our word and New York, Nov. 25. On behalt of Eddie Morgan, the English bantam- weight who was matched last week with Johnny Kilbane, of Cleveland for the world s championship title, Jimmy Johnson, Morgan's today accepted the offer of J. W. Cof- froth for the boys to fight 20 rounds for a purse of 7500 at San Francis- on New Year s Day. Patricia Brass a member of the just seven months. SESSIONS Burns family for Morning Afternoon Evening AFTERNOON Skates 25 . EVENING Gent s admission, with skates, 35c. Ladies admission with skates, 25e, * 10.30 to 12.00 2.30 to 730 to 10.00 i manager, Lots.268 blues and sicknesses you wi you keep your bowels, liver and stomach in good work- ing order by timely use of discomfort the serious avoid if Mr. Brush, died be- Francisco, We are betting 2 to 1 on Montrose ' making the largest, qitickest of anything on the map. Pte it enna nt eee RT NEWS PEGDA Dede Serdang TOMMY BURNS, FIGHTER, 15 NOW WORTH 250 000 Ex: henner of the World Became Very Successful Business Man. HAS A HAPPY HOME. He is Now Boitle Holder for aud the temperature remunlit Neti Yeqovinit part, of a Young Lady Who Fears Regatding my Him Not. Tovchise o on the rei Monk, whieh the prem he condemned tt, coment, withoat i Doc. Ab world. have 14, 83 Th is Det, clos Ureebasthr slagtiin. gt; bows the: efteor te rae ht: to ne anmgat emblast E-hov o, topigpotect its. VionaiRe Eis spat eontiorn poids ot gt; nalder: the Prov for ABithe Uberty- ot it of free the citizen n those -placys; thiswage Could tbe: de-- people: than provinces to the: Mr; Oliver conglided his speech stating hit ine prtetices which lh obtained during the Macdonald eleption should be placed at the of the colleagues of the prime, ter and that tie ahd his must take: the responsibility. A, GC. MeLean, Halifax, Anauired the minister of finance Whether? he could-inform/ him w pondenee in connect terwas expected at an early dates Hon, W. T. t anee, has the floor for the opening of the debate tomgrrow. Premicr Bor- den has given notice of bis bill increasing the forces of the empite, and also the: Dill. respecting representation of the West in the senate, 7 ae PREPARING FOR GHENT TVERSARY ANNI Temple, Texas, Nov, 26. Plans for American patticfpation in the cele bration of the. approaching centen- nial . anniversary of the treaty of Ghent were discussed at a meeting of the committee of arrangements in this tity. The annivetsary, which comes on Dec. 24, 2914, will mark the United tlons for received, Pantie through the. great ror Buffalo to Duluth. BEECHAMS PILLS In boxes, 250. where it arrived at o'clock this morning. f the trade with the United Mich circumstance was, sald, by no means a fulti Bovernment's pledge not e Shoe Repairing Depart- saving others money... Why + ca + + ca ee ie + + + + - ca +t te + + + + cheb ep deob heb ehh bbe + + + + * + + + + + + + - SN VOLEE
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Image 995 (1912-11-26), from microfilm reel 995, (CU1740231). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.